The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 475: Dare to step on my foot

After taking a bath for half an hour, Li Zedao dried his body and put on the camouflage uniform. Because he was not short in height, he received a large camouflage uniform, but because he was a little thin, he was fat. Wearing clothes in neutral gear is like putting a sack on a telephone pole.

"This dress completely concealed my coquettishness." Li Zedao looked at the mirror and muttered in his heart.

When she came out, Zhao Xiaoxi was lying on the bed, but her eyes fell on the mobile phone in her hand, with headphones in her ears, as if she was watching a movie.

Ma Renjie still snored like thunder. It is conceivable that he did drink a lot of wine last night; Yang Baishu’s breathing was chaotic and uneven, and he was obviously awake, but his eyes were still closed and he did not get up to talk to Li Ze. Say hello.

After Li Zedao folded the changed clothes on the bed, he saw that Zhao Xiaoxi had already taken off the headphones on his ears and was looking at him, so he smiled and whispered: "I'm going to the cafeteria to eat, you go ?"

Zhao Xiaoxi shook her head slightly, then lowered her head again.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't say anything more. At the moment, he put the hat on his head and covered it with his coquettish and flowing hair, and then quietly left the dormitory and strolled around the campus. , Came to the cafeteria.

At this time, there are already many men and women wearing camouflage uniforms in the cafeteria eating here, especially the girls, which seem to have formed a beautiful scenery that attracts many people's attention.

Li Zedao asked for a steamed bun, a bowl of white porridge and two side dishes, and he took the plate to a corner with few people, and enjoyed it beautifully.

Not far away, after Miffy and Lin Susu finished buying breakfast, they looked around with a dinner plate in their hands, looking for a place with fewer people.

At the moment, Miffy's gaze accidentally glanced at the position in the corner, and a smile appeared on her face. She said to Lin Susu who was on the side: "Sister Lin, isn't that our class leader?"

"Squad leader? Li Zedao?" Lin Susu's heart was rippling slightly, and he looked in the direction where Miffy's gaze was. He really saw Li Zedao sitting there, gnawing a bun in his hand, and the same blooming on his face. A faint smile.

Miffy looked at Lin Susu and joked: "Our sister Lin won't fall in love with the squad leader at first sight, right?"

"Where is it?" A shyness appeared on Lin Susu's face. "I knew him a long time ago. We are friends. We came to report together yesterday morning."

"Really?" Miffy was taken aback, "You and him have known each other a long time ago?"

"Yeah." Lin Susu nodded, "he has helped me a lot, and I am very grateful to him."

"Okay." Miffy shrugged and smiled. "It seems that our situation is the same."

"What do you mean?"

The corners of Miffy's mouth curled up slightly and said: "My squad leader and I have known each other a long time ago, and he has also helped me a lot. Even once I was held hostage by a guy in the hospital, the squad leader saved me. "

"Ah!" Lin Susu opened her mouth slightly with an unbelievable expression. She did not expect that the roommate who had just met and became a sister yesterday also knew Li Zedao, and the experience was similar to her. She was not kidnapped by the gangsters too. Was it rescued by him?

"Does he specialize in picking out those nice girls to save?" Lin Susu had such thoughts inexplicably in her mind.

"You like him?" Miffy asked.

Lin Susu glanced at Miffy, his gaze fell on Li Zedao again, but instead of answering Miffy's question directly, he said: "He is a very good boy, very popular with girls."

"That's like it. Who doesn't like such a good and handsome boy? I like him too." Miffy shrugged slightly and smiled bitterly. "Unfortunately, he doesn't mean that at all to me... …Let's go, he is our squad leader now, so naturally he has to go and cheat." He said he walked towards Li Zedao with the dinner plate.

"Same." Lin Susu said in a voice that only he could hear, and then followed Miffy's pace.

After Li Zedao wiped out the steamed bun in his hand and was about to continue to wipe out the bowl of porridge, a clear voice rang in his ears: "Handsome man, is there anyone here?"

Li Zedao looked up and saw Miffy's smiling face. The woman's eyes were bright and hot, as if she wanted to roast people.

Lin Susu stood beside her with a faint smile on her face.

"It turned out to be you two." Li Zedao said with a slight smile. Naturally, Li Zedao didn’t feel strange that these two people were together. After all, Lin Susu said on the phone yesterday that she and Miffy are in the same house, and the other two in the house are from the computer department. They are all majors in archaeology, so naturally the relationship will be closer.

