Gao Shenghan's end was miserable. He was shot in both arms and one thigh, and his little **** was shot to death. His handsome face that was enough to make those nymphomaniac scream was also knifed. It was scratched, the nose was gone, the eyeballs were dug out, the ears were also dropped... He was tortured with pain in the end and the blood in his body drained to death.

Wei Xiaobao's end was also tragic. The bodyguard who took the aphrodisiac seemed to like his huge hips so much. He played with him for more than an hour, so that later, his **** was cracked. Stools and the like came out, and when the chrysanthemum was invaded and unable to resist, Wei Xiaobao chose to bite off his tongue alive and committed suicide.

And Susan... Li Zedao felt that Susan was lucky, because he didn't know what to do with this woman who hated him to his bones, so he had to take her away from the neighborhood.

"" Susan's small face was full of horror, and the muscles on her face were twitching so badly that she couldn't even speak.

Li Zedao sneered, started the car, and then galloped forward and said: "What's wrong with me? What do you think I should do with you? Killing?"

Susan forced Li Ze to go to Fanyun Mountain to drive the car, which is equivalent to telling everyone that the two of them were together. So if any one person has an accident at this time, then the other person is most suspected. That's why The reason why Gao Shenghan wanted Susan to do this and finally wanted to push everything on her.

Of course, this is also the reason why Li Zedao should deal with Susan's headaches. Killing, definitely won't work, at least not now, don't kill... Then she must know that Gao Shenghan and Wei Xiaobao's death is related to her with her IQ. What should I do if I'm blind?

Susan's face changed drastically several times, and then she was silent. For a while, she said in a hoarse and low voice: "You are okay, then it proves that... Gao Shenghan and Wei Xiaobao... are dead?"

"You are really smart." Li Zedao smiled bitterly, "How can I rest assured that you can live like this?"

"You kill me." Susan leaned weakly on the back of the seat, and said with a trace of sadness in her tired voice. Her eyes slowly closed, and a teardrop fell from the corner of her eyes.

The words that Gao Shenghan said before she fainted that made her feel like she had fallen into an ice cell.

"It may take longer."

"It doesn't matter, no matter how long, I will wait for you."

"You may not be able to wait."

"No, I'll wait for you for a long time. I've liked you since I was a kid, and I told myself that you didn't marry."

"You really can't wait, because what I'm talking about the next life...If there is a chance in the next life, I will marry you at that time, as a compensation for you."

"You...what did you say?"

"I think many people have seen that Li Zedao was taken away by you, so you have to die and bear all the things. In this way, Wei Shao and I can be safer..."

Susan was crying, crying silently, her body twitching violently. One can imagine how fluctuating her heart is now. She found that she was a big fool, a joke.

She wanted to eat Li Zedao, who peeled her skin, eat her flesh, drank her blood, gnawed her bones, and gnawed her bones, but saved her life time and time again; and Gao Shenghan, who she loved since she was a child, turned her to the edge of hell. Kick...this made her heart feel like being swiped by a knife, one after another, and the pain was extremely severe.

Seeing her like this, Li Zedao shook his head slightly. Although he was not very comfortable, he would still be a little bit after all? But he didn't want to comfort Susan, and didn't know how to comfort her, so he pretended not to know that she was crying silently over there, and even turned on the radio and listened to the song.

But her head is faintly aching, what should we do with her? Kill her? No, no, let alone dead. Even if he is missing, everyone will think of him. Who will let yourself be with her at night? Let her go? No, no, what if she goes out and mumbles?

I don't know how long she has been crying, Susan raised her head, sobbed, and then said hoarsely, "Kill me."

"Kill you?" Li Zedao sneered, "This is a legal society. I can't pay you if I kill you? If you really want to die, how about... you commit suicide?"

Li Zedao thinks this is a good way. If Susan really commits suicide, he doesn't have to worry about how to deal with her.

"Okay, I committed suicide." Susan nodded and said, her eyes were dead gray, without any color.

