The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 469: Old friend

The elevator doors closed quickly, and then slowly descended.

"Kang Dang!" When the elevator door opened again, the loud noise and tumbling heat wave rushed toward them.

Li Zedao looked at the surroundings in a daze, but found that the decoration pattern here is similar to the one seen above. There are bar counters and lounges around, and a catwalk in the middle. The difference is that the surrounding lounges and bar counters Those sitting there are a lot of gorgeous clothes. It is conceivable that those who can enter here are at least some identities, at least rich people.

And on the catwalk is not like the one above, there is a vicissitudes of life over there singing "In the Spring" very emotionally, but there are two tall men with sturdy upper bodies who act rudely over there. But they swiftly scuffled together from time to time, separated from time to time, and stared at the opponent with a murderous look, looking for a chance to give the opponent a fatal blow.

And when they hit each other with fists to the flesh, the people sitting around the catwalk started screaming frantically, releasing their body fatigue and inner hostility to their fullest.

"Where is this place?" Li Zedao looked at Susan and asked, and because it was so noisy, that he had to raise the decibel of his voice, "Are we here...drinking?"

Li Zedao really feels that Susan's idea of ​​choosing to drink in such a place is really not good. Is it interesting to watch two big men fighting over there?

In Li Zedao's opinion, the best place for drinking should be in the room, right? If you drink too much, you can sleep at the end of the day. You don’t have to worry about being robbed of money or even **** if you fall asleep outside. Even if the ugly drunkenness comes, no one can see it. Is not it?

"This is one of the largest underground boxing rings in the south." Susan put his arms around Li Zedao's arms and mouth, and said to Li Zedao's ears. There is no way this place is too noisy. She doesn't want to yell like Li Zedao. Will appear to be very tasteless and ignorant!

When her ears were touched unconsciously, Li Zedao only felt a fragrance lingering around her ears, and her body was numb.

"Some are professional boxers, some are boxing enthusiasts, and some are masters from abroad!" Susan swept around and introduced to the onlookers who were shouting loudly. "Of course, they can also be on stage if they want to. , You can challenge the last winner... Do you want to be on stage?"

"No." Li Zedao simply refused, and he felt how vicious this woman's mind was. He wanted to let him go on stage and show everyone a monkey over there, so he would not do such a foolish thing!

Besides, from his perspective, although the strength of the two people fighting together on the stage is not bad, one fist is enough to beat a bullying and hard-working hooligan, but when a master like him goes up, he slaps and slaps. It's easy to die two.

Li Zedao didn't want to be bullied, but because of the natural kindness in his bones, he didn't want to bully others. In his opinion, if he really came to power, he was bullying people!

Susan looked at Li Zedao with a smile and said, "I knew you would refuse."

Li Zedao curled his lips and said, "It sounds like you know me well."

"I don't know you very well, I just know you a little bit... I know you are pretty." Susan said with a chuckle, "I have no resistance to a woman like me who is the best in appearance or figure. of."

"Teacher Su, you overestimate yourself too much." Li Zedao glanced at her and said coldly, with undisguised disgust in his eyes.

Susan was chuckling, and then she glanced at Li Zedao with a wink like a silk and said, "Also, I will try my best to understand you, and in the end, I will definitely make you like me... or say, It’s okay to like my body first... You said that after drinking, do you want to find a place to communicate? I heard that it’s not a problem for you to breathe for 40 minutes... You are a little thirsty?"

"I'm sick!" Li Zedao said coldly. He felt that this woman's neurosis had committed again, and he really wanted to correct her. Isn't he more than forty minutes?

Susan laughed proudly and said in Li Zedao's ear: "Let's go, an old friend wants to invite us to drink."

"Old friend?" Li Ze raised his brow slightly. "Ours?" He didn't remember that he had a friend with Susan, who was crazy, and he was a so-called old friend. Who was it?

With kung fu secretly muttering in her heart, Susan has already brought Li Zedao to a booth, where a group of young men and women with extraordinary clothes were sitting there.

Seeing Susan walking over with Li Zedao's arm, the eyes of the men and women fell on both of them.

While those people were looking at themselves, Li Zedao was also looking at them, and then the corners of his mouth were already slightly tilted up.

