Li Zedao is a little worried, yes, what kind of compensation do you want? Send Gao Shenghan to another world... nonsense, that's for sure, so what? But what should I order before this?

Asking for money... What if he can't afford it if he is less reconciled to himself? And asking for money, does it seem like you are too tacky and tasteless when you were poor and afraid of the kidnappers?

Are you a kidnapper? Not only was he not a kidnapper, but he was kidnapped.

But what can Gao Shenghan give himself without money? Chrysanthemum... Li Zedao had the urge to explode his chrysanthemum with a shot.

So Li Zedao had a headache, and said annoyedly at the moment: "I haven't figured out what kind of compensation I want, so let's play a game before I think about it..."

Both Gao Shenghan's and Wei Xiaobao's complexions changed, and they both had an unpleasant feeling in their hearts.

Speaking, Li Zedao picked up the other pistol that fell on the ground, and said: "I ask, you answer, but if you answer wrong, I have to ask him to eat peanuts... well, first A question..."

Li Zedao's eyes fell on Gao Shenghan and said with a smile: "Back when I was hospitalized in Phoenix No. 1 Hospital, you did that thing, right?"

Gao Shenghan narrowed his eyes slightly and did not answer.

"Bang!" The gun shot. Gao Shenghan was shot in the arm, and he was trembling with pain.

"Li Zedao... what are you doing... you really dare to kill me..." Gao Shenghan bit his teeth and said, "I warn you not to do things too extreme..."

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded again, and Gao Shenghan's other arm was shot again.

This time, Gao Shenghan couldn't stand it anymore, opening his mouth and wailing: "Ah..."

The sound filled the room, as if a little handsome guy was blown up by an eighty-year-old man.

Upon seeing this, Wei Xiaobao narrowed his eyes, and the fat on his face was jumping wildly. This guy really dared to shoot, which meant that they were basically going to explain here.

Li Zedao blew the blue smoke on the muzzle, smiled slightly and said, "Master Gao, if you have time to talk nonsense, you might as well answer my question seriously...Oh, by the way, let me tell you about it next time. It will be your two legs, and then, it will be the thing among you... I think Master Wei wants you to be with him very much, right?"

"Right? Young Master Wei?" Li Zedao looked at Wei Xiaobao with a smile.

"...Yes..." Wei Xiaobao said in a voice that even felt strange to him. After the thing was cut with a knife, his voice became strange, and now it is even stranger.

And he can be regarded as a question asked by Li Zedao, right? So he answered, he didn't want to have a few more blood holes in his body like Gao Shenghan.

"Unexpectedly, you answered my question, and you answered it correctly. This is really a shame. I wanted to buy you a peanut?" Li Zedao said with regret.

"..." Wei Xiaobao suddenly felt that he was really **** witty.

"Master Gao, you can answer my question." Li Zedao said.

The pain went deep into the bones, and there were big beads of sweat appearing on Gao Shenghan’s forehead. His mouth was desperately sucking in cold breath, and his body was shaking, but he knew that his remaining "three legs" would be nothing more than answering his questions. I was about to suffer, so my voice trembled, "Yes..."

The answer was within Li Zedao's expectation, so there was not much consternation on his face, it was very calm... it was shot.

"Bang!" Gao Shenghan was shot in the knee of his left leg, shaking his body and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"...Ah...Li Zedao...I have already answered...Why did you shoot..." Gao Shenghan wailed in pain, and was so wronged, he had already answered it, and it was obvious that the answer was right. Yes, why did the opponent still shoot?

"Oh, the quality of the gun is not good, it has gone wrong." Li Ze said apologetically.


"The second question, at Sun Qingqing's concert, you asked Sun Qingqing to let me go on stage to sing, and in the end you designed me to slam Zhou Xiaolu and cause a conflict between me and Wei Xiaobao?" Li Zedao asked, speaking. She also glanced at the woman who was lying on the bed with her face covered by her long hair so that she could not see her face.

"Yes..." Gao Shenghan said very hard.

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded again, and Gao Shenghan was taken aback and almost fainted, but when he saw that his right knee didn't have gun holes, he was already slightly relieved.

Looking back, Wei Xiaobao was clutching his wrist tightly, and blood flowed down the gap between his fingers. The flesh-filled face was already extremely pale, and big beads of sweat came from his forehead. Came out.

