The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 437: The villa is not worth thirty million

"Shao Li, this matter... I will give you an explanation." As if how much humiliation he had suffered, Qin Shaofeng had an ugly face but had to force himself to smile and then said.

Then he shot.

Naturally, he was not hitting Li Zedao, but he slapped back and incited Deng Xiaomin's face while still holding him.

As if worse, the face on Deng Xiaomin's face became even more swollen, but she also knew that she had offended a person who could not afford to offend, so after a slap, she didn't even dare to say a word.


Qin Shaofeng slapped over again, and then said fiercely, "You are just a **** I kept, am I your husband? My mother, a **** like you wants to enter the door of my Qin family. ?"

As if venting, Qin Shaofeng slapped her face a few more times before kicking her to Li Zedao’s feet and cursing: "Apologize to Shao Li immediately, Shao Li spares you. Today this matter is over, if Shao Li doesn't spare you, I will **** pull you out as a broiler."

"Shao Li... I... I was wrong... I was wrong... Someone who didn't know Taishan... I'm a bitch... Your lord has a lot, go around me." Deng Xiaomin didn't know Li Ze said in the end. What kind of status makes Qin Shaofeng scared of this, but she knows very well that if she can’t ask for Li Zedao’s forgiveness, Qin Shaofeng kicks her with one kick, that’s a trivial matter, and she will really let herself be. Broiler.

"It's okay." Li Zedao also felt that it was meaningless for a woman to be so embarrassed. He said immediately, "I forgive you, but eldest sister, I would advise you, if you look for a man, you should keep your eyes on it. Money is not enough , You have to have the strength, so quickly change one, otherwise you will have to pretend to be a fool again next time."

"..." Deng Xiaomin felt that this was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

The muscles on Qin Shaofeng's face twitched and twitched, and there was a feeling of being stabbed fiercely in his chest. He felt that he was a little monster, and he came over to set off Li Zedao's Ultraman's awesomeness.

"Okay, it's okay, Shao Qin, you can take your woman to sign the house purchase contract." Li Zedao looked at Qin Shaofeng and said with a slight smile, "I have to continue to see other villas. Then, maybe we It’s a neighbor, if you’re fine, you can eat and drink tea together...

"..." Qin Shaofeng almost vomited blood for three liters. Who wants to be your neighbor? Who wants to eat and drink with you?

"Shao Qin likes tea, too? You must know that there is a very affectionate teahouse in Phoenix City called "Xiangju", right? Shao Qin has been there?" Li Zedao looked at Qin Shaofeng, his eyes narrowed slightly. Go over and have tea together another day."

Qin Shaofeng's heart was stunned, does this guy really know something? The smile on his face was even more unnatural, and he said, "I don’t like drinking tea too much... I don’t know what the restaurant is called... But there is some good tea at home. I will send someone to Li Shao someday. go with……"

"Thank you Qin Shao, then." The smile on Li Zedao's face increased.

Qin Shaofeng’s forehead was already showing a cold sweat. He knew that if he was leaving here or not, he was afraid that he would be carried out, so he said: "Li Shao, this **** is the fault of today, of course, I There is also a mistake..."

"You don't need to emphasize this, as long as you are not a fool..." Li Zedao interrupted Qin Shaofeng's words.

"..." Qin Shaofeng felt that something was coming out of the corner of his mouth, but he was too embarrassed to wipe it off. He could only greet Li Zedao's eighteenth generation ancestors viciously in his heart and said, "It is true that the fault lies with me, so for I apologize, that set of'You Yue' will naturally be given to Li Shao..."

Li Zedao's eyes lit up: "Li Shao want to buy that villa and give it to me to express your apologies?"

Qin Shaofeng was like a rabbit stepped on a foot. He almost jumped up and tried his best with Li Zedao. Did I mean that? Do i mean that?

"If this is the case, then I will accept Qin Shao's apology, and accept the villa, lest Qin Shao you feel guilty about eating and sleeping well," Li Zedao said with an embarrassed smile.

"..." Qin Shaofeng's eyes were black and he almost passed out like this.

After Qin Shaofeng took out his card and swiped 30 million yuan like he had lost his life, he took Deng Xiaomin and drove away. The arrogant Lamborghini he drove almost hit the trunk and protective belt on the roadside several times. .

Li Zedao sighed softly, presumably Qin Shaofeng couldn't sleep for several nights and couldn't eat food? But... 30 million is interest at best!