He did see the old friend Susan said from these people. At this time, the old friend stared at him with a pair of peachy eyes, and being looked at like this gave Li Zedao another very disgusting feeling. .

The owner of Peach Blossom Eyes is Dongfang Ming, the ladyboy who lost to him in a yellow Lamborghini sports car in the Yanjing Fanyun Mountain competition with him.

Later, Li Zedao got a brief understanding of the Yanjing Oriental family, and only then discovered that the original Oriental family was once so magnificent... Yes, it used to be, because now the Oriental family is far less brilliant than it was decades ago. The family is the strongest family in China. No family can fight against it alone, but something happened later and gradually declined.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, so even if Dongfang Ming has such a hobby, the whole person does not seem to be masculine at all, and sometimes even more feminine than a woman, but he is still one of the top elder brothers of Yanjing. People dare to look down upon him.

In addition, Li Zedao also found three other familiar faces. One was Sun Rui who was asked by the monster to race with Li Zedao when he was at Fanyun Mountain that day. At this time, he was sitting next to the monster. I know, even though he failed and even overturned in that race, he almost died, but he was still favored by the monster. It seems...well, a good life.

After seeing the other two faces, Li Zedao felt a little surprised, but when he thought of the name of this bar, Yutang Bar, he was relieved. It is conceivable that this bar should be the property of the Qin family, so Qin Shaomei is enough. It is understandable that the honey peach that caused most men's hormones to increase dramatically, and Qin Shaofeng, Li Zedao, who wanted to beat him severely after seeing it appeared here.

It's just... they have a very good relationship with the shemale? Is the Eastern family standing behind the Qin family? Or is it said that this ladyboy came to Phoenix to travel in his spare time and had nothing to do. Their siblings are just doing their best as landlords?

"It turned out to be Shao Li." The ladyboy watched Li Zedao stand up, wiping her long hair charmingly so as not to block the realization, and then said with an eye-catching smile at Li Zedao.

White straight pants, a floral-colored tight top, revealing that "sexy" belly button and snow-white ***, with a hair, and earrings on the ears... Such clothes are worn on such a man. Li Zedao had an urge to vomit, and after hearing his voice, he got goose bumps all over his body.

"Hello, Ming Shao." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"Oh, Shao Li, sit down, sit down..." The ladyboy Lanhua pointed to the place next to him and said, "I was surprised and very happy to see you."

"..." Li Zedao didn't go over. He didn't want to be misunderstood that he had something to do with this ladyboy. He even wanted to grab the bottle on the table and smash it on his head, knocking him out. Impulse.

Qin Shaomei looked a little weird when looking at Li Zedao in her beautiful eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

As for Qin Shaofeng's expression a little ugly, his eyes were horrified, it is conceivable that one after another being bullied by Li Zedao has already caused his weak heart to be extremely injured.

Others know that Li Zedao’s detailed eyes have a trace of jealousy, but those who don’t know Li Zedao’s detailed eyes have doubts. After all, this little white face came with Susan, the eldest lady of the Su family, but Dongfang Ming’s eyes looked at him. It's so hot as if you want to melt the other person, so... won't both of them want to have this little white face?

"Oh, shemale, why? I'm so unwelcome to you? Otherwise, why I came with him, but you only saw him but didn't see me?" Susan said with a cold smile.

"Oh, our Miss Su is jealous?" The ladyboy said with a small smile.

"Shemale, I won't be jealous with anyone." Susan then put his arms around Li Zedao's arms, and said with a small face leaning on his shoulders, and said with a chuckle, "Our dear is lustful. Yes, but I don’t like men, and I don’t like those who are neither men nor women... weird!"

The smile on that charming face of the ladyboy suddenly solidified slightly and became a bit gloomy.

In addition, after hearing Susan’s words, those men and women frowned slightly. You know, although shemales are indeed not male or female, you can’t say it in front of him, let alone you. He also said he was...wonderful! This is a face slap!

Li Zedao twitched at the corner of his mouth, and finally forced himself not to laugh. Although he hated Susan very much, at this moment, when Susan said this, Li Zedao felt that this chick was more or less cute.

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