The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 461: I can't see it

At this moment, Li Zedao felt as if someone was staring at him. At the moment, he pretended to inadvertently glance back, but he didn't notice which beautiful new student in the wolf den was staring at him with lustful eyes. He saw it, so he turned around, picked up a piece of grilled fish from the big pot, and tasted it.

The skin is crispy, the meat is soft and tender, the color is golden, the taste is delicious, and it is indeed delicious.

"Come on, the third child, here." Ma Renjie opened a bottle of beer and handed it to Li Zedao, then said, "Let's blow it out with the bottle...The cup is too dirty, it is said that when washing it, it is directly stepped on with your feet. "

"..." Li Zedao suddenly felt that the fish in his mouth had changed its taste, because the chopsticks were the same as the cup and the bowl for eating. If the cup was cleaned with a foot, what about the chopsticks? Where's the bowl? Does this guy make people delicious grilled fish? Didn't he deliberately say some disgusting words to make them afraid to eat and then he swallowed this fish?

Ma Renjie smiled, opened three more bottles of beer, put two of them in front of Yang Baishu and Zhao Xiaoxi, and then grabbed the bottle and said with great pride: "Come on, brothers, we have a chance to meet each other from thousands of miles away. Don't meet...I'm blowing a bottle, you are free!"

When Ma Renjie raised his head and gurgled a few times, he killed the bottle of beer, and then burped heavily.

Zhao Xiaoxi looked at Ma Renjie with admiration and took a sip. That small face instantly wrinkled into a bun. She tried very hard to swallow it, but she never had the courage to take a second sip. I know, he rarely drank beer or even never drank beer.

Yang Baishu gave Ma Renjie a cold look, and after taking a sip, he put the bottle down without any intention to continue drinking.

Li Zedao only took a sip of the same thing. Since Ma Renjie said that you are free, it is natural that such kind-hearted people like Li Zedao will not give him his kindness.

Although alcohol had no effect on his body at all, drinking white wine was like drinking boiled water, but Li Zedao did not like the taste of wine after all.

Ma Renjie looked at Li Zedao, and then at Zhao Xiaoxi and Yang Baishu, that face was already full of grievances: "I said, how many brothers, I have already killed a bottle and you just take a bite?"

"I...really...can't drink..." Zhao Xiaoxi's buns face was full of embarrassment, he swallowed the mouthful just now, and he felt like he would vomit out if he drank it. It will only make everyone happy.

Yang Baishu had a shady face, picking up a piece of fish and picking up the bone, without even looking at Ma Renjie.

Li Zedao said with some embarrassment: "Boss, don't you let us be free?"

"I rely on... Isn't this too casual?" Ma Renjie looked speechless.

"You stupid drink so much wine." Yang Baishu said coldly after spitting out a fishbone.

"..." Yang Baishu had a knife in his chest, and soon the face was filled with smiles again, "Come on, eat more, I heard that the charcoal-grilled live fish in Phoenix City is a must, I have long wanted to eat it. ."

At this moment, I only heard the sound of the chair being knocked open. Then, a drunk young man at the next table swayed to his feet and pulled one by one. The man who sent the beer over stared at a pair of dog eyes and cursed: "Fuck Nima, your eyes are on your ass, right? You who asked you to bring me a beer actually took Lao Tzu's beer. I knocked it down and made my crotch wet, just like peeing..."

Pan Fengye is very upset right now. He is bragging about how shy the school girl he helped carry the bag in the morning was when he wanted his contact information, but the waiter who delivered the beer was so short-sighted that he was putting the beer. When I was on the table, I ran into the glass with half a glass of beer in front of him, so that the beer in the glass poured on his crotch, just like peeing on his pants.

Pan Fengye noticed that when he was bragging loudly, many people's eyes fell on him, and there were even a few girls who were looking at him with hot eyes, in a posture of wishing to come forward to confess. But now his crotch is wet...Which school girl likes to wet his pants?

And what do those eyes around mean? Are they laughing at themselves?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The middle-aged man apologized quickly with a frightened expression.

"Sorry, if it's useful, why should the police do it?" Pan Fengye cursed with wide open eyes that were originally drunk.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll wipe it for you... I'll help you..." The middle-aged man continued to apologize, and then quickly drew out a tissue to reach Pan Fengye's crotch to help him wipe it.

