The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 476: Military training begins

The Department of Archaeology is worthy of being the smallest department of the University of Phoenix. There are only 22 freshmen today. Among the 22 people, there are 20 males and two females.

There are so few girls, how can they form a team? So Lin Susu and Miffy were arranged to go to civil engineering where there are not many girls, and the girls from the mechanical and electrical engineering department who are also in short supply for girls also came to join in the fun. The three major girls were combined, and this was formed. A square team.

Although there are 20 boys in the Department of Archeology, they are not enough to form a square team, so they are arranged to form a square team with the boys in civil engineering for military training.

Before the military training, there will be a mobilization meeting, when school leaders and military chiefs will have to make speeches.

When Li Zedao arrived at the playground, the huge playground had become a world of camouflage uniforms. Counselors from various majors and some seniors were maintaining order there, such as "Civil engineering students go here." Go..." or something.

Just when Li Zedao was looking for a senior to ask where the archaeology department was, a clear voice rang behind him: "Student Li Zedao, here."

Li Zedao's body stiffened slightly, and there was a conflict that pretended not to hear and continued to move forward, but after thinking about it, he felt that he walked like this. God knows this woman with a brain disease will not. What shocking things will be done on this huge playground and come out to say some shocking words, so he stopped his steps abruptly, then turned around and said, "Mr. Su, early!"

Susan looked at Li Zedao with a smile, with a touch of shyness in her eyes, and then beckoned him to come over.

"What is the look in the eyes of this neuropathy?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart, but he had to bite the bullet and slowly walked over to her. I don't know why the inexplicable imagination flashed in his mind, remembering what I heard last night. The sound of the flowing water, remembered Susan’s such indecent posture, and also remembered Susan’s completely exposed white thighs in front of her... Then she couldn’t help swallowing. A feeling of dry mouth.

"The side dish I ate in the morning was too salty." Li Ze said to himself such a reason.

At this time Susan had already changed the skirt she wore last night. Simple white sportswear and sneakers. The completely different styles give people a very peaceful beauty, just like the girl next door.

Susan almost stayed up all night. After all, she went to the hospital to treat the wound that was bitten by the snake, and for safety's sake, she took another bottle of sling and returned to the villa. It was already more than two o'clock in the morning, and I took another bath. When I was about to go to bed, it was almost dawn.

What made Susan a little depressed was that Li Zedao didn't treat her as a sick person at all. After sending her back to the villa, he turned around and left without any muddle, as if he was avoiding a snake. Is he so scary? ? Although he showed himself up again, she didn't chase him and hold him accountable, although... she did have that idea.

Want to wipe clean and leave after eating? no way!

"Teacher Su..." After arriving in front of Susan, Li Zedao stood there honestly, his head slightly low...Aren't the primary school students standing in front of the teacher like this?

"Well, my **** is all right." Susan looked at him with an inexplicable smile and whispered.

"..." Li Zedao was very aggrieved, he didn't even ask her this question, okay?

"You answer me honestly, if it was a poisonous snake that bit my **** last night..."

"That's really good." Li Zedao's head was persuaded, and he whispered with a pity on his face.

"..." Susan twitched at the corner of her mouth and almost bit him hard! This bastard, she originally wanted to answer the question shyly if he bit her **** and was a poisonous snake, would he help her **** out the poisonous blood? Unexpectedly, this **** would be so sassy.

"Man, I always like duplicity." Susan glanced at Li Zedao with a wintry eye and said, "Especially a kid like you."


"Okay, Teacher Su, you are busy first, I have to find the team to queue up to accept the inspection and spiritual encouragement of the school leader..." Li Zedao said respectfully, then turned around and left in a cool manner. .

After two steps, he quickly turned back and walked back, then looked at Susan with embarrassment and said, "Mr. Su, where should I line up?"

"Answer my question honestly and I'll tell you." Susan whispered with a smile.

"Teacher Su, you have another disease." Li Zedao said with a black line on his face and turned around and left. If you have to kiss, you can find a better-looking senior sister, and kiss you?

