The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 455: I still have a dream

Li Zedao looked at the girl with a faint smile on her face.

Lin Susu, Lin Zisen's daughter.

Li Zedao went to the hospital to visit her before leaving Yanjing. At that time, Lin Susu told her that she also wanted to learn archaeology, to become an archaeological expert like her father, and one day she would enter the desert to lift the veil of the ruins for her father. , But I don’t want to go to Yenching University because his father’s shadow is everywhere in Yenching University.

But at that time Lin Susu did not tell Li Zedao which university she was going to, unexpectedly came to Phoenix University.

I haven’t seen her for a few days. Although her face is still pale and haggard, it is much better than what we have seen before. Obviously, she is coming out little by little from the grief of Lin Zisen’s death. , And this gives people an urge to take good care of it. No wonder the two animals are going to fight for her.

"You actually came to Phoenix University." Li Zedao said, and then took the suitcase that Lin Susu was pulling.

"I just think...Phoenix City is beautiful, and my father used to plan to settle in Phoenix City after retirement, so I came." When he talked about Lin Zisen, Lin Susu's eyes were a little red.

Li Zedao quickly changed the subject and said: "Let's go, I haven't signed up yet, let's go together."

"Yeah." Lin Susu nodded, and then the two walked forward side by side, because boy b just pointed the direction, plus Li Zedao's eyesight is indeed very good, so now I probably know the registration point for archaeology. Where is it.

Seeing the two slowly walking away side by side, boy a and boy b look at me and I see you, and then they all feel that they are stupid, so stupid that they can't be stupid.

They met on a narrow road, faced each other, blushed, and the neck was thick...Of course, a large part of the blush was caused by excitement, and even they were about to fight, but what they didn't expect was that a third **** appeared and greeted I just took away the school girl without hitting it, just like this...

"I'm Long Aotian, the president of the Basketball Association." Student A said after exhaling.

"It turned out to be Captain Dragon." Classmate b said lightly, "I'm Han Zhibin, the president of the Taekwondo Association."

"It turns out to be President Han." Classmate A said with a smile, "Do you know that kid?"

"I don't know." Student b shook his head and said, "It looks like a freshman."

"Freshman... someday I met him and invited him to dinner." Classmate a laughed and said, "Dare to grab the senior's meat, it's good."

b The classmate smiled sullenly and didn't say anything. He turned around and left, then speeded up and rushed to a girl, like a big bad wolf staring at a little sheep and said, "Classmate, I help You carry your bag..."


"The two seniors... are quite naive." Lin Susu glanced at Li Zedao and said, she was simply explaining what had just happened.

Li Zedao smiled. He didn't answer Lin Susu's words. In his opinion, the two seniors' approach is understandable. After all, boys want to show themselves in front of girls to get girls' favor, but that approach is just like Lin Susu's. What I said is really naive.

Li Zedao felt that he would definitely not do anything like that. No way, who made him look handsome and have a temperament young and more golden? Anyone who went to that stop gave people a feeling of standing out from the crowd, and those women who didn't need to show anything flocked to them.

Thinking about Li Zedao, I feel embarrassed. I feel as if I have been heavily influenced by the master. At the same time I feel that I must not let He Xiaoyu and others know this idea, otherwise I will have to sleep on the floor in the future.

"The registration place is there." Li Ze pointed to the front and said, he had already seen the deserted registration point, "It seems... quite deserted."

You can vaguely see a red banner hung between the two big trees. Below the banner are two tables, and you can see two girls sitting there, but because they are blocked by the tree, you can’t see it. The faces of those two girls are not alone in front of the table. Unlike other departments, where dozens of tables are lined up in a row, the welcome team composed of dozens of students from the student union and teachers are all too busy. coming.

"It's quite deserted." Lin Susu nodded and smiled, "No way, archaeology is originally an unpopular profession."

After walking to the front, Li Zedao finally saw the looks of the two girls. The expressions on their faces were already a little weird. He never expected that these two people would welcome the new students in the Department of Archaeology, but he thought about it carefully. I also feel that it seems very reasonable and reasonable to let these two people welcome the new students. At least after seeing such a beautiful woman, I am not disappointed in the archaeology department, but will be full of longing...Which schoolboy does not want to come with such a senior A sweet love?

