The smile on the boy's face has solidified, and then he tried his best to walk up to Zhang Er's dazed expression.

"Did you laugh just now?" Zhang Er yelled, startled. With Li Zedao's excellent eyesight, it was clear that countless saliva and stars spurted out of his mouth, all of which were sprayed on the boy.

"Instructor, I am not laughing at you..." The boy carefully tried to explain.

"Shut up!" Zhang Er yelled, "Now I will teach you the first rule. When the instructor asks questions, there are only two answers, ‘yes’ and ‘no’."

"Yes!" the boy shouted.

"Very good." Kong Er said blankly, "Since you like to laugh so much, I will let you laugh enough. From now on, you will laugh in front of everyone for five minutes like you just laughed..."

Talking about this, Kong Er looked at his watch in a daze, and then shouted: "Start."

"..." The boy didn't laugh. Although he usually laughs so low and likes to laugh, how can he laugh now?

"Didn't you hear what I said? I said, I started to...laugh." Kong Er's small eyes stared at the boy like two bolts of lightning, and shouted again.

The boy still didn't smile, his eyes blushed, and he cried.

"Boss, pumpkins, stinky pumpkins!" Zhang Er cursed in a daze. This was what his instructors used to scold them when he first became a soldier, and now he uses them to train these so-called gods. But it was not because the boy had already cried and then let him go back to the team. Instead, he kept staring at the stopwatch in his hand and shouted, "Return to the team!"

The boy didn't laugh all the time, but he cried for five minutes in front of the boys in the whole team. Li Zedao knew that such a boy who usually laughs with a low smile might just disappear.

When Zhang Er was stunned to scan the audience again, these boys began to consciously avoid his eyes. They all knew that this guy is a devil. He has many ways to toss you to death. The key is that they can't resist, nor can they resist, otherwise. It is very likely that you will not pass the military training. Failure to pass it means that you did not get the credits for the military training. You will not be able to graduate without the credits for the military training.

When Zhang Er was about to continue to say something, a few boys ran over quickly, curled their heads and were about to dive into the team, causing a riot in the already listed team.

Zhang Er was stunned that his dark face became even darker, and he strode into the middle of the team and grabbed a boy's shoulder and shouted, "You, get out!"

" you...get out!"

His small eyes were like the fiery eyes of Monkey King, pulling out all the four boys who were late but tried to get into the team to avoid guilt.

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt helpless. He saw Ma Renjie was among them. It is conceivable that the reason why he didn't see Ma Renjie just now was not because he was blocked, but because he was not there yet. come.

"I don't want to know your excuses for being late. Being late means being late. Now, you leaped for me along the playground." Zhang Er screamed loudly.

"..." Ma Renjie's complexion changed. This is a standard 400-meter track. The physical fitness is almost lost after two laps, let alone a leapfrog lap.

"Instructor...I am because of diarrhea..." A student Zhang Lizhang tried to explain.

"That's an excuse, not a reason, add half a circle!" Zhang Er stunned.

"..." The boy shut up, and the other three people looked at him with unkind or unkind eyes, even if it wasn't for Zhang Er's surprise, he would have beaten him severely.

"You add half a circle!" Zhang Er stunned and added.

So Ma Renjie and the others were so moved that they almost burst into tears, thinking that the instructor was actually quite cute.

"Who is their roommate? Get out!" Zhang Er stunned again.

So eight hapless boys including Li Zedao, Zhao Xiaoxi and Yang Baishu came out and stood in a row.

Zhang Er stared at Li Zedao and the others and said, "As their roommates, why didn't you wake them up when you left? If you are in the army, they are your comrades in arms, they are the kind of rest assured that you can put your back To their comrades..."

Li Zedao thought for a while, and finally found that he was not at all assured to give his back to such a comrade in arms.

"So, you also follow the three of them to leap in a circle... Now start!"


Yang Baishu's originally extremely gloomy face became even more gloomy. He glanced at Yang Baishu and stared at Zhang Er with a cold look and said: "Instructor, I have called him before I came out, and he slept with him. Didn't get up like a dead pig, would you be too punished like this?"

Zhang Er Leng disliked the unreasonable look in Yang Baishu's eyes, and even more disliked that what he said was refuted. He looked at Yang Baishu and shouted: "Soldiers must obey orders as their mission..."

