The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 440: Car accident that year

In the next time, Nintendo and Wu Xin talked about the "Tiandao Foundation" very seriously but harmoniously. From the early stage of the establishment and the later stage of the operation of the help objects, they were involved.

Li Zedao didn't know much about this aspect. In other words, he believes that Nintendo and Wu Xin will get it right, so he didn't want to understand. So when the two girls were talking about the foundation, he held the copy given by He Xiaofeng about twenty-two years. The information about the car accident that happened to the former Nintendo parents frowned and flipped through it.

Xiao Bie Sheng was newly married, let alone been out for nearly two months, so Li Zedao spent almost all of his time with the three girls in these two days. When they went to work, they went to accompany Xiao Qiangwei.

Of course, Li Zedao also called Baili Changhe to help decorate the villa. After all, Baili Group has a decoration design company in this area. You must know that the exterior of the villa has indeed been decorated, but the inside is still rough. It.

When Baili Changhe knew that Qin Shaofeng Huaxia had bought the villa, he laughed arrogantly and comfortably on the phone.

So Li Zedao didn't have time to look at the information He Xiaofeng gave.

Soon, Li Zedao not only finished reading the information, but also completely memorized the contents of it, and his brows wrinkled.

As Li Zedao expected, the nature of the car accident was not a murder, but a traffic accident.

But what Li Zedao didn’t expect at all was that it turned out to be a car accident and death caused by hallucinations caused by drug use, and the person who took drugs was not at all the one who drove the earth-moving truck called "Tao San" who looked very ordinary. The driver is Qin Ming!

After inspection, they found that Qin Ming had taken drugs, which led to hallucinations in front of him, and finally caused the tragedy.

This is completely different from the car accident described by Qin Ming before his death.

Qin Ming said that he accelerated after discovering that there was a car following him behind the car, but suddenly an earthmoving truck rushed out in front of him. When he wanted to brake, he found that the brake system failed, which caused a heavy crash. The earth-moving truck, and the reason why he was in such pain was because if he had hit the steering wheel to the right instead of to the left, then it is very likely that it would not be his wife, but him.

He felt that he killed his wife, and he could never pass the hurdle in his heart.

Moreover, the information showed that the names of "Pan Shaowen" and "Sun Shaohua" appeared in the list of the policemen who investigated the car accident.

At that time Pan Shaowen was the captain, and he led Sun Shaohua to investigate this case.

That day Hua Wuque was killed in the Mingyang Hotel. Li Zedao was very innocent to bear the charge. Later Li Zedao learned that Hua Wuque was killed by Gao Shenghan's bodyguard Li Bin, but he was later killed by Ma Xiaoqiang. After taking it back for investigation, Ma Xiaoqiang made a turn and drove the police car directly onto Fengming Mountain, even more so with the killer who wanted to wipe him out.

Later, Li Zedao, because he was too aggressive, escaped this kill for granted, and used his personality and character to conquer the killer abnormally so that he is now working hard and loyal to be his little brother.

Later, Li Zedao appeared in the police station as a member of the China Special Bureau, and learned that the person who sent Ma Xiaoqiang back to the bureau to assist in the investigation turned out to be the captain of the Interpol Team of the Municipal Bureau, Sun Shaohua. Sun Shaohua came across news of a car accident and car crash.

Later, Li Zedao learned from his senior brother, the person in charge of the Wild Ghost Killer Organization, that it was Qin Shaofeng who entrusted them to kill him.

In other words, it was Gao Shenghan who killed Hua Wuque and poured dirty water on Li Zedao, but it was Qin Shaofeng and even his old son Qin Yiping who asked the police to take him to Fengming Mountain to try to kill him.

So Li Zedao thought at that time that Sun Shaohua and Ma Xiaoqiang were both members of Qin Yiping, and now seeing the list of those who dealt with the car accident that year has confirmed his guess.

It seems that Nintendo's suspicion is right. The car accident that happened to her parents back then was a premeditated murder, and it was not surprising that the murderer behind the scenes was Qin Yiping.

It's just Pan Shaowen... who is also from Qin Yiping?

"Little man, what are you looking at?" Nintendo gave him a smile and asked in a charming voice.

"Oh, Sister Xiaoyu's brother is the captain of the criminal police team. You should know about this?" Li Zedao looked up at her, rolled up the information in his hand and said, "He asked me to help him analyze a case." Li Zedao felt that it is better not to tell Nintendo about this now, otherwise her mood swings will be great.

"I thought you were thinking about which beauty is engrossed?" Nintendo said slightly.

"Miss you, okay?" Li Zedao said with a dumbfounded look.