"... Are you... serious?" Li Zedao almost bit his tongue, but when he saw Susan's eyes, she was shocked. She was not just talking, she really wanted to commit suicide. Because only those who want to die will have such eyes that are completely numb and without any expression.

"Stop," Susan said.

"...Have you really considered it?"


"Hey, don't forget, you still have parents who care about you, you have grandpa, you have other relatives, you have friends... how sad they would be if you committed suicide? Have you considered for them?"

"Do I need to think about them?" Susan asked.

"..." Li Zedao almost slapped him over. He was so irritated by Susan's innocence. He wondered why she didn't shoot her on the wall.

"They gave birth to you and raised you, shouldn't you think about them? Are they also your enemies and want to pay for your death?"

Susan was silent.

"Aside from this aspect, you don't want to think about it. You have money to spend, you have sports cars, you have expensive clothes, and expensive bags. You can eat whatever you want, and you can play wherever you want. ...How can you want to commit suicide when your life is so colorful?"

"How many little people are working hard for more than ten hours a day, their backbones are bent, there is no such thing as dignity, but they are paid such a meager salary, but there is a happy smile on their faces, and they feel that tomorrow There is hope, and I dare not say the word'death' lightly, but what about you?"

"Gao Shenghan..." Susan's eyes were dull, and her voice was low, without any human emotions, just like the sound made by a robot.

"Your sister, Gao Shenghan is a fart. You don't even want to use you as a tool to kill you for a man who kicks you into a ghost gate for a man who wants to die and live doesn't think it is a very Isn’t that stupid behavior? Doesn’t it mean that others don’t want you?" Li Zedao angrily scolded, "You are so young and beautiful, and you will always find another person who you like and he will protect you. of……"



Susan nodded and said: "Okay, then I will not commit suicide. I will not let my parents, my grandfather, and friends who care about me feel sad; I will live a good life and wear the most beautiful clothes. Eat the best food, drive the most dazzling sports car, find the one I like and he likes that I can protect me... OK?"

"Of course you can think like this..." Li Zedao's expression was slightly stiff after speaking, as if there was something wrong.

Then soon, he thought of what was wrong. If she didn't commit suicide, wouldn't she have a headache again, or should she kill her?

"I want to live well, do you still want to kill me?" Susan asked Li Zedao with big eyes.

"...It seems that I did another stupid thing." Li Zedao narrowed his eyes and said.

"You're just too soft, especially for those young and beautiful girls." Susan said.

"..." Li Zedao felt that this guy was shameless, and brought his own when he praised others.

"You didn't want to commit suicide at all, did you?" Li Zedao asked.

"No, I really want to commit suicide." Susan looked at Li Zedao and said, "It's just that after hearing what you said, she suddenly felt that she was really stupid. She accompanied her to life for a low-hearted **** like Gao Shenghan. Obviously this is a very stupid behavior, so I suddenly realized that I won't commit suicide, I want to live well, I want to live happily...Do you still want to kill me?"

"Yes." Li Zedao said seriously, "You are not dead, I have trouble sleeping and eating, who knows if you will sell me when you turn around? You have done things like that many times."

Susan shook her head and said, "I'm not doing that kind of thing anymore."

"you're lying……"

"Others have always chased me, I haven't taken the initiative to chase others..."

"You are lying." Li Zedao corrected with a look of contempt, "Why didn't you take the initiative to chase after someone else's Gao Shenghan?"

"That's a crush."


"So I want to take the initiative to pursue someone else once, that person is you..."

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and the corners of her mouth twitched and twitched. At the moment, she was speechlessly interrupted and said, "You see you are lying again..."

Susan took care of herself. She looked at Li Zedao seriously and said: "I want to chase you, I want to like you, I want to be liked by you and protected by you, just like Su Xuan."

"...You are sick..." Li Zedao was dumbfounded.

"This is revenge." Susan said with a serious face, "You took away my dignity, took away my pride, took away my first kiss, and took away my body... Now, you are responsible to me."

"I'm sick!" Li Zedao said angrily. He felt like being played as a monkey.

"No illness, but my aunt is here." Susan said, "I have to find a place to deal with it, otherwise it will leak."


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