Yan Jing seemed a little restless in the past two days, and both black and white were eager to dig three feet to find a person named "Li Bin". Even Bai Dao issued a wanted order, offering clues about Li Bin to reward fifty. Ten thousand yuan, and capturing it will reward one million.

The underworld also used a hidden flower to buy Li Bin's head at a price of two million.

But most people don't know who Li Bin is, let alone what terrible thing he has committed that caused both black and white to have him attacked.

Li Zedao knows who Li Bin is and where Li Bin is now, but he will not sell Li Bin for those hundreds of thousands, not because he doesn't want those hundreds of thousands, nor because Li Bin is him. His relatives and friends, but because Li Bin was hidden by him.

Li Bin is the bodyguard of Gao Shenghan!

At this moment, Li Zedao was sitting in a very romantic cafe, gently stirring the cup of cappuccino Su Xuan had ordered for him. From his limited perspective, it was clearly a cup of coffee. Why? What cappuccino do you want to say? Or is it just another name for coffee called cappuccino?

Or to the waiter, waiter, come for a cappuccino... Does this look more tasteful?

Li Zedao tried it in his heart, and he really felt that such a statement seemed more lofty, more connotative, and more identity.

"Nothing you want to tell me?" Su Xuan said lightly, staring at him with her eyes.

Alice came naturally too, but she didn't go to the bathroom and she hadn't come back yet.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for two or three days, some... miss you..." Li Zedao's expression was a little shy.

"..." Su Xuan didn't answer, her as if talking eyes kept looking at Li Zedao, she was waiting for an answer, instead of listening to him saying some sweet words that made her a little uncomfortable but like it very much.

"Okay, can't I confess?" Li Zedao raised his hand and surrendered with a smile, "It was indeed me who did it, and I blamed all the crimes on the bodyguard with the surname Gao."

The gun belonged to Li Bin, and his fingerprints were all on the gun. Wei Xiaobao's semen-liquid was also contained in the exploded chrysanthemum. In addition, the room was originally Li Bin's previous residence, and the corpses of Gao Shenghan, Wei Xiaobao and Sun Qingqing After being found, Li Bin was in a state of losing contact, so naturally, Li Bin did the whole thing.

As for where Li Bin is now, whether he is alive or dead, only Li Zedao knows.

Su Xuan’s face changed slightly. Although I suspected that the deaths of Wei Xiaobao, Gao Shenghan, and Sun Qingqing were related to Li Zedao, now I heard him admit that her mentality is far stronger than that of ordinary people, but she still has a kind of mentality. I can’t accept it. After all, Gao Shenghan, Wei Xiaobao, and Sun Qingqing have too many backgrounds. If one of them is not wiped clean, then what is waiting for Li Zedao will be a disaster.

He lowered his voice and said, "Why?"

"The surname of Gao Lianhe and Wei want to repeat the old things." Li Zedao said with a wry smile.

"What do you mean." Su Xuan frowned.

"In the First Hospital of Phoenix City, the surname Gao Jian harmed me and made me care about Bailibing, who was in a coma. I completely offended Baili’s family to death. If my mother hadn’t come forward, Baili Changhe would have Throw me down from the eleventh floor." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, "Now the surname Gao wants to repeat the old things..."

"Sun Qingqing?" Su Xuan's expression changed. She knew Sun Qingqing's details, and she also knew that if Li Zedao strengthened Sun Qingqing, it would be tantamount to offending those big men in the army and ruining herself.

Even if he was Xiao Qiangwei's son, it would be useless. It is undeniable that Xiao Qiangwei's background is very big, but in any case, she can't reach the military, and those military leaders will not give her face.

"Yeah, the one with the surname Gao is so kind to me that he wants to send me his woman..." Li Zedao has a trace of hostility in his eyes, "You must not know how many legs Sun Qingqing has with the surname Gao, right?"

"I only know that they have a good relationship." Su Xuan said with a frown.

"You don't even know that at that time, Sun Qingqing was already a corpse, right?" Li Zedao said again.

Su Xuan's eyes widened suddenly: "She was given by Gao Shenghan..."

Li Zedao nodded and said: "In order to implement his plan, Gao Shenghan killed Sun Qingqing in advance... Do you know how Gao Shenghan told me? He said that he was doing ai with Sun Qingqing. When Cao, I killed her, so it's worth her..."

Su Xuan's brows were even more frowning, and her face was even more ugly. On the one hand, she was shocked by Gao Shenghan's cruelty. On the other hand, Li Zedao's words were too explicit, making this lady of the yellow flower a little embarrassed, so she took a sip Coffee, feeling the bitterness that fills my taste buds, I feel calmer and feel better.

