The ladyboy glanced at Li Zedao, who had a faint smile on his face and didn’t know what he was thinking. The smile on his face bloomed again and said, “What? Miss Su came here to make me happy again today? It's the same as turning over Yunshan?"

"Shemale, you misunderstood me." Susan smiled and said, "I just heard that you came to Phoenix, and I know that you are not only good at racing cars, but also like this kind of flying passion colliding with Hormon. The fiery scene...this is probably what people say, just like what you lack."

"..." The ladyboy had a knife in his chest.

Susan pointed to the two men who were fighting together on the catwalk and continued: "And I happened to come to this place for a drink with my dear, and suddenly I thought that your ladyboys had already come to Phoenix City. One of the largest underground boxing stadiums in the south has a good time, right? Sure enough, after a scan, I found you are here, so I came over to say hello to you."

"Really?" The ladyboy looked at Susan with a smile.

"Yeah." Susan nodded and smiled seriously, "Well, since the greeting is over, then we won't disturb you all drinking and watching the boxing match. See you later." Smiling and nodding, he took Li Zedao's arm and left.

The ladyboy looked at the backs of the two of them leaving, and the little face was already cold.

"Forty minutes? Then verify it." The ladyboy said in a voice that only he could hear.

Qin Shaomei looked at Li Zedao's back with many complicated expressions in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Susan brought Li Zedao to a bar, and then said to the waiter: "Let's take two beer." Then she looked at Li Ze and smiled, "I know, you want to drink beer."

Li Zedao glanced at Susan, nodded, and felt that Susan was actually a little cute, at least sometimes quite empathetic. Although he doesn't like the strange smell of the air in this underground bar, but he wants to drink beer inexplicably, drinking the big cold beer with the aroma of malt.

Pour it to the end in one breath, letting a layer of goose bumps form on my body, so that every pore of the body can stand upside down.

The waiter quickly delivered the beer. A raised wide glass was filled with a golden yellow cold liquid, and because it was too full, some of the foam was spilling out, and I had not tasted it yet. , Because I felt the coldness of beer, and smelled the sweet and fragrant wheat fragrance.

Susan picked up a glass of beer, looked at Li Zedao earnestly, and said: "I'm sorry." When she spoke, she had already raised the glass and poured it.

Her cheeks are exquisite, her neck is slender, and wealthy women have noble temperament and elegant demeanor. When she drinks wine like a man, there is wine flowing from the corners of her lips, which is heroic and sexy. feel.

After Susan drank half of the cup in one breath, she stopped the cup and looked at Li Zedao and continued, "Thank you." She raised the cup again and poured it in.

Soon, the glass bottomed out, and Susan placed the wine glass heavily on the bar, and then looked at Li Zedao. After a burp, her cheeks were already slightly red, and she said with a smile: "This time If you don't need to threaten me to say nothing, I will draw your face in front of everyone... I said it myself."

"..." Li Zedao stared at Susan with wide eyes. He really couldn't imagine that Susan could be so bold and majestic after drinking. He was more man than a guy like Zhou Yan, and he never thought that Susan would take the initiative to say this. Even after being threatened by him, she still held back the words she said for a long time on the same day, and even after she said them, her emotions collapsed so that she was yelling at the roast duck restaurant as if she was crazy.

But now she has said it, and her attitude is so sincere, isn't it... this person isn't Susan at all?

"Teacher Su, what tricks are you playing?" Li Zedao asked cautiously.

"Student Li Zedao, what tricks do you think I can play?" Susan stared at Li Zedao provocatively with one hand resting her cheek in her eyes, and asked, " have no confidence in yourself?"

"What's not confident?" Li Zedao asked in a daze.

"You don’t believe that the kind of domineering spirit that emanates from you has conquered me, making me obediently realize that I am wrong, realize how stupid, selfish, and boring I am I have never said...oh, no, I only said these two words once when I was young and when I was threatened by you?"

"Uh..." Li Zedao was silent for a while and then said embarrassedly, "That... it's not that you don't have confidence in yourself, but..."

"Is that all right?" Susan interrupted Li Zedao's words and laughed, "Okay, I have finished drinking, should I wait for you to say something after drinking...or say, Need me to help you drink?"

"..." Li Zedao felt that he was underestimated.

