The lights in the corridor were dim, and the surroundings were even quieter. In this case, a handsome guy and a beautiful lady appeared. The handsome guy held the hand of the beautiful lady with one hand, and the mouth whispered in her ear. , What will they do next?

Surely there will be a dark kiss first, right? I'm sorry for the dim light, I'm sorry for the silent but ambiguous environment, I'm sorry for the handsome guy and the beauty.

That's what Wu Xin thought, so although she was extremely nervous, she felt very exciting and sweet, so she closed her eyes and said emotionally in her heart: "Come on!"

But Li Zedao's next sentence was like a basin of cold water poured heavily on her head...A thief?

What is a thief? What is a thief? Wait... there is a thief?

Wu Xin's eyes widened suddenly, and she exclaimed, "A thief?"

But before she was too late to exclaim, her mouth was already covered by Li Zedao's hands. The next second Li Zedao's low voice sounded in her ears: "Don't make too much noise... You didn't mean your father today I worked overtime in the hospital that night. Did your mother go to your grandma's house? But I heard a small movement inside, so I'm afraid I've been robbed."

Just before the key in Wu Xin's hand was about to be inserted into the keyhole, Li Zedao had already heard a strange noise coming from the room, like the sound of turning over things, and it seemed that something was still on the ground.

Li Zedao let go of the hand covering Wu Xin's mouth.

Wu Xin's face has changed slightly, and she whispered: "Then...what should I do now?" Although she listened and didn't hear the movement that Li Zedao was referring to, she knew that Li Zedao was not so boring. She made such a joke.

"Catch the thief." Li Zedao whispered.

"Be careful...Should you call the police?" Wu Xin said worriedly.

"When the police arrive, the thief might run away." Li Zedao whispered, "Don't worry, if I'm alright, give me the key."

Wu Xin quickly passed the key in her hand after hearing this.

Li Zedao took it, as if returning to his own home, he inserted the key through the keyhole and twisted, making some movement while paying attention to the situation inside.

Sure enough, just as he expected, the original sound of turning things inside had disappeared. In other words, the people inside had stopped working after hearing the sound of unlocking.

While there was a sneer at the corner of Li Zedao's mouth, he opened the lock with the key, and then pushed the door open. The inside was completely dark, but for Li Zedao, in this environment, he could still clearly see the situation inside. He used to stay in a container darker than this for more than a week, and because of his internal force, he had already had the ability to see things in the dark.

Wu Xin only felt that her heartbeat was about to jump to her throat, and her little hand was a little helplessly clutching the clothes on Li Zedao's waist. She even wanted to be tight if she was not afraid of affecting Li Zedao's actions. Hugged his waist.

Li Zedao strode in. Although he didn't see where the thief was hiding now, he felt a slightly rapid breathing. It is conceivable that the thief became nervous when he saw someone open the door. The breathing became thicker and faster.

And the breathing came from the floor-to-ceiling curtain on the left, in other words, the thief was hiding behind the thick curtain.

"Where is the light switch?" Li Zedao turned around and smiled at Wu Xin, his tone was very ordinary, he could not lower his voice, and did not put the thief in his eyes. With his current ability, such a thief would slap the least. You can shoot two dead.

Wu Xin saw that Li Zedao was so relaxed and determined, she was already relaxed, she reached out to the wall and pressed the switch of the lamp holder on the wall. In an instant, the crystal chandelier in the middle of the hall was lit, and the whole hall was like daylight. of.

And her other hand is still holding the clothes on Li Zedao's waist... It's not because of fear, it's just that there is such a good excuse to hold his clothes close to him, how can you not grab enough at once?

In the next second, that pretty face was full of anger, and the drawers and cabinets in the TV cabinet were all opened, and the contents inside were turned upside down, and there were no signs on the ground. There were few debris turned out, and obviously, these debris couldn't get into the thief's eyes, so they were thrown there at will.

Li Zedao looked back at Wu Xin, who was still holding onto her clothes, and smiled helplessly: "That... don't worry, it's okay."

"...I'm afraid..." Wu Xin said, taking advantage of Li Zedao's arm, but her big eyes turned around, wanting to see where the **** thief was hiding.

Li Zedao had a dumbfounded expression on his face, then pointed to the curtain and said, "Hiding there."