Feeling an evil hand touching his younger brother, Pan Fengye excited his soul, and the red face became even redder, and his body trembled slightly with anger. Who else does his younger brother have besides himself? Man touched? And he's still such an ugly, dirty, and mean man...

This is an insult! That kind of insult to death!

"I...I'm in a mess, I want to touch my little dick... Do you think you are a school girl... Are you my girlfriend?" Pan Fengye scolded, then kicked it, kicking it hard. Mid-year man's belly.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and then the middle-aged man wailed to the doctor, fell to the ground and clutched his stomach, his face was already full of pain.

"Brothers, **** him, shit, dare to touch Lao Tzu's chicken!" Pan Fengye shouted loudly with a wave of both hands.

And as he roared, all the people at the two tables around stood up in a rush. There were a dozen people, all staring at the middle-aged man on the ground with a mocking smile on their faces. There were even a few people who were still holding a wine bottle in their hands and weighing them.

And Pan Fengye's insults and the wailing of the middle-aged man also suppressed the other noisy sounds in this hall, attracting most people's attention.

Even the girls who were having dinner together opened their watery eyes one after another. They looked here one after another. Some of the girls were just watching the fun, all of them were full of interest.

And there are also some girls who subconsciously cover their small mouths. Their small faces are full of worries looking at the middle-aged man lying on the ground with his stomach covered. These dozen or so of them can take care of themselves. Was that poor man kicked to death?

The owner of Fengda Hotel, Zhang Xiaotian, was a little helpless after seeing such a scene, but he didn't show up. He has seen many students fighting here since he opened the hotel for so many years, and these ten students are regular customers here. , He still knows how much of their details, especially Pan Fengye, who is now madly furious, can't afford to provoke him.

Besides, this waiter named Jia Ming was hired temporarily because the freshmen started school these two days because they were too busy. It is said that he was originally carrying bricks on the construction site and he was clumsy, so Zhang Xiaotian decided to wait for this. After a period of busy, I can kick him away.

In other words, to offend these students, especially Pan Fengye, for this clumsy employee who was just hired, it is not guilty.

"I hope there will be two less broken wine bottles." Zhang Xiaotian muttered in his heart, "A bottle is worth a dime if it is recycled."

Li Zedao looked back at Jia Ming, who was on the ground holding his stomach and howling in a low voice. His dark face was full of traces of time. He didn't know why Li Dahai was inexplicably thought of in his mind.

He is not Li Dahai, but he has many similarities with Li Dahai. They wear that kind of tattered clothes. Their faces are all traces of the destruction of time. Their backbones are all affected by this society. The reality has been bent. After they encounter things, they will only be reluctant to ask for everything, never knowing to throw their own fists, they have a naturally growing humbleness in their bones...

"Brothers, one person will give him a wine bottle." Pan Fengye's yelling interrupted Li Zedao's thoughts. At this time, he swayed his foot on Jia Ming's body and grabbed his hand from the table. After a bottle of wine, the poser is about to greet Jia Ming.

As a result, the faces of those students who wish to make things worse are all hot, especially Pan Fengye's ten or so brothers. Such a bottle of wine must be very exciting to people?

The sympathetic and timid girl was holding her face with her little hand, and she did not dare to see the **** scene that was about to happen before her. That scene must look very exciting, right?

Li Zedao frowned and he was about to stand up.

"Lao San, what are you doing?" Ma Renjie hurriedly stopped him and said in a low voice, "Eat your charcoal grilled live fish, gnaw your chicken feet, drink your beer, and go back to sleep after drinking. How good is Chunmeng...what do you think?"

"Not good." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I can't see it."

"You... why don't I help you close your eyes so that you can't see it?" Ma Renjie said anxiously, "There are more than a dozen of them, all of whom look tall and drunk. It's a bit high, you can't be queued up in the past...Uh..."

The corners of Ma Renjie's mouth twitched, because Li Zedao seemed to have not heard his words, he had already stood up, and then shook his head helplessly, bowed his head and ate the charcoal-grilled live fish. Confronting anyone's eyes... he really didn't want his head to be opened.

Yang Baishu glanced at Li Zedao with a sullen face, and said in a voice he could hear: "Fool!" Then he continued to eat the fish.

As for Zhao Xiaoxi looking at Li Zedao who stood up, her expression flustered, her mouth opened, and she didn't say much after all.

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