A group of four people left the dormitory and walked over to the entire row of restaurants across from the school. Ma Renjie and Yang Baishu walked in the front. One of the two always turned on each other, while the other always stared at each other with bad eyes. The other side even threatened the other side by watching, but at this time they were very close. It was obvious that the friendship between them was not low.

Zhao Xiaoxi followed the two closely, but his head was low. Once someone passed by him, and regardless of whether that person was a man or a woman, you could see that Zhao Xiaoxi's face would be flushed all of a sudden.

Li Zedao walked to the back of the four, and he was calling.

"Don't you know?" Li Zedao asked.

"I don't know." Su Xuan's voice came over the phone.

Li Zedao couldn’t wait to tell Su Xuan that Susan turned out to be an archaeology instructor, but Su Xuan was also very surprised. She didn’t expect Susan to follow her and Alice this time. Phoenix City turned out to be a counselor at the University of Phoenix.

No wonder, on the plane, when the man accosted her and said that she was an executive of a Fortune 500 company, Susan would say that she was a great but ordinary people’s teacher. Su Xuan heard this at that time. Thought she was deliberately teasing the man, but unexpectedly, she really became a teacher.

"Okay, what do you want to do now?" Li Zedao smiled bitterly. He felt very helpless and had a headache. It seemed that there was a breath of breath in his body but he couldn't vent it, and he was very uncomfortable.

"Let's go with the flow." After thinking about it, Su Xuan said, "She is not malicious to you, otherwise she would have shaken your business out."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly again and said: "Forget it, if she dares to do something embarrassing me, it will be a big deal...I am going to have a meal with my new roommate, you take care of yourself."

"Well, I know." Su Xuan said.

After hanging up the phone, another call came in. Li Zedao glanced at the phone number and then picked it up. Lin Susu's slightly soft voice was already on the phone: "Congratulations, Zedao, you have become the acting monitor."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "In fact, I don't want to be the monitor of this class at all."

"I know." Lin Susu smiled.

"you know?"

"I just found that the counselor Su's eyes looked a little strange, although she was hiding well." Lin Susu said, "It seems you know each other."

"It is indeed a acquaintance, and the relationship is very bad." Li Zedao didn't expect Lin Susu to have such a delicate mind, and he didn't hide it at the moment. "I drew her face before."


"Forget it, let's not talk about her, are you all right?" Li Zedao asked.

"Very good, you have seen it. There are two girls in our class, just me and Miffy. We are in the same dormitory, and there are two others in the dormitory, both of whom are in computer science." Lin Susu, who was standing on the balcony, looked outside, already smiling like a flower. It was good to be cared by him, even though his concern was just verbally mentioned.

"That's fine, please tell me if you have any difficulties." Li Zedao said, "Find a time to have a meal together."

"Okay, then you should be busy." Lin Susu said with a slight smile, and took the initiative to end the topic.

When Li Zedao was about to put his phone away, another call came in. At this time, it was Miffy who called. He glanced at Ma Renjie who was looking back at him, smiled apologetically and waved his hand, and then answered again. Up.

"Student Li, who are you talking on the phone? Isn't it your girlfriend?" Miffy's sweet voice came.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "You don't want to congratulate me on becoming the acting squad leader?"

"Yeah, shouldn't you invite dinner?" Miffy smiled.

"Remember, now I'm going out with my roommate." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Remember, you owe me a meal." Miffy said, "Then you are busy, and I want to exchange feelings with my roommate."

After hanging up the phone again, I was sure that there were no more calls. Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket. Ma Renjie turned around and looked at him with a smile and said: "The third child, this is just on stage, so business is so busy, no Is it because someone in the class intends to bribe you? Or are the two flowers in the class calling you to show their admiration?"

Li Zedao said with a dumbfounded look: "Boss, you think too much, just a few friends, ask about the situation."

Talking about laughing and laughing, the four of them have already come to a restaurant opposite the school gate. Of course, it is not that the four of them are laughing, but Li Zedao and Ma Renjie are talking and laughing. Zhao Xiaoxi is still shy along the way. And Yang Baishu is a coffin face who owes him five million.

Ma Renjie kept expressing his adoration of Li Zedao with a smiley face that was about to open a dog's tail. Li Zedao responded modestly, and then Ma Renjie went on to say that among the new students of the archaeology department, he and Li Zedao would be handsome. Naturally, it is one of the best, and said that the two flowers in the class Li Zedao like to pick first, and leave one for him.

