The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 462: This is a threat

"Grass, dare to touch Lao Tzu's little chicken...Go to **** you, rubbish...I'm..." Pan Fengye said cursingly, spat at Jia Ming, who was stepped on by him, and then headed. Shaking down, opened his eyes and glanced at the beer bottle in his hand, and clenched it tightly.

"Go to hell..." he shouted, then lifted the bottle in his hand and dropped it, seeing the beer bottle coming into close contact with the middle-aged man's head.

"Ah..." Some timid girls had already closed their eyes, not daring to look at this scene.

However, one second has passed, two seconds have passed, and three seconds have passed... Ten seconds have passed, and the crisp "opening" sound that should have been heard never sounded.

Pan Fengye was stunned, then stared at his drunk and dim eyes and looked at his hand, then looked at Jia Ming, who was still stepped on by him, and muttered: "Damn, where's my wine bottle? Mine? Where's the wine bottle?"

Then he blushed...Although his face was already red because of the stimulation and excitement of alcohol!

Is it because you drank so much that your hand trembles and the bottle flies without holding it steady? Pan Fengye thinks this is shameful!

Pan Fengye didn’t know where the wine bottle in his hand had gone, but his dozen or so brothers knew that the others were sympathetic either for watching the excitement or the small faces... or watching the excitement. The students actually saw clearly where Pan Fengye's wine bottle had gone!

They clearly saw that just when Pan Fengye was about to smash the wine bottle against the waiter on the ground, a hand appeared, and then the wine bottle that should have fallen on the hapless ghost's head fell on That hand, then Pan Fengye let go, and then that hand shrank away...

This scene is so harmonious, as if Pan Fengye realized that what he was about to do was how thunderous things were, so he took the initiative to give the wine bottle in his hand to the other party, the owner of that hand, that was a face. There are still a few immature students on the board, it should be the freshmen of this class.

"This is a stunned boy who is about to be unlucky." The owner of the restaurant, Zhang Xiaotian, muttered speechlessly, "It's a pity, I will go home if I just came to report."

"Brother Maple Leaf, your wine bottle was taken away." A young man with earrings standing next to Pan Fengye couldn't stand it anymore. He glanced at Li Zedao hostilely and reminded him in a low voice.

Pan Fengye's eyes widened when he heard the words, only to realize that in front of him, he didn't know when there was already a boy with a little immature face, and he was staring at him with a calm face and his hands He was still holding a wine bottle, and his face gradually became overcast.

It's more embarrassing to have a wine bottle taken away than to let it go!

"You have kicked him, and he was scolded by you. Can this be forgotten?" Li Zedao asked Pan Fengye, who was still shaking slightly when he was standing because he drank too much. .

"That's it?" Pan Fengye didn't want to laugh, but was amused by the other party's naive remarks. Things have developed to this extent, with so many eyes staring at him, how could it be that way? Forget it?

"Do you think it is possible?" Pan Fengye asked. Now he didn't just want to beat the **** waiter to death, he wanted to beat the owed kid to death.

"Just let go of your feet, it's very simple." Li Zedao said seriously, "You don't need to say anything to be sorry...I think you have never said this before, right?"

Pan Fengye was amused again, he had seen a lot of arrogant, but this was the first time he saw such a stunned green.

Ma Renjie lowered his head even lower, and couldn't wait to put it in the belt of his pants. I wondered in my heart, the third child, are you sent by God to make a joke? You can tell such a naive thing?

"Indeed, I never said it." Pan Fengye said, "provocative" towards Li Zedao, and then said with a frightened mockery, "What if I don't take my foot away?"

Li Zedao looked at Pan Fengye, and said calmly, "If you don't take your feet away, I will let you know me more clearly."

"This is... a threat?"

"No, it's a warning." Li Zedao said.

"Haha..." Pan Fengye laughed arrogantly, and his voice spread from every corner of the hall, pointing at Li Ze and cursing, "Do you know that you are funny when you say this? Some people have the right to warn me when they threaten me, but unfortunately, that person is not a rookie like you."

"Is this guy a stupid? How dare you threaten Brother Maple Leaf?" The young man wearing earrings laughed.

"The ant feels that he is very strong, and always wants to challenge the elephant. Is it really looking for death?" The big man next to him followed the knife.

"Do you think he would cry home after being beaten by us for a while and go home to find his mother and say that I was bullied by some handsome guys because I was in the restaurant at the school gate because I was a cheap man..."