"Why me?" Wei Xiaobao gritted his teeth, staring at Li Ze viciously.

"Because you are a stupid!" Li Zedao said coldly, "This thing was clearly done by Gao Shenghan, but in the end you let your bodyguards block me and demand my limbs, and because I am longer than You are handsome and you are going to destroy my appearance...I rely on, believe it or not, I also disfigured you? Forget it, for you, disfigurement is equivalent to plastic surgery..."

"..." Wei Xiaobao had a knife in his chest. He never felt that he was ugly. He felt that he looked very flavorful and he didn't believe you!

"Okay, the third question." Li Zedao said, looking at Gao Shenghan condescendingly, "Did you send someone to kill Hua Wuque, the son of Hua Shulin, and push it on me?"

"Yes..." Gao Shenghan gritted his teeth and said. By now, there is no point in concealing these things.

"Look, you have done so many bad things. It's not an exaggeration to chop you off a thousand knives?" Li Zedao said angrily. If it wasn't for his good character, if it wasn't for his skill, if it wasn't for his wit, any one of Gao Shenghan's three conspiracies could make him die very hard to see.

Gao Shenghan gritted his teeth, thinking about how to answer Li Zedao's difficult question in his opinion. Can't he say that he deserves a thousand cuts? What if he really cuts himself off a thousand knives? But if his answer makes him dissatisfied with his right thigh and knee, he will suffer.

What made him secretly relieved was that this stupid Li Zedao didn't treat that as a question at all, but said: "The fourth question... This time, Master Wei will answer it."

Gao Shenghan suddenly wanted to cry, and even felt absurd in his heart that this **** is actually very kind.

Wei Xiaobao's eyes were slightly squinted, with an extremely vicious gloom in his eyes.

"What shady conspiracy are you playing this time?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

Wei Xiaobao did not answer, but still stared at him with eyes that made Li Zedao very annoying.

"He treats himself as an idiot." Li Zedao was very angry, and then he shot, and Wei Xiaobao's other arm was simply shot.

"Um..." Wei Xiaobao exhaled in pain, so that the fat in his body twitched early, but he clenched his teeth tightly, and tried very hard not to let himself be born, and not to let himself be in front of Li Zedao. Shame.

He is a famous mad dog in Yanjing, he is cruel to others and even more cruel to himself! At this point, there was a qualitative difference between him and Gao Shenghan, at least Gao Shenghan couldn't get up to him.

"I want to see how long you can hold on." Li Zedao said with a cold smile.

As soon as the voice fell, the gunshot sounded again. Wei Xiaobao was shot in the knee of his left thigh, and his fat body slammed on the ground. Then he looked at Li Zedao and shouted viciously, "Yes. Did you do it right? You scrapped it for me, right?"

"Bang!" What answered him was a gunshot, and there was another gunshot eye with blood on his right thigh and knee, but Wei Xiaobao didn't have any pain. Instead, he laughed. His big fat face was twisted and his facial features were completely twisted together, like a lunatic with a sick brain.

"Haha...Kill me...Kill me...If you are a man, you shoot me in the head..."

Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to him, but looked at Gao Shenghan and said, "Master Wei is already crazy, so you can answer his questions...You don't want to become a **** like him?"

Gao Shenghan's body was pulled abruptly, and then he said, "I want to send you to the devil's cave."

"Devil's Cave?" Li Zedao was taken aback, "Where is that place?"

"Prison, China's most terrifying prison, once you enter, you can finally get out, and your body is not complete." Gao Shenghan answered truthfully.

"It seems that it is not so easy to enter the prison, right?" Li Zedao looked at the woman lying on the bed whose face was covered with hair and sneered. "She has the ability to send me in? It seems she It's a big star...Is that so?"

Yes, even though that woman’s face was covered by hair, Li Zedao recognized her. It was the one who had thousands of fans... Of course, Li Mengchen was not at all brains, she was just a little stupid... …Is the goddess Sun Qingqing who is the queen of Chinese entertainment industry.

Once on the Angel, Sun Qingqing played the piano in front of the piano like a goddess. At that time, Li Zedao knew that Sun Qingqing was the breakthrough point, but Bai Libing warned her that Sun Qingqing was indeed the breakthrough point, but he could not. Move her, this let Li Zedao know that Sun Qingqing's background is great, but she has not had a deep understanding.

Gao Shenghan was silent and then said, "Yes."

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