The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 457: Unexpected counselor

Zhou Yan, who hadn't waited long downstairs, had already come by holding a large trolley and looked funny. Li Zedao hurried over to take some things from him.

Zhou Yan smiled wryly and said, "Boss, these are all my sister-in-law bought for you in the supermarket just now. Pillows, thin quilts, mats, washbasins, etc. are all available."

He said, lowered his voice and said, "Boss, there is a question I don't know whether to ask or not."

"Then don't ask." Li Zedao glanced at him and said.

"Uh... let's ask, if I don't ask, I'll be panicked..." Zhou Yan asked the question to keep his mind from getting stuck, "Well... you and classmate Su are getting better... …What about Teacher He?"

"What teacher?"

"That's...Did you kick Teacher He with a single kick?" Zhou Yan looked at Li Ze eagerly, and asked with the kind of gossip in his heart burning, "Or said that Teacher He kicked you. Up?"

"You think too much." Li Zedao said speechlessly. He kicked Teacher He? How is that possible? Teacher He kicked him? That kind of thing is even less likely to happen.

Zhou Yan's eyes widened suddenly and said, "Boss... Are you on two boats?"

"You think too much." Li Zedao rolled his eyes. Isn't this an insult? Who is on two boats? Is it good to pedal several boats?

"What's that?" Zhou Yan followed Li Zedao in a posture that he didn't know the truth.

Li Zedao helplessly cleared his throat and said, "Teacher He is my woman, and Su Xuan is also my woman, but they all know the existence of each other and admit the existence of each other...understand? Your boss, I am so awesome. A man forced."

Zhou Yan's eyes widened suddenly, and his eyes were full of envy: "Boss, you are really... a farm animal."

"..." Li Zedao felt that such a little brother shouldn't be enough.

The two of them walked and chatted, and once again came to the 307 dormitory. Then Zhou Yan helped Li Zedao tidy up the bed and quilt. As for Li Zedao, he took the toiletries to the sink on the balcony.

At this time, the door of the dormitory was pushed open again, and two boys walked in one after another, one of them still carrying a bag of things.

The tall man in the lead looked at Zhou Yan with a smile and said, "Yeah, the last handsome guy in our dormitory has arrived...Hello, this is Ma Renjie, he is Yang Baishu..."

Speaking, Ma Renjie pointed to the handsome man standing behind him with stud earrings on his left ear, and introduced it to the man who looked a little gloomy.

"You misunderstood, I was not yours." Zhou Yan waved his hand and said quickly, "I helped my boss bring things here."

"Your boss?" Ma Renjie was taken aback.

"It's him." Zhou Yan pointed to Li Zedao who walked in from the balcony.

"Hello, I am Li Zedao, everyone will be roommates from now on." Li Zedao walked up to the front and said with a smile.

"Haha, yeah, everyone will be roommates in the future." Ma Renjie looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile, with an extremely enthusiastic look, "I have something to do in a while...afternoon, won't you get the 301 meeting in Yanping Building? After the gathering is over, I will find a restaurant to treat me. Let's leave the four brothers to have a few drinks."

"Okay." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

Yang Baishu obviously didn't like to talk very much, as if someone owed him 5 million, he nodded to Li Zedao with a gloomy expression, and went on his own.

"Haha, don't care." Ma Renjie pointed to Yang Baishu and smiled at Li Zedao, "I was a classmate with him when I was a freshman in high school. I have known him for three years, and that guy is born a coffin. face."

"Ma Renjie, be careful I tore your mouth." Yang Baishu turned his head and said in a low voice.

Ma Renjie smiled more happily, with a look of carelessness. It is conceivable that he is used to teasing Yang Baishu and is also used to being threatened by Yang Baishu.

Li Zedao was a little helpless. These three roommates were really better than the other one. One was as shy as the kind of girl who had just come out of the boudoir. His face turned red when you talked to him; one seemed warm and generous. The last one gives people a very hypocritical feeling; the last one is so gloomy that you have to be careful about whether the other party will give you a knife in the middle of the night.

After finishing packing things, Li Zedao simply greeted the three roommates, and then took Zhou Yan to leave the dormitory area and gave Su Xuan a call. At this time, Su Xuan had already finished sorting and was waiting at the school gate. With.

After reuniting with Su Xuan, the three of them found a restaurant opposite the school and had dinner, and then returned to the school.

