The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 438: Hero saves beauty

After listening to Qin Shaofeng’s answer, Qin Yiping almost vomited blood, and at the same time he had the urge to kick his son down the pond. At the moment, some people hated iron and steel and said, “Why don’t you use your head to think When he thinks about it, when he mentions Xiangju, you spend 30 million to help him buy the villa. Isn’t that an indirect admission of your guilty conscience? It’s not an indirect way of telling him that Xiangju’s thing was indeed yours. ?"

"..." Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded. Hearing what his father said, and then thinking about it this way, it was really the same thing. Doesn't that seem to be a guilty conscience? I have already smoked the woman I was raising in front of him, and asked her to apologize, then this matter is over, I only need to pat my **** to leave, right?

Besides, even if the other party makes such a rogue request, he can haha ​​and say that Shaozhen Li is more and more like joking and then quickly slipped away. Why spend that 30 million foolishly?

"Dad, what should I do now?" Qin Shaofeng asked with a messy expression.

"What to do or what to do, he has no evidence, but it can't help us." Qin Yiping said with squinting eyes.

"Dad, what are you thinking? On the one hand, it made my sister show weakness, and on the other hand, it made me cheat him... I can't understand it at all. What are you doing?" Qin Shaofeng didn't understand. Asked.

"What do you want?" Qin Yiping asked, "Do you think I need to tell you?"

"..." Qin Shaofeng was speechless. His father still treats him as a naive child, or he still feels that he is too immature to fight for the present and future of the Qin Group hand in hand with him.

"Or, let me tell you, do you understand?" Qin Yiping glanced at him and continued.

"..." Qin Shaofeng had a knife in his chest, this time he was perfect from a naive child to a naive and stupid child.


University and high school are different. In high school, as long as the bell rings, the entire campus will instantly become lively or quiet.

But the university is different. The bell didn’t ring, and the whole campus was always in a state of noisy. You can see that there are people on the playground playing very handsomely there, but they are actually taking their time off. Some people are on the side of the basketball court. After secretly looking around, after making sure that there was no one, he poured mineral water on his head and said that he had just shot a few **** on someone's body.

You can even hear a voice from the small woods on the campus that you don’t know who was bullied by someone, but you dare not wailing loudly...

For students, going from high school to university is from **** to heaven.

For He Xiaoyu, from high school to college, the burden on her shoulders has become lighter, and she has also become a member of the school ranking list...

Although the school is only a few days away, many people already know that there is a new teacher who teaches college English, and he can definitely enter the school flower list, become the object of the public's **** and become the so-called wealthy. The object of handsome pursuit.

When He Xiaoyu left the office and walked towards the parking lot, there was a muffled noise, and a white BMW stopped beside him.

The window opened, and a magnetic voice shouted to him: "Mr. He..."

He Xiaoyu stopped, looked at the suave-looking boy in the car who was waving to him, smiled slightly and said, "It turned out to be Teacher Guo."

The man's name is Guo Dakai. He is known as the youngest and most handsome professor in the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Phoenix University. He has a background in studying abroad. When He Xiaoyu went to the University of Phoenix for an interview a few days ago, Guo Dakai was one of the interviewers.

The moment he saw He Xiaoyu, Guo Dakai's pupils swelled, and he was thinking quickly whether he had forgotten something important, and finally realized that his heartbeat had missed a beat.

There is no shortage of beautiful women in college, and Guo Dakai does not lack beautiful women around him, but he has a very special feeling for He Xiaoyu. It seems that he and He Xiaoyu were a couple of gods and goddesses in their previous life, and this life is destined to be Continued Qianyuan continued to become a couple of gods and goddesses.

So he took the initiative to show his favor to He Xiaoyu, and repeatedly wanted to invite her to go out to have a meal and watch a movie, but He Xiaoyu always turned it down for various reasons, maintaining respect with him but not The relationship between close colleagues and superiors.

"Teacher He, let's have a meal together? I heard people say that there is a French restaurant called'Emerald Restaurant' by the sea. The French cuisine is very authentic. I want to try it, let's go together?" Guo Dakai said with a pale expression. Smile sent an invitation.

"The Emerald Restaurant?" He Xiaoyu's mouth was slightly torn off, and he wanted to tell him that the Emerald Restaurant was actually opened by our family. Would he be embarrassed?

