The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 472: Very **** expression

"I don't like others forcing me either." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"This is not forcing." The man said coldly, "It's a threat! If you don't come on stage to fight with me tonight, I'll have to follow you, I will stay with you when you eat, I will stay when you sleep, and I will follow when you work. You go home and I will send it... what do you think?"

The smile on Li Zedao's face gradually disappeared, his expression turned a little gloomy, and he said coldly: "You are really a threat, you are not a beautiful woman, who wants to be followed by you? But I still don't want to be on stage, because on stage It’s no good for me."

"Student Li, I am a beautiful woman, would you like to be followed by me?" Susan smiled in Li Zedao's ear.

Li Zedao rolled his eyes, too lazy to pay attention to her.

"Why is it no good?" The man looked at Li Zedao like an idiot and said, "You really like me to follow you like a shadow, like a maggot attached to a bone?"

"If you dare to follow me, I'll...I'll call the police." Li Zedao threatened indignantly.

Except that Susan found it interesting, the look everyone looked at Li Zedao was a bit...contemptuous, really a timid fellow.

"Furthermore, you didn't understand what I meant. I said the advantage is...For example, if I beat you up on stage, will I get a lot of money for a sports car and other rewards? I don't have any color... ...Don't fight." Li Zedao said simply.

This time even Susan looked at Li Zedao with contempt in her eyes. Why didn't she understand what Li Zedao was making?

The man did not speak, and a delicate voice sounded: "Shao Li, how can I give you benefits?"

Li Zedao looked back, only to see that the ladyboy twisted his horns and slowly walked over. Behind him was the group of men and women in extraordinary clothes. Qin Shaomei and Qin Shaofeng were naturally among them. Like the others, Qin Shaomei's brows were slightly furrowed and she didn’t know what she was thinking. Qin Shaofeng looked at Li Zedao with a gloating smile in her eyes, just like Li Zedao. It's about to be unlucky.

"Shao Li, how can I give the benefits?" After walking to Li Zedao, the ladyboy said again with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"That guy is too arrogant, I think he is unhappy." The ladyboy stretched out Lanhua and pointed at the man on the stage with a smile, "So..."

"So since you see the ladyboy upset, go on stage and beat him up." Susan sneered, "I think ladyboy, if you wrestle your **** on stage, you will definitely conquer that guy right away... Maybe you still There will be a great night."

"..." The muscles on the face of the ladyboy twitched and twitched, and his body was shaky, looking like he was about to fall. What does it mean that someone who twists my **** will conquer that guy immediately? And what does the last sentence mean? What means? It means that as long as he is a man, he wants the other person to burst his chrysanthemum?

Damn, is Dongfang Ming that kind of casual person? His vision is very critical, not casual at all, OK? This bitch!

The expressions on the faces of the people behind Dongfang Ming are also a bit ugly. After all, Dongfang Ming was humiliated and their faces were dull, but because it was Susan who humiliated Dongfang Ming, the eldest lady of the Su family, they didn’t dare. Say more.

"Ms. Su, what do you mean by this? What do you mean?" Dongfang Mingxiu raised her eyebrows, her pretty face sank, and her right foot slammed **** the ground, her hands on her waist muscles and cursed, "You are here to speak. Tell me clearly. If you don't say it clearly, I didn't play with you today! I tell you, there is you without me, I don't have you... Besides, the challenge is that Shao Li is not me. What am I going to do?"

The men and women behind Dongfang Ming slowly lowered their heads. Is this too **** shame?

Li Zedao forced his nausea and laughed and said, "Ming Shao, Susan was joking with you... What you just meant is that as long as I go up and beat him up, you will give me benefits... What benefits?"

Dongfang Ming's expression eased a bit, he glared at Susan and then Lanhua pointed at the man on the stage and said: "I really see that guy is very upset and dare to threaten people, so as long as Li Shao goes up and takes this arrogant I’m going to give Shao Li a sports car. The price will definitely not be lower than that Lamborghini... Or Shao Li wants any benefits, just say it.”

"It seems that Young Master Ming, you really want me to go up... Go up and get beaten up by the other party, and even cut off the neck like the gorilla just now?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Shao Li, you have misunderstood me." In the depths of Dongfang Ming Lanhua pointed at the man on the stage and said, "I can't understand that the guy on the stage who didn't know where he came from is so arrogant. I am afraid that Li Shao will be harassed. Besides, I know that Shao Li is not bad at your skill. I heard that you interrupted the dog-legged hands beside Wei Xiaobao. In short, I treat Li Less is very confident."

