The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2969: Killer invisible

Li Zedao bowed his hands and bowed in silence.

Just reminded by the center of the earth, Li Zedao once again violently noticed the familiar and terrifying killing intent, and reacted quickly.

At that moment, Li Zedao thought that the lady was blatantly killing him.

But now it seems that it is just a test.

Li Zedao thought that even if you look up to me so much and put a high hat on me, I won't be happy.

The eldest lady's eyes fell on the black soul umbrella in Li Zedao's hand and said, "What is that?"

"Black Soul Umbrella." Li Zedao did not hide.

"The Horcrux you refined?"

"I got it accidentally when I was in the snow."

"How many do you have?" the lady asked again.

Li Zedao did not answer immediately, as if he was hesitant to tell the truth.

In the end, he had an honest expression that was still telling the truth, and said: "Three, one was destroyed on the return stage, and now there are two more."

The eldest lady really couldn't tell whether this shameless man who was originally a shameless and now quite scheming was lying, of course it didn't matter that he said he didn't lie.

She said, "Since you have two, I want one."

It's not a question, but that's how it is decided.

Li Zedao twitched at the corner of his mouth, thinking that this lady is really domineering and direct.

You see, the third wife, first played the relationship card of mother and child, and then turned around and wanted.

Of course, compared with the obtuseness of the third lady, Li Zedao liked the directness of the eldest lady.

Li Zedao politely bowed, and responded quite directly: "It's hard to forgive me."

An inexplicable smile appeared on the eldest lady's face, and the uselessness was straightforward.

She likes this straightforward character.

The eldest lady explained: "I'm not that **** bitch, I won't want your umbrella for nothing, I will trade it for you with "invisible"."

The eldest lady actually didn't know that the third lady had come to Li Zedao and tried to obtain the umbrella, and she had just left.

But she knew the third lady too well, and she knew she would definitely do this kind of thing.

Li Zedao's pupils suddenly widened when he heard this, and a huge wave was set off in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

Immediately there was a deep doubt in his eyes, but he was silent.

"Don't you believe it?" the lady asked.

Li Zedao bowed his hands, shook his head slightly, and said, "It's not that I don't believe it, but I can't believe it. After all, although this black soul umbrella is precious, it is an extremely powerful defensive Horcrux, but after all, it is not as expensive as the Tang family. The painstaking effort can kill the'invisible' who left the name on the sky list."

"Besides, such a powerful Horcrux has spirituality, and I may not be able to control it."

"'Intangible' does have spirituality, but I will let you easily control it." The lady said.

Li Zedao still shook his head: "I don't quite understand why you want to do this."

I am loyal and honest, but you can't lie to me either.

The eldest lady was silent.

After the film, she looked at the defense line on her left hand side, and the East Imperial Palace was located in that direction.

She sarcastically said: "Your grandfather is not what you see at all. He doesn't care about the big and small things at Donghuang Villa, and he only pursues a higher level."

"In fact, he still firmly controls everything in the Eastern Emperor Villa. He is very greedy and cruel."

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden. How could you say that to the grandfather's astonished expression like that.

The old lady sneered again and again: "Such a thing happened in Guiyi Pavilion. It was obviously that he had acquiesced in it, but he was very angry and sad. He wanted me and asked the Tang family to give it to him and give it to Donghuang Villa. Confess."

Li Zedao's complexion became serious.

He understands what it means to be a so-called account.

Donghuang Taiyi is here to use a means that no one can find anything wrong with the powerful Horcrux "intangible" belonging to the Tang family as his own!

The ridicule in the lady's voice was even more serious, and she continued: "Since he wants me, he wants the Tang family to give him an explanation to Donghuang Villa, I can't help but follow."

"I will ‘invisible’ to you this ‘victim’, which is the most sincere explanation, what do you think?"

Li Zedao didn't respond, he was cold in his heart.

Your sister, are you too vicious like this? Do you want this son or not?

Yes, will he become a thorn in the eyes of the terrifying old man of Donghuang Taiyi?

At least he has to bear half of the threat from Donghuang Taiyi for the eldest lady and the Tang family, right?

Don't... is this a human thing?

"Sending the'invisible' into your hands, I feel quite angry in my heart, so I asked you for an umbrella, so that I can feel better in my heart, and if I feel better in my heart, you can be safer... at least, Luo Xuexuan will not trouble you in the future." The lady said again.

Li Zedao continued to remain silent, his mind surging extremely fiercely.

The eldest lady did not urge, she knew that this young man who was destined to be extraordinary in the future would definitely agree.

If you don't agree... then don't agree, can you kill him?

Li Zedao took a deep breath, and then passed the black soul umbrella in his hand and said, "Everything is according to what the lady said."

The old lady's complexion has returned to the previous grace and luxury, she reached out to take the black soul umbrella, but after opening it and looking at it carefully, she said to herself in praise: "The man who made this black soul umbrella The soulsmith is very powerful, not weaker than the elders of the Tang family."

