The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 410: College entrance examination champion

"You're going to die, fat man." Pan Xiaoting scolded with a smile at him. Sun Peng is not too fat, but he is indeed the fattest compared to the people here.

Chen Danmeng, the girl in a black dress, looked at Li Zedao thoughtfully and said, "This name is indeed familiar, as if I have seen it there."

"Danmeng, are you a **** like Xiaoting?" Su Peng joked again.

Chen Danmeng said with a sudden realization, "Ah, I remembered, isn't the college entrance examination champion who scored 749 points in the college entrance examination this year is called Li Zedao?"

Everyone remembered what she said. After all, they are all students, and they still pay attention to this aspect. Besides, the results of the college entrance examination champion this year are too bad, so the attention they receive is even greater. Taller.

Then his eyes fell on Li Zedao.

"That Li Zedao... it's me." Li Zedao said shyly.

So everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a freak, especially Wu Xin, who couldn’t accept it at all. She didn’t know that this year’s college entrance examination champion had a very high score, nor did she know the college entrance examination champion. It was called Li Zedao, but she knew that Li Zedao was a policeman...

Isn't he a young and promising policeman? How could it be a high school student who just took the college entrance examination? And it turned out to be the top pick in the college entrance examination.

Wu Xin only felt that there were a lot of stars in her eyes, and she felt that the sky was spinning, and she had an urge to faint... Oh my god, how could he be so good?

Liang Bo's eyes also had a trace of stunnedness. Although he knew that the college entrance examination champion this time was named Li Zedao, he had never connected that Li Zedao with the violent man eating soft food in front of him.

After sitting down, the waiter quickly delivered the dishes, naturally, including the dishes Wu Xin ordered before that had not had time to move the chopsticks.

Others stared at Wu Xin and Li Zedao sitting together from time to time, as if they had an ulterior secret.

Li Zedao didn't care, and Wu Xin didn't care about eating the delicious dishes. If they really wanted to get crooked, it would really be... great.

"Student...Is it okay to call you this way?" Pan Xiaoting said with a slight smile.

"It's okay." Li Zedao smiled shyly, giving people an immature feeling, "Because I have already planned to apply for the University of Phoenix, and you will all be my senior sisters."

"Really?" Not only Pan Xiaoting can't believe it, but everyone else is the same. After all, with Li Zedao's grades, why do you have to apply for Yanjing University or Shuimu University? Otherwise, the high score in the test is not a waste?

Wu Xin's heart was slightly shaken, and she had such an inexplicable thought: "He didn't apply for the University of Phoenix just because he was at the University of Phoenix?"

"Why would you want to apply for the University of Phoenix?" Pan Xiaoting became interested, her gossip heart was burning, and then she glanced at Wu Xin with a somewhat ambiguous look, "Isn't it because of a certain big beauty?"

"That..." Li Zedao lowered his head slightly with an embarrassed expression. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning was already obvious.

Wu Xin's heart shook in an instant, and she already had a feeling of happiness that she was about to faint. He really applied for the University of Phoenix because of himself...

But Liang Bo felt that he had been stabbed in the chest, bloody, and almost kicked Pan Xiaoting out of the box, this bitch! Of course, he also knew that the reason why Pan Xiaoting was such an eight-woman was because she liked herself, and naturally she wanted to push Wu Xin into the arms of other men.

At the moment Liang Bo gave Sun Peng a look, the latter knowing, looked at Li Zedao and grinned and said: "Scholar, you are very angry with me, come on, senior respects you..." Then Sun Peng grabbed the desktop. The liquor on the table poured a full glass for Li Zedao and put it in front of Li Zedao.

Wu Xin looked at her brows and frowned. You must know that this is a glass for drinking beer. This glass is full of two, right? Wu Xin didn't forget that Li Zedao said that his drinking volume was not very good.

"That...I don't drink too much." Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

"Hey, drinking is all done through training, it's okay." Sun Peng said, but he was happy in his heart. If the drinking is not good, it is better to solve.

"If you have a drink, I will send you back then."

"Sun Peng, his drinking is indeed not very good, so don't let it drink." Wu Xin said.

"Hey, our Xinxin feels distressed." Pan Xiaoting on the side glanced at Liang Bo and then clapped and laughed.

"Where..." Wu Xin glanced at Li Zedao secretly, her expression slightly ashamed.

So Liang Bo was stabbed in the chest again and at the same time he had the urge to kick Pan Xiaoting out of the box.