Li Zedao nodded and said embarrassedly: "Since Ming Shao has said so, if I don't go up, then I am sorry that Ming Shao cares about and trusts me... It's just that I don't need a car... Give cash Okay? I recently set up a foundation to do charity to help those in need. Why don't you donate some money to Ming Shao?"

"Do charity..." Dongfang Ming clapped his hands and laughed, "My favorite is to wait for charity, so let's do it, after Shao Li came to the stage and beat him up, I donated 10 million."

"Ten million..." Li Zedao hesitated.

"The people behind me each donate two million to the foundation..." Dongfang Ming said, turning his head and glanced at those people with a smile, "No problem, right? Everyone."

"No problem, Ming Shao, I like doing charity the most."

"Yes, I am very caring..."

Those people including Qin Shaomei's sister and brother hurriedly expressed their views. Although they were very embarrassed when they were with Dongfang Ming, they still did not dare to refute what Dongfang Ming said.


"Shao Li, look, they are all very caring people." Dongfang Ming's peachy eyes fell on Li Zedao again and said with a slight smile, "This way, we can raise more than 30 million donations."

"Well, for charity, in order to help more people who need help, I will take the stage to play with him." Li Zedao said after taking a deep breath.

Susan looked at Li Zedao's eyes even more contemptuously.

With a ‘sweet’ smile on his face, Dongfang Ming hugged his hands together and said, "Okay, Shao Li, then I will scream for you in the audience."

"..." Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly. He even hoped that Dongfang Ming could shut up when he came to power and beat the opponent, and if he had nothing to do, he could fill out the check first.

"Although I have confidence in you, but..." Susan stared at Li Zedao with her beautiful eyes widened and said, "Be careful."

Li Zedao was taken aback, then smiled and didn't answer. Instead, he walked out of the dark shadow, climbed onto the dazzlingly lit stage, stood in front of the man, looked at him with a smile, and then the audience immediately sent out all kinds of things. Such screams, some hope that the man will cut Li Zedao's neck severely again, and some are screaming that this man is so handsome, so good-looking...

"Did you roll off the stage by yourself or should I break your bones and throw you down?" Li Zedao said, smiling at the man.

"You snatched my lines." The man said coldly.

"This is not your line, this is the line of the strong." Li Zedao corrected, "The weak are not qualified to say this."

"Do you think you are qualified to say this when facing me?" the man asked in a cold tone.

"What do you think?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

"I hope your methods are as powerful as your mouth." The man said coldly, "not pretending to be force."

"You will know if you verify it?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "Please."

The man was not polite anymore, his body bowed slightly, and his body instantly disappeared on the ground, just as it did when he dealt with the gorilla.

"Which!" He also impulsively impulsively in front of Li Zedao at lightning speed, and his hand has already raised and grabbed Li Zedao's neck, as if he had just grabbed the king's neck.

Then... his neck was caught!

Yes, his neck is being pinched by Li Zedao in the palm of his hand, as if he himself begged the other party to say you choke me to death, you choke me to death, then rushed over and gave him his neck.

The man stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, his face was full of horror and disbelief. His hands were obviously raised to grab the opponent's neck. Why was his neck caught by the opponent instead?

In the audience, those audiences were also dumbfounded. This scene was too sudden and too weird.

Everyone saw that the man disappeared in place again strangely, so they all waited for the man to appear again after disappearing as before and then grabbed the other person's neck, but how could there be such a scene that made people fall into the eye?

The neck of the person who wanted to choke someone else's neck was choked instead?

Dongfang Ming opened his mouth wide to watch what happened on the stage, holding his heart in his hands, with an expression of disbelief. The complexions of the younger brothers behind him were also very ugly, especially Qin Shaofeng, with slight muscles on his face. He's convulsed, how could this guy be so powerful? How can he be so powerful? It was like a Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed.

The expression Qin Shaomei looked at Li Zedao was even more complicated. What was his father thinking? Why do those things secretly?

Susan looked at Li Zedao's young face that still has a hint of immature, and grinned, with a very idiotic expression!

"Waiter, let's have two more beers," she shouted.

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