The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 464: Arrogant criminal

As Pan Fengye and his party fled, the rest of the people on the scene looked at Li Zedao like a ghost, but when Li Zedao's eyes met them, they hurriedly lowered their heads, and they didn't dare to come out. , So that the whole hall fell into a very strange silence.

Even the rescued Jia Ming stared at Li Zedao with weird eyes, his mouth opened, but he didn't know what to say. Say "thank you", these two words seem to be too light, right? He hit someone to help himself...let him run away? Where can he escape after such a thing?

Li Zedao gave Jia Ming a relieved look like an okay person, then looked back at Zhang Xiaotian who was dumbfounded and said, "Boss, have you called the police?"

"No..." Zhang Xiaotian said very hard, he is not a fool, how could he call the police? God knows that after he called the police, would this guy beat himself like Pan Fengye, and break his finger?

"Oh, then call the police." Li Zedao said on the phone in his hand.

"..." Zhang Xiaotian's expression changed, and his hand was even more trembling. The phone in his hand almost fell to the ground like this. This seems to be harmless to humans and animals but is actually a perverted guy. Is this... telling the truth?

"Forget it, let me call the police by myself. This can be considered a surrender? The penalty will be lighter." Li Zedao muttered to himself, and then took out his cell phone to call the police.

"Hey... Uncle police? I want to call the police... That's it. In the Phoenix Hotel opposite the gate of Phoenix University, two **** were beaten up... One had a broken head and passed out. One or **** were broken by me...Oh, yes, his little chicken was in the steaming oil of the grilled fish and I don’t know if it’s cooked... the man who beat the two **** violently It's me, I want to surrender..."

"..." So people looked at Li Zedao with a messy face, and there were already millions of grass mud horses running wildly in his heart. Why did he dare to be so arrogant when he called the police?

"Are you still eating? Go back early if you don't eat." Li Zedao smiled and said after he reported to the police.

Everyone fled, including Ma Renjie, Yang Baishu and Zhao Xiaoxi who were in the same dormitory with Li Zedao.

"Have you...give me the money?" Zhang Xiaotian, the owner of the restaurant, looked sluggish, and his heart was bleeding.

There was such a "big event" at the school gate, and the police arrived quickly. Li Zedao was asked to get into a police car. Also taken away were Zhang Xiaotian and Jia Ming, the owner of the restaurant. The former were witnesses and victims... Pouring a plate and breaking a wine bottle means that the shop has been smashed. There are so many students who have eaten the Overlord’s meal without paying him. Isn’t he a victim?

As for Jia Ming, the identities of witnesses and victims were also brought back.


As the leader of the Phoenix police system, Pan Shaowen is not only busy with official duties, but also has a lot of entertainment. It is rare to have a light meal at home today. When he took a bath and was reading in the study, the phone on his desk rang.

He glanced at the caller ID, and smiled after the call: "Lao Bai, I don’t drink today anymore. I’ve hurt my stomach after drinking outside these days. It’s rare to eat a bowl of porridge made by your sister-in-law at home, and I feel comfortable too much."

"Old Pan, something happened." A man's voice appeared impatient on the other end of the phone.

"Don't worry, what's the big deal?" Pan Shaowen said burntly. Indeed, in his position today, apart from the turmoil in the officialdom, there is really nothing to worry him.

The man's hurried voice came over: "Old Pan, my son had his head opened while eating at the Feng Hotel at the entrance of the campus. Now he has been sent to the hospital..."

"Is there such a thing?" Pan Shaowen frowned slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will let someone handle it, so that Xiaobai's child will not be wronged..."

"No, Old Pan, what I want to say is that your son was also beaten and is now in the hospital..."

"What?" Pan Shaowen stood up all of a sudden, and asked anxiously, "It's nothing serious, right?"

"I heard that **** were broken alive, and...the lower body was scalded..."

Pan Shaowen's eyes drenched, and that face became very ugly, and he asked, "What happened? Who beat them? Who beat them?"

"I don't know the specifics either. I just received a call from my son...I am rushing to the hospital now." The man said.

"I will go to the hospital now."

After hanging up the phone, Pan Shaowen's face had a murderous look that was hard to hide. What does it mean that **** were broken alive? What is the lower body being scalded? If it is more serious, does that mean that the Pan family is about to be terminated?

When Pan Shaowen made a few phone calls, he explained the situation to his wife, and the two hurried to the hospital.


