The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 473: Fundraising

Li Zedao's arm was slightly hard, and he already raised the man high, just like the man just pinched Wang Ba's neck and then raised his body.

At the same time, after a few seconds of strange silence in the audience, the more deafening cheers had once again filled the entire underground space.

"Oh...chop his neck...chop his neck..."

"Handsome guy, you're so handsome, what's your phone number..."


With an idiotic look, Li Zedao swept the surrounding audience who were yelling over there as if bloodied, thinking that he wanted me to chop off his neck? no way! Want my phone number? Don't even think about it... You want a phone number because your face looks like a bun?

Then his hand was released, and the man's body fell. Li Zedao's foot kicked out and hit his stomach fiercely, so the man's was just like a football and was kicked. Up.

With a muffled sound of "bang!" in the next second, the man's body accurately landed at the feet of Dongfang Ming who was already a little dumbfounded, and then he leaped off the runway, where everyone was there. Amidst the cheers, under the hot gaze of everyone, he walked slowly towards Dongfang Ming.

"He must be more than forty minutes!" Seeing Li Zedao walking towards him, Dongfang Ming had such an idea inexplicably.

"Ming Shao, fortunately not insulting my life, I finally beat him up after abandoning my strength, and raised 30 million donations for my newly established Tiandao Foundation... In short, thank you Ming Shao "Li Zedao said gratefully, rubbing his hands.

Dongfang Ming’s mouth twitched and twitched. I really don’t know why he could say such nonsense without blushing and heartbeat. He also had an urge to let people drag this guy down and sodomize. He squinted his eyes and laughed and said: "Whatever Li Shao said, I am also a very caring person. Helping those in need is also what I have been doing..."

"I know, I know, Ming Shao, you must be that kind of person..." Li Zedao interrupted Dongfang Ming's words with a look of embarrassment, "Should Ming Shao fill out a check or transfer? I will give you the card number for the transfer now. ......Oh, these friends of yours should transfer money, right?"

"..." Dongfang Ming was holding his breath in his heart. He has already paid for it. Would he die if he put more money on his face?

At the moment, Dongfang Ming took out the cheque book, filled out a cheque, and handed it over, and people including Qin Shaomei and Qin Shaofeng either transferred money to the account provided by Li Zedao or filled out the cheque.

Of course, two million is not too much for them, but how come they feel so embarrassed?

"Well, thank you Ming Shao, thank you for your generosity." Li Zedao said gratefully, "You are all good people."

"..." The group of Dongfang Ming felt insulted to death inexplicably.

At the moment Dongfang Ming glanced at the unidentified man lying on the floor and then smiled at Li Zedao and said, "Okay, Shao Li, then don't disturb your sweet time with Miss Su. If you have time, come out to get together. ."

"Okay, Ming Shao." Li Zedao smiled and nodded and said, probably because the other party gave ten million, so Li Zedao felt that he didn't seem to be so sick anymore.

Dongfang Ming nodded, turned around, twisted his waist, and left with the group of people. If he continues to stay, he might be stimulated to vomit blood.

With Dongfang Ming's departure, two men in black quickly came over and took away the man lying on the ground. At the same time, two more men fisted and fought against each other. The people sitting around the stage began to scream frantically again, releasing their body fatigue and inner hostility.

As for the previous man grabbing Wang Ba’s neck and twisting it off, and Li Zedao grabbing the man’s neck and finally not breaking his neck but kicking him off the bench with one foot, these two scenes are in these people’s eyes. Here are just two games where the process is a bit unpleasant but the results are exciting, and they are just games.

Li Zedao looked at Susan, Susan picked up a full glass of wine and shook it towards him, then burped and said with a smile: "Dear classmate Li, congratulations, I flicked 30 million in one go. Cheers to these thirty million!"

Speaking of raising his head, he quickly poured the big glass of cold beer into his stomach.

"How can this be flickering? That's a fundraiser!" Li Zedao was furious by Susan's remarks, and immediately explained, "The 30 million I won't keep a penny, all donated to the Tiandao Foundation ."

"Yes, yes, it's a donation!" Susan agreed with Li Zedao, "I raised 30 million to raise money and helped more people in need, cheers!" Susan picked up another glass of beer and grumbled again. The stomach was poured down.

After drinking, I took another cup: "To your victory, cheers!" He started to drink again.

