The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 451: Ask for leave

Zhao Xiaoying took out a bag of spicy strips from her robbed bag and opened it, and then took out one from the inside. After enjoying the smell, she stuffed it into her mouth and even sucked her finger. Then he handed the packet of spicy sticks to Li Zedao and said in a vague tone: "Captain America, please eat spicy sticks."

"..." Li Zedao looked at the bag of spicy strips in her hand, once again feeling that the whole person was not good.

"I don't like to eat this kind of food." Li Zedao shook his head and refused, and then started the car, going to a pharmacy to buy some medicine for applying wounds.

Zhao Xiaoying did not reluctantly. After swallowing the spicy strips in her mouth, she already had a satisfied expression on her face. Then she said, "I rent a small apartment by myself now. It is not too far from the place where I work. I can see it by turning around at the intersection. My sister helped me find that small apartment. If there is a pharmacy, there is one downstairs... Captain America, are you getting along with my sister?"

"Yes, we are getting better." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "So why do you have to call me brother-in-law now? Don't call me Captain America."

"Okay, brother-in-law of Captain America." Zhao Xiaoying said with a chuckle, and then put a hot strip in her mouth so that she would not give up calling him Captain America.

"..." Li Zedao looked helpless.

After the car turned forward at the intersection ahead, she already came to the apartment where Zhao Xiaoying lived. As Zhao Xiaoying said, there was indeed a drug supermarket downstairs, and Li Zedao got out of the car to help her buy medicine. And Zhao Xiaoying stayed in the car temporarily and wanted to make a phone call for two days off.

When Li Zedao came back after buying the medicine, he saw Zhao Xiaoying looking at the screen of the phone with an aggrieved look, and immediately asked: "Xiaoying, what's the matter?"

"Mother Yasha doesn't allow me to ask for leave." Zhao Xiaoying said helplessly, "She said that if I dare to ask for leave, she would kick me out of the Angel."

"Uh... dominatrix?"

"It's our foreman." Zhao Xiaoying murmured, "An old woman who is in menopause is always fierce to us. She looks very tugging but very two hundred and five, always showing us a black Face, so we all call her a **** in private."

"Which **** has the right to expel you?" Li Zedao asked with some curiosity. In his opinion, even if the **** really has the right to expel Zhao Xiaoying and others like Xiaoxi Mi, except for his boss The top manager Jiang Xiaoyao would not allow this to happen, right? After all, he somewhat knew that Zhao Xiaoying had something to do with him, and even if he was smart enough, he would definitely try his best to train Zhao Xiaoying.

"I don't know, anyway, she said that. Just now I asked for a leave of absence from the back, and she even talked about me." Zhao Xiaoying said with a bitter face, "Don't tell me It’s because the soles of the feet are broken, even if one leg is missing, I have to climb over to work with me obediently. I rely on it, as if the aunt is here."

"It seems that tomorrow I can only endure the pain and go to work." As Zhao Xiaoying looked at the soles of her feet, she blew gently, with a trace of grievance on her face.

Li Zedao watched her smile so slightly and said, "I'll help you ask if you can ask for leave."

"You?" Zhao Xiaoying looked up at Li Ze with wide eyes.

"Is the general manager of Angel's name Jiang Xiaoyao? I know him and ask him for leave." Li Zedao smiled and then found out a phone number and dialed out.

"Brother-in-law, Captain America, you know our President Jiang..." Zhao Xiaoying's eyes widened, and soon there was a touch of shame on her little face. When I was sick when I was a child, my parents helped me ask for leave from the teachers in the school, but now it’s Captain America who helps me ask for leave from the boss of the hotel... Captain America cares about himself as much as my parents do. Does he like himself?

Zhao Xiaoying covered her face with a shy look, but she looked at Li Zedao through the gap between her fingers, how she felt handsome, so handsome, so handsome, so handsome, so handsome that she has a kind of immediate exposure when she sees it like this The stars want to faint impulsively.

Li Zedao saw Zhao Xiaoying's idiot look, but he didn't think much about it. After all, he had seen the big nerves of this chick long ago, and at the same time, on the other side of the phone, Jiang Xiaoyao picked up the phone.

"Shao Li, I'm very sorry. I was processing some documents just now, and the phone is on the side of the coffee table." Jiang Xiaoyao said, actively talking about the reason why Li Zedao had been waiting for such a few seconds.

This is a person who is very good at chatting. It makes you feel respected and at the same time vaguely praised yourself in front of the boss. You see, I'm still processing the documents so late.

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said, "Manager Jiang, you have worked hard."

"Shao Li, this is what I should do." Jiang Xiaoyao said quickly.

