The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 418: I'm talking about the next life

"Wei Xiaobao, you are too noisy and you will disturb others' rest." The man sitting on the dilapidated sofa stood up, glanced at Wei Xiaobao with disgust, and said faintly, with a trace of magnetism in his voice.

"Humph!" Wei Xiaobao sneered. He didn't say anything. He just looked at Li Ze who was lying on the ground, his eyes exuding a cold breath, as if thinking about how to torture him to death for a while.

"Thank you." The man looked at Susan and said, "There is no danger, right?"

Susan glanced at each other softly, shook her head, and said, "No, I was humiliated by this **** again, so after fainting him with the perfume you gave me, I started to beat him. For won't blame me, do you?"

"Silly girl, why should I blame you?" The man walked up to him and touched Susan's head and said, "After this matter has completely subsided, I will go to your house to propose a marriage."

"I'm waiting for you, Shenghan." Susan's small face is already full of excitement, and her eyes are full of hope for the future.

"It may take a little longer." Gao Shenghan said with a gentle smile.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how long, I will wait for you." Susan said softly.

"You may not be able to wait." Gao Shenghan said.

"No, I will wait for you for as long as possible." Susan assuredly said softly, "I have liked you since I was a kid, and I told myself that you didn't marry."

Gao Shenghan smiled slightly and shook his head and said: "You really can't wait, because I'm talking the next life...If there is a chance in the next life, then, I will marry you and treat you as a kind of make up."

"You...what did you say?" Susan's eyes widened suddenly.

"I think many people have seen that Li Zedao was taken away by you, so you have to die and bear all the things." Gao Shenghan smiled gently and patiently explained, "This way I and Wei Shao can be safer. ."

Wei Xiaobao listened, with a weird smile on his face full of flesh.

"..." Susan's face changed drastically, and she felt like she had been slashed in her chest. She didn't have time to guard, and didn't know how to dodge, so she took the knife nakedly, letting the cold blade pierce her skin and flesh, the deepest part of her bones.

" specially asked me to take him to the Biaoche first, just to let more people...see that he was with me..." Susan only felt that her voice trembled extremely. His face was extremely pale.

The plot shouldn’t be developed like this, is it? It shouldn't be. She succeeded in revenge. She scratched the face of Li Zedao, the bastard, and even swelled his skin, cut off his chicken and finally buried him alive... Then she also reaped love. She finally married Gao Shenghan, who she loved since childhood and kept her virgin body for him, and finally lived happily for a lifetime...

But now Gao Shenghan is saying to kill her and let her bear all the guilt.

"You are so smart." Gao Shenghan smiled.

"You...are you kidding must be kidding must be..." Susan was unwilling to give up, clinging to Gao Shenghan's arm with a look of hope. Look at him.

"I'm serious." Gao Shenghan smiled, then waved his hand.

One of the two men who moved Li Zedao upstairs knew it, and a hand knife that strode forward slashed Susan's neck fiercely, so Susan's eyes went dark and she had lost consciousness.

"It's ruthless." Wei Xiaobao's big fat face was full of mockery, "I can see that Miss Su likes you very much."

"You are an eunuch, do you know what love is?" Gao Sheng smiled coldly.

"Gao Shenghan..." Wei Xiaobao roared in a low voice, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Haha, just kidding." Gao Shenghan smiled, "Let's go, the show is about to begin." He walked toward the room inside.

Wei Xiaobao looked at Gao Shenghan's back with cold eyes, moved his chubby body, and followed. As for the two men in black, one dragged Li Zedao, the other dragged Susan, who was already unconscious, and entered. The back room, so the room with a double bed, which was originally small, seemed a bit crowded with so many people.

At the moment, the two men in black put Li Zedao and Susan on the bed. At the same time, there was already a thin quilt on the bed, revealing a head and a small half of white legs, but the woman’s face. She was covered by that long hair, so she couldn't see her face clearly.

Gao Shenghan waved his hand, and the two men in black went out. Then Gao Shenghan took out a glass bottle with a few red pills from his pocket, and his handsome face was already full of hideous smiles: " This is a good thing, Shao Wei, what kind of passion do you think the three of them will have after eating? It makes people feel passionate... Oh, sorry, I forgot, you don’t know it anymore. The man’s primitive **..."

