"She didn't commit suicide. She also said that she would not let her parents, her grandfather, and friends who care about her feel sad. She would live a good life, wear the most beautiful clothes, eat the best food, and open The most dazzling sports car, find the one she likes and he likes that she can protect her, she wants to live happily..."

Li Zedao was a little squeaky: "She also said...and said..."

"I also said that she wants to chase you...right?" Su Xuan said as she looked at Li Zedao with big eyes, with a calm look.

Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in a daze, "How do you know?"

"The plot of a novel usually develops like that, isn't it?" Su Xuan said.


"You must be happy in your heart?" Su Xuan said again.

"..." Li Zedao almost spurted out a mouthful of blood, where is he so happy? He has a headache, okay?

"Are you... jealous?" Li Zedao asked.

"You think too much." Su Xuan shook her head and denied. She picked up her coffee and tasted it in a calm manner.

But I also understand why when I met Susan in the morning, she would smile to herself and say the kind of words that were completely unimaginable to her. You must know that when the two of them met in the past, it was you. I sneered at me and I sneered at you.

It’s just that she’s not really jealous, because she is not qualified to be jealous, she just...well, I think it’s a little weird, yes, it’s weird. Following Li Zedao's words, and in the future the two sisters will have the same man at the same time... well, that feeling is even more weird.

"Even if she wants to chase me, I won't accept it." Li Zedao said, "I have no interest in such a woman."

"Really?" Su Xuan didn't believe it.

"Really!" Li Zedao said earnestly. Su Xuan's eyes hurt him very much. Could it be that he is the kind of man who is so unbearable as long as it's a woman...Is it right, it's the kind of man that every beautiful woman wants? I’m not that kind of person, OK?

Su Xuan put down the coffee cup, then squinted at Li Zedao and said faintly: "Since you said that, I will pretend to believe you."

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, he still didn't believe it, didn't he?

"But this is also a good result." Su Xuan stirred the coffee again, "I don't want you to have something wrong, but I don't want to see her accident. Although I still don't have a lot of favor with her, if she is really right If you are interesting, you will not betray you."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, unwilling to continue entangled in this matter, but said: "I will be back to China tomorrow."

"My family is a little messy now. I'm staying in Yanjing for a few days, and I will go to Phoenix when school starts." Su Xuan nodded and said, "I have been admitted to Phoenix University. Should you congratulate me?"

"...That's great, what kind of professional? Archeology? If yes, then we can continue to be classmates." Li Zedao smiled.

"Idiot." Su Xuan said, the corners of her mouth were already curled up a little bit enough to eclipse everything around her.


The plane landed at Phoenix International Airport. It was already past seven o'clock in the evening. Li Zedao pushed a suitcase with one hand and walked outside. Smelling the slightly humid and salty air in Phoenix City, Li Zedao felt a little emotional in his heart. When he was outside, there were several times he thought he was going to confess that he would not be able to return there. Fortunately, he finally turned away from danger. Up.

And in a while, you can see He Xiaoyu, Nintendo, and Li Mengchen. Thinking about it, it makes people feel excited... the hormones have increased dramatically.

Li Zedao didn't tell He Xiaoyu what they were going to come back, so he wanted to surprise them.

Alice did not follow her back, but stayed in Yanjing. On the one hand, she can ensure Su Xuan’s safety. On the other hand, Su Xuan can also teach her Chinese and take her to eat all kinds of delicious food and play with them. After the school starts, I will return to Phoenix City with Su Xuan for the scenic spots I haven't played.

Wu Xin was also returning to Phoenix City with Li Zedao. At this time, she was following Li Zedao in a hurry, but her eyes were always on Li Zedao and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After walking to the exit, Li Zedao looked back at Wu Xin and smiled: "Your parents didn't come to pick you up?"

Wu Xin shook her head and said, "I didn't tell them that I'm coming back today." She muttered in her heart. People still want you to send them home. How can they be picked up? And when Wu Xin called her home last night, she learned that tonight, his father needs to work overtime in the hospital and has a very important operation to be done. As for her mother, she has returned to her family's home and is not at home tonight.

"Then I will send you home first." Li Zedao nodded and smiled.

"Okay." Wu Xin smiled, her eyes sparkling, like the stars hanging in the sky at this time.

The two went out and stopped a taxi. After Li Zedao put the suitcase in the trunk, he pulled the car door and got in and sat next to Wu Xin. Then Wu Xin told the driver an address.