"That's it, Zhao Xiaoying, do you know?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, Shao Li." Jiang Xiaoyao said, how could he not know Zhao Xiaoying? At the beginning, Li Zedao threw people off the angel number for him. Later, he personally called Zhao Xiaoying and said that she passed the interview. After that, Jiang Xiaoyao also prepared to train her bit by bit, starting with an ordinary waiter and then a foreman. , After continuing to get promoted, he knew that Zhao Xiaoying might have the final say on this Angel.

"She was robbed just now..."

"Ah...that's nothing serious, right?" Jiang Xiaoyao was taken aback by Li Zedao's words.

"It's okay. I just saw it. I just hurt my foot, so I gave you a call and wanted to ask her for leave." Li Zedao said.

"That's good." Jiang Xiaoyao said, thinking that Zhao Xiaoying really had a close relationship with her boss, and she actually helped her ask for leave. After all, Zhao Xiaoying only needs to ask the foreman to talk about it. After all, the hotel is a service industry. , It is not suitable to go to work if the foot is injured.

"I will tell her foreman to let her assign the job that originally belonged to Ms. Zhao to someone else, and Ms. Zhao can take a good rest for two days." Jiang Xiaoyao said.

"Manager Jiang rests earlier," Li Zedao said.

"Thank you Li Shao for your concern." Jiang Xiaoyao was a little moved and said quickly.

After Li Zedao hung up the phone, Zhao Xiaoying still covered her face, looking shy and impatience.

"Xiaoying...Xiaoying..." Li Zedao looked helpless and patted her on the shoulder immediately.

"Brother-in-law of Captain America..." Zhao Xiaoying put her hand down from her face, and stared at Li Zedao with her big eyes flashing, her face was shy, she was so beautiful.

"Are you... okay?" Li Ze asked, seeing her like an idiot, and asked with some difficulty, thinking that he would be more handsome? Isn't there such an exaggerated performance?

"Oh, it's okay, I just think you are so handsome, what should I do if I like you so much?" Zhao Xiaoying had stars in her eyes.

"I'm your brother-in-law." Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry.

"So what?" Zhao Xiaoying said indifferently, "You and my sister are you and my sister, I and you are me and you, and I and my sister are me and my sister. The relationship is different. Yes, there is no conflict...So, you will not be my brother-in-law in the future."

"..." Li Ze tugged at the corner of his mouth, because he thought he had a very high IQ now, but he still didn't understand what Zhao Xiaoying said, what a mess.

At the moment, I quickly changed the subject: "Um...I already called Jiang Xiaoyao, and he will help you ask for a leave of absence from that dominatrix."

"Oye, Captain America, how are you doing." Zhao Xiaoying threw directly into Li Zedao's arms, looking at him with big watery eyes and said, "Captain America, I really like you."

"..." Li Zedao had a black line on his face, thinking that this somewhat nervous woman was starting to be idiotic again. It seems that you can't be so handsome in the future. You can be handsome, but you can't be so handsome that it alarms the party-isn't it?

"Let's go, go home quickly and apply some medicine for you." As he said, he hugged him out of the car and walked into the apartment building.

Under Zhao Xiaoying's guidance, Li Zedao walked into the elevator and went up to the 22nd floor to a door.

"Captain America, this is it." Zhao Xiaoying said, and then took out a key from his bag, opened the door and turned on the light switch on the wall next to the door.

The apartment is not big, a small room, a small living room, a small kitchen and a bathroom, all add up to about forty flat, but the decoration is very delicate, very suitable for the kind of single white-collar workers who work. Of course, bringing someone back to live is not a problem.

After Li Zedao walked in and put her on the sofa, he took out the ointment, cotton swabs and band-aids he bought from his pocket, and handed them to her, "Smear on the wound, put the band-aids on, don’t slam the water, just two days Enough."

"Captain America, help me, I'm afraid of pain..." Zhao Xiaoying said while looking at Li Ze eagerly.

Li Zedao had no choice but to sit down at the hole next to her. Zhao Xiaoying had already taken the initiative to put her feet on his thighs, and then she was too ashamed to put her hands on her face again.

Li Zedao looked dumbfounded, and lightly moistened some ointment with a cotton swab and applied it to her peeling area.

"His... hurts..." Zhao Xiaoying's brows wrinkled.

"Don't move." Li Zedao grabbed her soft calf with the other hand and said, "It will be better soon." Then he smeared and blew on the wound on her foot, raised his head and saw Zhao Xiaoying was staring at him with a blush and smiling face, her face flushed suddenly.

"That... blowing can reduce the pain..." Li Zedao said embarrassingly.

"Then you continue to blow... I like it very much..." Li Mengchen screamed like a mosquito and covered his face again.


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