Wu Xin's gaze fell on the curtain, and then she shouted in an annoyed voice: "Hey, thief, we have found you hiding behind the curtain, why don't we come out?"

The curtains were lifted, and a tall and thin boy with a sallow complexion and a little malnourished came out. The boy was wearing a sportswear that could no longer see the color, and his feet were a pair of khaki sail-bag sneakers. The shoes were washed. It's very clean, but it's full of patches.

At this moment, he was holding a fruit knife in his right hand that looked bright in the light, and he was staring at Li Zedao and Wu Xin with that kind of hollow eyes.

Wu Xin saw that the other party had a weapon, and her eyes were very unfriendly, her heart was tight, and she firmly grasped Li Zedao's arm, and her body was tightly attached to his arm.

Li Zedao felt the softness on his arm and was already a little embarrassed, but he let Wu Xin eat his tofu, then looked at the boy and said, "Give me a reason to steal."

I don’t know why I saw this boy, Li Zedao remembered his previous self. Before, his face was sallow, and he wore ragged clothes. The shoes on his feet were also patched. His eyes were always the same. Sex is empty and numb, as if you can't see the future or don't know that there is such a thing.

"Let...I go, I don't want to hurt people." The boy said with a dull expression.

"It seems that you need money very much." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, without taking the threat of the other party to heart.

He also swept a circle on the ground, but found that there was a mobile phone on the ground, and a string of jade necklaces, which can be regarded as relatively valuable things, but the other party didn’t install it but threw it there, but There was a shiny golden piggy bank whose belly lid was opened, so Li Zedao concluded that the other party's purpose was very clear. It was for money, even if it was a steel peg.

The boy was silent, still saying: "Let me go, I don't want to hurt people."

"How much money do you need? What do you want to do with that money?" Li Zedao asked.

"Let me go, I don't want to hurt people."

"The reason satisfies me. I can give you money without holding you accountable." Li Zedao said, then looked at Wu Xin, "Wu Xin, is this... okay?" After all, it was Wu Xin's home that the other party stolen. , Li Zedao naturally had to ask her opinions and thoughts.

"...I listen to you." Wu Xin nodded, and then added, "I listen to you in everything." After speaking, her pretty face was already slightly red.

"..." Li Zedao felt that Wu Xin's last ambiguous sentence was redundant.

"Let me go, I don't want to hurt people." The boy still said this shriveled sentence, looking at Li Zedao with a dull expression in his eyes. In his heart, he did not believe what the other party said.

"If I don't want you to go, you can't go." Li Zedao said lightly.

Wu Xin thought to herself that these two people finally spoke on the same channel.

The boy stopped speaking, and Li Zedao walked towards Li Zedao and Wu Xin step by step.

Li Zedao noticed it. His hand holding the knife was trembling gently, and his two legs that were moving forward were also shaking gently. He sighed and said, "Why don't you believe it? Maybe I can really help you? Also, the knife is about to be squeezed, and it's almost slipping from your hand to the ground."

"..." The boy stopped, a touch of complexity in his dull eyes.

"You tell me what you want money for, if it's really useful, then I'll give it to you." Li Zedao said in an unquestionable tone.

The boy was silent, and then said: "Dialysis..."

"Dialysis?" Li Zedao's face changed slightly, "Uremia?"

"Yes, uremia." The boy said with his head slightly lowered. "My dad has uremia and needs 500 yuan for dialysis. I have nowhere to raise money, so I had to come out and steal it."

Li Zedao's face was pale and nodded. He remembered that Li Dahai had come. Wasn't it because Li Dahai had uremia at the time, the expensive operation fee completely crushed his family, so that he had to go to the sky bridge and kneel He was asking for money, but in the end he didn't ask for money. Li Dahai found a place where no one was left and died quietly so as not to hinder him.

This boy was in exactly the same situation as himself at that time. At that time, he also thought about stealing. Of course, he had to pick those who are rich to steal. After all, thousands of dollars for them might be just a meal. .

But after all, I didn't have the courage to steal...Yes, not because it was shameful to steal, but because I didn't have the courage, the courage, and the skill.

This boy has more courage than he was at that time.

Wu Xin, who was holding Li Zedao's arm tightly, had already reddened her eyes, and she had changed her mind about the thief in her heart.

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