"I'm not a soldier." Yang Baishu said coldly.

"...You can be unconvinced, and you can apply to the school to be transferred from my team." Zhang Er stunned, "Or you can turn around and leave now, and you won't need to be in military training anymore!"

"Stupid!" Yang Baishu's mouth curled up slightly with a cold margin, then turned and left.

"..." The corners of Zhang Er's eyes jerked a few times, so this student really dragged him away? And even call him a stupid? But he really can't do anything except to make him unable to pass the military training. Can't he just rush over and beat him up?

The boys in the team looked at Yang Baishu's back, and many people's eyes were already full of scorching heat. Isn't this too handsome and stylish? Or... if you don't leapfrog, he turns and leaves like this? Just after thinking about it, I feel that I really think too much. If I really do this, I will definitely be punished by the school. It is still the same thing whether I can graduate even after four years.

"What is the origin of this Yang Baishu?" Li Zedao looked at his fading back with a thoughtful expression.

"Who has to leave? Who else? Who else? Who else?" Zhang Er's small eyes stared at the students who were about to be punished like two bolts of lightning. People leap three times!"

"Three laps?" Someone almost fainted like this with black eyes.

So throughout the morning that day, for more than an hour, the students in the other phalanx remembered that there were so many frogs jumping along the playground one after another four times, and there were even such a few frogs jumping. The whole person just fell to the ground heavily, but had to get up and continue to jump forward.

I also remember that there was such an instructor who followed them and kept roaring: "Hurry guys...pumpkins...a bunch of stinky pumpkins..."

I still remember that other frogs had stopped leaping, but another frog continued to leaps, and finally jumped five times.

Leapfrogging was not easy for Li Zedao, but he didn't want to be too shocking, so other people jumped, he jumped along with them, and the others lay on the already hot and pungent smell. On the rubber track, he... didn't follow him down, but he used to help him up.

"Are you okay?" Li Zedao looked at Zhao Xiaoxi and asked. At this time, Zhao Xiaoxi's face was red, and her hair was soaked with sweat, but her lips were pale and bloodless, as you can imagine. his

"No...thing... OK..." Zhao Xiaoxi said angrily, feeling her throat dry, and her words were angry, "Thanks..."

"Okay, don't... leave some strength and continue to jump, there are two more laps..." Ma Renjie jumped to them and said breathlessly, "Damn, I blame Yang Baishu's coffin face, go back and see Laozi not killed He... youngest, how come you seem to have nothing."

"I usually like to exercise, and I often practice leapfrogging, so it's okay." Li Zedao explained, and then panted, saying that he was also tired.

"What are you talking about? Why don't you hurry up?" Zhang Er was stunned to see that the three of Li Zedao were still chatting there, and strode to the front and shouted with a dark face.

Ma Renjie swallowed and continued to jump forward with difficulty like a big frog.

Li Zedao released the hand holding Zhao Xiaoxi’s arm, but Zhao Xiaoxi’s body flickered. Li Zedao quickly reached out to support him again. Zhao Xiaoxi did not fall to the ground. Li Zedao knew that Zhao Xiaoxi’s physical strength was already exhausted. If you jump down, you will basically go to the hospital.

"Instructor, his physical strength is overdrawn, can you let him rest for a while?" Li Zedao helped Zhao Xiaoxi look back at Zhang Er and asked.

"No, let him go and continue to leapfrog, otherwise I won't let you pass this military training." Zhang Er screamed loudly.

So Li Zedao didn’t have any good feelings about Zhang Er Leng. He knew that Zhang Er Leng was stimulated by Yang Baishu, and then he sent his anger on them, but it was Yang Baishu who called you a fool. You go. It's not enough to beat him up, why do you want to torture us like this?

"Is there really no discussion?" Li Zedao asked.

"He doesn't need to dance." Zhang Er stared at Li Zedao and said coldly, "You will help him finish the remaining two laps, and I will allow him to rest all morning."

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, nodded and said, "Thank you for the instructor's accommodating, I'm going to dance for him."

"This guy is sick?" Zhang Er's eyes twitched. You know, even if he has been systematically trained, it is an extremely difficult challenge to leapfrog five laps, let alone such a look. The skinny look is the student who grew up in the greenhouse.

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