The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 465: I want his life

"Is Pan Shaowen rushing here now?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes." He Xiaofeng curled his lips. Nonsense, his son was beaten so badly that he might not be able to hold his grandson anymore. How could Pan Shaowen not go crazy?

He just picked up a phone call, and it was Pan Shaowen who called, and he said vaguely that the impact of this case was too great. The perpetrators were extremely guilty. Let He Xiaofeng not rush the interrogation. Just look at the good people. He will let them personally. In charge of this case.

Why doesn't He Xiaofeng understand Pan Shaowen's thoughts? No matter who he finds to be responsible for this case, the person in charge will surely make the assailant look good. I am afraid that the one who has not been tried will have his half life gone, right? Even because of playing "peek-a-boo", his life was lost.

And even if you leave half your life to accept the trial, even if you don't have to go to prison, I'm afraid you will be killed alive when you are in prison, right?

It is a pity that the perpetrator was Li Zedao, who made Pan Shaowen extremely jealous, so He Xiaofeng felt that Pan Shaowen seemed very pitiful.

"Does Pan Shaowen only know that the culprit who beat his son has been brought to the station by the police but does not know that the culprit is actually me?" Li Zedao asked again.

"Yes...what are you trying to say?" He Xiaofeng couldn't help asking, Li Zedao's strange smile made him feel a little hairy inexplicably.

Originally, when Pan Shaowen called him, He Xiaofeng wanted to tell him that the one who beat his son was Li Zedao, but Pan Shaowen did not give him a chance to speak. Although his tone was low, He Xiaofeng knew that he was suppressing it to death. That monstrous anger in my heart.

"What I want to say is, will Pan Shaowen's face look wonderful after seeing me?" Li Zedao looked like a villain, but there was a gloomy mockery at the corners of his mouth. "Or, will he be guilty of conscience? ?"

"Guilty conscience?" He Xiaofeng frowned slightly when he looked at Li Zedao, "You didn't know that Pan Fengye was Pan Shaowen's son and put such a heavy hand? You...want to have a knife on Pan Shaowen?"

Li Zedao didn't answer He Xiaofeng's question, but smiled slightly and said, "Captain He, remember the car accident that I asked you to investigate for me?"

He Xiaofeng frowned and nodded, already understanding what Li Zedao wanted to do.

The information was collected by him, so he naturally knew that Pan Shaowen was the one who led the team to handle the case. Pan Shaowen was not in his current position at that time. He was the captain of the criminal police team, and Sun Shaohua who died in a weird car accident was him. 'S men.

In other words, Li Zedao was almost wiped out after being taken to Fengming Mountain by police officer Ma Xiaoqiang that day. Is it possible that Pan Shaowen let Sun Shaohua do this? Later, Sun Shaohua asked Ma Xiaoqiang to do this?

After that, Ma Xiaoqiang became Sun Shaohua's substitute? And Sun Shaohua is Pan Shaowen's surrogate?

Li Zedao wanted to use Pan Fengye's affairs to blackmail Pan Shaowen to repay the hatred of that day?

"Li Zedao, you are too smart." He Xiaofeng sighed slightly, "I'm afraid my stupid sister will help you count the money if you sell it?"

Li Zedao shook his head and said seriously, "I will not sell Sister Xiao Yu."

"..." He Xiaofeng had the urge to hit someone, this bastard, how could he say this in such a serious manner?

"Oh, yes, you were with Xiaoying that night?" He Xiaofeng looked at Li Zedao's eyes full of weirdness, "What is the relationship between you?"

"What do you think?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"..." He Xiaofeng's face was already darkened.

"Captain He, Xiaoying and I are the relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law. It's not as silly as you think." Li Zedao looked at He Xiaofeng and said with some dumbfounding, "I drove by there that night and just saw her being robbed, so I will help, it's that simple."

"That's the best." He Xiaofeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a cold snort and nodded. His own sister was poisoned by him, and now it is hopeless. He Xiaofeng feels that the only thing he can do now is to bless reluctantly and prevent his other sister Zhao Xiaoying from being poisoned by him again.

Two sisters married a man at the same time... Anyway, He Xiaofeng couldn't accept it.

"It's just that Xiaoying admires me very much, and the eyes looking at me are weird." Li Zedao added, "He reminds me, why does she look at me with weird eyes? Are you a lover, help analyze it?"

"..." He Xiaofeng had an urge to pick up a chair and then smash this **** to death.

"Bang! Bang!" A knock on the door sounded.

"Come in." He Xiaofeng said.