Li Zedao quickly found the team under the guidance of a senior, and then under the guidance of the seniors around the team, he stood behind a boy who was a little shorter than himself, but this face and surroundings Several of the faces of are all unfamiliar. It is conceivable that they should be students of civil engineering.

Li Zedao swept the surroundings, and among these people he saw several familiar people who were also archaeological professionals. He also saw Zhao Xiaoxi standing in the front and Yang Baishu standing in the middle of the first row, but they were I didn't see Ma Renjie, and didn't know who blocked him so that he couldn't see it, or because he was still asleep in the house.

Just stood there straight, listening to the exciting and cheerful music until 8 o’clock, when the reviewing stage began to have leaders on the stage. The chiefs from the military district and the school leaders wearing military caps sat in the chair in turn. On stage.

A man in a white shirt and gold-framed glasses who looked very gentle walked up to the microphone in front, tried the microphone and said in a high-pitched voice: "Students, let us welcome President Zhang Guoqiang with warm applause. Speak."

Freshmen who have just entered the campus are a bit strange about everything around, let alone seeing the president of Phoenix University, naturally, they are somewhat a little excited, and they are more willing to give their warmest applause to this institution. The helm of a century-old school.

The majestic Zhang Guoqiang stood up, walked to the microphone inserted on the shelf with a strong step, and said imposingly, word by word: "Classmates, welcome to the University of Phoenix."

After speaking, his eyes dignifiedly scanned the densely packed freshman under the stage, and then everyone understood, there should be applause here!

So "Papa......" There was thunderous applause from the audience.

"This old man is very imposing, and he can also pretend to be forced." Li Zedao watched Zhang Guoqiang muttered in his heart.

Zhang Guoqiang waved his hand and continued his speech. He spoke for almost ten minutes before he gave up. The content is nothing more than affirmation and encouragement for these students. If there are young people who are strong, the country is strong. You should not only have one. A good mind is not just a good body, but also a fearless, tough and confident heart... In short, Li Zedao was almost falling asleep listening, and he also believed that other students heard such content, too. There will always be a drowsy feeling.

"Welcome everyone again."

"Papa......" Applause sounded once, and this time Li Zedao's little hands clapped very cheerfully...... the old man finally finished speaking.

Then, President Zhang Guoqiang invited the head of the army to give a speech. The head of the army did not make a long speech like Zhang Guoqiang, but simply finished the speech with a few words, and then the two-week military training officially began.

A row of instructors in military uniforms walked out. Their upright bodies, sturdy and handsome faces, and the temperament of a tough guy in their gestures caused the innocent girls in the queue to exclaim and scream again and again.

After the army leaders reprimanded them, they quickly stepped away and walked forward to each team in order.

The team standing in which Li Zedao is is is a man with a black face and small eyes that looks a little stunned. He is not too tall, but looks very strong and explosive.

His small eyes scanned the audience like two bolts of lightning, and then his voice was a bit hoarse and roared: "All of them, stand at attention!"

"Wow..." Everyone can't help but straighten their chests.

"Very good." The instructor once again scanned everyone with his small eyes like two bolts of lightning, and continued to speak hoarsely, "Listen to my command, turn back..."


Everyone turned their bodies backwards. After all, they had military training in junior high school and high school, so these movements are basically possible, although most people seem a little lazy and their movements are extremely irregular.

"Target, runway ahead, walk in step... one two one... one two one..."

The instructor took the lead in leading the way, and the forty boys who combined the two majors of archaeology and civil engineering were taken by him to the rubber track that was unobstructed and exposed to the sun for a short while. ,

"Stand at attention...just rest..." The instructor stood at the front of the queue and shouted again, and then said, "Introduce myself, my name is Zhang Er Leng, from now on, it will be your instructor..."

"Puff..." Someone couldn't help but laughed out, the name matched his face well.

"Laugh? Who laughed? What's so funny? You, get me out!" Zhang Er stunned and pointed to a boy in the middle of the third row and shouted.

Li Zedao had a bit of an impression of this boy. When Susan asked people to introduce themselves on stage yesterday, the boy laughed while introducing himself. It is conceivable that this is a person who usually likes to laugh.

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