The man in red shorts waved his arms vigorously and yelled at the audience: "Who else? Who else? Who else? Who else would dare to challenge? My king is number one in the world, number one in the world! "

"Fool!" Li Zedao glanced at the thin shadow standing quietly behind Wang Ba. After his eyes returned to Wang Ba's body, there was already a trace of pity in his eyes, and everyone was standing silently. It's been a long time after you, you are still yelling so arrogantly over there, who else has it? Are you so stupid?

"Is that guy a stupid? People are already standing behind him, and he is still shouting so arrogantly over there?" Susan said with interest.

"Actually... he can't be considered a stupid, but he doesn't even know that the opponent who challenged him is already on stage." Li Zedao frowned and shook his head.

"Is it still possible to know? Or disdain to know? This is too arrogant?" Susan laughed, "but a tall man is like a gorilla. He does have arrogant capital. The guy on stage looks so thin, maybe he flew after being slapped by the gorilla?"

Li Zedao glanced at her and said, "Teacher Su, what you said should be the other way around...If you really do it, the gorilla will be slapped flying."

Susan's eyes widened and said in an incredible way: "Isn't it possible?"

Li Zedao was not talking anymore, but squinted at the tall and thin figure on the stage, not knowing what he was thinking.

At the same time, the king on the stage was still waving his arms and shouting: "Who else? Who else?"

Then a cold voice rang in his ears: "What a fool."

"Who said I was stupid?" Wang Ba roared angrily, then turned around, only to find that there was an extra man on the stage.

The man is tall and thin, just like an electric lamp post. There is no special expression on that stiff face, but his thick lips are slightly upwards, forming a range of mockery. His eyes are cold. As if looking at a dead person.

"You said I was stupid?" Wang Ba said angrily. I hate people saying that he is a fool. Have you ever seen such a smart fool? Those who say he is stupid are really stupid!

"Did you roll off the stage by yourself or should I break your bones and throw you down?" the man said coldly.

"..." Wang Ba was stunned, and then laughed loudly and said, "Just because you are such a shriveled and thin monkey? You really can't help it..."

Before a sentence was finished, Wang Ba only felt that there was a flash in front of him, and the man who had just stood in front of him who was ridiculous in his eyes had disappeared.

"Disappeared? My eyes are dazzled?" When Wang Ba was about to rub his eyes, he suddenly felt that a pair of powerful hands had pinched his neck.

"Oh...oh..." Wang Ba looked at those cold eyes and tried to fight back, but no matter how hard he tried, how he used his casserole-sized fist to beat the opponent. It seemed to him not as thick as chopsticks. On his arm, the other party still pinched his neck as if not feeling it.

In the next second, the man used a little bit of force. His seemingly thin arms lifted the gorilla's body into the air. The king's feet were off the ground, his breathing was not smooth, and his face was quickly suffocated. Fuchsia.

His throat wanted to speak, but he couldn't say anything intact.

After seeing this scene, those spectators around the runway were stunned, and then noisy cheers filled the space.

"Oh...Kill him, just break his neck like this..."

"Kill him, kill this gorilla..."

On the t-stage, the man looked at the king who was already blushing and looked very painful, but his eyes were still cold, and then the hand holding his neck slammed hard.

"Kacha!" A terrifying voice sounded, and then Wang Ba's head was already tilted aside, and his wide-open eyes were full of unwillingness and nostalgia for the world.

The man's hand was slightly hardened, and Wang Ba's body was thrown out like trash, floating in the air for a few seconds, and finally hit the floor under the stage heavily.

"Oh!" The audience was in an uproar! Everyone looked shocked.

They were not shocked to kill. After all, the people on both sides of the match seen in the black market boxing ring were not killed or injured. It was just a comparison with this man's killing methods. It was too soft, or that this man who looked less amazing. His methods of killing were simply overbearing.

Those people beat people to death with one punch and one punch, but this man stood at a high-profile angle and grabbed the opponent's neck with a casual hand and lifted it up. Finally Also pinched off abruptly.

