The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 408: Murder with a knife

"Wei Shao, tell me what you think." Gao Shenghan went directly to the subject, knowing that Wei Xiaobao had already calculated it in his heart.

After taking a sip of red wine, Wei Xiaobao squinted at Gao Shenghan, and said word by word:

"Whose knife to borrow?" Gao Shenghan asked rhetorically. What Wei Xiaobao said was the same as he thought. After all, that bastard's background is not small, so don't do it yourself if you can let others do it, so as not to lose yourself when you get it.

Wei Xiaobao didn't answer Gao Shenghan's question. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and laughed, and said grimly: "I think of a place, that place is suitable for a **** like him."

"Where?" Gao Shenghan asked.

"Devil's Cave." Wei Xiaobao said.

"Devil's Cave?" Gao Shenghan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was already a trace of movement.

He has heard of this place, and it is said that it is the most terrifying and guarded prison in China, there is no one! Moreover, none of the people who entered can escape, even if they were finally released, none of them were complete!

"Yes, Demon Cave." After Wei Xiaobao drank the red wine in the quilt, he narrowed his eyes and said as he looked at Gao Shenghan, "Gao Shao knows what I mean?"

Gao Shenghan didn't answer, and as if to embolden him, he grabbed the bottle and poured himself a glass of wine. After drinking it all, he said coldly, "What does Wei Shao think?"

The other party said that he borrowed the knife to kill, and then said the devil's cave. Gao Shenghan no longer knew what the other party was paying attention to, then he was really a big fool.

Whose knife to borrow? It is nothing more than the swords of those forces that have the ability to put Li Zedao into the Demon Cave Prison!

Wei Xiaobao was not talking anymore, but stood up and said: "Gao Shao, take a good rest. I heard that people with brain diseases must have enough sleep, otherwise the condition will get worse."

After speaking, he laughed loudly as he walked to the door, looking crazy.

"It seems that Wei Shao's insomnia has always been insufficient." Gao Shenghan also laughed, but sneered. He did not hide his disgust at Wei Xiaobao at all.

He and Wei Xiaobao are not really rivals. After all, the two do not have much conflict, and they are not friends... But in terms of appearance, Gao Shenghan feels that Wei Xiaobao is ashamed of him even as his green leaf. But he still admired Wei Xiaobao's kind of thought, just as Wei Xiaobao admired his kind of thought.

The two of them are... a raccoon dog.

"Gao Shao is really right." Wei Xiaobao said gloomily, "If that guy doesn't die for a day, I can't sleep well."

"I will let him die, I will definitely let him die." Gao Shenghan shouted like crazy.

"The Wei family will not embarrass the Gao family because of what you said on stage, and even cooperate with the Gao family to avoid being bitten by the Su family." Wei Xiaobao said sharply, and then picked it up. There was half a bottle of red wine left on the table that had been brought in before, and he left the room...This wine was so good, it was just given to Gao Shenghan, and he couldn't bear it.

"Stingy." Gao Shenghan stared at Wei Xiaobao's back with cold eyes, and said grimly.


Wu Xin was a little embarrassed. Being with these three people gave her the feeling of acting as a giant light bulb. These two women are his women. What is it to be here? A guide who takes them around to eat snacks?

Moreover, Alice's devilish figure and charming eyes and Su Xuan's noble temperament from the inside out and that kind of aura made Wu Xin feel ashamed.

"Is it worth it?" Wu Xin glanced at Li Ze who was drinking water over there, and thought sourly, but in her eyes there was something called "stars", even drinking water. So handsome, why not let people live?

"It doesn't matter, this lady believes you." Wu Xin cheered herself up in her heart, "Wu Xin, come on."

"It's almost time to go out, right?" Li Zedao looked up at the sky and said, at this time the sun was about to set.

After eating at noon, at Wu Xin's proposal, the four came to the World Park.

Although Su Xuan is from Yanjing, because of her personality, she really never came to this place. Until now, the four of them have stayed here all afternoon.

Su Xuan nodded, but she had a feeling of incomparably relaxed feeling that was unfinished. She had never wanted to be so relaxed and simple like playing today, never! The so-called fake smiles or vicious verbal abuse or even attempts to hurt her by those so-called family members, as well as the so-called infatuation of Gao Shenghan, all made her chest fall like a mountain. It made her breathless.

Alice and Wu Xin would not have any rebuttal to Li Zedao's proposal, so the group walked out of the World Park. At this time, the mobile phone in the small backpack on Su Xuan's back rang.