But I understood why Li Zedao took the risk to kill Gao Shenghan and Wei Xiaobao, because he had already reached the point where he had to kill him.

"The tail is cleaned up?" Su Xuan asked with some worry.

"No." Li Zedao wryly smiled, "There is still a big tail that I haven't dealt with, and I don't know how to deal with it."

Su Xuan's eyes widened suddenly, and she said anxiously, "Student Li, don't joke with me."

"I'm serious." Li Zedao smiled. Su Xuan was so anxious, it made his heart warm and sweet.

Seeing Li Zedao this way, Su Xuan calmed down instead, and after taking a sip of coffee, her expression was already calm. Li Zedao quietly looked at her face, looked at her eyes, looked at her nose, looked at her small mouth, looked at the posture of her drinking coffee, and then... the saliva flowed down.

It is said that they are beautiful and delicious, and Li Zedao now finally understands the true meaning of this sentence.

"You're drooling." Su Xuan pointed to the corner of Li Zedao's mouth and said, but there was some inexplicable sweetness in her heart. She liked Li Zedao to stare at her like an idiot.

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled, quickly took out a paper towel and wiped it, and then said, "There is indeed a tail that has not been dealt with, and I don't know how to deal with it?"

"Li Bin?" Su Xuan asked curiously, "Since you killed both of those two people, why didn't you kill them?"

"Not him, but your nervous cousin, Susan."

"..." Su Xuan's beautiful big eyes widened again.

"Who do you think tricked me to go to the place with the surname Gao?" Li Ze said, there was a hint of evil in the corner of his mouth, "It is Susan, she threatened me with the safety of those friends around me and let me get in her car. I got in obediently, and she took me to Fanyun Mountain with a chariot called a ladyboy..."

"Shemale? Dongfang Ming?" Su Xuan asked.

"I only know that he is a disgusting looking guy who is neither male nor female. As for his name, I don't know." Li Zedao said with a shrug.

"That's Dongfang Ming, the eldest young master of the Dongfang family." Su Xuan nodded and said, "The entire Yanjing's young brothers, he is the only one who has that...hobby."

Su Xuan's brow furrowed as she said, and she was disgusted by Dongfang Ming's hobby.

"After that, Susan still threatened me with the safety of those friends around me and asked me to ride the car with the ladyboy. If I lose and get on his bed obediently, how can I get on his bed? Isn't this an insult?" Li Ze said Said very angrily.

"If you dare to get into his bed, I'll..." Su Xuan shut up, her face flushed.

"Just what? Don't let me go to bed?" Li Zedao asked with an ambiguous smile.

Su Xuan gave Li Zedao a white look, and did not answer, but stirred the coffee.

Li Zedao smiled and continued: "After that, I won him without any suspense. I won him a sports car... Oh, it was the yellow Lamborghini that I drove at the door. After that, Susan used ** I was dizzy, and then sent to the place with the surname Gao."

Su Xuan frowned and nodded, and said in a chilly tone: "Gao Shenghan is going to push all the blame on her? So let her take you for a run around Yunshan in advance?"

"That's true." Li Zedao said with a wry smile, "This way, not only will I be finished, but the Su family will also suffer. This move of the surname Gao also wants to indirectly use the hands of those military leaders to suppress the Su family. , I just don’t know if the **** has expired, I’m not stunned, so after I got to the house, a Jedi came to fight back and killed them all, but Susan couldn’t kill them, that The ladyboy knows that I am with her. If something happens to her, everyone will quickly think of me."

"It's true, but you can't let her go, can't you?" Su Xuan frowned. She remembered the scene when she met Susan in the morning. She actually greeted herself with a smile on her face, as if the relationship between their sisters was so good, which made Su Xuan secretly wary in her heart, who knows her What do you want to do again.

"What can I do if I don't let her go?" Li Zedao smiled helplessly, "You know? After I took her out of the house, she actually wanted to commit suicide. My heart softened, so I persuaded a few words... In fact, what I originally meant was that if you want to commit suicide, it is of course the best, but can you not commit suicide tonight? You can go home and get a good night's sleep before committing suicide..."

"..." Su Xuan's face was speechless. When anyone commits suicide, she would sleep well beforehand and give her energy?

"In this way, no matter what happens to her, it has nothing to do with me, isn't it?" Li Zedao said annoyedly, "Who knows..."

Li Zedao looked depressed.

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