In the courtyard, snowflakes fell one after another, making it so quiet and nice.

Li Ze Daozheng stared at the monkey with interest at this time, completely unaware that a white figure appeared behind him at this time.

Knowing that the white figure is floating there quietly like a ghost, it is like the snowflakes that are sunset from the sky, without any strange aura, even if it floats there, there is no sense of disobedience, as if she itself is this space. Part of it.

Li Zedao knew that he was in a dangerous situation in the East Emperor Villa. Although the eldest lady shouldn't be bothering him, there are still the second lady and the third lady, as well as the many powerful people.

Even because he had accepted the "invisible" sent by the lady, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was afraid that he would not be able to tolerate him, unless he obediently sent the "invisible" to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi now.

But I can't bear it.

So Li Zedao naturally didn't dare to be careless.

In this courtyard, he has already laid a lot of defensive soul formations, once someone approaches, he will know.

But now, this white figure drifted down following the snowflakes and came behind Li Zedao. As long as he stretched out his hand, he could immediately pinch his neck.

Li Zedao was utterly unconscious, one could imagine how terrifying this white figure was, at least he could quietly destroy the defensive soul formations arranged by Li Zedao.

"What should I do to leave this ghost place?"

"Should the Glory Token be handed over to the thigh or Mr. Qinglong?"

"Since I have decided to hug the thigh tightly, I will give the Glory token to the thigh, but then, what should Sister Tianmeng do?"

"Mr. Qinglong can say that after completing the task, he will get great benefits, and even see Sister Tianmeng."

"But, Thigh also said, the purpose of Mr. Qinglong has never been the glory token of the Eastern Emperor clan, but for that thing, so I am afraid that Mr. Qinglong's words cannot be easily believed."

"What is that thing? Although it's a bit smaller, it feels really good."

Li Zedao's mind was very confused, and it was really painful.

He sighed heavily, took back the breath that had been injected into the black hand, and the monkey disappeared instantly.

Li Zedao put away the "invisible" and rubbed his swollen head, thinking that he couldn't go on like this anymore, he had to find a place to leave the East Emperor Villa first.

"Visit the eldest lady or the third lady? See if they can do it?"

After pondering, Li Zedao decided to visit the lady.

Although the third wife is the biological mother of Donghuang Xiaochen, when a mother is for profit, in order to vent her anger, she chooses to add a fire when her son is pushed into the fire pit. This kind of woman is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. , It's better to stay away.

Although the eldest lady is also very dangerous, even insidious, she is a good trader after all.

There are still some black soul fly eggs on hand that have not hatched. Sending a worm egg over, presumably the lady and the Tang family behind her will be quite interested.

After making up his mind, Li Zedao wanted to walk out of this courtyard and head to Luoxuexuan.

At the moment of turning around, Li Zedao saw the white figure floating there.

At the moment, it was like seeing a ghost, and it was really frightened, and even subconsciously there was already a long sword in his hand, and he was about to smash it.

At this moment, the white figure turned around.

Li Zedao saw those eyes that seemed so indifferent and without any emotions.

There is also that face that has no emotions but is really really good-looking, that long silver hair that looks like a waterfall, who is it if it is not a thigh?

The thigh is finally here!

Li Zedao's heart suddenly loosened, his nose was sour, he quickly put away the long sword in his hand, and looked at the woman in front of him who was extremely terrifying in terms of strength and background with a pitiful look.


This "master" was full of Li Zedao's many emotions, grievances, fears, helplessness, confusion and pain, and the kind of surprise to see the master, that kind of spiritual joy that finally has sustenance.

In short, it is extremely easy to move least Li Zedao himself thinks so.

Ninth Five couldn't stand the look in Li Zedao's eyes, let alone his tone of voice.

Can't you kill him? So she turned around again, as if she were a noble queen with her back to her subjects, she could also be said to be a slave.

"Donghuang Taiyi gave you the Glory token?" Jiuwu didn't want to listen to this guy's numbing words at all, and took the initiative to step into the subject.

There was a hint of heat in her cold voice.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded quickly.

The heart is tight.

If you give the Glory Token to this thigh, what will you give to Mr. Qinglong in the future? Without the Glory token, how could Mr. Qinglong let go of Tianmeng sister?

Li Zedao immediately thought that even if he had the Glory Token, Mr. Qinglong wouldn't necessarily let go of Tianmeng sister, and even Mr. Qinglong might be bluffing himself.

Li Zedao probably knows that the background of that woman is not simple.

