The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2965: Kill but not humiliate

Many of the strong men who had boarded Guiyi with a bang before, many of the two legs were trembling violently, and they felt full of urine.

"Is this Donghuang Xiaochen's methods too cruel? That's his real brother!"

They really regretted their deaths, so why did they have to sit idle before doing the same thing?

Even if Donghuang Xiaochen is in charge of the Glory Token, it's not his own business? It's all right now, and it's a fool.

The elders and the elders of the Tang family were even more moved.

In other words, the horror of that insect seems to be no less than that of the **** plum.

These elders even had the urge to communicate with Donghuang Xiaochen.

After half a stick of fragrant work, Li Zedao stopped the black soul fly.

Donghuang Dachen gasped heavily, and those eyes that looked like fish-eyes were full of fear and despair.

He thought that without the Bleeding Plum, he wouldn't have to experience that kind of nightmare again.

He was wrong, so he should be obediently curled up in the courtyard and be his dog obediently.

Li Zedao was full of concern and asked, "Now, do you remember? Didn't you remember that the younger brother is helping you recall your memories?"

Li Zedao’s caring voice fell into Donghuang Dachen’s ears and it was not much different from Li Gui’s destroying the soul. His body trembled fiercely, struggling to get up, kneeling in front of Li Zedao, appearing so humble and holding his head against him. On the ground.

His incredibly weak voice had a hint of so strong horror, and a hint of such a pitiful pleading: "Lord...Master, I remember, I remember...I...I am your dog...barking...barking... "

The huge Guiyi Pavilion gathered thousands of people, but it was silent, only the barking of dogs, constantly rippling in this space.

The dog barking is so weak, but so clear, and so sharp, like countless steel needles, piercing their bodies silently, causing their bodies to follow the dog barking, constantly twitching , Trembling!

Their horrified eyes alternated back and forth between Li Zedao and Donghuang Dachen. They felt that Donghuang Dachen was too pitiful, and that Donghuang Xiaochen's move was no longer a simple murder, and he still punishes his heart!

Li Zedao seemed to be so considerate of others, and continued: "Okay, you can go away, remember to go away, lest the mother and the madam see you like this and feel uncomfortable, but it is not good."

The eldest lady felt that she had been slapped with a big-eared melon seed, her face was hot, and her pain was extremely severe.

This **** useless deceit is too much!

The third wife felt that she had been slapped with several big ears, and the blood was pouring into her throat, and she was about to spew out at any time.

She almost couldn't help but got up and got on the platform. She wanted to kill this rebellious son who was constantly humiliating her mother!

Donghuang Dachen was pardoned, and his extremely weak body began to roll on the Guiyi platform, directly out of a **** path.

Then the whole person rolled down from the return platform.


Everyone took the initiative to give way.

Their looks are very complicated.

They felt that Donghuang Xiaochen's move was too cruel, more cruel than killing Donghuang Dachen with a single sword, and no one could do such a thing.

But they dare not use their saliva to attack Donghuang Xiaochen like before.

Because Donghuang Xiaochen is no longer the weak person who was not qualified to control the high-grade cultivation base of the Glory Token before, he is the strong one of the low-grade peak cultivation base of the Guiyi Realm!

Even from the point of view of Donghuang Dachen with his casual sword, he is not even an ordinary low-grade peak cultivation base expert.

Also, the black bug he took out was really scary.

Even more terrifying is that Donghuang Xiaochen, a year ago, was still a wasteful person who was unable to break through and enter the Dao Realm, and was regarded as a shame by the core children of the Donghuang clan.

Now that one year has passed, he is already a strong person at the peak cultivation base of the Guiyi Realm High-Rank. What does this mean?

Donghuang Dachen continued to roll, and continued to roll, and finally rolled out of Guiyi Pavilion and rolled into the wind and snow.

Then, the huge Guiyi Pavilion was once again shrouded in weird silence, and the atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

The strong men in front of Guiyitai were all silent, as if they were being held by a sharp sword on their necks, and that sword would chop off their heads at any time.

Li Zedao smiled and swept around, his voice that seemed so enthusiastic broke the weird silence.

"Who's turn next? I remember it seems to be... Eastern Emperor Ling Han?"

The information provided by Mr. Qinglong briefly introduced the Eastern Emperor Ling Han, so Li Zedao knew who the Eastern Emperor Ling Han was, and his smiling eyes instantly locked the white figure in the crowd.

Donghuang Ling Han felt that he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, his body suddenly stiffened, his face pale as paper.

As if the people around him were avoiding the plague, they were subconsciously away from the Eastern Emperor Ling Han, and there was panic and pity in their eyes.

So Donghuang Ling Han's complexion was even more ugly, and he wished to drew his sword to kill these guys.