"Cut, who knows if you are thinking about Sister Xinxin?" Nintendo curled his lips and smiled, "After all, our sister Xinxin is so beautiful."

"Where is it?" Wu Xin was a little embarrassed, "Sister Ren is beautiful."

Nintendo smiled and said: "It's almost noon, let's have a meal together, we are so hard, anyway, we have to let the big boss who is doing hand-off shoppers all day invite us to have a meal?" He threw a glamorous eye at Li Zedao, his voice was charming, "Boss Li doesn't feel sorry for money and doesn't want to treat him?"

Li Zedao already said with a dumbfounded expression: "What kind of money does it hurt? Let's go, I will treat at noon..." Then he touched his pocket, his expression was a bit embarrassed, "That...I didn't bring my wallet..."

Nintendo curled his lips at Li Zedao with a look of contempt. She had long been accustomed to this situation.

Wu Xin pursed her lips and smiled and said, "I will invite Sister Ren to dinner. I just talked about it. I think I have learned a lot from Sister Ren."

Before Nintendo had time to say something, the cell phone in Li Zedao's pocket was already ringing, and Li Zedao took a look at it, then picked up and said a few words. After hanging up the phone, he looked at Nintendo and laughed: "I have dinner. My mother called me and said she prepared a table of good dishes. Teacher He and Sister Mengchen have already gone back. Mom asked me to take you back... Xinxin, let you go with me, I will take you back to see me mom."

"This... okay?" Wu Xin's face turned red, and her heart was sweet and nervous. The sweet thing is that Li Zedao actually wants to take her to see her parents, which proves that he has her in his heart. Instead of just treating her as a lover.

What's nervous is that this is about to see the future mother-in-law. She sticks to her son so hard, will she look down on herself?

When Nintendo saw this, he smiled slightly, and took her hand to comfort him: "Don't worry, Auntie is a very good person. Seeing you are so knowledgeable, I will definitely like you very much."

"Don't be nervous, my mother is very nice." Li Ze said with a smile, then said.

The tension in Wu Xin's heart was a little less, and then went to Xiao Qiangwei's villa with Li Zedao and Nintendo.

After seeing such a luxurious villa, Wu Xin was full of shock, and when she saw Li Zedao’s mother Xiao Qiangwei turned out to be such a noble woman, her shock was even more unspeakable. At the same time, it’s not even puzzled. Li Zedao didn’t mean that his father had uremia and finally found a place to die quietly because he didn’t have money for treatment and didn’t want to drag Li Zedao... But how could his mother be? How about such a noble person living in such a large and luxurious villa?

Could it be that Li Zedao was the kind of legend that when he was young, he separated from his very wealthy parents and was adopted by someone. Later, after the adoptive father died, his biological parents found him and snotty tears. The expression of their lovesickness and then Li Zedao forgave them, so his life has undergone a 180-degree change?

Although compared with some girls, Wu Xin's curiosity is not too heavy, but now she also extremely wants to know what happened to Li Zedao.

Xiao Qiangwei stepped forward and took the nervous Wu Xin's hand and smiled: "Hello, welcome to home, I am Ze Dao's mother, don't be nervous, just treat this as your own home."

"Auntie, hello, this is Wu Xin." Wu Xin said quickly with an awkward expression.

"She is Xiaoyu, this is Mengchen, that is Jingjing..." Xiao Qiangwei helped introduce her.

"Hello, I am He Xiaoyu, his woman." He Xiaoyu pointed to Li Zedao with a smile.

"Hello, I am Li Mengchen and his woman." Li Mengchen smiled and pointed at Li Ze in the same way.

"I'm Meng Jing...not his woman." Meng Jing said without any special expression on her face, she didn't even look at Li Zedao, as if she didn't even have this person. For Li Zedao, she still doesn't have much favor.

"..." Wu Xin's expression was a bit stunned, but Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry.

Xiao Qiangwei, Nintendo, He Xiaoyu and Li Mengchen were amused by Meng Jing's words, and laughed one after another. Then Xiao Qiangwei said: "Okay, let's go in, otherwise the food will be cold."

After the family ate a meal happily, the anxiety in Wu Xin's heart has disappeared, and he has chatted with He Xiaoyu, Li Mengchen and Nintendo.

After that, Nintendo and Wu Xin returned to the Tiandao Group to plan some matters related to the establishment of the Tiandao Foundation, while He Xiaoyu returned to Phoenix University. After all, it is approaching the beginning of school and a large number of freshmen will be ushered in. She will teach freshmen college English. many.

As for Li Mengchen returning to work in the bureau, she really likes the feeling of being a policeman, and Li Zedao received a call from Zhou Yan.

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