The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 407: Gao Shenghan is crazy

"That's... that... I'm just afraid that your foot is not completely healed, in case you hurt something..." Li Zedao was a little unwilling, squeaking, "So..."

"There is no reason." Su Xuan simply cut off Li Zedao's thoughts, "My feet are already healed." After speaking, she went straight upstairs.

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, and then sat down on the sofa, squinting his eyes slightly at the huge crystal chandelier hanging on the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then he heard Su Xuan's voice coming upstairs: "I need someone to help me unzip the back of my dress..."

Am I a human? Li Zedao was overjoyed, then shy, and twisted twice. Then, like a gust of wind, he rushed up the stairs and instantly came to the second floor, and then saw Su Xuan standing at the door of a room. in front of.

"That...I'm a human..." Li Zedao walked up and said.

"Idiot!" Su Xuan said, turning around without a slight twist, and handed her back to Li Zedao, "Help me open the zipper... I tried it, but it wasn't enough."

"Uh... Actually, there is no need to explain, I understand." Li Zedao swallowed.

"..." Su Xuan felt that Li Zedao didn't understand at all.

At the moment Li Ze reached out his hand, and while trying to calm himself down, he helped Su Xuan to unzip the zipper bit by bit, and soon, the large areas of Su Xuan's beautiful back were already visible. Was exposed to him.

"Gudong!" A voice of swallowing saliva sounded, but Li Zedao said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I drank too much drinks in the restaurant."

"Has the zipper been pulled?" Su Xuan asked in an extremely flat voice, as if she hadn't noticed a pervert staring at her smooth back.

"All right……"

Su Xuan didn't say anything, she walked straight into the room, and closed the door smoothly.

"...Actually, I didn't want to go in either." Li Zedao said to himself with embarrassment.

A few minutes later, the door to the room was opened, and Su Xuan walked out slowly. Compared with the noble and gorgeous engagement gown before, her dress had changed to a different style.

The simple sky-blue skinny jeans outline her slender figure. The white shirt is slightly loose, but it gives people a fashionable and cute feeling. There is no restriction on her white feet, and she has no slippers, just like this. Li Zedao's eyes came to him.

"Enough to watch?" Su Xuan looked at Li Zedao and asked. She didn't hate Li Zedao's eyes, but...somewhat couldn't accept it. Looking at you very peacefully, without the heat, and without that dirty feeling, as if you were appreciating a piece of art.

"No...not...enough...nor..." Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, "You look so good..."

"Compared with your other women? For example...that big called Alice, right?" Su Xuan asked calmly.

" don't seem to be a person who can ask such questions..." Li Zedao felt a little guilty.

"I'm asking now."


Before Li Zedao could answer, Su Xuan said, "I'm hungry."

Li Zedao fell down in an instant, and said silently: "That... can't you say something else?"

"Oh, how do you compare to other women? For example... that big Yanma..."

"..." Li Zedao hid his face, tears streaming wildly. It's too bullying, but it's... too cute, so cute that Li Zedao couldn't help but want to hug her fiercely and then kiss her fiercely.

"Hurry up and eat." Li Zedao felt that eating is not too difficult for people to accept now, and he stretched out his hand.

Su Xuan looked at Li Zedao's hand, then put her little hand on the palm of his palm and said, "Call out Alice, after all... Sooner or later, I have to live together... isn't it?"

After speaking, Su Xuan's calm face was already blushing.


In a very luxurious ward, Gao Shenghan's face was extremely distorted, his eyes filled with cold murderous staring at the ceiling, he didn't know what he was thinking.

There are two clear red and purple palm prints on his left and right cheeks. These are the marks left after his father Gao Gao opened the bow and slapped him two times. Moreover, instead of waking him up, these two palms did not wake him up. Let him become a madman, yes, a madman!

Yes, in a short span of less than half a day, the entire Yenching has spread, Gao Shenghan of the Gao family, this is the most shining one who was praised by many older generations, and was glared by many celebrities and ladies. That star unexpectedly had a brain problem, so that he couldn't help but speak at the engagement banquet. Now he is treated by the most authoritative spiritual doctor in the hospital.

Of course, some people sneered after hearing the news, and yelled that Mr. Gao was an old fox, and he turned his grandson into a neurotic so as to minimize the impact. After all, who cares about what a neurotic says?

