The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 468: Drink without money

"Wow!" Susan only felt her eyes flashing, and then she reached into the car through the window with a hand, and then tightly covered her mouth.

"You are sick!" Li Zedao stared at Susan with a black line and whispered angrily.

Susan didn't speak, not because she didn't want to speak, but because her mouth was tightly covered by Li Zedao, she couldn't speak at all, but her eyes, like Moyu, were full of smiles. Looking at Li Zedao unscrupulously like this, there was no fear at all.

Li Zedao's heart was full of powerlessness. Faced with this slap on her left cheek, she brought her right cheek to let you continue smoking, scolded her but smiled and accepted it was more shameless than the master. The woman who had some mental problems, he had another feeling that he didn't know what to do, and he regretted it. Why did he save her when he was in Amsterdam? Surely she would not dare to be as arrogant as she is now if she were to be a **** slave?

"I didn't ignore you, I see you now... Well, then I'm leaving." Li Zedao said coldly, letting go of the hand covering her mouth, and turning around to leave.

Susan looked at his back with a smile and said: "If you leave, then tomorrow, this year's college entrance examination champion Li Zedao will make his counselor's belly bigger..."

"You are sick, do you believe it or not I will kill you now?" Li Zedao said with a murderous look on his face.

"I don't believe it." Susan said with a smile, "Moreover, I'm your counselor teacher now. You are sick if you talk about it... Will you disrespect the teacher too much?"

"..." Li Zedao choked his chest, as if he had been stabbed. What kind of **** teacher? But he just couldn't refute Susan, because Susan was indeed his counselor.

With a depressed face, he walked around to the side of the car, opened the door of the co-pilot and got in, and then said in a vicious voice, "Ms. Su, what do you want?"

"I didn't think about it, my students were fighting...Oh, no, they were beaten and brought to the police station by the police. As a counselor, I naturally have to come to understand the situation. Is there a problem? ?" Susan looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile. She thought that Li Zedao's now aggrieved look looked very cute.

"This is naturally okay." Li Zedao said coldly, "As you can see, I have left the police station and been acquitted...Thank you for the concern of Teacher Su...Is this all right?"


"Then what do you want?" Li Zedao really had the urge to choke her to death. You said that a good girl, who wants to look good, wants money and money, why is there a brain disease?

"To celebrate that I somehow became a great teacher of the people..."

"Is it deliberate?" Li Zedao sneered. He knew that the reason why Susan came to the University of Phoenix as an instructor of the Department of Archaeology was to disgust him at all! This is a very annoying little ghost who has a persistent spirit.

"You are right to say that." Susan clapped her hands and chuckled. "To celebrate that I finally became a great teacher of the people, I decided to drink..."

"Then you go and drink, remember to drink more... I'll go back first, and I have to assemble tomorrow morning and participate in military training..." Li Zedao perfunctorily, thinking that it would be best to drink to death and then he would be relieved. Get out of the car while pushing the door.

Susan grabbed Li Zedao's arm and said, "I don't have any money, please buy me a drink."


Li Zedao turned her head and saw Susan’s serious face. In other words, she said seriously, "I don’t have any money, please drink." This sentence... Li Zedao felt that this neuropathy was just the root. Seeing yourself as an idiot, would people who watch such a slick sports car have no money to drink?

"I didn't bring any money!" Li Zedao said, "So..."

"That's okay, I invite you to drink." Susan said with a smile.

"...Didn't you have no money?"

Susan giggled and said, "Do I need to spend money to drink?"


"If I don't obediently go to drink with you, will all the teachers and students of Phoenix University know tomorrow...No, they will misunderstand me that I have made the counselor's belly bigger?" Li Zedao asked depressedly .

Susan already had a shy expression on her face and said, "Yes...but I don't mind letting others know about this."

"Damn, there is nothing wrong with us at all, okay?" Li Zedao almost spouted blood.

"You took my first kiss away, you hit my ass, you took my body away..." Susan bit her lip, looking at Li Zedao with embarrassment on her face.

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened, speechless, because he did do these things, but...not just, because if you reason with someone with a brain disease, your brain will eventually become sick.

