The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 409: I don't drink well

Kong Family Banquet.

Wu Xin said that this place is a bit expensive. Li Zedao completely believes this. This can be seen from the luxury cars parked at the gate of Kong Jiayan. After all, for the rich, if the restaurant is set The price of the food is too cheap, they will not come, because they can't afford to lose that face!

Of course, as Wu Xin said, the atmosphere here is very good, at least... the waiter who greeted him with Wu Xin looked very seductive.

Because there is no pre-booking, there are no boxes, but Li Zedao and Wu Xin didn’t care. They sat down in a double seat in the lobby, and the beautiful waiter delivered an electronic menu. The so-called electronic menu is actually one Tablet computers, each dish has a video specially shot for it. If you are interested in this dish, you can click on the video to learn more about the dish.

Li Zedao thinks this thing is too high-tech, so he said, "Sister Wu, you just have to order something. I can eat anything."

"You can call me Xin... Wu Xin." Wu Xin looked up at Li Zedao and said, with a strange color in her eyes. Anyway, let him get closer first. The name "Sister Wu" is obvious. The relationship between the two has become alienated, and Wu Xin feels that she must kill it in the cradle!

"Wu Xin..." From Li Zedao's point of view, it really doesn't matter what you call the other party, it's just a name, come you feel that Wu Xin looks strange in her eyes?

Wu Xin smiled sweetly, then lowered her head and ordered a few dishes, then looked up at Li Ze and said, "Want a bottle of red wine?"

"Uh...I don't drink too much..." Li Zedao said with a dry smile. What is this little girl doing with red wine? Isn’t it because you want to get yourself drunk and do something? Do you want to give her a chance?

"That's great……"


Seeing Li Zedao's weird expression, Wu Xin chuckled and said with joy: "It's teasing you... just want to drink some red wine suddenly, don't worry, I won't drink too much."

Li Zedao smiled and said, "I'm just afraid you don't have enough money."

Before Wu Xin said that it was a bit expensive, she immediately said that she would like to have this meal. The reason was that Li Zedao helped her a lot after arriving in Yanjing. You must know that if Li Zedao did not show up that day, she might be rented out by that black heart The driver of the car shook his face, let alone saved her life when he was in Phoenix.

"If you don't have enough, I will ask you to borrow it." Wu Xin pursed her lips and said with a touch of shame in her eyes.


"She's molesting." Li Zedao thought in his heart, "I'm really... **** good."

But after the narcissism was over, Li Zedao began to reflect again. How could he be considered a shy boy, now he likes narcissism at every turn?

Well, it must be influenced by Master! Since coming back from Amsterdam, Li Zedao has clearly felt that he likes narcissism, he is always narcissistic, and even occasionally feels a little disgusting after narcissism...

Well, men always like to make excuses for what they do, and Li Zedao is no exception.

Exquisite and delicious dishes and red wine were quickly delivered. Wu Xin poured some red wine on the goblet in front of Li Zedao, then poured red wine into her glass, and then picked up the goblet and said, " Ze Dao, I toast you a drink, thank you for saving my life when you were in Phoenix City, thank you for helping my father a big favor, thank you for helping me beat that black-hearted driver when you were in Yanjing..."

"Thank you for showing up in my life for making my heart throb." Wu Xin thought in her heart. Without saying this, she was afraid to say it and scared Li Zedao away.

"Don't be so polite, we are friends." Li Zedao picked up the goblet and gently slammed the cup in her hand with a smile.

"Friend..." Wu Xin felt a little lost in her heart, this incomprehensible nuisance.

With the sound of footsteps, a handsome man has already come to the table, and then his voice is somewhat pleasantly surprised: "Xinxin, are you eating here too? What a coincidence."

Wu Xin looked up, her face already showed a faint smile: "Liang Bo, it's you, are you coming over to eat too?"

Liang Bo nodded and glanced at Li Zedao, the gloomy color in the depths of his eyes flashed past.

Originally, he had already regarded Wu Xin as a dish on his plate. Although he hadn't eaten it yet, no one else had a chance to use his chopsticks, did he? Unexpectedly, such a person appeared suddenly and took the whole dish away.

This time Wu Xin came to Yanjing for a tour, Liang Bo tried her best, planning to take Wu Xin to have a good time with just played on the bed, right?

Unexpectedly, on the first day, the car was hit, and even before the tactics he used could be implemented, such a Cheng Yaojin came out on the way.