Su Xuan took out her mobile phone and checked the caller's number, then her eyes fell on Li Zedao.

"I'm waiting for you in the car." Li Zedao smiled, and then walked over with Alice and Wu Xin towards the Land Rover parked there.

Su Xuan nodded and answered the phone.

Five minutes later, Su Xuan opened the co-pilot's door and got into the car and said to Li Zedao: "Gao Shenghan is crazy."

"Sure enough, the Gao family is not a vegetarian." Li Zedao was taken aback, then grinned and said, "This way, he can take less responsibility and reduce a lot of embarrassment."

Su Xuan nodded and said, "My grandpa asked me to go back. I have to deal with some things. The person who will pick me up is coming soon."

"Your grandfather can bear it till now, it's already pretty good." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, "I thought that when I took you away, your grandfather would have someone come and kidnap you immediately."

Su Xuan nodded and said, "He knows that I am with you."

"Yeah, he is hinting to me." Li Zedao said with a smile, "His old man is hinting at me, boy, I am giving my precious granddaughter to your hands, should you also express your opinion? ?"

Su Xuan frowned and said, "He is my grandfather." She could hear Li Zedao's ridicule and dissatisfaction with Grandpa Su.

Li Zedao did have a prejudice against Old Su. In his opinion, Old Su's interests were too heavy, and he did not consider his granddaughter's happiness at all. He simply regarded Su Xuan as a bargaining chip in exchange for benefits. Make Li Zedao a little hot.

"I understand, I understand, isn't your grandfather my grandfather? I will respect him well." Li Zedao said quickly.


"Go back and tell our grandpa that I will let my mother contact the Su family as soon as possible." Li Zedao smiled.

Su Xuan nodded, not saying anything.

Li Zedao pondered and said, "Let Alice accompany you back. She is very strong, much stronger than your bodyguards, and can guarantee your safety. You left with me when you were at the meeting. I'm afraid the Gao family secretly I am afraid that Su's family will make things difficult for you, such as your good cousin."

"Alice?" Su Xuan was taken aback, and had been together all afternoon, she really didn't know that Alice had that kind of intrepid skill.

Li Zedao smiled back and explained the situation to Alice.

"My dear, I will protect Su Xuan." Alice nodded and said with a charming smile.

"Thank you, Alice." Su Xuan looked back at Alice and said with a slight smile. She did not refuse Li Zedao's proposal. After all, although in Yanjing, some people would not dare to mess around, but what if? Even the soldiers in the military district dared to pretend to be bullies to try to kill Li Zedao, let alone anything else.

"You're welcome, Su Xuan, you are my sister." Alice laughed.

Not long after, a black off-road vehicle slowly stopped in front of the Land Rover on Li Zedao. The door was opened. A man dressed as a bodyguard nodded slightly to Su Xuan standing there and said, "Second Miss, I will pick you up. go back."

"Let's go." Su Xuan said lightly, then pointed to Alice, "She is my good sister and wants to stay at home for two days."

"Okay, miss." The bodyguard nodded to Alice, and then nodded to Li Zedao who was standing there. This helped them open the door.

After watching the off-road vehicle leave, Li Zedao turned around and said to Wu Xin, "Sister Wu, there are only two of us left..."

"Uh...Yes..." Wu Xin said, inexplicably, her heartbeat speeded up, and a blush appeared on her face.

"Sister Wu, are you okay?" Li Ze asked when Wu Xin's expression was different, and he thought she was not feeling well.

"Oh... it's okay... it's okay..." Wu Xin waved her hands again and again, can't say that the reason why she has a weird expression is that she has some unexplainable fantasies, right?

"Then...where to go now?" Wu Xin asked, trying very hard to calm herself down.

"Find a place to eat." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, "You have been so hard these days, and you take us out to play every day, so I should invite Sister Wu to have a good meal... Sister Wu is more familiar with Yanjing. Find someone to eat. Place it."

Although Li Zedao’s rhetoric made Wu Xin feel a little sad, even she wanted to yell at why you respect me so much, why do you respect me so much, you can’t just kid me or even hug me and give me a kiss. Just pretend to resist, right?

But when I remembered, Li Zedao was eating with her two people. She finally didn’t have the tragedy that could only serve as a light bulb, so she felt a little sweet in her heart, and at the same time her head tilted slightly and said, “I know one. The dishes in the place are very good, the atmosphere is very good, just..."

With that, Wu Xin was a little embarrassed: "It seems a bit... expensive."


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