The door was pushed open, and a little police officer with a panic expression came in. He glanced at Li Zedao and then at He Xiaofeng and said: "Captain, Pan Ju brought a few people here. He said he was the victim's family... "

He Xiaofeng glanced at Li Zedao, nodded and said, "Yes, Pan Fengye, one of the victims, is his son."

"...In addition, the president of the University of Phoenix also came with a few school leaders." The little police officer said with some difficulty, "They are all in the lounge now."

"The principal? Zhang Guoqiang? Unexpectedly, he was also alarmed, presumably he didn't know that the student who beat him was himself?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

"I'll go out and have a look." He Xiaofeng exchanged eyes with Li Zedao and said.

When he walked out of the interrogation room and came to the lounge, He Xiaofeng saw Pan Shaowen sitting there with a gloomy face as if he could lose half a catty of water with a twist. Next to him was a noble lady who was wiping tears. It was Pan Shaowen’s wife, Li Hong. At this time, she was scolding the lawless and moral son of a **** for hurting her innocent, lovely, kind and honest baby son Pan Fengye.

And behind Pan Shaowen stood two criminal policemen wearing police uniforms. He Xiaofeng knew them. They were from the city bureau. It is conceivable that Pan Shaowen intends to take over the case and then take the assassin away. .

On the other side of the chair, there were a few extraordinary men. He Xiaofeng recognized one of them. It was Zhang Guoqiang, the president of the University of Phoenix. Of course, Zhang Guoqiang did not necessarily know him, the captain of the small criminal police team.

It was originally normal for students to fight and conflict. Under normal circumstances, the principal would not care about such things, but because the student who was beaten had a special identity, the student who was beaten was said to have just reported today. He is a new student, and the method of beating is extremely cruel. It is said that he broke his fingers one by one.

So after receiving the call, Zhang Guoqiang couldn't sit still, and came to deal with the matter in person. He knew that one who didn't handle it well would only smear the sign of Phoenix University.

"Director Pan." He Xiaofeng looked at Pan Shaowen and nodded, and then nodded to Zhang Guoqiang and the others, as a greeting.

"Captain He, what about the assassin?" Pan Shaowen stood up and asked in a low voice.

He Xiaofeng said quickly: "In the interrogation room..."

"Which **** is it, I want her to die!" Pan Shaowen's wife Li Honghong shouted sharply with red eyes. Thinking of the tragic situation of her son when she was in the hospital, she was heartbroken.

The face with many wounds cut by sharp tools is disfigured, and **** have been broken. As for the crotch, there are second-level burns. What is the concept? In other words, even if the baby of her precious son is still unfamiliar, it is about to smell.

After hearing Li Hong's angry curses, Pan Shaowen glanced at his wife, but did not say anything after all, because what his wife said was exactly what he wanted to do.

Zhang Guoqiang's brows were raised. Although he still doesn't know who the new student who beat him is, and why the new student has to make such a heavy hand, he hasn't been expelled yet? In other words, the perpetrator is still a student of Phoenix University, that is, Zhang Guoqiang's student, and his students are threatened in this way. Zhang Guoqiang feels somewhat uncomfortable.

The corners of He Xiaofeng's mouth were slightly cocked, with a hint of ridicule. Not to mention that you can't kill him. Even if Li Zedao bites, your husband will be in bad luck.

"The nature of this case is too bad. It is no longer a simple fight. The Municipal Bureau will accept it for handling and investigation, and your sub-bureau will cooperate." Pan Shaowen looked at He Xiaofeng and said.

"Okay, Director." He Xiaofeng nodded and said. I thought this was certainly not a simple fight, because it was your son who was beaten up.

"You will follow Captain He and take the people away." Pan Shaowen glanced at the two detectives behind him and waved his hands.

"Yes, Chief." The two detectives said quickly.

"President Zhang, as soon as there is any latest development in the case, someone will contact the school in time." Pan Shaowen looked back at Zhang Guoqiang and said, "However, such a cruel student should be expelled early, otherwise it will cause a huge impact on the reputation of Phoenix University. Affected."

"The school will study and decide on a plan, and will cooperate with the investigation." Zhang Guoqiang said lightly, "I want to meet that student."

Zhang Guoqiang was a little puzzled, until now, he still doesn't know what the name of the student who beat him looks like.

Pan Shaowen nodded and his eyes fell on He Xiaofeng, motioning for him to lead them to see the assassin.

He Xiaofeng made a request and said, "Director Pan, Principal Zhang, please here." As he said to lead the way, at the same time, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, after Pan Shaowen saw Li Zedao. , The expression on the face must be wonderful, right?

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