The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 458: My head hurts

Seeing Susan, who introduced herself so generously and decently on the podium, was so different from the neurotic before, Li Zedao felt like he was struck by lightning, and it was like that in his mind repeatedly. One question, how could such a woman with a brain disease be a counselor? She herself needs to be counseled, how can she counsel others? Are you kidding me?

Li Zedao felt that he would still be able to change his major. With the kind of attention the President of Phoenix University paid to him, it shouldn't be too difficult to change his major?

Yes, Li Zedao guessed the process... He knew that Susan, a woman with a brain problem, would not let him go so easily, and he was also secretly guarding her not to do anything behind. What kind of tricks, but he couldn't guess such a result anyway, why did she become a counselor? How did she become her own teacher?

One day as a teacher and a father for life, of course, Susan is a female, so it should be said that one day as a teacher and a mother for life, in other words, you have to call him "Mom" in the future? And can't be ridiculing her, can't be drawing her face, otherwise you will be an unfilial person?

Li Zedao felt a little pain in his head. The special envoy saw that when Susan looked at him, there was still a nervous gloom in his eyes. His head hurt even more, and he couldn't wait to hide his head in his crotch.

Li Zedao wanted to die, but the other students wanted to die with joy, so after a moment of silence, I don’t know who took the lead to applaud. So soon there was a burst of warm applause in the classroom, although the applause was not very neat. , Because of the small number of people, there is no feeling of overwhelming, but everyone is desperately giving applause to this charming instructor and teacher, and feels that applying for the archaeology major is indeed a very wise choice.

Susan waved her hand with a faint smile, suppressed the applause, and then continued: "All of you here are strange faces to me..."

"Except for this **** Li Zedao." Susan muttered in her heart as she said. In the several encounters with Li Zedao, she was the first to let him lower his head obediently, so she was in a great mood.

"You are also unfamiliar faces between each other, but we will spend this very beautiful four years of university together. We will become very good classmates, friends, and even teammates... teammates who rob the tomb together... …"

Susan’s remarks amused everyone. Although not too humorous, they were spoken from the mouth of a beautiful woman, and this beautiful woman is still the counselor who has the right to determine their grades, scholarships, and other rights to join the party. Staff, it won’t work if you don’t give face, so everyone is still smiling.

While smiling, many boys also secretly wiped the saliva on the corners of their mouths, and some swallowed. Maybe it was because the weather was too hot, so they were a little thirsty.

Except for Li Zedao, his head was low and he didn't dare to look at Susan at all, and he even thought that the people around him laugh so low? What is so funny about what a woman with a sick brain says?

"So, since I will be classmates, friends or even teammates for the next four years, is it necessary to get to know them first?" Susan glanced at everyone and said, her eyes staying on Li Zedao's body more. Second, there was a very vague sneer in his eyes.

"Just start with the two girls sitting in the front." Susan's gaze fell on Miffy and Lin Susu, and then pointed at Lin Susu, "This classmate, come on stage and introduce yourself."

Lin Susu quickly stood up and walked to the podium. The hot gazes under the stage made her a little nervous. At the same time, she also glanced at Li Zedao, but saw that his head was low, as if below. Secretly holding the phone to play games.

"Don't be nervous." Susan said with a slight smile.

"Okay, Teacher Su." Lin Susu nodded and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Lin Susu, I am from Yanjing, and I am glad to meet you...Thank you." He nodded slightly.

The classroom again rang out applause...beauties have this ability to make animals estrange.

After Lin Susu stepped down, Miffy came on stage, and her beautiful eyes naturally stayed on Li Zedao for a few more seconds, and her self-introduction was similar to Lin Susu's, but she was also a beautiful woman, so she also won a lot of applause.

Then came the third, fourth and fifth... Soon, only Li Zedao and his three roommates were left.

"I'll come first." Ma Renjie looked around and smiled and muttered, then gracefully stepped onto the podium, cleared his throat and said: "Hello everyone, I am Ma Renjie, from Suzhou and Hangzhou. My hobby is playing basketball and street dancing. If you like, find a chance for everyone to have fun. In addition, my dormitory is in Building 307. If you are fine, you can drop by me for a drink... Thank you everyone."