Wang Ba's body is strong, and his muscles contain strong explosive power, but the man is skinny and looks as if a gust of wind can blow him down. How can he have such a strong skill? Moreover, the fight would be so vicious, no mercy, no harm, only murder.

Susan's eyes widened, she looked at what was happening on the runway with an incredible face, and then she glanced at Li Zedao and said, " is this possible?"

"What's impossible?" Li Zedao squinted his eyes and said, "They are people in two different worlds, and there is a fundamental difference between them. Let alone only one gorilla, even if there are ten, it will be a spike... Teacher Su, haven't you experienced such things a long time ago?"

Susan was taken aback, and immediately understood what Li Zedao was talking about. When she was in Yanjing, she had asked her grandfather's soldiers to trouble Li Zedao, but the soldiers were killed in seconds.

At the moment, he was already smiling like a flower and said, "Student Li, are you holding a grudge?"

"If I hold a grudge, you won't have a chance to sit here and drink." Li Zedao said with a curled mouth.

"You still hold a grudge, but you can't bear to kill such a beautiful and noble woman like me. Am I right?" Susan looked at Li Zedao with a teasing look.

"Teacher Su, you think too much." Li Zedao was speechless. How could this woman's face be so thick?

"Who is better than you?" Susan asked.

"Me." Li Zedao said without hesitation.

On the t stage, the man swept the surrounding circle blankly, and finally his eyes fell on Li Zedao and hooked his finger at him. This was a provocation, and of course, it was also a challenge!

"Oh my God, he is going to continue to twist people's necks..."

"It's so **** exciting, who is the person whose neck will be twisted next...


There was a lot of discussion, and everyone's sights shifted to the direction pointed by the man's finger.

Seeing the man hooking his finger in the direction where he was sitting, Li Zedao was really puzzled, then looked at Susan and said, "Mr. Su, he wants to challenge you."

"Student Li, are you okay?" Susan squinted and smiled. "The ladyboy?"

"Teacher Su, what do you think?" Li Zedao said with a wry smile, "Who did I provoke? You just provoked the ladyboy and said that he is not a man or a woman, is it okay? He should challenge you, challenge What am i doing?"

"Because of my beautiful beauty, he was reluctant to do something to me, so he had to find you." Susan said with a smile, "Anyway, you just said that you are better than him, so go and play with him. Frustrated the arrogant arrogance of the shemale."

Li Ze said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "No, you have to go up yourself."

"The little white face in the black T-shirt over there, dare to come forward to fight?" The man walked to the edge of the runway, looking at Li Zedao expressionlessly. There was no trace of hostility on his face, but there was a murderous look in his eyes.

"The ladyboy asked him to kill himself?" Li Zedao thought in his heart. This made his heart vigilant. You must know that the black boxing here is a common thing to beat people to death. If you destroy yourself here, I am afraid that you won’t even be able to find an excuse for grievances. ? Who made you pretend to be on stage to die?

Li Zedao stared at him, but did not answer his question.

However, those around the audience just stopped doing it.

"Go up and chop off his neck, he is too arrogant..." This is a person who can't understand the man's aggressive killing methods.

"Handsome guy, I support you. Although you are not fat, you look much handsomer than that guy with ribs... As long as you twist his neck, I will be your person tonight..." This is The aunt who was fascinated by Li Zedao's looks.

"Handsome guy, people support you too." Susan on the side holding her heart in her hands, said with an idiotic expression, but she gave people a feeling of fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"..." Li Zedao felt sad for the rib man on the stage. Why do you think his character is so bad? How could so many people want him to die?

"Don't you dare?" the man asked blankly, with a sneer in his tone.

"That...I don't dare." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "I just have a question I don't understand, why should I fight you? What benefit will I get after fighting with you? Can I get a lot of money? Or do you mean that you can capture the heart of a superb beauty after winning?"

"Dear Li Zedao, after you win, you will definitely capture my heart." Susan on the side said with a smile in Li Zedao's ear.

"You go aside." Li Zedao said with a look of disgust, curling his lips and saying, as she said, then this one can't fight.

"I don't like others rejecting me." The man said coldly.

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