At the moment, he looked at Susan again with a weird look, took a sip from the glass, and said, "There are so many bars in Phoenix, why do you come to this fish pond bar? Just because there are black fists, you like it. Such a noisy environment? Or did you come here because you know the ladyboy is here? You took me to the ladyboy and showed my face almost to stimulate him to vomit blood. What do you want to do? I really hate me so I think Help me pull some hatred?"

"Dear Classmate Li, haven't you guessed it all?" Susan smiled and said while looking at Li Zedao.

"Teacher Su, I'm stupid." Li Zedao said, "Where do you know what your old man is thinking? Please clarify."

Susan "Punch!" said with joy: "Student Li, you are obviously smart, but you are pretending to be stupid...Tsk, but I really can’t tell that you are cute when you pretend to be stupid... Okay. , Since you want to pretend I think you are really stupid, who makes me like you a little bit?"

"..." Li Zedao sipped the cold beer with the rich aroma of wheat, pretending not to hear what she said.

"As far as I know, you have a conflict with the Qin Group, and you even want to stabbing a knife at the Qin Group, right?" Susan put her cheek in one hand and looked at Li Ze with interest, feeling more and more This man is quite cute.

Li Zedao glanced at her and did not answer. He continued to drink beer, but he was not surprised why Susan knew that he was in conflict with the Qin Group. Such a thing was not a secret after all.

Besides, even if it wasn't for Nintendo's sake, from the perspective of his relationship with Baili Changhe, Baili Group did not deal with the Qin Group, so he would naturally not deal with the Qin Group.

Susan smiled and continued: "And now, I have decided to treat you as the man I am after. Naturally, I can't let the Qin family bully you. In addition, just becoming a great teacher of the people is really exciting. I can’t sleep, so I just took you to bully the Qin family and smash the Qin’s place. Of course, it’s mainly you who hit the place. I’ll help you cheer and cheer. Isn’t it interesting?"

"..." Li Ze twitched at the corner of his mouth.

"Come on, drink more, and after drinking it, I smashed the bar with a drunkard." Susan bewitched.

"I'm sick!" Li Zedao said speechlessly, "Does the Qin Group stand behind the Eastern Family?"

Speaking of Li Zedao, he continued to sip his beer, but his thoughts were surging. Could it be that Qin Shaofeng’s Lao Zi Qin Yiping felt dangerous and that the ladyboy came to Phoenix? He came to Phoenix City for himself?

There is one thing Li Zedao didn't quite understand, and that is why Qin Yiping wanted to get rid of himself like this? The assassin was hired by Xiangju again. Is it just because he believed that he would help Nintendo revenge, so he got rid of himself first? Or is there another reason?

Moreover, Li Zedao felt that Qin Yiping's luck was a bit tragic. The killer he invited turned out to be his brother, and the boss of Xiangju turned out to be his master after setting up the office.

"Dear Classmate Li, isn't this obvious? This is an industry of the Qin Group, and the monsters came to Phoenix City to come here to see the black boxing. The Qin family sisters and brothers were even more cautiously accompanied..." Susan smiled and said, "Tsk tsk, will you say that the Qin guy will be lucky tonight by a ladyboy?"

"Puff!" Li Zedao simply squirted out the beer in his mouth, and said with a speechless face: "Teacher Su, don't say such disgusting words when I drink, OK? And you have a bad language. It should be... that kid from the Qin family was lucky to be a ladyboy instead of a ladyboy...what do you think?"

"Well, classmate Li, you have a better culture than me." Susan said with a chuckle.

"Teacher Su, I don't think you are complimenting me." Li Zedao said with a black line on his face. He glanced at the catwalk, but saw the two tall men with strong upper bodies. The man was still fighting fiercely over there, wearing red shorts and blue shorts.

"The one in the red shorts won." Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, the man in red shorts flopped forward and fell forward. When his opponent had the opportunity to sneak attack behind him, the man in red shorts turned 180 degrees, ignoring the opponent’s evasion and fancy counterattack. A punch hit his cheek.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the man in blue shorts wailed, his body rolled off the catwalk, and then fell heavily to the floor not far away.

Someone ran over and dragged the man in blue shorts away, and more people cheered and applauded the man in red shorts on the stage.

In the next second, Li Zedao shuddered slightly. He already saw a thin figure jumping on stage silently, like a ghost.

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