The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 450: Captain America is delicious

The girl who took off her shoes barefoot and was desperately chasing behind saw this, stopped, and was stunned. After seeing Li Zedao's face, she already had an expression of surprise, and her hand with high heels was even raised. While waving at Li Zedao, he ran over to him and shouted, "Captain America..."

"..." Li Ze tugged at the corner of his mouth, looking helplessly at Zhao Xiaoying, who was running towards him barefoot. He is not Captain America, okay?

It’s just that I haven’t seen Zhao Xiaoying for a while, as if she’s changed her personally. She wears a black uniform that sets off her figure very well. Her hair is wrapped around her head, which looks capable and professional. It's very thick... But when she ran like this, she was still talking about Captain America or something, and Li Zedao felt that she hadn't changed at all.

"Captain America...Ah..." Zhao Xiaoying stepped on her right foot with her left foot, a staggered one, and she was about to fall heavily to the ground when she saw it. It was the wet asphalt ground just after it rained. The face was on the ground, maybe it was disfigured like this.

Li Zedao was taken aback by her dangerous actions. The body turned into an afterimage and rushed to her, hugging her.

Zhao Xiaoying was lying in Li Zedao's arms, as if he was lingering, her heart beat quickly, and the white skin on her neck was instantly stained with red clouds, and she was actually in Captain America's arms.

Then her head lifted up, her big eyes flickered at Li Zedao and said, "Captain America, why are you so handsome? You are so handsome..." She stood on tiptoe and pouted, slowly approaching Li Zedao's pair. lip.

Li Zedao was taken aback by her actions, quickly let go of her, took a step back, and said unnaturally, "That... Xiaoying, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that the heartbeat is very powerful... You are so handsome, how can you be so handsome?" Zhao Xiaoying said with her hands in her hands and looking at Li Zedao obsessively. As for the high heels she was holding in her hands, she had long been caught Throw aside, "With just such a fist, that **** just knelt there and still can't get up... and I'm about to fall. You came to me in an instant and hugged me tightly... "

"..." Li Zedao was very wronged, when did I hold you tightly? I did hold my arms but not tight, okay? And if I don’t hug you, maybe you’ll be disfigured, okay?

"What should I do if I find that I have been completely fascinated by you?"

"..." Li Ze twitched the corners of his mouth, as if you had said this before, and I don't know what to do? I can't persuade you to tell you not to be a fan of my brain... Li Zedao wouldn't do this kind of harm to others.

"It seems that you are really fine." Li Zedao said, can people who have problems commit such idiots?

"Get in the car and wipe your feet and put on your shoes. Although the weather is still sultry, the ground is wet and cold. Don't catch a cold." Li Zedao glanced at Zhao Xiaoying's feet and pointed to the Mercedes-Benz parked there. Said the car.

Because of the barefoot running on the ground just after it rained, Zhao Xiaoying's feet were splashed with grayish brown water stains.

Zhao Xiaoying glanced at her feet, and felt that she should take care of it. She must maintain her image in front of Captain America, right? After taking a step now, there was an "Ouch", his brows were slightly frowned, and he looked at Li Zedao pitifully and said: "Captain America, the soles of my feet seem to be broken, and walking hurts. Would you hold me?

"..." Li Zedao looked speechless. The reason for the speechlessness was not because Zhao Xiaoying's feet were worn out. After all, she stepped on the asphalt with her bare feet, plus she has such delicate meat and tender meat that does not wear out the soles of her feet. Pi is strange; it's not because Zhao Xiaoying asked him to hug her, after all, such a request is reasonable; the reason why he was speechless was because her feet were worn out a long time ago, why did he react now? This kind of reaction is too slow, right?

"Please, Captain America, hug." Zhao Xiaoying said again with a pitiful look.

Dao Li Ze stretched out his hand, hugged her horizontally, and said helplessly: "When you encounter such a thing in the future, don't chase it. What if the robber turns around and gives you a knife?"

"Huh, he dare? See if I don't beat him to death!" Zhao Xiaoying snorted coldly, saying very aggressively.

Then his big eyes flickered and looked at Li Zedao's eyes that were close at hand, and his hands were just holding his arms around Li Zedao's neck: "However, I will listen to you, what Captain America says is must be delicious……"

Li Ze shook his hands and almost threw the foodie on the ground.

