The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 467: I am such a person

"That's good, but don't be like your subordinate Sun Shaohua, in order to pursue a momentary pleasure, speeding so that the whole car hits the bridge railing and directly falls off the bridge, the car crashes and kills people." Li Zedao Said with a pity.

The corner of Pan Shaowen's eyes twitched slightly again. Does this **** really know anything? At the moment, he nodded slightly and said, "The Shaohua thing is indeed regrettable...If it weren't for speeding, it wouldn't have been lost."

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Shao Li, then I'll go back first." Pan Shaowen nodded towards Li Zedao, turned and left, his steps were heavier than before, but his back was slightly bent compared to before.

"It seems that the fox's tail is about to be exposed." Li Zedao looked at his back, and the corners of his mouth were already curled up with an incomparably evil range.

After Pan Shaowen took his person and the two detectives to leave, Li Zedao's gaze fell on Zhang Guoqiang and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, President Zhang, let you come to this police station so late. Yes, interrupt your rest."

"You..." Zhang Guoqiang looked at Li Ze with weird eyes, opened his mouth and said, "You...just fine."

"I'm fine, thank Principal Zhang for your concern." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"..." Zhang Guoqiang was very depressed. I didn't even know that the murderer was you, but when I knew it was you, I saw you pretending to be forced, so I have never worried about you.

"I have some conflicts with Director Pan, and Director Pan is not a good person. If I had been too affectionate with President Zhang just now, I am afraid that Director Pan would attack you secretly... I want the President to forgive me." Li Zedao explained that he just ignored him. The reason is here.

"It turned out to be like this." Zhang Guoqiang squinted at Li Zedao and nodded. He felt that the mind of this young man he was very optimistic was almost more terrifying than those old foxes.

Then he said disapprovingly: "But don't worry about it. Even if he Pan Shaowen is the chief of the Phoenix Police Department, he can't control me."

Indeed, in terms of level, Zhang Guoqiang, the president of the University of Phoenix, has a higher level than Pan Shaowen. After all, the University of Phoenix is ​​a vice-ministerial university. Besides, Zhang Guoqiang is full of people, and Pan Shaowen really dare not offend him.

"Don't be afraid of gentlemen, but be afraid of villains." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

Zhang Guoqiang was taken aback, and immediately laughed and said, "Yeah, you are not afraid of gentlemen, but you are afraid of villains... You can do nothing, and I will let someone clean up the remaining tails. Those students with bad qualities should be criticized. Criticize those who deserve to be punished, and punish those who deserve to be punished. They must not be allowed to discredit the University of Phoenix."

He Xiaofeng on the side sneered again and again, thinking that this **** did such an arrogant thing on the first day of school, wouldn't it be counted as discrediting Phoenix University? Don't tell me that this is giving the University of Phoenix a face!

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Ze Dao, have a meal together another day." Zhang Guoqiang said.

"Okay, principal, just give me a call when you have time." Li Zedao said with a slight nod.

"Then I'll go back first. I'm old, but I can't afford to toss, haha." Zhang Guoqiang said with a smile, then patted Li Zedao on the shoulder.

"Principal, I will send you out." Li Zedao smiled.

After watching the car in which Zhang Guoqiang was sitting, Li Zedao looked back at He Xiaofeng and said, "I only wiped out a fried chicken wing with that family bucket. The rest hasn't been wiped out yet, do you want to come with the chicken wings? "

"...Yes!" He Xiaofeng twitched.

When the two returned to He Xiaofeng’s office, Li Zedao picked up a finger-sucking original chicken and gnawed it. He Xiaofeng did not show weakness and wiped out the roasted wing in his hand. After holding back for most of the day, he was already hungry. , Of course, He Xiaofeng already knows where the family bucket came from now.

When Li Zedao was brought back, the detectives were afraid that he would be hungry and kindly asked him if he wanted a takeaway. Li Zedao was very embarrassed and said that he would have a family bucket.

And when He Xiaofeng went to "invite" Pan Shaowen, the family bucket was sent over, so the moment he opened the door, he saw the scene where he was eating chicken wings.

"You have a good relationship with the president of Phoenix University?" He Xiaofeng asked, out of the bones in his mouth.

"Not bad, who made me the top pick in the college entrance examination?" Li Zedao said with a smug look. "You don't know. When I told him I wanted to apply for the University of Phoenix, he was so excited, tusk... yourself Imagine it."

