The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 474: Do not take drugs

"I'm losing a lot tonight. Not only was she eaten tofu by that neurosis, but she had to be sent back. What kind of world is this? It's better to stay away from her in the future, but... her threat is really very impressive. Headache!"

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the crescent moon hanging on the treetops in the sky. He was very depressed and muttered in his heart. He regretted once again why he had to save her for a while when he was in Amsterdam? How nice it would be to let Dongtu's cattle treat her well.

While thinking about it, Li Zedao tried very hard to force himself not to listen to the inexplicable sound of water that had a strange stimulation that made his heartbeat speed up inexplicably.

There was a big tree five meters behind him, and the sound of the water came from behind the big tree.

"You said a good girl, why drink so much alcohol?" Li Zedao was speechless. When he was in the bar, Susan's way of drinking beer really scared him.

"Ah..." Susan's scream of horror came from behind the big tree.

"This neurosis is trying to attract herself to do bad things in the past? Does she consider herself an idiot? I am not fooled!" Li Zedao glanced at the big tree with a sneer on his face.

"Ah... there is a snake... help... Li Zedao..." Susan's extremely frightened and weak voice passed again, with a hint of crying in her voice.

"There is a snake... really something happened?" Li Zedao was taken aback, and then rushed to the back of the big tree. Then... his eyes became slightly straight.

Although it was so dim under the big tree, Li Zedao already had the ability to see things in the dark, so he clearly saw how indecent Susan's posture was at this time, and she was right now. Lying with her feet forward on the ground full of dead leaves, what is even more inelegant is that her skirt is lifted up, revealing the roots of the legs, and the black lace **** she wears inside are She fell to her knees, and because Li Zedao's eyes were too poisonous, he simply saw what he shouldn't.

Li Zedao thought for a while and felt that this posture was the woman who was ready to go into a field battle was ready, waiting for her teammates to enter with guns at any time.

"Is she trying to seduce herself? Are you kidding me? Is she the kind of person who can seduce casually?" Li Zedao muttered very depressed, and then he turned his gaze away and fell on her face. Seeing that her delicate little face was already full of pain, and there were teardrops at the corners of her eyes, she was looking at him with pain.

"Ms. Su, are you... okay? You said there are snakes? Where are the snakes?" Li Zedao asked, having to call herself a beast. She seemed to have really hurt her, but his first reaction was not to hurry up I helped it up, but looked at the places that I shouldn't see as if watching the excitement, and then I was gloating in my heart.

"Who made her do so many brain-dead things before?" Li Zedao felt that he couldn't be blamed for this.

" I was bitten by a hurts..." Susan said with a pained expression. Just when she was about to stand up to lift her bones, she suddenly felt that something slippery and cold had touched her bare buttocks, and the painful sensation swept through her whole body, and she was already sitting on the wet buttocks. It was on the ground, and when she was sober, she clearly saw a thin black snake-like thing crawling away quickly.

"Uh..." Li Zedao's face changed slightly. He originally thought that Susan suddenly saw a snake while draining water, or that it was because of some hallucinations in front of her that she had drunk too much. Sitting on the ground in Ya's posture, her face was pale and crying. Unexpectedly, she was bitten by a snake.

Li Zedao hurriedly picked up Susan, but he felt that her thigh was wet and there was a strange smell. He already knew what it was, and he didn't care about it, and ran to the car quickly.

Susan's head was buried deep in Li Zedao's arms, and she suddenly felt that her buttocks didn't hurt anymore, and she felt an instant peace of mind.

"Let him run like this for a lifetime... It feels like it's good." Susan thought in her heart.

When he came to the car, Li Zedao lay Susan's body on the seat, and then... Li Zedao secretly swallowed a few saliva, this posture is too imaginative, right?

"Teacher Su, I want to check your wound now, not to take advantage of you." Li Zedao said. Looking at Susan's cocked buttocks that were slightly hidden by the dress, and then at the **** that had been dropped to the knees, she felt that her breathing was a little unsmooth, and she quickly settled down.

"Hurry up, it hurts to death." Susan whispered, but she was very ashamed. This bastard, his **** was bitten by a snake, and he was still in the mood to admire Liu Xiahui while waiting for you. It's not too late to appreciate it slowly after processing!