Holding Zhao Xiaoying and passing by the robber who was kneeling there and howling, Zhao Xiaoying pointed to the handbag still held by the robber and said, "Captain America, my bag...that bag There are two packs of spicy sticks that I like very much. This **** guy dared to grab them. He must want to eat my spicy sticks."

"..." Li Zedao's body trembled, only to feel that the whole person was not good.

The kneeling robber's body was drawn even more severely, even his eyes were red, and tears almost came out.

"Hold you to the car first, and then I will help you get your bag and shoes." Li Zedao said. He felt that the robber was very pitiful, and he had known that he would not put such a heavy hand.

After placing Zhao Xiaoying on the back seat of the car, Li Zedao passed the tissues in the car to Zhao Xiaoying and asked her to wipe it first. Then he returned and picked up the high heels that Zhao Xiaoying threw there, and walked to The robber approached, with his foot raised, and the man lay directly there, his face was abnormally distorted because of pain, one can imagine how much damage Li Zedao's punch just caused him.

Li Zedao stooped to pick up the bag and looked at the man coldly and said: "When there is a chance to rob in the future, remember not to pick a girl, unless the woman is called Alice or Li Mengchen, of course. Maybe you have no chance."

With Alice's skill and Li Mengchen's hot temper, if this guy dared to grab their bag, at least he would lose half his life.

Li Zedao will never forget that when he first met Li Mengchen, in the bus, a thief stole Li Mengchen's body. As a result, she was beaten violently, and even kicked in the crotch. Basically This life is just abolished. Later Li Zedao learned that the reason why Li Mengchen had such a dead foot that day was because she was seen beamingly. In other words, the kick that the thief kicked was actually supposed to be kicked on her body... Li Zedao felt that The thief is so pitiful.

The man's painful face was even more distorted. He didn't understand why Li Zedao would say such nonsense. He stared at Li Zedao with sinister eyes, and gritted his teeth and said: "Dare to break the good deeds of your uncle, you will... "

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao kicked his stomach heavily. The man was very jealous and swallowed back the threatening words he was about to say. He kept wailing, and he hated others threatening him most. , Especially this kind of threat that is not dangerous at all.

"Fool!" Li Zedao said coldly, and then freed a hand to give He Xiaofeng a call, asking him to let him come and take a robber away, and said that the robber was robbing his cousin Zhao Xiaoying.

After the phone call, I returned to the Mercedes Benz SUV.

Zhao Xiaoying had already wiped the mud stains on her feet with a paper towel, but she stretched her feet up to Li Zedao, and said pitifully: "Captain America, the soles of the feet are peeling, it hurts... blow it away."

"..." Li Zedao didn't blow, and even his expression was slightly embarrassed. This Zhao Xiaoying too considers himself as his own person, how can he be asked to make such an ambiguous move? However, she is her brother-in-law, and she seems to be her own...

However, I did see a few fingernail-sized skins off the soles of her white feet, stained with blood, and she said immediately: "After the police arrive in a while, I will help you buy some medicine to apply it... But I'm afraid in these two days. I can't wear shoes anymore, stay at home, please take two days off." He said that he helped her wipe the water on the bag and shoes, and then handed it over.

Li Zedao didn’t help her blow, and Zhao Xiaoying didn’t think there was anything. After all, she just acted like a baby and didn’t really want Li Zedao to help her blow. Of course, if Li Zedao really helped her blow, she could accept it. The pull is too embarrassing.

After receiving the bag and shoes, he nodded and said, "I can only ask for leave." After all, the sole of my foot is injured, so I can't wear shoes, let alone walk normally in high heels.

Working in such a high-end hotel like Angel, whether it is the smile on the face or the walking posture, it has its own set of very strict standards.

Soon, the police rushed over. Obviously, the few policemen recognized Li Zedao. They nodded and bowed, and then there was no reason to ask about the matter, and the man was dragged on by them. The police car left. As for what charges he would be charged with, Li Zedao knew He Xiaofeng would handle it.

Li Zedao got into the car and then turned around and said to Zhao Xiaoying: "I'm going to buy you some medicine...Oh, by the way, where do you live now?"

Originally, Zhao Xiaoying lived in He Xiaoyu’s teacher’s apartment at the back door of Meiji School. Later, it seemed that she was going to participate in a training on hotel management. She was on the Angel, but now He Xiaoyu has resigned and the school will naturally. The house was taken back, and Li Zedao had just returned from abroad only two days ago, so I really don't know the situation of Zhao Xiaoying.

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