Although it is so far away, there is still a dream, what if it is realized?

At this time, the two girls don’t seem to know that someone has already come up to sign up. One is holding a book in his hand. There is no special expression on that delicate face, but you will feel that she is right again. Read that book very seriously.

The other is holding a tablet with earphones in her ears, her little face is full of nervous or triumphant smiles, and her fingers are quickly tapping on the tablet's screen, obviously playing games.

"Sister, hello, we are new students in the Department of Archaeology. Is this the registration point for the Department of Archaeology?" Lin Susu asked aloud.

Lin Susu thinks these two girls are too beautiful, especially the one who is reading, they give people a very graceful and fashionable feeling, and even make her a little embarrassed The girl looks at the sound. He moved away from the book and landed on Lin Susu, nodding slightly and said, "Yes, this is the registration point for the Archaeology Department..."

The voice was cold and slippery, slightly lazy, and made people's body suddenly crisp...At least Li Zedao was crisp, and then Li Zedao found that those eyes that seemed to be talking fell on him.

"You are here..." The cold, slippery, slightly lazy voice sounded again.

"...Long time no see." Li Zedao smiled and waved to Bai Libing. As for "You are here..." he really didn't know how to answer this question.

At this time, Yang Xueer, who was playing the game, also saw Li Zedao standing there, and immediately tore off his son with his ears stuffed in his ears, and then looked at Li Zedao and snorted coldly and said, "Idiot, big pig , I think you are dead."

"Are you okay?" Li Zedao asked again, without even looking at Yang Xueer, too lazy to pay attention to this woman with a lack of brains.

"Very good." Bai Libing looked into Qin Luo's eyes squarely. I haven't seen him for many days. He seems to have lost weight, but his temperament has also changed. He is no longer as immature as in the past. Although that face is still a bit tender, it is conceivable that he has grown a lot during this time.

"That's good." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "I just came back two days ago. I was a little busy, too late to see you."

"I know." Bai Libing said very understandingly, "After all, you have so many women, you have to coax them one by one, and then they buy villas, renovate them, and establish Tiandao Foundation."

"..." Li Zedao's expression was a little embarrassed, and he could see that this woman was angry with herself. How angry? Haven't visited her since returning from experience? After all, how can she be regarded as the woman who took her virgin body, and she was the man who took her virgin body, so although the two are not lovers, they have a very special feeling between each other. Come back It was a bit bad not to see it afterwards, at least, you have to make a phone call?

"It's really busy...haha..."

"You don't need to emphasize this, I already know it."

"So I haven't had time to go to your house... In fact, when I was abroad, I helped you choose a gift. I want to go to your house to give it to you after school starts." Li Zedao said, "I think you must have that gift. I will like it very much."

Bai Libing finally smiled. Although it only touched the corner of his mouth, the expression on his face was much softer. Sure enough, women wanted to coax.

Yang Xueer on the side didn’t even look at Li Zedao at all when she saw Li Zedao, and even "mooded" her sister in front of her. The fire in her stomach was already rising a little bit, and she suddenly "pop!" Zi slapped it on the table, staring at Li Zedao angrily, "Li Zedao you are a pig, a big pig, a super big pig! You are a bastard, a big idiot, as thin as a monkey..."

Yang Xueer was very puzzled. When she didn't see Li Zedao, she would occasionally think of him inexplicably, but when she saw him, she couldn't help but want to scold him. After scolding, she wanted to bite him hard. Mouthful.

Then I felt relieved, and thankfully, the bastard's eyes fell on her.

"Is it finished?" Li Zedao asked Yang Xueer with a smile.


"Oh, then continue." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "Don't worry, I have already gone to college and become a qualified person. I won't be as knowledgeable as a kid... I won't be talking about you getting fat. I won’t say that you look scary, nor that those who chase you are blind and have a strong taste..."

After speaking, Li Zedao stayed away.

"Li Zedao, you idiot, who do you say... I did it with you..." Yang Xueer yelled, then left her seat and rushed towards Li Zedao.

Lin Susu stared at this scene dumbfounded. She didn't expect that Li Zedao would not only know the two senior sisters, but also seemed to be very familiar with them, to the point where they were a bit ambiguous.

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