The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 411: Sun Qingqing's comfort

"Puff..." Liang Bo finally couldn't help it when he was about to drink a bottle of white wine. He squirted out and coughed constantly: "Cough cough...cough cough..."

At the moment Liang Bo’s tears came out of the spicy liquor. He had never drunk such anxious liquor. Although he was a little bit heavy, his stomach and esophagus could not stand it. He choked all of a sudden, and his face was even more pale. Coughing.

Upon seeing this, Pan Xiaoting hurriedly went over and patted him on the back. After a while, Liang Bo stopped coughing, and the blood color of that face recovered.

However, under this circumstance, it is absolutely impossible to continue drinking, so Liang Bo looked at Li Zedao's eyes with a hint of resentment. This kid pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger. He could drink well but pretended to be afraid. , What a slut!

"Senior, there are two thirds left." Li Ze pointed to the wine bottle, reminding him kindly.

"..." Liang Bo almost coughed again. Two thirds? Have to drink two thirds? Do you want to die? Although there is no mirror in front of him, Liang Bo knows how ugly his face is at this time, and he can't wait to step forward and choke Li Zedao to death. He is like this, even reminding himself to drink it. Is this trying to drink himself to death?

Well, at this moment, Liang Bo has already forgotten, he just wanted to drink Li Zedao to death.

In an instant, feelings of humiliation, dissatisfaction, anger, and hatred flashed in my heart one by one! No, you can't admit defeat, if you give up, Wu Xin will definitely laugh at him.

"I'll drink it for the squad leader." Pan Xiaoting said distressedly. She had a crush on Liang Bo for a long time, but it was a pity that Liang Bo always focused on Wu Xin.

Then looked at Li Ze and said, "Okay, brother?"

"This... if the senior agreed to let the senior sister help me drink, I would naturally be fine." Li Zedao said embarrassingly, as if talking to a girl is such an embarrassing thing.

"No, I'll do it myself." Liang Bo said with a big wave. It's already embarrassing to drink alcohol. If you ask a girl to help yourself drink, then you will be really embarrassed and thrown to your grandma's house, and he will have no face to come out to see people in the future.

"The senior is good." Li Zedao said with a look of admiration.

"..." Liang Bo already had the urge to vomit three liters of blood, like your uncle.

The other people's eyes looked at Li Zedao changed again, as if they were looking at a devil.

At that moment Liang Bo took a deep breath, bit the scalp, picked up the bottle with two-thirds of the white wine left, raised his head, and continued to pour the wine into his stomach, but when he was half drinking, his face was already Great change.

He suddenly discovered that his stomach was no longer his own, and it was squirming quickly, and then he felt that something was already pouring up down his throat, and it was possible to squirt out at any time.

But you can't squirt it out. If you want to squirt it out, you will really lose your face, so he desperately tried to suppress it and swallow the thing that was about to spit back again. Unfortunately, he failed.

"Puff!" Liang Bo spouted wildly, and all the wine he had drunk before spewed out, sprayed all over the floor, and there was still a lot of blood in it...

"Cough...Cough cough..." Liang Bo coughed loudly, and every time he coughed, he would cough up a lot of blood.

"Squad leader...what's wrong with you?" Pan Xiaoting was startled, and hurriedly went over to support Liang Bo and gently patted his back, but the coughing did not stop, Liang Bo was still coughing up blood.

Except for Li Zedao and Sun Peng, who was already drunk and unconscious, everyone else also leaned forward, with anxious and panic expressions on their faces.

"Take 120, the stomach is bleeding, but don't worry, you can't die, you just suffer some crime." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "Senior, too, don't drink if you can't drink..."

"Shut up!" Pan Xiaoting screamed angrily, eager to kill Li Zedao, "Wu Xin, take care of your bastard..."

"Yes, when are they still cynic and sarcasm..." Chen Danmeng couldn't see it anymore. He thought this schoolboy was cute, but he didn't expect his mouth to be so vicious.

"Damn, you are chirping crookedly, believe it or not I beat you..." Li Yuchao shouted at Li Zedao.

Even Lin Xiaohui, who was still silent, frowned and stared at Li Zedao, as if he were a heinous person.

"Xiaoting..." Wu Xin's face was a bit ugly.

"Fuck..." Pan Xiaoting cursed, and then hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed 120.

"I'm leaving now." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, of course, he said this to Wu Xin. He has reason to believe that if this is replaced by bleeding from his stomach, these people are afraid that he deserves it? That's right, they are not their own people, why should they be kind to themselves as a victim?

