Bai Libing turned a blind eye to the scene of Yang Xueer chasing to bite Li Zedao. He looked at Lin Susu who was dumbfounded and said, "Classmate, give me your admission notice."

"Oh, yes, senior sister." Lin Susu reacted and quickly took out the admission notice from his backpack and handed it over.

Bai Libing took it, opened it for a few moments, and then handed a form to Lin Susu and said, "Lin Susu...Here, this is the report form. You can sit over there and fill it out. What do you not understand? You can ask me."

"Okay, thank you senior sister." Lin Susu said quickly, and then sat down in that chair to fill out the form.

Li Zedao hurried to the front, handed his admission notice to Bai Libing and then smiled: "Give me a form too."

"Why would you want to learn archaeology?" Bai Libing asked Li Zedao, seemingly inadvertently.

Li Zedao looked at her impossibly beautiful face and said with a slight smile: "This...I don't know. Last time you said that you were a major in archaeology, I wanted to learn archeology as well. This kind of thought is lingering...ah..."

Before Li Zedao finished speaking, he exhaled in pain.

Yang Xueer hugged Li Zedao's arm and took a bite. Then she sat down in the original position and took out a bottle of mineral water from the bottom of the table. She drank and praised: "This water ...So delicious."

"Xue'er, don't mess around." Bai Libing said with a glance at her.

Yang Xueer's eyes widened, and that little face was already full of grievances and said: "Sister, why don't you make trouble? Is this the animal bullying me, OK? Next time I dare to bully me, I won't bite , I bite twice and three times several times... I bite you to death!" Yang Xueer glanced at Li Zedao with a bad expression.

"I know, you are a dog." Li Zedao said with a curled mouth.

"Asshole, you are a dog!" Yang Xueer wanted to rush to bite.

"Xue Er..." Bai Libing increased his tone.

Yang Xueer snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"Fill in this form." Bai Libing handed over a form, "After filling it out, just pay the money."

"Ze Dao, here, you sit here, I have filled it out." Lin Susu glanced at Bai Libing, then stood up and handed the pen in his hand to Li Zedao.

"Thank you." Li Zedao took the pen in Lin Susu's hand, then sat down in the chair and filled out the form.

Bai Libing took the filled-in form handed over by Lin Susu and looked at Li Zedao. He considered his words and said, “Although you don’t need accommodation, according to the school’s regulations, if you want to live outside to ensure the safety of students, If you need to apply, you also need the signature of the parent, and the school leader must also sign, so that you can move out..."

"In other words, the dormitory is actually already ready now. You have to live in the dormitory for these two days, so that the counselor can find you... I mean... you know."

"...I don't understand..." Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry.

Yang Xueer curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Big idiot, it means that you will be honest these two days, stay in the dormitory obediently, and fly by yourself if necessary, and then apply to the school to live outside. Those women who compete with yours are flying in flight and flying in flight...Idiot, I don't understand this..."

"..." With the black line on Li Zedao's face, what else is more embarrassing than being insulted by an idiot?

"Xue'er!" Bai Libing's mouth twitched lightly, preventing Yang Xue'er from continuing to speak. She meant that she did need to stay in school for the time being for these two days, because the new students will have to receive military training and so on. , But I didn’t forget about that.

Lin Susu at the side also felt that the whole person was not good, this senior sister was too rascal, and she blushed.

After filling out the form, Bai Libing looked at Lin Susu and Li Zedao and said, “Now, just go to the financial side of the school to pay the fee. Go ahead and turn left on the building. There should be a lot of people there now. Someone will take you to the dormitory after the fee is over."

"Thank you, senior sister." Lin Susu said quickly.

"Then let's pay the fee first. See you later." Li Zedao looked at Bai Libing and said with a slight smile, "Then I will give you the gift."

Bai Libing nodded slightly, silent, and didn't say anything more.

"Hey, animal, where's my gift?" Yang Xueer stretched out a small hand, his teeth were itchy in depression, this guy dared to ignore her.

"Your gift... is still in the store, buy it yourself." Li Zedao glanced at her, curled his lips and said, then ran away far away, he didn't want to be bitten again.

From a distance, he could still hear the series of unpleasant voices from Yang Xue'er's mouth: "Li idiot bastard, go to death..."

"Do you know those two senior sisters?" Lin Susu asked curiously after following Li Zedao.