The person being challenged can decide whether or not to accept the challenge, but the person who challenges others has to go to power, otherwise it would be light to be despised by others, and would be severely punished by Donghuang Villa.

Therefore, even if Eastern Emperor Ling Han was resisting and fearing, he could only drag the body that was clearly stiff but trembling uncontrollably, and grabbed the unity platform.

Li Zedao smiled and looked at Donghuang Ling Han.

Donghuang Ling Han felt a sense of being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his heart was full of coldness.

He took a deep breath and tried hard not to make his body tremble too much, but he couldn't control himself.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "I'm afraid your strength is not as good as my brother, right?"

Donghuang Ling Han nodded subconsciously, his eyes didn't even have the courage to meet Li Zedao.

"In this case, there is no need to do it." Li Zedao said.

"I won't kill you, you surrender yourself."

Donghuang Ling Han breathed a sigh of relief suddenly when he heard the words, his eyes were a little moist, he thought this Donghuang Xiaochen was really a good man with a broad mind.

He deserves to be so powerful, he deserves to be the winner of this snow feast, and he deserves to be in charge of the glory token by the respect of the old village owner.

Those strong under the Guiyi platform were also relieved. They all decisively thought that Donghuang Xiaochen was really good, and believed that his future light must cover the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch and become the most powerful of the Eastern Emperor's generation. Representative, in the future, he will lead Donghuang Villa to a higher place.

These powerful and broad-minded Tianjiao figures command the Donghuang Villa, and they express their surrender.

"Then, get off this Guiyi platform, get out of the Guiyi Pavilion."

Li Zedao looked at the strong man of the Eastern Royal Clan with joking eyes, his slightly ironic voice constantly rippling in this space.

It also constantly stimulated the nerves of everyone, making their brains blank.

"If you don't know how to get out, then remember how my good brother got out."

"As for learning to bark, just forget it, you are not Donghuang Dachen, you are not qualified." Li Zedao shook his head.

Donghuang Ling Han's face stiffened into a ball again, because of excessive anger and shame, shocking blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He is dignified to a realm powerhouse, but he doesn't even have the qualifications to be a dog? What a **** bully!

Except for starting to greet this vicious guy and the whole family in his heart, Donghuang Ling Han really didn't know what to say.

The people under the Guiyi stage were all dumbfounded, but there was a huge wave in their hearts, and they couldn't believe what their ears were hearing.

Nima’s loss. We praise you so much and want to surrender to you, but you are saying this. Are you still a human being?

This guy is not only shameless, but also vicious in his intentions. He doesn't even understand what kindness and generosity is.

If this person is allowed to continue like this, there will be no light in the future of Donghuang Villa, and it is bound to perish!

Old villager, the light of the Eastern Emperor is about to be ruined in the hands of Xiao Xiao, who is despicable and malicious in character. If you don't show up, the Eastern Emperor is in danger.

Almost everyone is deeply worried about the future of the Eastern Emperor.

"Don't admit defeat? Then let's fight to the death."

Li Zedao indifferently shrugged his shoulders and raised the long sword in his hand.

Li Zedao's heart is full of evil spirits.

Nima, who used to shout and scream at this young man before, can't wait for this young man to die quickly, should he let you off if he thinks that he has a good temper?

Your sister, if you don't slap you in the face severely, you will be disgusting, this son will not be a handsome guy!

Donghuang Ling Han's body trembled even more severely, and there was a terrible murderous intent in his eyes.

Shi can be killed but not insulted!

He gritted his teeth and uttered a monstrous roar: "Donghuang Xiaochen, don't see you too much, do you think I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Li Zedao said with certainty: "You are afraid of me."

"I...I'm fighting with you!" Donghuang Ling Han's eyes were scarlet, and his hoarse roar almost knocked the entire Guiyi Pavilion down.

When the strong people under the Guiyi stage heard it, their spirits shook suddenly, and their blood boiled.

"Yes, fight this shameless guy!"

I don't know who it is, he roared out such a sentence, completely let Guiyi Pavilion, once again in absolute hustle and bustle, and completely ignited the anger of those around him again.

"That's how it should be! What about Guiyi Realm's high-grade peak cultivation base? With so many people, we are exhausted from going on stage one by one!"

"Yes, there are so many of us, afraid of him being a bird?"

"Brother Ling Han, I think this shameless guy will resist your Hanshan sword at all."

"Didn't you get a powerful Horcrux from the Tang family? Take out that Horcrux quickly and give this shameless person a bit of color!"


A lot of saliva was sprayed on the platform again and again.

Everyone was so excited, as if they were watching the scene where the sinner was about to be executed.

Those eyes burning with anger almost burned Li Zedao into ashes.

Even if there were bricks on the ground, the bricks received by Li Zedao would be enough to build a small three-story western-style building.

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