"Gao Shenghan, do you want to die?" There was an extremely vicious gloom in Wei Xiaobao's small eyes.

"Just kidding, just kidding." Gao Shenghan said nervously with a smile, "Okay, let this passionate drama begin."

Talking that Gao Shenghan opened the bottle cap, took out a dazzling red pill from the bottle, and then looked at Li Zedao's pig-headed face with a weird smile. He stretched his hand over and was about to pinch his face so that he could get him Open your mouth.

In the next second, Gao Shenghan suddenly felt that his wrist was pinched by a cold hand, and he couldn't move forward any more, and his face changed wildly.

He saw a pair of eyes, a pair of familiar and playful eyes.

"If I didn't frame you, this is the second time you let me take that kind of medicine, right?" The owner of the eyes said in a playful voice, "Of course, how could a kind person like me frame you?"

"You... haven't you fainted?" Gao Shenghan only felt that his voice was trembling, and he couldn't believe what he saw before him.

Li Ze said, this **** who should have fainted and became a fish on the knife, now not only opened his eyes, but also stared at him with a smile...Although his face was swollen and the blood was coagulated. So when you laugh, you feel a sense of panic.

"I didn't faint, I was sleepy, so I slept for a while." Li Zedao patiently helped him resolve his confusion, and then sat up, but still grasped Gao Shenghan's wrist.

"..." Gao Shenghan felt that his brain was not enough.

The smile on Li Zedao's face even worsened, and the hand that pinched the opponent's wrist slammed hard.

"Li Zedao... let go..." Gao Shenghan screamed in pain, and his body was difficult to move because of the pain. But this scream also shocked the two men in black clothes outside. The two of them quickly entered the room. When they saw this scene, their brows were slightly raised.

"Let go of him." One of the men in his forties stared at Li Zedao with cold eyes and roared. There was an extra pistol in his hand, and the muzzle was aimed directly at Li Zedao's head, "Otherwise I will shoot. ."

Another black-clothed man took out a pistol and pointed at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao and this bodyguard can be regarded as having several bonds. Every time I meet with Li Zedao, I can always see him, knowing that he is Gao Shenghan's bodyguard.

"You have no chance to shoot." Li Zedao said with a grin.

Then the bodyguard shuddered in his heart, and inexplicably felt a very dangerous feeling, and then only felt that there was a flash in front of his eyes, but the kind of bones that made his scalp numb, "Kak!" The sound of breaking, and then a sharp pain swept through the whole body.

His hand with the pistol had already been interrupted by the other side's strange method, as did the other bodyguard.

Li Zedao picked up his toe, and a black pistol that was about to land had already risen from the ground and returned to mid-air. After copying it, he already held the pistol in his hand, and pointed the muzzle at the middle-aged bodyguard. Smiled on his head: "I said, you have no chance to shoot, but...I have a chance!"

"Bang!" The gun shot.

The middle-aged man only felt that his head buzzed, and there was a momentary blank in his mind.

"My brain is blooming?" the middle-aged man thought, and then he quickly denied this because he still had the ability to think, and he also heard the wailing of his companion... his companion's Shot in the knee!

"Bang!" There was another shot. The middle-aged man's face changed, his body was unstable, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment... He was also shot in the knee.

"Okay, now it's your turn..." As Li Zedao pointed his muzzle at the fat on his face, Wei Xiaobao smiled, and put the muzzle on Gao Shenghan, whose expression was extremely ugly. Sneered, "Or you? Or... You two rock-paper-scissors? Whoever loses, I will buy peanuts first?"

"What do you want?" Gao Shenghan said in a low voice.

"What do I want? Young master Gao, you want to hurt me over and over again, so you have to give me some compensation, right?" Li Zedao was amused by Gao Shenghan's words, making it a commonplace for them to bully. And bullying yourself is a matter of injustice.

"Not only am I not a person with no temper," Li Zedao said, "I am still a person with a big temper!"

"What kind of compensation do you want?" Gao Shenghan tried to calm himself down, and the matter had developed to this point, and it was completely out of his control. Even if Li Zedao didn't do anything, he just turned and walked away. Have to withstand retaliation from many forces.

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