"I do know." Li Zedao nodded and said, thinking that it is more than just knowing, and I have communicated in depth...Of course, he refers to Bai Libing, as for Yang Xueer, I don't want to post him.

"The beauty of the iceberg is called Bai Libing, one of my elders' daughters is said to be the school bachelor of the University of Phoenix. As for that bitch... you just don't see it."

"Puff!" Lin Susu said with a moment of joy: "That senior sister is not a shrew. If you talk about her like that, she will naturally be anxious with you."

"I don't talk about her, she is also anxious with me." Li Zedao smiled, "but I am used to it, because every time I meet, I have to fight."

The two of them walked around and talked about, they have already come to the Finance Department, and there is already a long line here. The University of Phoenix also knows that today is a "good harvest" day, so it cooperated with the bank and the bank sent directly The staff came to help and opened more than a dozen payment windows, so even if the queue is very long, the speed is still not slow.

Of course, since ancient times, people who collect money are much faster than those who pay.

After Li Zedao and Lin Susu paid the fee, they each received a thin receipt, and they became an official member of the University of Phoenix.

After the two separated, Lin Susu was led by a senior to the girls’ dormitory, while Li Zedao led a senior to a dormitory building in the male dormitory area. Then the senior looked at a form in his hand and said: "Archaeology major Li Zedao...well, right here, your dormitory number is 307 dormitory in building 7, just go to the seventh room on the third floor. There are numbers on the door of the room. A room can accommodate four people. As for the upper bunk, It’s still the lower berth, first come, first choice, and then the health caretaker will send you the key... Okay, go up by yourself, I have to pick someone up."

"Thank you senior." Li Zedao said sincerely with a slight smile.

After the senior left, Li Zedao went up the stairs, came to the third floor and walked to the door of the dormitory where "307" was sprayed with red paint, as if he could hear movement and voices inside. , It is conceivable that a roommate who has not seen each other came before him, so he knocked on the door.

The door was quickly opened, and a thin, white-looking boy stood there with thick black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Hello... I..." The boy blushed.

"He doesn't like handsome guys? Why else is he blushing?" Li Zedao was a little wary, then smiled and said, "Hello, I am Li Zedao, I belong to this dormitory."

"I...I'm Zhao Xiaoxi...also from this dormitory..." Zhao Xiaoxi blushed and said in a low voice, and then quickly moved away and let Li Zedao enter.

Li Zedao walked in and swept around. On the right are two beds with bunk beds. On the left wall are four identical tables. Under the tables are chairs. There is a small balcony as you walk forward. On the left side of the balcony is the toilet, and on the right is a sink for people to brush their teeth and wash their faces.

Except for the top bunk near the window, which is a wooden board, the other three beds are already packed. It is conceivable that Li Zedao was the last one to arrive in the 307 dormitory.

"Two more have arrived. They went shopping." Zhao Xiaoxi whispered, as if she was afraid of scaring Li Zedao, "There was also someone who just came to inform. At two o'clock in the afternoon, they will gather in classroom 301 of Yanping Building. ."

"Okay, thank you." Li Zedao looked at Zhao Xiaoxi and nodded and smiled, but he also wondered in his heart what the other two roommates would look like or not.

Of course, for Li Zedao, it doesn't matter if he doesn't get along well, anyway he won't live in the house for too long.

Zhao Xiaoxi nodded, and then made up his bed, which was just under the remaining bed.

At the same time, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and I took it out to see it, but Zhou Yan called. When I answered it, Zhou Yan's voice was already coming from the other end of the phone: "Hey, boss, you Is it done?"

"Well, where are you? I'm looking for you." Li Zedao said.

"I just helped my sister-in-law move the washing supplies downstairs to the girls' dormitory. My sister-in-law has also prepared a copy for you. There are mats, quilts and toiletries." Zhou Yan said, "Which dorm are you in? I will send it to you now."

"7 Building 307." Li Zedao said.

"Hey, I'm in Building 5, I'll come to you in the future." Zhou Yan smiled, "Then I will be there in five minutes."

"I'll wait for you downstairs." Li Zedao said. On the one hand, he was afraid that there would be too much stuff and Zhou Yan was struggling to move. On the other hand, he seemed to stay here and have nothing to talk with the new roommate Zhao Xiaoxi. After all, he was not. The kind of self-acquaintance, it is obvious that Zhao Xiaoxi is not.

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