At the moment, he smiled coldly and said, "Teacher Su, you don't want to play any tricks like you did last time?"

"You found it." Susan showed a very nervous smile in Li Zedao's eyes.

Li Zedao curled his lips, leaned on the back of the seat, closed his eyes and got up, and ignored Susan.

The corner of Susan's mouth was slightly tilted, and then started the car, kicked down the accelerator, and hurried forward.

Fish Pond Bar, this is where Susan brought Li Zedao.

Susan parked the car, and after the two got off the car, Susan took the initiative to take Li Zedao's arm.

In an instant, the scent that had just been smelled on the road in the car was even more tangy. It was a kind of seductive perfume that Susan used. Of course, it was not the toxic perfume before, although the two smells They are all rich, but there are still differences.

It's just that Li Zedao is not sure whether this perfume is poisonous, although he doesn't feel poisoned.

But Li Zedao can still be sure of one thing, and that is that Susan itself is poison. For him, it is the kind of poison that makes him extremely depressed and want to vomit blood. For other men, such as those of archaeological animals. , It is the kind of poison that can instantly become a beast with a surge in hormones.

And now Susan is not wearing the decent clothes she wore in the afternoon, but a dress that shows her two white arms and her big long legs. When she puts her arms around Li Zedao, the arm without any cover just follows her. Li Zedao's body made intimate contact, as long as Li Zedao was willing and a little harder, he could eat her tofu.

Li Zedao didn't want to eat her tofu, let alone her own tofu, so his body avoided him and said, "Teacher Su, pay attention to the influence."

"Hehe, why don't you say to pay attention to the influence when you smoke my ass?" Susan said with a charming smile, and then stubbornly took Li Zedao's arm and walked straight into the bar, without any scruples about Li Zedao. Feel.

"Come again..." Li Zedao felt helpless in his heart, but she also let her come. He has reason to believe that if he doesn't cooperate well, Susan will definitely do something very popular. , Anyway... She has no face, and she is not afraid of embarrassment.

But Li Zedao is afraid!

Although Li Zedao was Xiaobai, he used to go in the bar. On that day, Li Mengchen was jealous and went to a bar called "Night Night Starry Sky" for a drink. Li Zedao secretly followed in and finally beat the Zao Wou-ki who tried to eat Li Mengchen's tofu. The pain was flat.

Obviously, the fish pond bar is much larger than the night starry sky bar, but the layout is similar. The lobby on the first floor is a dance hall with a bar and deck, and the second floor is a private room.

In the middle of the hall is a big brother who looks quite vicissitudes of life. He sang the widely sung "Spring" in his slightly hoarse voice. It seems that this is also a person with a story. The people of the story can't sing the vicissitudes of this song.

Li Zedao thought that Susan would take him to find a darker corner with less people. After all, it would be convenient for her to do some things she wanted to do but not visible, right? What he didn't expect was that Susan took out a golden card and showed it to the waiter who came over.

After seeing the card, the waiter showed a respectful expression, and then took Susan and Li Zedao into a side passage to an elevator at the end of the passage. There were two black clothes at the elevator entrance. The man guarded.

The waiter nodded to them, then nodded to Li Zedao and Susan, then turned and left.

The black-clothed man pressed the elevator button behind him, and the elevator door opened quickly. Then the two bowed deeply to Li Zedao and Susan and made a request.

"Dear guest, please come inside." The man in black said respectfully.

Li Zedao was still wondering where the elevator would take him, Susan had already pulled his arm into the elevator.

"Wait...Where to go?" Li Zedao frowned and asked. Susan dragged his hand in, but his body was still out, so that the elevator couldn't close and sounded a harsh alarm.

Susan looked at Li Zedao, with a grim smile on the corner of her mouth and said: "What? Are you afraid? I thought you were not afraid of it."

"You think too much, I'm very afraid of death." Li Zedao said honestly, he didn't think it was a shame to be afraid of death.

Susan giggled, and there was the kind of neurotic smile on Li Zedao's face again: "Don't worry, you can't die, you are the father of my future child, how can I let you die? "

"..." Li Zedao felt that he was insulted again, but his body also entered the elevator.

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