"Haha, Wu Xin, if you feel distressed, you can help him drink it." Li Yu, who wears glasses, followed him.

"Okay, I'll help him drink." Wu Xin gritted her teeth and said proudly. After she was talking, she had to reach out for the glass of white wine in front of Li Zedao.

"..." Liang Bo got a knife in his chest again, and the pain made him almost suffocated. It seems that Wu Xin really had a leg with this kid. Otherwise, why did she plan to help that kid drink when she never drinks at parties?

"Xinxin, I just have to drink..." Before Wu Xin picked up the glass of white wine, Li Zedao had already taken the lead in holding the glass of white wine, and said hesitantly.

And Li Zedao's expression fell into Sun Peng's eyes, and it made him believe that Li Zedao's drinking volume was indeed poor. You see, his face was a little scared.

"Are you... alright?" Wu Xin asked worriedly.

"Men can't say no." Li Zedao bit his head, then looked at Sun Peng, "Come on, senior, I should respect you... first do it!" Li Zedao raised his neck and hummed. The glass of white wine poured into my stomach, and after drinking it, I coughed a few times, and my face was already suffering.

Wu Xin looked worried and quickly patted him on the back.

"It's amazing..." everyone screamed.

"Okay, refreshing, let's have another glass." Sun Peng said boldly after he had a cup, and then poured a full glass of white wine.

"I really can't do it anymore." Li Zedao wiped a handful of wine stains on the corners of his mouth, picked up the second glass of white wine, and poured it out again. In an instant, the glass bottomed out again, as if drinking water. It's not like wine.

This time everyone couldn't make much noise, but looked at Li Zedao with wide eyes, and they found that something seemed to be wrong.

After Sun Peng had another cup of his stomach, his head was already a little stunned, and his stomach felt like a fire. He was a little uncomfortable. He originally thought that one cup would make the other party lie down, but he didn't expect two cups to pass, but the other party looked like There was nothing like it, but instead he was about to get down.

"Good drink... come again." Sun Peng's eyes were a little red. This is too bullying. It's so good to drink, so what do you pretend to be a grandson?

"If you drink it again, you will really get drunk..." When Li Zedao spoke, he already picked up the third cup of white wine and poured it out, and it quickly bottomed out.

And after Sun Peng finished drinking the third cup of liquor, he just slumped on the chair without saying a word, and couldn't get up.

So everyone looked at Li Zedao, who seemed to have nothing, with stunned eyes, as if they were looking at a freak, and they understood that what this guy said before was actually intentional.

"Are you... okay?" Wu Xin opened her mouth and said, once again there were stars in her eyes. She once again discovered how she actually didn't understand Li Zedao.

"It's okay... I'm just a little hungry." Li Zedao said embarrassedly, "Drinking can't fill my stomach."


Seeing that the three cups of liquor did not put Li Zedao down, Liang Bo's face was already a little green, but he didn't give up. Maybe he poured it after a drink?

So he forced a smile on his face and said, "Senior brother is really a drinker. When we first met, I respect the senior..."

Before Liang Bo could finish, Li Zedao stood up, opened a bottle of unopened white wine on the table, and passed it over, and then said enthusiastically, "Senior, as a junior, I should respect you. Yes... I toast you a bottle!"

Li Zedao sneered in his heart, since you want me to drink to death, then drink you to death first!

Originally, because of Wu Xin's face, Li Zedao didn't intend to be too careless, let alone drink and lie down, but he didn't expect that the other party would be reluctant, so he got angry.

Liang Bo looked at the bottle of liquor that Li Zedao handed over, his eyes widened instantly, his face was already greenish, and he suddenly regretted arousing this kid.

The others have the same wide-eyed eyes and a hell-looking expression. Does this guy know what else to say? He thought he was holding beer?

"If you have a drink, I will send you back then." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"..." As if the rabbit had been stepped on its tail, Liang Bo gritted his teeth and took it and said: "Okay, let's do... a bottle..." After speaking, Liang Bo somehow wanted to cry. Impulse.

"Fuck... the bottle!" After Li Zedao picked up a bottle of white wine and opened it, he touched the bottle in Liang Bo's hand very boldly, and then raised his head, in the eyes of everyone, three or two. The next one poured this bottle of white wine into it.

"Senior, don't force it, it's okay." After drinking, Li Zedao looked at Liang Bo with a smile like a okay person.

Liang Bo almost cried and said, "I can..." How can a man say that he can't? So he did what Li Zedao did, biting his head and starting to pour in.

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