Li Zedao knew that the reason why Qin Shaofeng was willing to be slaughtered so severely by him was because on the one hand, he broke his head, and on the other hand, the most important reason was that this kid had a guilty conscience. .

When he mentioned Xiangju, he felt guilty, proving that Xiangju's affairs were really related to him.

However, it can also be seen from this that Qin Shaofeng is a big straw bag at all, so there must be someone standing behind him. Is it his father Qin Yiping or his mature sister Qin Shaomei?

Although it was Qin Shaofeng who swiped the card, it was Li Zedao who got the key. Naturally, Manager Yao and Xiao Chen looked at him like a ghost.

They didn't expect that Li Zedao would be so rascal trying to slaughter the opponent, and they didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng would be slaughtered obediently. This completely subverted their cognition.

"Shao Li... the homeowner on the title certificate..." Manager Yao only felt that he was uncomfortable speaking, and this ruthless person who did not know where he came from caused too much pressure on his heart.

Li Zedao glanced at Li Mengchen, and said without thinking: "Write Li Mengchen."

Li Mengchen was taken aback, and then he smiled like a flower, and his heart was sweeter than eating honey. Li Zedao actually wrote her name on such an expensive house...Well, although this house seems to be blackmailed, it What it represents is self-evident.


This is an independent and stylish two-story small western-style building with tall courtyard walls and two big wolfhounds standing up to one person tall, sticking out their tongues but guarding the gate vigilantly.

A Lamborghini that pulled the wind "Gah!" suddenly stopped at the door of Xiaoyang Building, the door was pushed open, Qin Shaofeng jumped out of the car in a hurry, and walked towards the door.

The two big wolfhounds didn't scream when Qin Shaofeng came over, instead they were sticking out their tongues and wagging their tails, looking flattering.

Qin Shaofeng walked to the front, touched the head of one of the great wolfhounds, and then rang the doorbell. Soon, the door was opened, and a middle-aged woman nodded slightly and said, "Master, you are back."

"Where is my dad?" Qin Shaofeng nodded and asked.

"Master is fishing in that pond." The woman replied, "Preparing to cook braised fish in the evening."

Qin Shaofeng didn’t say anything, he walked straight in, and then to the small fish pond in the corner of the huge courtyard. At this moment, several fat ducks were swimming around on the water, like a paradise. Comfortable appearance.

And his father, Qin Yiping, was sitting on a pony, smoking a dry cigarette in one hand, and a fishing rod in the other, squinting at the water, not knowing what he was thinking.

Qin Shaofeng hurried to the front and said aloud, "Dad..."

Qin Yiping looked back at him with a dissatisfied look and said, "It's hard to get the bait. You just scared the fish away by making a sound."

"...Dad, things are a little bit bad." Qin Shaofeng said in confusion, thinking that his eyebrows are almost burning. Who cares if you get the bait or not?

"What's wrong?" Qin Yiping asked after taking a heavy cigarette. For this mediocre son, he was really disappointed. He was always frizzy. The last time he tried to soak his sister, his head was broken. Although Qin Yiping didn't say much, he was almost depressed in his heart. Vomiting blood.

You are blind, can't you see that it is your sister who played hide and seek together when you were a kid?

"Dad, I met Li Ze." Qin Shaofeng exhaled secretly.

Qin Yiping's eyes squinted for an instant: "Then what?" As he said, his eyes were sharply swept up and down Qin Shaofeng's body, "No injury."

"..." Qin Shaofeng almost slipped and rolled into the pond. Didn't he have to break his head when he met that guy?

Of course, although his head was not broken this time like last time, Qin Shaofeng still felt that he was hurt. His heart was stabbed several times by the other party, and the pain was terrible.

At the moment, I moved a Mazha to sit next to my father, and then he explained what happened at the sales office of Baili Real Estate.

Qin Yiping listened and smoked quietly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Dad, that's the way it is, he seems to have known that I cheated him when he was in Xiangju...what should I do now?" Qin Shaofeng said with a messy expression. You said that it was done so secretly, how could he know? How could he know? And why is his whole body well, Sun Xiaohu, Xiangju's bodyguard, did not interrupt his hand?

Qin Yiping slowly spit out a puff of smoke, and then looked at Qin Shaofeng with a gentle look. There was not much anger or blame, no education and warning, but a trace of disappointment. He immediately said: "You shouldn't spend 30 million to buy him. That villa."

"Dad, what do you mean...that villa is not worth thirty million?" Qin Shaofeng asked after a moment of surprise.

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