"Are you a student?" Li Zedao asked with a sigh in his heart.

Thinking of my previous situation, and looking at the situation of the boy in front of me at this time, I was already full of emotion. If I didn't meet the evil liar old man, but met a sympathetic person like myself. , Is it possible for Li Dahai to die quietly without using such an unacceptable way?

Although Li Zedao didn’t know the origin of the other party, only by relying on his clothes, he knew that this was a person living at the bottom of the society, and his standard of living was not even as good as that of Li Dahai before, because the clothes Li Zedao had worn before It's shabby, but it's a little better than what this boy wears at this time.

Such people are like ants, inconspicuous, insignificant but everywhere, living in the darkness of this glorious city, no one cares about them, does not love them, everyone looks at them when they see them. Disgustingly walked away and said to their children, son, look, if you don’t study well, you will be like them, and you can’t live as good as the second...the second is their family. A dog!

Becoming a negative teaching material in the eyes of others may be their only value for survival.

And if they get sick at random, it is very possible to deprive them of their last so-called dignity, or kneel down to ask for money, just like Li Zedao did at that time, or take the risk and do something illegal, just like the boy in front of him.

Li Zedao suddenly remembered his previous conversation with Nintendo.

"Little man, just wait for Sister Ren to help you make money. After you have a lot of money, what do you want to do the most?"

"Buy a computer."

"It's so boring, what's a computer? My old lady can give you ten or eight...except this?"

"Establish a caring institution to provide help to patients who have uremia but have no conditions for treatment."


Now for Li Zedao, buying a computer is no longer a problem. The bank card in his pocket is enough for him to buy thousands of computers.

"It's time to set up a caring institution." Li Zedao looked at the boy and thought in his heart.

"Yes, after the beginning of school, I will go to the third year of high school and go to the first middle school." The boy looked up at Li Zedao and said truthfully, "but dropped out of school for half a year."

"No. 1 Middle School..." Li Zedao nodded slightly, thinking of Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan's weak and introverted sister, Zhou Qian, who is also a student in No. 1 Middle School, and she will also go to high school.

"Do you know Zhou Qian?"

"Zhou Qian?" There was a hint of color in the man's dull eyes, then he nodded and said, "There is Zhou Qian in our class, but I don't know if it is the Zhou Qian you mentioned."

"That should be." Li Zedao said, "She also goes to the first middle school, and she also goes to high school after the vacation. She is my sister."

Wu Xin glanced at Li Zedao curiously, thinking that he actually has a younger sister? But it shouldn't be her own sister. After all, the girl's surname is Zhou... Isn't she the love sister? Okay, this bastard, even a high school student who hasn't grown up is willing to let it go.

The boy glanced at Li Zedao, then slowly lowered his head.

"What is your name?"

"Yang Cheng."

Li Zedao nodded and didn't say anything. Instead, he touched his pocket, but he was a little embarrassed. He only had some change in his pocket. After all, he either didn't spend any money, or he just swiped back to Yanjing Keller. Li Zedao later checked the bank card that Bobil gave him. The bank card had 10 million Chinese coins in it.

"Wu Xin, do you have cash? Lend me some." Li Zedao looked at Wu Xin and said.

"Yes." Wu Xin nodded and then let go of Li Zedao's arm with a bit of reluctance, took out the wallet from her pocket, took out the hundred yuan bills in it and handed it to Li Zedao.

Li Ze handed the money to the boy without counting and said, "Take it."

The boy didn't reach out to pick it up, but said, "Thank you...but I don't need that much money."

"It's not just a dialysis." Li Zedao said with a slight smile. He didn't say anything later, and he knew that this dull looking boy understood what he meant.

"I only took one thousand, which is enough for my father to do two dialysis." The boy said, "I will not steal it...I will pay it back."

Seeing the boy's dull eyes with a trace of determination, Li Zedao nodded, and immediately drew a thousand yuan and handed it to him.

The boy took it and put the money carefully into his underwear pocket. Then he took a step back, took it in the other pocket, and took out a handful of steel pegs, just from the golden piggy bank. The one poured out from inside, bent over and placed it on the ground, and put the knife on the ground. Then he knelt down and knocked his head three times against Li Zedao.

"Sorry for messing up your house," the boy said.

"Thank you, I will pay you back." The boy said again.

