The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 441: See you again Zhou Xiaotian

"Boss... is that you?" Zhou Yan asked uncertainly after the call was connected. We must know that in the past two months, Zhou Yan had made a total of 40 or 50 calls to Li Zedao, but every time Li Zedao's cell phone was turned off.

This makes Zhou Yan somewhat worried. Although the boss said before that he wanted to go out, it was a trip, but who stipulated that the mobile phone could not be turned on when traveling? Will it... be killed first and then raped or raped first and then killed?

And now I made another call with the mentality of trying but being nervous. I thought it would be the same as before, and there would be a very pleasant voice... Hello, the phone you dialed is turned off, please wait I was dialing...Unexpectedly, the phone was picked up quickly, which made Zhou Yan a little uncomfortable.

"Nonsense, who am I?" Li Zedao smiled.

"Boss...really you? It's really you..." After Zhou Yan heard Li Zedao's familiar voice, his nose became sore and he almost cried. "For so many days, your phone hasn't been turned on, I I thought you were raped and then killed..."

"..." Li Zedao had a black line on his face.

"Although you are very safe, there are exceptions to everything. There are always blind people, aren't they?"

"..." Li Zedao's face became darker, and he said coldly, "It seems that I haven't seen you in a few days. Do you really want me to beat you up?"

"Just kidding, just kidding..." Zhou Yan said with a smile.

"So anxious to find something to do with me?" Li Zedao asked.

Zhou Yan was a little embarrassed: "It's not your boss's blessing. Have I been accepted by the Department of Business Administration of Phoenix University? The admission notice was sent to my home some time ago. My parents are very happy. They They never dared to expect their son to go to Phoenix University one day. They thought it would be good for me to go to a pheasant university. So they hosted a lot of relatives and friends and showed their faces. Then I Mom asked me to call you home. I want to treat you to a meal and thank you very much."

"Boss, do you have time?" Zhou Yan said, "My mother has been talking about me in my ears for more than a month, saying why I haven't invited you home, my ears are almost getting calluses."

Li Zedao pondered and said, "Let's find you in the afternoon." He hadn't seen Zhou Yan for a while, and he wanted to see if he was still so wretched.

Zhou Yan was overjoyed: "Well, I will go home now."

"What? Are you out there?"

"Isn't Xiaoqian going to the third year of high school? If you want to buy some reference books, I will accompany her to the foreign bookstore. I will go and greet her to go home. You go to my house first. My mother will be home in the afternoon." Zhou Yan explained.

"I'll go to the Foreign Book City to find you." Li Zedao smiled. He didn't have the courage to stay alone with Zhou Yan's mother. Li Zedao always felt that the way Zhou Yan's mother looked at him was strange.

"Boss, that's okay. I will wait for you in the outside picture with Xiaoqian, and then go to my house together." Zhou Yan smiled, "I will go to Xiaoqian and tell him about this now. If she hears you are coming, she must I will be very happy."

In Li Zedao's mind, there was already the figure of the girl who blushed as he looked at him and even called his name.

He smiled and said, "I will be there in half an hour."

After talking to Zhou Yan on the phone, Li Zedao greeted Xiao Qiangwei and left the villa and galloped towards the outer book city. In less than half an hour, the car stopped at the parking space at the gate of the outer book city. When I got out of the car, I looked at the four big characters "Outer Book City" on the wall of the building. The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted. A few months ago, he got into the bottom of Li Mengchen’s skirt. But now Li Mengchen is already his woman.

It hasn't been here for two months. The Outer Book City is still the same. There are a lot of people on every floor, but it is not noisy. Taking a book, walking into the coffee shop, and comprehending all the knowledge in the book in the aroma of coffee has become a way for many people to relax.

Li Zedao took out his cell phone and gave Zhou Yan a call: "I'm here, where is it?"

"Boss, there is a coffee shop on the third floor... Forget it, I'm afraid you can't find it, I'll go down and pick you up..."

Li Zedao hung up the phone with a black line on his face. He wasn't a Lu Chi, how could he not find it? Besides, he had been to the cafe on the third floor. Bai Libing, who was once known as the number one beauty in Phoenix in the circle, invited him to the cafe on the third floor for a drink. He didn’t even know what it was. A drink called "latte".

Originally, Li Zedao thought that if he conquered her body, it was equivalent to conquering her heart. Unexpectedly, she actually came to a showdown with him and said that even if you get my body, we are not suitable.