Many people were relieved after hearing the news, especially some women who were undergoing physical examinations in the hospital. After getting the examination results, they completely let go of the hanging heart. Gao Shenghan is indeed sick. , But it’s not AIDS, but brain disease!

But most people choose not to believe it. After all, this is just the Gao family's rhetoric. They are more willing to believe that Gao Shenghan actually got AIDS, not mental illness.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Wei Xiaobao walked in with a cold smile on his face. The whole person was like a meat ball rolling on the ground, and he was holding a bottle of red wine in his left hand. The right hand is holding two goblets.

Gao Shenghan still stared at the ceiling as if he hadn't seen him.

Wei Xiaobao "rolled" to the sofa, put the red wine and goblet in his hand on the table, and then pressed his body heavily on the sofa, so that the sofa groaned tremblingly, as if it would be pressed at any time. Collapsed.

"I heard that you have a brain disease? And you have AIDS?" Wei Xiaobao said, his voice was sharp and full of gloat. "Yeah, there is a green hat on his head."

Gao Shenghan looked up at him with a cold smile and said: "I really envy you, even if you are cursed-you die, you don't need to be afraid..."

"Gao Shenghan..." Wei Xiaobao narrowed his eyes and roared shrillly. His original low voice now became extremely sharp, and his chin was stubborn, and now it was smooth. This made Wei Xiaobao extremely angry. He felt... his appearance was affected.

"Wei Xiaobao..." Gao Shenghan sat up, also roared in a low voice.

Then the two of them looked at me and I looked at you. Gao Shenghan's big eyes and Wei Xiaobao's squinted eyes stared at each other. Finally, both of them laughed and let out a vicious laughter.

After laughing, Gao Shenghan got out of bed, sat down on the sofa opposite Wei Xiaobao, picked up the bottle of red wine on the table, and said, "Are you here for a drink?"

"I said before that there is a ward next door. I will keep it for you. Now that you are living in, we will be neighbors in the future. Naturally, we must have a good drink." Wei Xiaobao smiled nervously and said.

"Haha..." Gao Shenghan also laughed nervously, and then said, "What wine?"

"Don't you know if you drink it?" Wei Xiaobao sneered.

Gao Shenghan smiled and poured some red wine on the two goblets. He picked it up and handed one of them to Wei Xiaobao. Then he gently shook the glass of red wine in his hand and shook it for a while. , I put my nose deeply into the cup and sucked for a few seconds. The next second I took a sip, my eyes narrowed, my mouth moved a few times, and a smile appeared on my face, gently The goblet was put back on the table.

"How is it?" Wei Xiaobao asked nonchalantly.

Gao Shenghan said with an endless aftertaste: "Good wine! French Patus dry red, in terms of vintage...not less than 20 years!"

Wei Xiaobao grinned gloomily and said, "Sure enough, Young Master Gao is a master in wine, and...not crazy!"

Gao Shenghan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled nervously and said, "No, Wei Shao is wrong, I am a neurotic, because I don't know what I will do next, but just think about it. , Even I am afraid!"

"That's great." Wei Xiaobao laughed, clapped his hands and said sincerely, then took the glass of red wine and drank it.

"Did you see him?" Gao Shenghan asked.

"I saw it." Wei Xiaobao said, "He is the protagonist of this big show. In the end, he came out on the finale, holding Princess Su's hand and swayed away like this, drawing a perfect end to the engagement banquet."

Gao Shenghan's face was overcast, and he felt like a big rock was pressing on his chest, and he was almost out of breath.

"Bitch...bitch..." he roared in his heart.

Then he laughed and said, "He really didn't break his promise, he really gave me such a gift."

"We have to return the gift." Wei Xiaobao said, "he also gave me a big gift last time, I haven't had time to pay it back."

"What do you think?" Gao Shenghan asked Yan Jing, squinting at Wei Xiaobao.

Wei Xiaobao poured himself a glass of red wine, shook it gently, and then said: "Gao Shao, you are a lunatic, you will do things that even you are afraid of, so it is more suitable for you to do it. But, of course, if I need to use my words, I have nothing to say."

Gao Sheng coldly smiled and did not speak. Does this guy consider himself a stupid? Who wouldn’t say a nice scene, he can also say that you Wei Shao is known as the number one mad dog in Yanjing, you are even scared of you when you are crazy, so this thing is not suitable for you to do, of course, you need me I have no second words.

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