"I'm back at last." Wu Xin stretched her waist, making a soft sound like a lazy cat, and then she stretched her waist and moved her body a little to the right to move herself closer to Li Ze... Humph, want to get rid of Miss Ben, no way!

"I have taken us around these days. Thank you for your hard work." Li Zedao smiled and said sincerely. He felt that he was too close to Wu Xin, so he moved his body to the right subconsciously.

"It's really hard work." Wu Xin said with a playful smile, "The body is hard, and the heart is also tired..." As she continued to move her body pretending to be unconscious, this bastard, so disgusted with herself?


"Yeah." Wu Xin glanced at Li Zedao and complained, "I see you and Alice every day, and you flirt with that Su Xuan who is flirting with each other, and I'm a single dog."

"Haha, that's not what you want." Li Zedao smiled, "If you are willing, there are thousands of people who like you even if you don't have tens of thousands, right?"

"I don't believe it, no one likes me?" Wu Xin looked at Li Zedao with big eyes with a hint of shyness, "You don't like me..."

"..." Li Zedao sneered, and he really couldn't continue this sentence.

"I was joking with you." Wu Xin pursed her lips and smiled, but her heart was a little sad.

"Oh, by the way, how is your monitor?" Li Zedao changed the subject.

"Follow him." Wu Xin said depressed, she had kindly called and asked about Liang Bo's situation, but it was Pan Xiaoting who answered the phone, and Pan Xiaoting even scolded her on the phone, and then Chen Danmeng and Li Yu and Sun Peng also left messages to her one after another, saying that the friendship between them had been cut off, and they would never regard her as their friends in the future.

What's so great about one cut and one cut?

Wu Xin was depressed and depressed, but she didn't think that losing these friends was a big deal. What she cared about was Li Zedao's attitude towards her.

Seeing this, Li Zedao said apologetically: "I'm really sorry that you have lost some friends."

"It's not okay to verbally, you must treat me to a big meal." Wu Xin pursed her mouth and said jokingly.

"Okay, you decide the time and place." Li Zedao smiled.

"That's what you said." Wu Xin was so happy, she was already thinking about what clothes to wear when asked about Li Ze.

The taxi stopped at the gate of the community where Wu Xin lived.

Li Zedao got off the car and helped Wu Xin take the suitcase from the trunk and said, "Wu Xin, then you should rest early. I'll go back first."

"Aren't you going up?" Wu Xin asked.

"The other day." Li Zedao glanced at the community and said, thinking that it was not a good thing to go home with her this night. What if his parents misunderstood?

"But...I can't carry the suitcase." Wu Xin said with a little embarrassment, sticking out her tongue, "Ze Dao, can you help me get it? Please?"

"Uh...that..." Li Zedao wanted to say, you can ask your dad to come down and pick you up, but after thinking about it, would it be too impersonal if you really want to say this? Is it too much a man?

"My parents are not at home tonight, my dad is working overtime in the hospital tonight, and my mom is back to my grandma's house." Wu Xin looked at Li Ze hopefully, "Although no one will come down to help me name Li...please It's..."

"Family...no one?" Li Ze twitched.

"That's it, thank you..." Before Li Zedao could answer, Wu Xin smiled, with a touch of shame in her eyes and turned around to pay for the car.

After the taxi left, Wu Xin said to Li Zedao: "Zedao, let's go. Inside the third building, Unit 301, unit 2, is my home. Remember, so I won't get lost later."

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, and followed behind with the luggage, thinking that she wouldn't enter after the door of her house.

After entering the unit and walking into the elevator to the third floor, Wu Xin found the key from the small bag she carried, and when she was about to insert it into the keyhole to open the door, Li Zedao frowned suddenly, and her hand stretched out. After going over, he grabbed Wu Xin's wrist.

In an instant, Wu Xin's pretty face flushed, and she only felt that her heart was about to jump out. Wouldn't he want to mess with herself here, so hate it, wouldn't it be better to enter the house?

The sound is like a mosquito: "Ze Dao...you..."

"Hush!" Li Zedao whispered in her ear, "Don't talk."

Wu Xin stopped talking, her face turned redder, and her heart beat faster, and then she slowly closed her eyes and licked her lips gently.

"Come on." She thought to herself.

"There is a thief." Li Zedao said immediately.


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