So Li Zedao laughed with him, but at the same time he had the urge to find a trash can and smash his face with such a hypocritical smile.

The restaurant I came here is called "Phoenix Hotel". It is said to be opened by a student who graduated from Phoenix University. The price is close to the people. It is very popular with these college students. It is also a good place for those who have poor family conditions in the work-study program at Phoenix University. In places where work is easier than working outside, the rewards are much more than those outside.

At this time, there are already a lot of people in the entire Fengda Hotel. After all, there are a lot of people who plan to eat and drink and exchange their feelings with the same idea as them. There are naturally no boxes, but the lobby is still There were a few empty places, and the four of them were not looking for other restaurants, but found an empty place and sat down, and then ordered food.

After Ma Renjie ordered a charcoal-grilled live fish and a few side dishes, he threw the menu to Yang Baishu and said with a smile: "Coffin face, you look like a dead person all the time, do you want two candles and a dozen paper dollars? "

"Ma Renjie, one day I will tear your mouth." Yang Baishu whispered with a sullen face, without reaching out to pick up the menu.

Ma Renjie chuckled, and did not mind Yang Baishu's threat at all, and handed the menu to Li Ze and said, "The third one, come, you also order a few."

"You have ordered a lot." Li Zedao shook his head and smiled, "I am not too picky about what to eat."

Speaking, I swept the surroundings with the corner of my eye, but saw seven or eight people sitting at the next table, each with a red face, talking loudly, this said that the school girl he helped carry the bag is much more watery, It was said that a top school girl glared at him and caused him to accidentally hit a telephone pole. Some even said that a school girl left a phone call and said that he had time to go to a gun...

The content of the conversation is inseparable from this school girl and that school girl. Obviously, it is the seniors who are in charge of receiving the new students today. At this time, they laughed unscrupulously, knocked on the dishes and patted the table, with wretched faces. His smile is obviously a bit high.

"This is the university? This is the college student? Wouldn't it... be too misleading?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

Ma Renjie glanced at Zhao Xiaoxi. The latter's head lowered and his face turned red. He was too lazy to ask him what he meant, so he asked for another box of beer.

After asking the waiter to quickly serve the food, Ma Renjie glanced around, then said with glowing eyes: "Unexpectedly, there are many beautiful women in this wolf den."

At this time, there were a few tables in the hall where all girls were sitting at the table, and they seemed to be with classmates from the dormitory who came to dinner and exchange feelings like Li Zedao.

Yang Baishu didn't want to take Ma Renjie's words, Zhao Xiaoxi was not embarrassed to take Ma Renjie's words. Li Zedao is a kind person. One problem with kind people is that they don't see others being too embarrassed, so Li Zedao took Ma Renjie's words and laughed: "It's a lot."

"But compared to our professional Lin Susu and Miffy, it's much worse." Ma Renjie said, "It is undeniable that the two of them have already spent time together..."

"..." Li Zedao felt that this so-called flower is too lacking in gold, right?

"No, no." Ma Renjie shook his head, with a hot expression on his face, "They are not still flowers, they can only be regarded as freshmen of the archaeology department..."

"..." Li Zedao felt that the flowers in this department were even less valuable. You must know that there are two girls in the freshman year of the Archaeology Department. Even if this woman grows like a flower, she will be regarded as a flower?

"The third child, did you see the senior sister who was in charge of registration in the morning? Although Miffy and Lin Susu are good-looking, the temperament on them is far from her... Tsk tsk, I'm not afraid of you smiling, I'm seeing her At that moment, my whole body was stunned, and my chest was wet...Oh, it was not saliva, but at that time I was drinking water and forgot to swallow it so it all came out..."

"It's so beautiful!" Ma Renjie looked intoxicated, and there was already a trace of liquid at the corner of his mouth, "Ah, no more, I'm shamelessly hard..."

At this time, the waiter brought up the pot of charcoal-grilled live fish. Li Zedao's mouth was slightly twitched, and at the same time there was an urge to smash the charcoal-grilled live fish on his face.

This bastard, dare to be lewd to Baili Bing? Isn't he afraid that the Baili River will let people put him in a sack, take a vicious meal and throw it into the sea to feed the fish?

"Lao San, are you hard after seeing that beautiful senior sister?" Ma Renjie asked with a wretched smile.

"...No." Li Ze said with a twitching corner of his mouth. How could it be hard for Yang Xueer to be ugly?

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