Originally, he wanted to show weakness first, expressing that he was unwilling to quarrel, and let the black car driver arrogantly first, and finally he couldn't bear it, and he didn't need to bear it anymore. Only then did he exude his own domineering spirit and destroy the other party with thunder... Female Don’t all children eat this set?

Unexpectedly, an accident happened!

Just when Wu Xin was about to be slapped by the black car driver, just when she was going to rescue Wu Xin from a crisis, the violent man appeared, and finally he grabbed the black car driver by the neck. Then he smashed it heavily on the front cover of the car... At that moment, Liang Bo was dumbfounded and frightened.

Unexpectedly, when I came to Kong’s banquet with a few good friends today, I accidentally ran into the two sweet people who ate the first two, so the jealousy in Liang Bo’s heart was already burning, so his eyes were burning. The child turned around and got close.

"Hello, this is Liang Bo." Liang Bo took the initiative to greet Li Zedao.

"Hello, Li Zedao." Li Zedao raised his head and smiled at Liang Bo. He still has a good impression of the squad leader Wu Xin said. After all, standing with him, Li Zedao felt that he was a lot more handsome. , Just as others who stood by him in the past would feel that their IQ had increased a lot inexplicably.

"I've booked a box, together?" Liang Bo looked at Wu Xin and said in a negotiated tone, "Li Yu, Pan Xiaoting and they are all here, they know that you want to see you in Yanjing, and they wanted to come over with you on the phone. Yes, but your phone is turned off."

"This..." Wu Xin was naturally reluctant, and finally had the opportunity to eat alone with Li Zedao, right? But it was not easy to reject Liang Bo. After all, Li Yupan Xiaoting he said was a classmate, and like Liang Bo, she was also from Yanjing. Since they met, she had to meet him.

"You go, I will eliminate these dishes." Li Zedao looked at Wu Xin and said with a smile.

"You want to be beautiful, this is the money I spent." Wu Xin gave Li Ze a white look, and said grotesquely.

As a result, Liang Bo looked at Li Zedao's eyes full of...contempt! It turned out to be a spineless little boy. It's just that the look in Wu Xin's eyes and the tone of voice when she talks to him makes people so angry?

"Liang Bo, go and eat. I'll accompany my friend to have a meal, and we will go there for a while." Wu Xin looked at Liang Bo and said, she still likes to stay with Li Zedao, although Li Zedao seems to have no meaning for her.

"Ze Dao, too, Xinxin's friend is our friend." Liang Bo invited again, "As for these dishes...just let the waiter put it in the box."

Liang Bo wouldn’t say stupidly. As for these dishes, I’ll pay for whatever. After all, he knows Wu Xin somehow. She is the kind of girl who likes to waste. Similarly, her family is in a superior family and she eats. She doesn't need others to pay for her.

"Then... Excuse me." Li Zedao said with a smile, he didn't want Wu Xin to be too embarrassed, anyway, he would eat wherever he was.

Li Zedao said so, and Wu Xin naturally didn’t say anything. Of course, the two of them came to a box after Liang Bo. As for the dishes that were ordered before they could be eaten, the waiter sent them here later. Come in the box.

At this time, there are already five people sitting in the box, three women and two men. The dressing of women is very fashionable, that is, the smell of rouge powder is too heavy, and the temperament between the men's hands is extraordinary. Obviously, they are all from family background. Superior person.

It is also true that people with poor family backgrounds really don't have the ability to eat in such a place. Just now, Li Zedao took a look at the menu, and the cheapest dish cost a hundred yuan.

Seeing Wu Xin coming in, the five people stood up and greeted one after another. After the greeting, their eyes fell on Li Zedao's strange face.

"I'll introduce it to everyone." Liang Bo helped introduce, "This is Wu Xin's...friend Li Zedao..."

Liang Bo deliberately emphasized the two words "friend", so he didn't want to admit that this guy had an ambiguous relationship with Wu Xin.

"Ze Dao, this is Chen Danmeng..." Liang Bo pointed to a girl in a black dress.

"That's Pan Xiaoting." This is a little beauty with a melon face, wearing very long false eyelashes, fluttering, very attractive.

"The quiet beauty over there is Lin Xiaohui..." Li Zedao could tell that this was a girl who didn't like to talk very much. When Liang Bogang introduced her, she just nodded and didn't say anything.

"As for these two handsome guys, this is Li Yu and that is Sun Peng."

"Li Zedao...Why is this name a bit familiar?" Pan Xiaoting said with a slight smile.

"Xiaoting, we are all used to it. As long as he is a handsome guy, you think his name is a bit familiar." Sun Peng joked with a smile on the side.

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