"..." He Xiaofeng couldn't wait to slap himself. It's okay to say what this is, isn't that stupid cooperating with him to act?

So I changed the subject: "The victim named Jia Ming and the hotel owner Zhang Xiaotian, after the interrogation, I told them to go back first. That Jia Ming has been emphasizing that you beat him to save him. If Because if you want to be punished, just punish him. I told him clearly that you will be fine, and he can rest assured."

Li Zedao took out a paper towel and wiped his hands, then said, "Why are the honest people being bullied?"


"Because they don't know how to resist." Li Zedao himself gave himself such an answer.

He Xiaofeng's face is already black, this guy doesn't put him in his eyes, right?

"A person is honest and kind, these are all very valuable, but if a person is cowardly and confused in addition to being honest, he is easy to be bullied, has no resistance to evil forces at all, and has no sense of closeness to justice; But if you are honest, strong, discerning right from wrong, calm and handsome, extremely attractive, and strong, you will not be easily bullied. You will make the wicked be afraid and the good will support..."

Speaking, Li Zedao looked at He Xiaofeng seriously and said, "I am such a person."

"Ahem..." He Xiaofeng was choked by his saliva decisively, only then did he realize that this bastard's face was a little thicker than he thought.

"That...Is Pan Shaowen guilty?" In order to prevent Li Zedao from being shameless, He Xiaofeng had to change the topic again.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Although he has a smile on his face and behaves so respectfully and humblely, he is guilty. Sun Shaohua is probably his substitute for death. I was taken to Fengming Mountain that night to try to obliterate this. In all likelihood, he asked Sun Shaohua to do this, and Sun Shaohua asked his subordinate Ma Xiaoqiang to do it."

"What are you going to do next?" He Xiaofeng nodded and asked, "He is an old fox, and he is in such a critical position. It is not easy to move him, even if you are from the China Special Bureau, even if You are Baili Changhe and care about it well, even if you have a good relationship with the president of Phoenix University."

"Do you think he is a good father?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

He Xiaofeng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Do you want to start with his son?"

"His son is such a jerk, Pan Shaowen must have wiped his ass?" Li Zedao nodded and said, "It's just that even if the feces are wiped off by him, the stench is not so easy to remove, right? Traceable."

He Xiaofeng held the chicken wings in his hand and was about to take a big bite. Hearing his disgusting words, he felt his stomach tumble, so he threw the chicken wings in his hand again.

"But move fast, this old fox already knows that I want to attack him." Li Zedao said, and then looked at He Xiaofeng eagerly, " help me investigate and see if his son has ever committed a crime. What case?"

"I don't have time." He Xiaofeng said speechlessly, then took out a paper towel and wiped his hands. "You can eat slowly by yourself. Hurry up after eating. I will go back to sleep." He stood up and walked over. Before the door, I opened the door but saw a middle-aged woman in her forties mopping the floor there.

"Captain He..." When the middle-aged woman mopping the floor heard the movement, she raised her head and greeted He Xiaofeng with a cautious smile.

"Auntie Liang, don't you go back so late?" He Xiaofeng nodded and said. She was invited back from the bureau to take charge of cleaning the office building. She was conscientious and dedicated to clean the hygiene inside and outside the police station.

"After dragging the ground, I will go back." Aunt Liang said, "You step on it, it's okay, I will drag it for a while."

"I'm sorry." He Xiaofeng said apologetically, and then stepped on the still wet ground and left.

In the office, Li Zedao looked up at He Xiaofeng who was standing at the door and Aunt Liang who was in charge of cleaning. His eyes were already slightly narrowed, and after He Xiaofeng left, he closed his eyes again and fell in his hand. On the original chicken, continue to feast on it.

After all was wiped out, Li Zedao hiccuped with enjoyment on his face, and then packed up the bones and threw them into the trash can. Then he left He Xiaofeng’s office, greeted the detectives on duty, and shook I walked out the door of the police station leisurely and saw a dazzling red sports car parked under the street light. After seeing him come out, the people in the car also honked the horn and made a harsh sound.

Li Zedao tugged at the corner of his mouth, trying to pretend that he didn’t see it and quickly flee from the other side. At this time, the window of the car was rolled down. Susan’s delicate little face with a strange smile appeared there, and then smiled. Yelled: "If you dare to ignore me, then tomorrow, this year's college entrance examination champion Li Zedao will make his counselor's belly bigger..."

There was a flash in front of him, and Susan's voice stopped abruptly.

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