"My table...my plate..." The owner of the restaurant, Zhang Xiaotian, wailed in his heart. How much money would he have to lose? At the same time, the look in Li Zedao's eyes also changed. Isn't he just a stunned man like he imagined? He is... the Raptors cross the river?

Pan Fengye reacted, and he woke up completely from the wine.

He stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, as if looking at a monster. He really couldn't figure out how stupid a person could be so stupid, and then he couldn't see that he was already angry? He couldn't see that a dozen of his brothers could trample him to death with one foot?

He just needs to obediently let Xiaobai...oh, Xiaobai is the man with earrings who is lying there trying to jump to death now... just obediently let Xiaobai open the scoop, and let himself be a dozen A brother took turns to take the dipper, and finally let himself take the dipper, and then his anger disappeared, and then if he was not dizzy, he could crawl and leave.

How good is that, just being opened twice by a wine bottle will get a life, how cost-effective? But why did he do it? Why did he dare to put the wine bottle on Xiao Bai's head?

Jia Ming was also frightened. He tugged Li Zedao's arm and said with an expression of pain: "Young man...you run away quickly...you will be killed by them...hurry up...I stop them..."

Pan Fengye felt that he was humiliated by Jia Ming, and even a poor and unsteady ghost like you who walked unsteadily wanted to stop them?

"Don't worry, uncle, if I want to leave, these **** won't keep me." Li Zedao smiled and comforted.

"..." Pan Fengye was even more insulted to death, his face changed drastically several times.

So he pointed at Li Zedao murderously and roared: "Fuck, you want to leave after hitting someone? Brothers, give me...ah..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Pan Fengye screamed, and the finger he was pointing at Li Zedao was grabbed by Li Zedao and broke.

"I just said that if you don't end there, I will let you know me more clearly." Li Zedao smiled and looked at Pan Fengye and said, "I am like this. I never take the initiative. If someone provokes me, even if they provoke me, it is not too serious, and my smile will pass, but if others provoke me endlessly, then I have to fight back."

"Grass and mud horse, what do you want to do... you let go..." Pan Fengye was already sweating on his forehead, no matter how hard he tried, the other party was still holding on to his fingers, which made him feel slightly In a cold sweat, wouldn't the other party want to break his finger?

"Fuck you, I didn't hear it, let go of Brother Maple Leaf..."

"If you don't let go of Brother Maple Leaf, I will hit you with a wine bottle..."

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound of broken bones, and Pan Fengye's finger was already broken by Li Zedao, abruptly broken.

"Ah..." Pan Fengye let out a screaming voice, and the face that was originally flushed turned pale suddenly.

Everyone was dumbfounded again, more dumbfounded than when Li Zedao took the wine bottle and opened Xiao Bai's head just now, he actually broke Pan Fengye's finger like this...? This guy is really not the kind of beater who doesn't blink but a freshman who just came to report? If yes, why is it so hot?

The owner of the restaurant Zhang Xiaotian's eyelids twitched violently, and his face changed drastically. If it was Pan Fengye who was beaten up by the waiter who had just been recruited for two days and this stunned green, then things would not be too much trouble, because with the energy of Pan Fengye’s family, it is completely possible. Those who suppressed this kind of thing ended up paying the two unlucky ghosts a little bit of medical expenses.

But now it was the other way around. It was Pan Fengye who was beaten, and it was far more than just being beaten. His fingers were abruptly broken.

So Zhang Xiaotian felt that he should come forward and stop him, and that Pan Fengye could not continue to suffer, otherwise he would not be able to take it and walk around.

Thinking of him, he hurried forward, looked at Li Zedao and said with a majestic expression: "Young man, I am Zhang Xiaotian, the owner of this Phoenix Hotel. Are you a freshman at Phoenix University? How can you beat people? Don’t let them go. Yes? If the trouble continues, I promise you will be expelled from the University of Phoenix, and I will call the police, and you will still be held criminally responsible."

"Really? Then when your employee was kicked on the stomach just now, why did you hide there to watch the excitement?" Li Zedao gave him a faint look and said, he just didn't know the middle-aged who jumped out. The man is the owner of this restaurant, but he was standing there watching the excitement before seeing him.