In the interrogation room, He Xiaofeng stared at Li Zedao with weird eyes, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Zedao took a sip of the tea sent by the police, then looked at He Xiaofeng a little embarrassedly and said, "Captain He, although I am a handsome guy, don’t look at me like this. I’ll be embarrassed too. ?"

"..." He Xiaofeng twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "Li Zedao, be more serious, you are now the suspect of hurting people." After speaking, He Xiaofeng became inexplicably guilty. What kind of suspect is this?

After receiving such an arrogant call to the police, the detectives took a sigh of relief and rushed to the scene of the crime, but they were shocked to find that the perpetrator turned out to be Li Zedao. He immediately changed his face. He politely invited him back to the bureau, and then he poured the tea and asked him if he was hungry or not if he wanted to order a takeaway for him.

Li Zedao, this stinky shameless and embarrassed to say, let's have a serving. It doesn't need to be too good KFC. Anyway, when he was in the Fengda Hotel, he was really not full and he was still hungry.

Later, the little policemen knew that they couldn't interrogate Li Zedao, so they invited him into the interrogation room, brought him tea, and called him He Xiaofeng back.

Of course, after the interrogation of Zhang Xiaotian and Jia Ming, He Xiaofeng already knew the whole story, and admired Li Zedao’s approach in his heart. If it was him, he would also take action. Of course, he would not directly control like Li Zedao. What a person beats to death is at most using the identity of a policeman to crush the opponent.

As for the school, they have also notified them to send someone to the bureau. After all, the beaters and those who were beaten are all students from the University of Phoenix. The school leaders should be there to deal with this matter.

The families of the victims called before they had time to notify them, and their tone was very stiff, demanding that they be interrogated as soon as possible and the criminals should be severely punished.

"Will it be too heavy?" He Xiaofeng's face was speechless, although he didn't see it with his own eyes, but after listening to Zhang Xiaotian's rhetoric, He Xiaofeng felt that his crotch was chilly...No, it was warm!

What kind of feeling does it feel like that stuff under the crotch is pressed into the steaming fish plate? What's more, before that, he had broken off two of his fingers alive.

"After all, they are students of Feng University, your alumni, and the pride of heaven..."

Li Ze said, "Puff!" He was happy for a while and then looked at He Xiaofeng seriously and said, "Captain He, you are insulting me."

"..." He Xiaofeng wanted to hit someone, if not for him!

"How did I insult you?"

"You are insulting me when you say that they are the proud of heaven." Li Zedao said, "How can such a scum like me be the proud of heaven?"

"..." He Xiaofeng felt that Li Zedao's face was thicker than the sole of the leather shoes he was wearing.

"When can I leave?" Li Zedao asked.

"Want to leave?" He Xiaofeng sneered, "You will stay here tonight... The news I have learned is that some students posted your feat of beating on the Internet. I think there must be a lot of discussion on the Internet now. What Feng University's freshman is so arrogant and domineering in the hotel to break the senior's finger..."

"True?" Li Zedao widened his eyes, "Have you taken a picture? I don't know if I was taken handsome or not? Did I just become an Internet celebrity? Become a man of the Phoenix University? Even... ?"

"..." He Xiaofeng looked sluggish, this bastard, shouldn't the focus be on public opinion at this time? Isn't he afraid that the school would not be able to withstand the pressure, so he expelled him? Well, He Xiaofeng feels that he thinks too much, how could the school expel him? Or does the school have the guts to expel him?

"Do you know the identities of the two students you beaten?" He Xiaofeng asked rhythmically, tapping his fingers on the table.

"I'm afraid that my family is pretty good?" Li Zedao sneered, "Otherwise, how dare you be so arrogant? That uncle accidentally knocked down the beer, and he wanted to beat people to death."

"It doesn't seem to be arrogant for you, right?" He Xiaofeng said silently, "The one who was opened by you is called Bai Xiaomao. His father is the director of the Family Planning Office. As for the finger that you broke, the background is even bigger. His father is the immediate superior of my immediate superior..."

"You mean...Pan Shaowen?" Li Ze asked with a slightly tilted mouth.

He Xiaofeng nodded and said, "It's Director Pan."

"No wonder, I always feel as if I have seen him somewhere. It turns out that his old man is Pan Shaowen." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "It's no wonder that he dares to be so arrogant, but how do I feel that I'm a little bit lighter when I start." What?"


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