"Don't you believe it?" Li Zedao asked, looking at Pan Fengye.

"Trust your mother." Pan Fengye cursed with a blushing face. If he didn't think this kid was funny, then let him say more things that make people want to laugh, otherwise he would have been beaten to death. .

Li Zedao sighed softly, he had already spoken so sincerely, why didn't the other party believe it? So he stretched out his hand and gently pushed on Pan Fengye's body. Pan Fengye was unable to stand firmly, and his body involuntarily moved back. His lower back slammed into the table, although it was not too painful. But it shook the table violently, and the wine bottle on the table fell tumbling down.

"I'm in the mud..." Pan Fengye woke up in a moment, and that face became distorted because of the humiliation. This stunned green dared to take away his wine bottle. Although I can't forget it, there is still a way to survive. Ah, but now you dare to push him? How dare to push him in front of so many people? He was pushed out and his back hit the table? Does he want to live anymore?

And the faces of the dozen or so men who had just stood up to cheer were equally ugly. They were bullied by holding a bottle of wine in their hands, and surrounded Li Ze Dao. They usually bullied people. When are they bullied. pass?

Li Zedao didn't seem to reach them, but reached out and helped Jia Ming on the ground up and said, "Uncle, are you okay?"

Jia Ming's expression was a bit painful: "Thank you young man... I'm fine... young man, it's none of your business, you go quickly..."

"Go?" Pan Fengye cursed at Li Ze with a distorted expression, "If you are asked to walk out of this restaurant today, I will ask you to write my name backwards!"

"You... don't make him embarrassed..." Jia Ming looked flustered, and after breaking Li Zedao's arm, he would kneel down to apologize, "I'll kneel for you...kow my head... This guy is just to help me up. This way... you guys who want to beat or scold me..."

Li Zedao's hand firmly grasped Jia Ming's arm, not letting him kneel down, but looked at the young man like a idiot and said, "What? Do you want to know me more deeply?"

"..." Pan Fengye's face was even more distorted, and then twisted his neck and said to the man with stud earrings, "Give some blood to this ignorant boy."

The man with earrings looked at Li Zedao with a hot face and a vicious and hostile look in his eyes. Then he weighed the bottle in his hand and sneered: "Okay, Brother Maple Leaf...boy, come over and let me help you put some blood……"

As soon as the voice fell, "Kang Dang!" The sound of the wine bottle bursting sounded.

The man with earrings is a little weird, he hasn't even gotten started yet. The bottle in his hand is okay, but how can he hear the sound of the bottle bursting? Could it be that Brother Maple Leaf or other brothers really didn't want to see this slut, so they did it earlier than him?

But... it's not right, because this stunned head has nothing, no wine bottle scum, no blood, and no signs of fainting. Oh, by the way, he is still looking at him like a fool.

Wait, what's the matter with the wine bottle in his hand? Why is that sharp mouth left?

Waiting, why is my head a little dizzy? It seems that some hot, viscous liquid has blurred my eyes?

Could it be...I was the one who was kicked?

Then the earring man felt that his eyes suddenly turned black, his body staggered, and he turned around, and finally fell heavily on the table, and even crushed the table. In an instant, the food on the table The leftover food, bones, wine bottles, etc. fell all over the floor, and many of them fell on the earring man who had already fainted there, looking unusually embarrassed.

The whole hall fell into a weird silence in an instant. Everyone's gazes alternated back and forth on the stud man on the ground and Li Zedao's body. That face was full of incredible colors.

"Okay, Brother Maple Leaf...boy, come over and let Laozi help you bleed some blood..."

This sentence is still in my ears, the head of the speaker has been bled and then fainted! No one thought that this seemingly weak student would be so cruel, and a wine bottle would be smashed and opened.

No one cares about the life and death of the man with earrings lying there. His brothers have not yet reacted from the consternation. As for those who watch the excitement, even if they do, they may not think he is pitiful, so come and check his situation. .

Zhao Xiaoxi looked at Li Zedao with her mouth widened and her eyes straight, then blushed, and quickly buried her head.

Yang Baishu looked at Li Zedao's eyes and continued to eat his own fish.

Ma Renjie took a look at Li Zedao, the surprise in his eyes flashed by, and then quickly lowered his head again, pretending to be an innocent person...A greater danger is coming, the third child. Withstand it.

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