Wu Xin looked at Liang Bo who was still vomiting blood, then looked at the back of Li Zedao who walked out of the box, and then bit her lip slightly to follow.

"You... don't worry about it, it's his fault..." Wu Xin said in a gentle voice after chasing him up, she thought Li Zedao felt guilty.

And she could also see that the reason Sun Peng and Liang Bo at the beginning wanted to get Li Zedao for a drink, at first they wanted to get him drunk. This made Wu Xin a little bit confused. You know, they met Li Zedao for the first time. Yes, why do you want to get him drunk?

Doing pranks while idle? Or because of her own sake... Wu Xin knows what Liang Bo thinks about herself, but she doesn't feel anything about Liang Bo.

But no matter what the reason, Wu Xin already hates Liang Bo in her heart.

Li Zedao glanced at her and said with a slight smile: "You shouldn't have followed, you should know that you will lose their friendship as soon as you follow."

"But... I also got other things, haven't I?" Wu Xin glanced at Li Zedao brightly, and said pointedly.

Li Zedao did not answer.

Wu Xin glanced at Li Zedao and plucked up the courage to say, "If I stay, will you...ignore me in the future?"

Li Zedao laughed blankly: "Sister Wu, you think too much, you and me are friends, it doesn't mean you can't be friends with them...that's two different things."

"I think it's the same thing." Wu Xin whispered.

After walking out of the gate of Kong Jia Yan, Wu Xin asked: "Then...Where are you going now? Back to the hotel?"

After speaking, Wu Xin's face was inexplicably red. Why did she feel so weird when she went back to the hotel? It's like a young couple opening a room in a hotel to understand each other's body structure.

Li Zedao didn't have the complicated mind of Wu Xin, rubbing his stomach and said, "I'm still looking for a place to eat. I filled my stomach with water, but I didn't eat a few bites of the vegetables."

Wu Xin just remembered that Li Zedao had just drunk a bottle and three glasses of white wine, and asked a little worried: "You have drunk so much wine, is it really okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Li Zedao smiled, "It's just that there is a lot of water in my stomach. Just find a place to pee in a while."

"..." Wu Xin's gaze shifted down, falling under Li Zedao's crotch, and then she took a bite in her heart and quickly moved her eyes away, and then... blushed.


Sun Qingqing walked in and opened the door and walked in, already smelling the scent of tobacco in this ward, which is known as one of China’s most luxurious wards, and then her eyes fell on the bed with a man surrounded by smoke. Body.

Sun Qingqing doesn’t smoke, but she likes to smell this kind of scent, just because the smoke comes out of the man’s mouth and comes from the cigarette lit by the man’s hand. of.

The man looked away from the ceiling and looked at Sun Qingqing standing there with a gentle smile and said, "In this case, you shouldn't have come."

Sun Qingqing's eyes were red, and soon the big teardrops fell from the corner of her eyes, she quickly walked to the bedside, stretched out her hand and gently stroked the man's red and purple face, and said with great heartache, "It hurts. ?"

"It hurts!" Gao Shenghan laughed nervously, "Can it not hurt? It doesn't feel good to be squeezed naked, and I still feel hot on my face until now."

"I am impotence? I am an AIDS patient? I am neurotic? Do you believe it? Haha... Do you believe it?" Gao Shenghan laughed wildly.

"Shenghan... don't do this... don't do this..." Sun Qingqing choked and said, tears streaming down her face, her hands tightly wrapped around Gao Shenghan's waist, "You still have me... you still have me... Everyone in the world spit on you, hide from you, laugh at you, and I won't let you bear it alone. If you are well, it will be sunny..."

"Why bother?" Gao Shenghan's voice softened, and his eyes softly looked at Sun Qingqing.

"I love you... I love you so much..." Sun Qingqing cried, talking, kissing Gao Shenghan's lips and a little bit of scum on his chin, and then put her mouth together again, crazy Sucking on Gao Shenghan's mouth, he put his tongue into his mouth.

Gao Shenghan is not a real impotence, so he reacted quickly. The tongues of the two were stirred together, and their bodies hugged tightly. They wanted to merge into one, and even tore each other's clothes. Then the clothes on the two of them were quickly torn off by each other, and they were honest with each other.

"Take me...Take me..." Sun Qingqing said, panting and looking at Gao Shenghan whose eyes were already red.

Not long after, a low groan sounded in the luxurious room...

In the other room, Wei Xiaobao's huge body was heavily pressed on the huge bed, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but there was a dark sneer at the corner of his mouth...

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