Of course, Susan is not worried about being bitten by a snake anymore. She knows that Li Zedao is there and she will be fine.

Then Susan's heart was beating quickly, inexplicably, he wouldn't be sucking poisonous blood for a while, right? After all, aren’t there such classic bridges on TV?

Li Zedao secretly exhaled again. Then he stretched out his hand and lifted the skirt that covered his **** on the net. In an instant, Susan's white and wet buttocks were exposed to him, but because of Li Zedao What I was thinking about was how Susan threatened him over there like a neurosis before, so Li Zedao didn't have that unhealthy idea when facing such temptation.

And because Susan’s **** was still very white, it was like a beacon, and Li Zedao found the wound at once. It was four small blood-stained tooth marks. Sure enough, she was bitten by a snake. .

But what made Li Zedao a little relieved was that the snake was obviously not a poisonous snake, otherwise the wound around the wound would have turned black long ago, and Susan might have fallen into a coma long ago.

At that moment, Li Zedao pulled the skirt down to cover her **** and said, "Don't worry, Teacher Su, although you were bitten by a snake, the snake is not poisonous. Just take you to the hospital for disinfection in a while.

"You don't need to **** out the poisonous blood?" Susan asked, and then her face turned red. She was very shy thinking about this, so she asked it subconsciously, but after she asked it out, she found out This is how embarrassing.

"..." Li Ze said with a violent mouth, "You think too much... even if it is poisonous, I won't..."

Li Zedao feels that he is sick, so why tell her such ambiguous things? At the moment a little impatiently said: "Well, you can get up, pack yourself up, I will take you to the hospital."

"Oh." Susan whispered, she got up on the seat and got out of the car very obediently. Then she reached out and took out the tissue paper from the car, and she reached into the skirt in front of Li Zedao and wiped her body. Urine stains came, although it was her own urine, but Susan also found it disgusting.

But when I think of Li Zedao's hands are also stained, and it seems that there is no meaning to dislike... Susan feels that he is not disgusting, and thinking like this, it seems that it is not so disgusting.

Li Zedao saw that Susan actually did such a thing in front of him, wondering if she felt that she grew up very safe? Or does she think she is not that kind of person? She is too dear to herself, right? I can't stand too much temptation at all, OK?

Right now, his face was hot and he quickly turned his head to the other side and said, "That teacher Su...I'm waiting for you in the car." He said that he pulled the door and got in.

"It's so cute, no wonder so many women like you." Susan grinned and smiled with a sweet expression, "I'm in love with you too, don't want to ignore me!"


At six o'clock in the morning, when Li Zedao opened the door of the 307 dormitory with the key and gently pushed the door open, he already heard the thunderous snoring sound, and a strong smell of alcohol puffed his nose.

Zhao Xiaoxi, who was sleeping on the lower bunk of Li Zedao, sat up and saw that it was Li Zedao. His sleepy eyes were already widened, with an incredible expression on his face. He did not expect such a big movement yesterday to bring people's fingers to life. Li Zedao, who was broken one after another, returned safely after disappearing all night.

He should stay in the police station for such things, right?

Li Zedao quietly walked in and watched him smile and nodded in greeting. He didn't say much. After all, Ma Renjie and Yang Baishu on the other bed were still sleeping, and Li Zedao didn't want to wake up their dreams.

Especially Ma Renjie, the snoring sound comes from him. There are seven or eight bottles of wine on the table, and there are also some residues of barbecue things. Knowing that after his three roommates left the Phoenix Hotel last night, they packed a lot of good things and went back to the room to eat and drink.

"They know they are awesome, so they don't worry about themselves at all." Li Zedao thought happily in his heart.

Zhao Xiaoxi saw Li Zedao smile at him with a slightly embarrassed expression, and his head slowly lowered.

Li Zedao smiled and quietly closed the door of the dormitory, then walked to the bed and picked up the military training uniform that he received yesterday, walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

After staying in the bar for so long in the middle of the night yesterday, Li Zedao had a smell on his body that made Li Zedao very disgusting. Besides, after he picked up Susan, the clothes were stained with urine. Urine, Susan's urine... So Li Zedao was so disgusted, he quickly stripped off his clothes, turned on the sprinkler, and let the rush of water rush into his body.

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