"Papa..." Ma Renjie's smiling face, which seemed to Li Zedao to be hypocritical, also won a lot of applause.

Zhao Xiaoxi glanced at Yang Baishu with a low expression, and then at Li Zedao, who was simply lying on the desk as if he was asleep, then stood up with shaking legs, and finally came to the podium trembling step by step.

"Big... hello everyone..." Zhao Xiaoxi stammered, and then "brushed" her face red all at once, her head was low, she didn't dare to face everyone at all, "I am... Zhao... Xiao Hey... thank you everyone..."

"Papa..." The people in the audience gave a symbolic applause.

Zhao Xiaoxi ran away from the podium quickly as if fleeing for his life.

Yang Baishu glanced at Li Zedao with a gloomy expression, then walked to the stage blankly, and said coldly: "Yang Baishu." After speaking, he stepped down.

"Papa..." Applause appeared very abrupt and lonely, but Ma Renjie smiled and looked at Yang Baishu as he walked off the stage. He raised his hands and clapped happily. He was the only one in the classroom. Applauding.

Yang Baishu looked at Ma Renjie, his face was even more gloomy, as if he couldn't wait to stabb him to death.

Li Zedao knew that if he continued to pretend to be asleep, Susan's means would make him very embarrassed, so he had to stand up and face the kind of nervous glance that Susan fell on him from time to time. Slowly came to the podium, standing next to Susan.

"Hello everyone, I am Li Zedao, thank you everyone." After speaking, Li Zedao will step down.

"Wait, classmate Li." Susan smiled and took a step closer to Li Zedao, then she glanced at everyone and continued, "Everyone must be familiar with this name? Yes, our classmate Li It was Li Zedao who won the college entrance examination with a high score of 749 points this year."

Except for the already known Miffy and Lin Susu, the eyes of everyone else looking at Li Zedao have changed.

They have all heard the name Li Zedao, but they never thought that the college entrance examination champion Li Zedao was right in front of them, and he would choose such an unpopular major as the archaeology major of Phoenix University. You know, more than 90% of the people present The reason why students choose this major is not because they like archeology, but the low scores of this major can ensure that they can enter the University of Phoenix.

"Don't...should you give some applause?" Susan said again with a slight smile.

"Papa..." The overwhelming applause sounded again, and then Li Zedao's face changed, and he secretly gasped.

I don't know when, Susan actually put a hand on her waist, and then pinched a small piece of skin under his hip, then tuned, tuned!

It's just that because Susan's actions were too secretive, the U.S. team was shocked by Li Zedao's name, and his mind temporarily moved away from her and fell on Li Zedao, so no one really noticed her movement.

Li Zedao has the urge to swell her face again, if she is not in the classroom and Susan is not a counselor!

"Student Li, is there anything else I want to add?" Susan smiled and said, taking a step forward and withdrawing her hand, but the foot in high heels stepped on the back of Li Zedao. And crushed.

"...No more..." Li Zedao worked hard to keep the smile on his face from being too rigid, and even harder to control himself not to do anything out of the ordinary. After all, once the counselor was beaten in such a place , Then he will be sprayed to death.

"Okay, thank you Li." Susan smiled slightly, then moved her foot away.

Li Zedao tried very hard to assume that there was nothing. Under the hot gaze of everyone, he slowly stepped off the podium, but he was cold in his heart. The back of his feet was too much for his grandmother. It hurts.

After getting off the podium and sitting back in position, Zhao Xiaoxi looked at him with a hint of worship in addition to shyness, which made Li Zedao get goosebumps; Yang Baishu still had a coffin face, but just looked at Li Zedao a few more times.

Ma Renjie looked at him with a smile and said in a low voice, "Tsk, brother, you can’t see that you turned out to be the college entrance examination champion Li Zedao. When I was in the dormitory, I thought it was the same name... Do you know that you are my idol? No, no, I was too excited to see the idol for a while. After the dissolution, I must drink a few more bottles with you."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and nodded.

At this time, Susan's voice sounded in her ears again: "Very well, after your self-introduction, I also wrote down your names. From now on, we will not only be a teacher-student relationship, but also a friend relationship. If you encounter any difficulties, please feel free to contact me."

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