After drinking, he yelled: "Waiter, two more, four bars of beer..."

"Okay, don't drink it." Li Zedao had to persuade, thinking that if you drank too much in a while, I have to help you and even hold you to leave this place to send you back. I am so thankful!

Susan was laughing and ignoring Li Zedao's obstruction. After the waiter delivered four glasses, she dried one after another, but the speed of drinking was getting faster and faster.

Finally, after drinking four more glasses, she stopped asking the waiter to ask for a drink. Instead, she stood up and swayed slightly, lying on the bar. If it wasn't for the support of the bar, she was afraid that she could not stand. Stabilized, those big beautiful eyes are a bit blurred, one can imagine she is already a little drunk.

"Li Zedao..." Susan's beautiful eyes looked at Li Zedao with a smile and bewildered. Then she swayed and left the bar. One step forward was an unstable one, and she was about to fall down. On the ground.

Seeing this, Li Zedao had to stretch out his hand and hug her waist to prevent her from falling, but he already had a speechless expression on his face. He felt that he had suffered a lot.

"Li Zedao..." Susan's body leaned against Li Zedao's body, Jiao panting again and again, and then blowing in his ears, "Look at you so aggressively on the stage and pinch that bastard's neck all at once. Lived, I feel that my heart is also pinched by you..."

"...Teacher Su, you drank too much." Li Ze said with goose bumps, and almost let go of his hand so Susan just fell to the ground.

"What should I do? I think I have fallen in love with you..." Susan blew into Li Zedao's ears, her eyes full of worship and obsession.

When she was a child, when she first saw Gao Shenghan, she felt that Gao Shenghan was gentle, careful and handsome. He was a very attractive man. She could find all the necessary advantages of those men from Gao Shenghan...except for a sense of security!

However, she now found that sense of security in Li Zedao, the sense of security that made her get drunk and leave her at ease to him.

Li Zedao felt that his ears were a little itchy, and he was even more afraid that Susan would suddenly bite off his ears when he was drunk, so he tilted his head slightly to one side, so that he was farther away from Susan's lips.

This incomprehensible action made Susan feel angry, and her heart was very depressed, and she really wanted to bite off Li Zedao's ear.

"Teacher Su, it's time to go back." Li Zedao said speechlessly.

Susan did not respond, her head was in Li Zedao's arms, breathing evenly, apparently she fell asleep because of drinking too much.

Li Zedao tugged at the corner of his mouth, but had to hug her horizontally, then walked to the elevator entrance, pressed down the elevator, and after the elevator door opened, he hugged Susan and walked in.

When the elevator door was closed, the surrounding noises, like cold waves, disappeared. Li Zedao let out a sigh of relief, feeling that the whole person was already a lot easier. The environment just now made him feel better. A bit depressing.

The elevator came to a stop, and the two big men in black at the door saw Li Zedao coming out holding Susan who was drinking too much, and smiled and bowed at the two again.

Li Zedao nodded to them, and then walked out of the fish pond bar holding Susan who was already asleep to the red sports car parked there, opened the car door and put Susan in first, and then made a detour. The other side opened the door of the driver's seat and got into the car. He glanced at Susan who was drunk there, shook his head, and started the car, intending to send Susan back to the villa.

Not long after the car was driving, Susan slowly opened her eyes, frowned, and then straightened up and said, "Quick, stop...I want to pee." After drinking several glasses of draft beer. , Has long become a burden on the body, now she is stunned by the urine, and she feels very uncomfortable.

"..." Li Ze tugged at the corner of his mouth, but he had to stop the car on the side of the road quickly. Can't let her pee her pants, right? Of course, it doesn't matter if she peeed on her pants, Li Zedao, the key is, can't let the car smell so bad?

Li Zedao knew that Susan was not on a stable road at all, so he got out of the car and took Susan out with disgust. He walked quickly to behind a big tree on the side of the road and released Susan. He came down and said: "Just here, call me." After speaking, he turned and left.

Susan knocked on her somewhat heavy head with a small hand to make herself a little awake. Then she reached into her skirt and pulled the **** down to her knees. Then she squatted down and exhaled heavily, almost letting her So much water burst my bladder.

After the excretion, Susan knocked her head again to make herself sober, but suddenly felt that something slippery and cold touched her bare buttocks, and she felt a pain in her heart. Swept the whole body, already sat on the wet ground.

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