Li Zedao agreed.

He even knew that with the Tang family's attainments with Horcruxes, this black soul umbrella could be reproduced perfectly, and even an umbrella with stronger defensive capabilities than this black soul umbrella could be refined.

At the moment, the eldest lady held the black umbrella like this, blocked the wind and snow above her head, and walked towards the courtyard gate.

Tang Bin, who was guarding outside the door, obviously knew that the lady was leaving, and he pushed open the courtyard door quite promptly to welcome the lady to leave.

Li Zedao watched the eldest lady leave and bowed his hand.

The lady stepped out of the courtyard and stopped, and said without looking back, "You are quite calm."

Li Zedao said: "I believe in the character of the lady."

This is actually very presumptuous, it is equivalent to the ministers running to the emperor and telling the emperor that I believe in your character, this is undoubtedly a kind of death-seeking behavior.

If someone else talked to her like this, the eldest lady would have killed someone a long time ago.

But at this time the eldest lady felt that this was very sincere.

She glanced at Tang Bin from the corner of her eye, then walked into the wind and snow, but her breathing disappeared.

After Tang Bin bowed his hand, he turned and walked into the courtyard, looking at Li Zedao politely.

Then he took out a palm.

Yes, it was a palm, like a hand that had just been fished out of ink and was so dark.

This palm is the size of a baby's palm, and it exudes an extremely strange and biting cold air.

Li Zedao stared at the palm with wide eyes, and said uncertainly: "This is the'invisible'?"

Tang Bin handed the hand over and said with certainty: "This is exactly the'invisible'. To put it more accurately, this is the hand that controls the'invisible'. Whoever gets this hand can control it.' invisible'."

Generally speaking, powerful Horcruxes are extremely difficult to control because they have spirituality.

For example, the top ten artifacts can only kill you if they recognize you.

For example, the **** plum blossoms of the Tang family can only be controlled by the Tang family...Of course, it was an accident that the **** plum blossoms were beaten by the center of the earth and the butterfly wings and had to betray.

But this "intangible" is different.

No matter what kind of person you are, even if you are a weak person in the Linggu realm that you can't find in the entire heaven realm, you can easily control the "invisible" as long as you get this hand.

Li Zedao frowned slightly, he took the cold, seemingly seeping palm, and asked, "Where is the'invisible'?"

Tang Bin said: "If you inject your breath into this hand, you will see the'invisible'."

Li Zedao heard the words, took a deep breath, and stared at the hand firmly.

The next moment, he injected a breath into this hand.

In an instant, Li Zedao only felt a flower in front of him, and then he saw that there was an extra black bug in the palm of his hand that was the size of a fingernail and covered in pitch black...No, that's not a bug! This is a monkey that Li Zedao is quite familiar with!

This turned out to be a pretty mini monkey!

The powerful killing Horcrux that the Tang family has spent countless efforts to create is actually a monkey?

And whoever has this hand can control this monkey... Do you think this is the grandson monkey, and this hand is the five-finger mountain of the Tathagata?

Li Zedao felt that this was a bit absurd, and he was simply unable to complain.

Tang Bin couldn't see the monkey, but he also knew that Li Zedao had already seen the monkey. He bowed his hand and said, "Master Xiaochen, the'invisible' has already been handed over to you, I will leave now."

Li Zedao raised his head, looked at Tang Bin with weird eyes, nodded, and then continued to stare at the mini monkey.

Donghuang Bieyuan.

Donghuang Taiyi remained as if a long-frozen corpse was stuck there, lifeless.

The eldest lady maintained the posture of saluting, her face was only respectful, who couldn't find anything wrong with her.

After a long time, Donghuang Taiyi opened the muddy old eyes and said: "Since I have already explained it, then this matter will stop here. Don't trouble the child in the future."

"Yes." The lady's head dropped a bit.

Donghuang Taiyi closed his eyes.

The eldest lady bowed respectfully again, and then turned and left.

The moment he turned around, that face that had been extremely respectful was already full of mockery.

In the next two days, Li Zedao spent his time in familiarity with the "invisible".

At this time, he already had a deep understanding of "invisible", and he already knew how to control this mini monkey.

According to his own understanding, this "invisible" can be said to be the top killer.

Any assassin must have two skills, one of which is naturally to hide his traces and appear in front of the target person silently.

Secondly, that fatal blow suddenly broke out at the target person.

"Invisible" is an extremely top-notch existence whether it is hiding or breaking out a fatal blow.

Of course, once a top killer exposes his tracks, it is usually difficult to succeed again.

"Invisible" is no exception.

For example, in the face of a strong man of the level like Mr. Qinglong, if he missed a blow, he would basically lose the opportunity to continue to assassinate the opponent.

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