But I am happy with my thighs, even if Sister Tian Meng is in Qinglong's hands, maybe she can beg to rescue Sister Tian Meng.

No longer hesitating, Li Zedao quickly took out the box given by Donghuang Taiyi, then took out the key that looked like a small sword, opened the box, and then took out the glory token that was not worthy of this box no matter how you looked at it. , Held it respectfully above the head.

"Master, this is the glory token."

Nine-Five's eyes narrowed slightly.

She turned around, and those eyes that had returned to the indifference of the past fell on the token of glory, but there was no change in her expression.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the indifferent voice: "Sure enough."

Li Zedao was flabbergasted. He didn't understand what this meant, so let's not dare to ask.

"Since the old fellow Donghuang Taiyi knows that you are not Donghuang Xiaochen, how can he hand over the Glory token to you?"

Li Zedao was taken aback again, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

So this glory token is fake?

Ninth Five sneered: "Even if you are really Donghuang Xiaochen, you are the best core child of the Donghuang clan, the old guy will not give the Glory token to you.

"In the past, Donghuang Qiankun was extremely powerful, but slightly weaker than me! I didn't see Donghuang Taiyi handing the Glory token to Donghuang Qiankun's hands."

Li Zedao's mind was slightly shaken when he heard this, so Donghuang Qiankun actually possessed such a powerful strength? It's no wonder that it's better than this thigh, it also suffered such a big loss, and was trapped in that snowy area for such a long time.

"That kind of thing, that old guy will only hold it firmly in his hands." Jiu Wu said.

Li Zedao frowned and looked at the glory token in his hand that looked like a fake glory token in every way, and said, "Master meant that this glory token is fake?"

If what the thigh said is correct, then the glory token that the Eastern Emperor Sage was in charge of before is actually the one in his hand, is it fake?

Your sister, this old fellow, is it too boring?

Li Zedao remembered what the eldest lady had said again. She said that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was greedy and cruel. On the surface, he had no desire or desire, but in fact he still firmly controlled everything in the Eastern Emperor's Villa.

He didn't allow anyone to question any of his decisions, and he didn't even want to see anyone in the Eastern Emperor Villa stronger than him.

So he acquiesced that the feast of the villa would turn into such a farce, and he wanted to use his own hands to kill those who doubted it!

After that, he obviously could stop it, but he watched indifferently as Tangshan used the "invisible", causing so many deaths.

After that, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi asked the eldest lady to give him an explanation, and the purpose was to get the "intangible" of the Tang family logically.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled violently, and the old man's mind was a little too terrifying.

This question is too idiotic, so Nine-Five did not answer it.

She feels that all normal people can tell at a glance that this glory token is fake!

The Glory Token is a gift from heaven, representing the supreme honor.

How can God-given things look so cheap and inferior? God can't afford to lose that face.

The **** Donghuang Taiyi, even if he made a fake, he didn't care about it. This is undoubtedly a kind of blasphemy to the sky, really should be killed!

"If I'm not mistaken, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi will soon find a reason to let you leave the Eastern Emperor Villa. After you leave the Eastern Emperor Villa, Mr. Qinglong will come to you."

Thinking of those two guys acting so boringly to fool an ant, Lin Nan Wu's ridicule in the nine-five-year voice is even worse: "At that time, Qinglong will definitely ask you that you are not in that snowy area. Find a box."


Li Zedao instantly remembered that in that snowy area, in the middle circle of pressure, his thigh gave him a cold box.

Finally, after he finally dug out the ball that feels great, his thigh told him to put the ball in the box.

Nine-Five said: "It's the box you saw before."

"The box exists only to cover up the light of that thing."

"That thing is exactly the thing you dug up in that pressure zone, and that is what Qinglong and Donghuang Taiyi desperately want to obtain."

Li Zedao nodded, not asking what the ball that feels really good is, and asking the thigh would think that this is a rather idiotic question, and would ignore him at all.

Li Zedao asked: "Master, how should I answer?"

Then, Li Zedao realized that this question was also quite an idiot.

Naturally, he must answer unswervingly that no box was found by me, and even if Mr. Qinglong imposed all the tortures in the heavens on him, he could not admit it.

Who wants the thigh to say: "You tell him, I did find a box, you have to describe the box to him in detail.

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he didn't know what the thigh was doing.

Jiuwu said: "Tell him that the box was snatched by the Eastern Emperor."

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and his mind roared violently.

So, the master intends to use this as a bait to kill Donghuang Taiyi and Mr. Qinglong?

Taking a deep breath, Li Zedao bowed his hand and said, "Yes."

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