The kind-hearted He Xiaoyu doesn't make people feel embarrassed, so she said with just the right embarrassment on her face, "I'm really sorry, Teacher Guo, I have an appointment with someone else."

"Is there an appointment?" Guo Dakai's expression immediately became serious, and then quickly relaxed, and asked with a smile and jokingly: "Who has an appointment with? Your boyfriend?"

He Xiaoyu smiled, Li Zedao's figure appeared in his mind, but he was a little sad, this bastard, who didn't know to call you to tell you about your situation after going out for so long, he was almost worried about you. it is good?

Guo Dakai looked at He Xiaoyu's face with such an expression, and became serious again. Does she really have a boyfriend? Such a good Chinese cabbage is let by the pig?

"Then... Teacher Guo, I'll go first." He Xiaoyu waved his hand towards Guo Da, and then walked towards the red polo where she stopped.

When He Xiaoyu walked to the car, He Xiaoyu was about to reach out and open the door of the driving position. At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open from the inside very strangely, which really scared He Xiaoyu. In a second, a hand was quickly stretched out from the car, and he suddenly grabbed He Xiaoyu's waist and dragged her into the car.

"Ah..." He Xiaoyu screamed.

The next second, the voice stopped abruptly, her lips were already heavily sealed by the lips of the man in the car!

"Someone kissed himself?" He Xiaoyu's eyes widened suddenly, and he felt like he wanted to die.

Then she saw a pair of eyes, a pair of very familiar eyes, so after a few seconds of blanking her mind, she greeted her with enthusiasm.

In the BMW car, Guo Dakai, who watched He Xiaoyu leave with complicated eyes, could clearly hear He Xiaoyu’s scream, and even more clearly saw that a hand pulled He Xiaoyu into the car. , Was also shocked at the moment, and quickly got out of the car and ran to the red polo.

"Teacher He... are you okay..." Guo Dakai shouted loudly, but couldn't see the movement inside. He tried to open the car door, but found that the car door was locked and motionless.

However, he still vaguely heard the sound of "Woo..." coming from inside, and he was instantly angry, and the other party was also arrogant, right? If you dare to molest or even kidnap a teacher from the University of Phoenix in broad daylight, the most important thing is that the teacher is still the other half who wants to compete with himself...

"Listen to the people inside... Don't hurt Teacher He, or I will make you die ugly..." Guo Dakai shouted, and even desperately smashed the glass window where the situation was not visible at all.

One click, two clicks, three clicks...The window glass is intact, but Guo Dakai gasped for several hurts! Although he is a professor at the university, he is not **** his lips and fists. There is no way to smash the glass window with one fist.

So he looked left and right, and found a brick lying quietly not far away, immediately ran over to pick it up, rushed back to the red polo again, and was about to hit the car window with a heavy brick.

But before he smashed the brick in his hand, the door of the car was suddenly pushed open. Guo Da drove aside and couldn't dodge. His body hit the door of the car, and he staggered backwards.


The shiny black leather shoes quickly stepped back a few steps, and in the end, the "plop" sounded muffled. Guo Dakai was already sitting heavily on the ground, and the bricks in his hands fell aside.

Guo Da didn't even think that the car door would be opened suddenly. He fell heavily on the ground, making him dizzy. He was thinking about whether to pick up the bricks and fight with the other party to find out what happened to Teacher He in the water and fire. The teacher greeted herself with gratitude, and then He Xiaoyu's voice rang in her ears.

"Mr. Guo, are you okay?"

Guo Dakai looked up, but found that He Xiaoyu was standing there, slightly bent over and looking at him, and beside her, there was a little child with a hint of immature on his face.

"This..." Guo Dakai felt that his brain was not enough. Didn't He Xiaoyu be dragged into the car by the bad guy? Isn't his chance to save the United States as a hero? Why is he now sitting on the ground and turning into a bear and there is an extra man beside He Xiaoyu?

"Ms. Guo, are you okay?" He Xiaoyu asked again apologetically. I thought this teacher Guo was stupid? Otherwise, why didn't he respond when talking to him? No, it doesn't seem to hurt his head... Li Zedao, who was thinking about it, gave it a blank look, but there was a soft smile and love in his eyes.

This **** didn't say anything when he came back. He sneaked into her car and gave her a strong kiss. He even stuck his tongue in his mouth. Fortunately, he recognized him in time. Otherwise, he would almost bite off his tongue.

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