Both Miffy and Lin Susu are the kind of tall beauties with tall and beautiful faces. They wore slightly loose camouflage uniforms, which set off their figures very well, and the two of them were still there. One piece naturally attracted a lot of eyes, and now that the two of them were sitting in the empty seats in front of Li Zedao at the same time, Li Zedao already felt that he was being caught by many unfriendly eyes.

"My squad leader, I didn't expect you to know our sister Lin." Miffy said with a smile, "Are you so passionate about beautiful girls?"

Li Zedao said with a dumbfounded look: "Don't call me the squad leader, it's too awkward."

"You have to be polite, after all, if you want to ask for leave in the future, you have to find you first." Miffy said jokingly.

"So... then bribe me." Li Zedao smiled, "Breakfast cost me five yuan. You will be reimbursed later."

"Puff!" The two girls were amused at the same time. Among them, Lin Susu smiled shyly, while Miffy chuckled carelessly. This is in line with their personalities. Lin Susu is more restrained. Miffy is more outgoing.

At the moment the three of them were eating and chatting, of course, most of the time Miffy was talking, and Li Zedao and Lin Susu were the listeners.

"Sir, Sister Lin, have you heard of it? Yesterday evening in the Feng Hotel at the entrance of the campus, it is said that there was a fight between everyone." Miffy asked.

Lin Susu nodded and said: "When I used my mobile phone to surf the Internet, I also saw that someone broke the news on the campus forum, saying that it was a freshman who had just reported yesterday beating a senior in the hotel. His fingers were broken one after another, and finally all ten fingers were broken...It was too cruel."

"..." Li Zedao had an impulse to beat the whistleblower fiercely. Where did the ten fingers come from? Obviously only broke two fingers, OK?

"Yeah, yeah, it was revealed on the forum that the reason for the fight was that the senior student accidentally stepped on the foot of the freshman... Isn't this too arrogant?"

"..." Li Ze felt that it was not enough to give the whistleblower a violent beating.

Miffy said with a regretful expression: "I knew that we would go to the Fengda Hotel when we were having dinner yesterday afternoon, so that we can see such exciting scenes...Sir, you should You also know about this, right?"

"I know." Li Zedao nodded and said casually, "I'm here."

"Really?" Miffy and Lin Susu's gaze fell on him.

"Is it the same as what was reported on the forum?" The gossip in Miffy's heart was burning. "Really one finger after another, it broke alive like this? I heard that the wine bottle was opened. What happened? Finally? What happened to the new student who beat him? That arrogant and cruel guy must have been taken away by the police? Maybe today the school's official website will announce that the student was expelled."

"Uh, the freshman who beat people... now he is actually sitting in this cafeteria for dinner." Li Zedao said amusedly.

"Huh?" Both Miffy and Lin Susu were taken aback, and then looked around.

"Ze Dao, which one is it?" After Miffy swept around, he looked at Li Zedao with bright eyes and asked, "Is he handsome? Does he look like a gorilla? The one sitting at the door looks Fierce fat man?"

"" Li Zedao looked dumbfounded, then pointed to his own face and said, "The person who broke off the senior's fingers in the restaurant is"

"Uh..." Miffy and Lin Susu were both dumbfounded, with expressions of disbelief.

"I mean the arrogant and cruel guy we are talking about." Li Zedao smiled.


The second woman glanced at each other, and then her head slightly constrained, both with an embarrassed expression.

"It must be the **** senior who did something irritating first..." Miffy raised her head and looked at Li Zedao and said embarrassedly, "What do you think? Sister Lin."

"I... also think that." Lin Susu glanced at Li Zedao secretly and whispered. Just now she actually said that the man's methods were too cruel, which made her very embarrassed and somewhat self-blaming. How could she say that to him? Even if it is accidental, it won't work.

"Can't read it, sir..." Miffy said embarrassedly, sticking out her tongue.

"I'm sorry." Lin Susu said closely, more self-blame.

Li Zedao saw that the two daughters were like this, and he was a little bit dumbfounded at the moment: "Don't worry, I don't blame you at all, and you don't have to excuse me... because it is indeed because he did something that makes people angry. Of... dare to step on my foot and die!"


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