In line with the principle of being short-mouthed after drinking a drink of the other party, Li Zedao agreed with Bai Libing's words. We are indeed inappropriate.

When he came to the cafe door, Zhou Yan was already looking around there. After seeing Li Zedao, a dog's tail flower appeared on his face, and he opened his hands while running towards Li Zedao. He tried to rush to give him a big hug, and his mouth was still not idle: "Boss... here... here..."

Li Zedao had an urge to turn around and leave. He had already noticed that many eyes were staring at him and Zhou Yan, and the affection in his eyes was a bit cheap, as if he and Zhou Yan had a relationship. Leg-like.

"Stop, don't hug me, or I will hit someone." Zhou Yan rushed forward, and Li Zedao warned with a black line on his face.

Zhou Yan smiled, but also put down the open arm according to the words, and said with excitement: "Tsk tsk, boss, I haven't seen you for a while..."

"You have become handsome? You don't need to emphasize that, I think so too." Li Zedao was a little embarrassed, and then didn't give Zhou Yan a chance to speak, patted him on the shoulder and continued, "You haven't changed, just like before. , A bit nasty." He walked into the coffee shop.

Zhou Yan looked at Li Zedao's back, and his heart was full of emotion. The boss had never been so shameless before. Why did the time he went out even his face became much thicker? He has reached a point beyond his reach.

In the cafe, after seeing Li Zedao walking towards her, Zhou Qian quickly got up from the chair, but her head was low. After taking a peek at Li Zedao, she lowered her head again, as if doing something wrong. Like a child who is about to accept the blame from his parents.

"Xiao Qian, long time no see." Li Zedao walked to the front and greeted with a smile. I haven't seen it for a while, this weak and weak girl seems to be even more beautiful, with the beauty of a lotus flower.

"Brother Ze Dao... long time no see... Zhou Qian sounded like a mosquito, and her face turned red all of a sudden.

"Boss, what would you like to drink?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Latte," Li Zedao said, and then sat down on the chair next to Zhou Yan. He wanted to talk about coffee, but he felt that saying "latte" seemed more compelling, so he changed his mind.

"Haha, boss, I also like latte, our taste is the same." Zhou Yan smiled, and then asked the waiter to send a glass of latte.

Li Zedao regretted it a little bit. He had known that he would not force him to drink latte for the so-called improvement. Zhou Yan said that his taste is the same? Li Zedao felt that this was an insult.

After the coffee was delivered, Zhou Yan asked every sentence, "Boss, where did you go on a trip?" "Boss, are there many big ocean horses abroad?" Li Zedao I also fooled him casually. I couldn't say that I didn't go to travel at all but killed people, right?

As for Zhou Qian, since Li Zedao appeared here, her head has always been low, playing with the fingers of her left hand with her right hand, occasionally raised her head and glanced at Li Zedao, then she lowered her head and her face changed like a guilty conscience. It's red.

"Boss, go to my house to eat at night?" Zhou Yan took out the phone and said, "I will call my mother now and tell her you are going over and let her prepare something to eat."

"Forget it, another day, something will happen tonight." Li Zedao waved his hand and said.

Zhou Yan nodded and didn't insist on it. Although it's a little regrettable, he can't be knocked out and **** and taken home, right? Although he did have such thoughts, the premise was that you had to beat him. I am afraid that this generation would never forget the brutality Li Zedao used to beat people.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan raised his brows slightly and said, "Boss, isn't that the idiot Zhou Xiaotian?"

"Zhou Xiaotian?" Li Zedao looked back at what Zhou Yan pointed out, and saw that Zhou Xiaotian was passing by the door of the cafe. This was the first time Li Zedao had seen him since he threw him into the trash can in the snack street last time. To him.

I haven't seen him for more than two months. Zhou Xiaotian no longer wears glasses, his hair has grown longer, and he has beard and scum. There is no such thing as a student's immature atmosphere, and he has matured a lot.

Then Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he noticed that the sleeves of his arms wearing a long sleeve were empty... he lost an arm?

Then Li Zedao suddenly remembered that scene.

More than two months ago, after He Xiaoyu was shot, Li Zedao once went to the bureau to analyze the case of He Xiaoyu’s shooting with He Xiaofeng. At that time, He Xiaofeng answered a phone call and said to him, Zhou Xiaotian. His parents had previously reported that his son was missing, but now his son has gone home, but he is missing an arm.

"Why did he lose an arm? He was cut off when he had no money in gambling? Or because..." Li Ze thought.

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