It's not just that Li Zedao had to meet at two o'clock in the afternoon, but also Su Xuan and Zhou Yan. The meeting place was both in Yanping Building, but Su Xuan and Zhou Yan met in classroom 201.

Li Zedao almost stepped on the back door and walked into the classroom, and found that there were only about 20 people sparse in the huge classroom. I don’t know because this year the entire Department of Archaeology only recruited such a few people or there were still no people here. Among these two dozen people, there were only two girls sitting in the front position, and the others were boys.

The two girls, Li Zedao, knew each other. One was Lin Susu who only met in the morning and went to report together, and the other was Miffy who took him to be a shield two days ago.

Originally, there are very many wolves and very little meat, plus Lin Susu and Miffy are both first-class beauties, so the eyes of those boys almost fall on them both intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Zedao also saw the three roommates who had just met sitting at the back, and saw Ma Renjie looking at him with a smile and beckoning him.

Li Zedao nodded at him and walked towards them, then sat down in the empty seat beside Ma Renjie.

"There are beauties there. Those are the only two girls in our archeology major." Ma Renjie pointed to Miffy and Lin Susu, and said with a smile, there was a hint of transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth, "The only thing worthy of comfort is, Is the quality very high?

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded and smiled. Then he glanced at Yang Baishu, who was sitting on the other side of Ma Renjie. At this time, he looked at the tabletop with a gloomy face and didn't know what he was thinking. He did have a coffin face. As for Zhao Xiaoxi, who was sitting next to Yang Baishu, her face turned red with a low head, as if someone was secretly looking at him so that he was embarrassed.

"Moreover, you see that there are some frustrated men around you who are crooked melons and jujubes. In terms of looks, you and I are definitely the first and second most beautiful men in archaeology..." Ma Renjie continued to whisper.

"..." Li Zedao twitched the corners of his mouth slightly. He didn't understand how such shameless words came out of his mouth, but he smiled and nodded in agreement. After all, he just met and he will have to "sleep" in the future. Together, it’s not easy to dismantle each other’s station, isn’t it?

"So, the two of us have the best chance of catching up with those two beauties. You can pick one first, and leave the remaining one to your brother. Isn't it interesting?" Ma Renjie said with a smile.

"Interesting enough." Li Ze said with a twitching corner of his mouth again. I want this narcissistic and hypocritical guy to know that the two girls are very familiar with him, but the eyes looking at him are a little strange. Will he be knifed in the middle of the night when he goes to bed?

"That is, I have always been very interesting to my brother..." Ma Renjie's voice stopped abruptly. At the same time, he stared at the door of the classroom with scorching eyes, with an obsessive expression on his face, and the transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth was even worse. too much.

Not only Ma Renjie’s expression of being unsettled, but the sights of the twenty-something animals sitting in the classroom were all concentrated at the door of the classroom, even Zhao Xiaoxi, who was extremely shy, and Yang Baishu, who had been bowing his head all the time. They couldn't help but set their gazes at the door of the classroom, and then their eyes lit up slightly.

Li Zedao's eyes not only brightened, but also widened, as big and big as they were, with an expression of hell.

What came in was a beautiful woman with long curly red-brown hair, **** red lips, and star-like eyes. She was wearing a black loose coat that could not conceal her proud figure. Wearing a pair of black pencil pants, those slightly tight pants, completely outline her moving curves and slender thighs, on the feet are a pair of black high-heeled sandals, revealing attractive red nail polish Toes.

There is a hint of maturity in the sexy, and a touch of confuse in the charming, just like a sweet peach, such a woman is more attractive than the girls who are still youthful like Miffy and Lin Susu. Strong, it's no wonder these students saw that they all looked like animals in heat.

Li Zedao was not in heat, he was scared, indeed scared, because the woman who walked in was not Susan, who was it?

Although her hair was dyed and curled slightly, it was no longer black and smooth before, but that face and figure belonged to Susan no doubt.

How could she appear here? She is also a freshman this year? Or is it... a counselor? Are you kidding me? Susan, the eldest lady of the Su family, one of the dignified Yenching giants, went to the University of Phoenix as a counselor? Li Zedao felt that if that was the case, he should hurry up and change his profession.

Susan walked straight to the podium and glanced at the two dozen students who were staring at her with hot eyes. When she saw the sluggish expression of Li Zedao sitting there, the corners of her mouth slightly cocked. A sneer.

"I said, don't want to ignore my existence." Susan thought in her heart, and then said loudly, "Hello classmates, I am your counselor, my name is Susan."

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