"Who is hiding behind watching the excitement? Which eye did you see? The freshmen who just came here dared to make such a cruel move. I think you don't want to stay in the University of Phoenix anymore...Don't let the people go. I'm going to call the police." Zhang Xiaotian felt a little guilty, and even took out his mobile phone to call the police.

"Whatever you want." Li Zedao said lightly, shrugging his shoulders, his face didn't matter.

"I'm so horrible... let me go..." Pan Fengye's face was pale and distorted with pain, and his face was full of sweat, tears were already in his eyes, and he sucked in the air-conditioning But he didn't dare to move it casually, because the broken finger was still caught in the opponent's hand, and the pain was extremely severe when he moved it.

"I'm telling you... the **** you are dead... do you know who my dad is?"

"I don't know who your dad is, and I don't want to know who your dad is, who your dad is, it's my shit... Do you still want to know me?"

"I'm pretty..."

"Well, it doesn't make sense to reason with a scum like you." Li Zedao said helplessly, but he let go of his severed finger.

Pan Fengye continued to gasp. When he was about to say something, he realized that his wrist had been firmly grasped by the opponent and could not move. Then his eyes widened because he saw the opponent. His other hand actually grabbed the middle finger.

"Don't..." Pan Fengye's face was horrified. Is this guy planning to continue breaking his middle finger?

"Crack!" The sound of broken bones sounded again, and Li Zedao broke Pan Fengye's fingers again in front of so many students.

"Ah...stop it..." Pan Fengye shivered with pain and screamed loudly.

Those who watched the excitement were frightened by Li Zedao's methods, and their bodies trembled.

"You..." Zhang Xiaotian, who took out his cell phone and called the police, looked dull. He felt that he should say something, but his mouth was opened, but he couldn't say a word.

"Young man, you... all blame me... all blame me..." After Jia Ming was dumbfounded, he was already extremely flustered, "what can I do... young man... you go quickly..."

"Uncle, it's okay." Li Zedao looked at him and said with a smile, and then kicked it out, so Pan Fengye's stomach was drawn and his body flew back.

Those students who watched the excitement saw people flying towards them, their complexions changed a lot, and they fled quickly.

The next second, with a muffled sound of "bang!", Pan Fengye's body was lying on the table accurately. This time the quality of this table is considered to pass, and it is not as small as the previous one. It collapsed after being pressed, but there was a plate of steaming grilled fish on the table that had not had time to eat, and it was a coincidence that Pan Fengye's crotch was just pressed under the pot of grilled fish.

"Ah..." Pan Fengye's mouth suddenly burst out with a very sad scream, and the whole person twisted left and right crazily, like an earthworm that had been chopped.

Then one turned over, his body rolled down on the table, knocking the other dishes and the tableware and beer onto the ground, the soup of the food was all over the floor, and the plates and bowls were broken. The beer bottle that hadn't been opened in time was also broken, and the beer in it mixed with the food, giving off a strange smell.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Pan Fengye also fell heavily to the ground, clutching her crotch and wailing, she also rolled on the food scraps, on the broken plates and broken wine bottles. It's like an epilepsy. Soon, his neck, his face, his arms and his legs were all scratched, and the blood flowed.

But Pan Fengye didn't seem to know that she was bleeding, and she continued to roll while clutching her crotch and wailing.

It hurts! It's so painful! Pan Fengye felt that her little **** was already cooked.

Then he didn't move, he was curled up with his crotch and did not move, as if he were dead.

Then the sobbing voice sounded in the hall that had fallen into a weird silence... Pan Fengye was crying!

After seeing this scene, everyone was even more stunned. They no longer know what words to use to describe their current mood.

Pan Fengye's more than a dozen younger brothers looked at Li Zedao as if there was nothing more like a demon, their faces were full of horror.

"Do you still want to know me?" Li Zedao looked at them and asked.

The dozen or so people all took two steps back. They felt that one step was not enough, and the movements were so neat, as if they had been practiced countless times beforehand.

"If you don't want to, send these two people to the hospital, otherwise you will have to pay the full responsibility if you die. Who will let you die?" Li Zedao said coldly.

"..." The dozen or so people felt very wronged and hurriedly separated into two groups. They set up Pan Fengye and Xiao Bai and ran out quickly.

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