Then he stood up and walked out of the house slowly under the gaze of Li Zedao and Wu Xin.

"Very individual." Li Zedao said.

"It's so pitiful." Wu Xin's eyes flushed, "I hope his father is okay." The scene when the boy just took out the steel screw and knelt down and kowtow completely shocked her.

Li Zedao shook his head slightly and said in a low voice: "Seeing him, I thought of myself a few months ago."

"Thinking of myself a few months ago?" Wu Xin's eyes widened slightly, her face was unbelievable. After all, Li Zedao's ability and financial resources are now in two worlds than the boy before. people.

"You too... have you stolen?" Wu Xin asked.

"That's not true." Li Zedao said somewhat self-deprecatingly as his eyes fell on the window covered by the curtain. The breeze blew in through the window and moved the curtains. In other words, the window was open and the boy climbed up from the window.

"At that time I didn't have the courage and skill." Li Zedao said with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Ze Dao...what's the matter with you?" Seeing Li Zedao showing that look, Wu Xin was so distressed that she grabbed his arm and said, "Tell me, OK?

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Li Zedao secretly exhaled and said with a slight smile, "The house is messed up. I will help you clean up, and then you can rest early."

Wu Xin's face turned pale, and she said pitifully: "I... don't dare... what if I'm a thief? I'm afraid... will you stay?" She said with fear and hope in her eyes. He looked at Li Zedao shyly.

"Uh... okay." Li Zedao nodded and said. The thief has just entered the house. It is not good to leave Wu Xin alone in this kind of thing. Furthermore, Li Zedao knows that he is not in this time, He Xiaoyu Nintendo and Li Mengchen both live in Xiao Qiangwei's villa.

"Really..." Wu Xin looked excited, and she shook Li Zedao's arm, "Great, I won't be afraid if you are here..."

"Um... let's sort things out first." Li Zedao was a little confused by her shaking.

Wu Xin smiled embarrassedly, then let go of Li Zedao's arm, ran to close the door and locked it, then took out a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet, changed the pair of shoes she was wearing, and found another pair. The slippers said sweetly to Li Zedao: "Replace your shoes, it will be more comfortable."

Li Zedao nodded and walked over, but Wu Xin squatted down to help him take off his shoes.

"I'll do it myself..." Li Zedao said quickly. How can she help her take off her shoes? Although it sounds like a lot of enjoyment, it is a sin!

"Okay, come by yourself." Wu Xin squinted and laughed, two cute dimples appeared on her cheeks.

"Is this the feeling of liking someone?" Wu Xin looked at Li Ze with mad eyes, thinking in her heart, "No matter what he does, it feels pleasing to the eye... You see, even the posture of slippers is so unique. Different, so handsome, bubbling, so handsome..."

After Li Zedao finished taking off his shoes, watching Wu Xinzheng staring at him with straight eyes, he said helplessly: "Although I am a handsome guy, although I have a thick skin, I would still be embarrassed if you look at me like this. "

"It's you, who is watching you?" Wu Xin looked shy, then turned and ran to clean up the mess on the ground, leaving Li Zedao a very beautiful back.

Li Zedao touched his nose, followed it, picked up the golden piggy bank on the ground, and put the coins that the boy had left there that seemed heavy to him, one by one.

"By the way, Ze Dao, what did you mean a few months ago?" Wu Xin asked. She is not the kind of person who is too gossip, but she just wants to know all about Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked up at her and said softly: "A few months ago, my dad also had uremia."

"Huh?" Wu Xin's face changed slightly.

"In the late stage, there is only one way to change the kidney." Li Zedao stared at the coin in his hand and said in a low voice, "Fortunately, my kidney matches him, and he can use it. Ironically, , I simply can't afford the expensive medical bills..."

Wu Xin opened her eyes wide, and she couldn't even imagine Li Zedao would say something like this... he couldn't afford the medical bills? How could he not be able to pay for medical expenses? She knew about the silver card Li Zedao gave her when she rented a car in Yanjing. It was a gold card, and it was impossible to open an account if it did not exceed five million.

"I thought of stealing and robbing, but after all I didn't have the courage...Yes, I didn't have the courage, not that I didn't want to commit a crime." Li Zedao said mockingly, "So I went to the sky bridge and knelt to ask for money."

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