The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 478: Frog prince

In Zhang Erlian’s view, Li Ze’s resolutely taking on this task was to ask for hardships, or even desperate. Is he really doing it for the so-called fellowship or to attract the girls around who are receiving military training. look?

If he just lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead after a frog jump, those girls would only point to him and say "Look, that stupid." Right?

"Idiot." Zhang Er cursed inwardly.

Li Zedao knows Zhang Er's thoughts, but five laps of the leapfrog is really not a difficult task for him, let alone something worth showing off after the leapfrog. I think that during the week in the container, every day The rest of the rest of less than a few hours of rest is used as a sandbag for the brother and trying hard to use the brother as a sandbag, which is more than a hundred times more difficult than the so-called leapfrog.

"I... come by myself..." Zhao Xiaoxi was really shocked when he heard that Li Zedao was going to help him jump. You must know that when Li Zedao was in conflict with others yesterday, he chose to be silent, and there was no extra courage to stand up. Yes, but now Li Zedao treats him like this.

He said that he tried very hard to straighten his body, but he failed in the end, his physical strength was exhausted, and it was impossible to recover in a short time.

"Take a good rest. Don't talk too much. Talking now consumes your stamina." Li Zedao said, and then helped Zhao Xiaoxi to leave and ran, and sat down on the grass beside him. Back on the track, then squatted down, put his hands behind his head, and jumped up one after another.

"Oh my God, did you see that, the other people are lying motionless after three laps, that person is still jumping..."

"Yeah, yeah... You see that he is still like a okay person, he doesn't slow down, he doesn't breathe, he jumps so easily, so handsomely... He is the frog prince."

"Yes, he must be the frog prince, otherwise how could he jump like this..."

Li Zedao's ear power is amazing. When he heard the words "Frog Prince", his body almost fell to the ground, thinking that you are a frog, and your whole family is a frog!

Not far away, Miffy, who was sitting there resting, looked a little obsessively at Li Zedao who was still jumping there, and then looked at Lin Susu on the side and said, "Sister Lin, you say that people jumping up and following toads are ugly. Dead, why is the squad leader so handsome when he jumps up?"

Lin Susu's gaze also fell on Li Zedao, and his pretty face nodded slightly and said, "It's really handsome."

"Miffy, do you know that handsome guy?" asked a cute round-faced **** the side.

"Not only I know, but also very familiar, the monitor of our class." Miffy said with a slight smile.

"Really?" The round-faced girl's eyes lit up, "Will you find time to ask for her phone number?" There was a touch of shyness on that little face, "I feel I fell in love with him at first sight Up."

"..." Miffy simply refused. There are already so many people robbing it. Why are you here to join in the fun?

"Damn bastard, why do you want to jump so handsome? I don't know how many girls are going to be fascinated." Under a big tree, Susan looked at Li Ze, her eyes full of obsession.

In the other phalanx, Su Xuan's mouth was slightly tilted, and she said in a voice that only she could hear: "Starting to pretend to be forceful again."

"Boss is really so angry, sister, give up, you have too many competitors, and you have no advantage, hey." Zhou Yan wiped the sweat from his face, lightly. He sighed softly.

After Li Zedao jumped on the fourth lap, he started to jump on the fifth lap again, but he still looked like an okay person, his jumping posture was still so handsome, his face relaxed and free, and there was no fatigue at all. , Even... His face doesn't even have beads of sweat, this... unscientific!

Zhang Er looked at Li Zedao dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief.

If he hadn't stared at this student coldly all the way, he would have said that Li Zedao cheated. After all, he personally jumped these five laps. At this time, after jumping four laps, he would have fallen down a long time ago. Guy... is it a monster?

As for the other students in the phalanx that Li Zedao was in, although they didn’t need to leapfrog, Zhang Er was shocked by the same breath. The other phalanxes were already resting, but they were still basking in the sun. But at this time they had completely ignored the fact that they were being exposed to the sun. They all looked at Li Zedao like a monster, and then began to get excited, as if they had jumped out of these laps.

"He is our monitor." The archaeology boy said proudly.

"He is our...comrade in arms!" The civil engineering collective worshipped.

In short, Li Zedao jumped to fame, conquered the hearts of many girls, and also conquered the hearts of many boys, and even gained a famous nickname... The Frog Prince! And he has become another figure in the Phoenix University.


"Ah, no more, my leg is broken." Someone said violently.

"That's a fart, my bones are falling apart..."

"Grandma's, my skin is tanned..."

"Forget it, don't go to dinner anymore, vomit what you eat, vomit as much as you eat..."

After the end of the day’s military training, I heard these complaints on the road. Everyone looked very tired, but there was still a trace of freshness on their faces.

In the morning, it’s okay to jump five laps, let alone standing in the afternoon and repeating the actions of "turning backward", "turning left" and "turning right", so Li Zedao's face is There is nothing to be tired, although he wants to pretend to be tired, but after all, his acting skills are not good.

In the afternoon, Zhang Er was taken aback as if his anger had disappeared, and he was not torturing them anymore. When the other teams were resting, they were also allowed to rest, even when they looked at Li Zedao, their eyes were very strange.

And Li Zedao also found out that he was very popular. When he was resting, not only those students in his class leaned in front of him, "Squad leader...Squad leader..." and greeted him warmly, even civil engineering workers. Those students also treated him differently, taking him completely as the center point.

Compared with Li Zedao, Zhao Xiaoxi is a different kind of extreme. Although he just simply turned around in the afternoon, he was exhausted too much in the morning, so now with the support of Li Zedao, he reluctantly walked back to the dormitory area. Step by step, I climbed up the stairs very laboriously.

"That coffin face didn't know where it went. I still wanted to find him to settle the account at noon, but I didn't leave it." Ma Renjie said after the two of them. The face was already red and his spirit looked a little decadent. The frog jumped three laps and it was too much for him.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't say anything. The final reason for their leapfrogging was Ma Renjie's late arrival in the morning. Of course, the instructor Zhang Er was doubled and punished because Yang Baishu turned around and left. In other words, these two guys are not good people. Although they are roommates, they don't need to have a deep friendship.

One who was happier all day long was hypocritical and insidious, while the other was always cold, as if everyone else owed him.

"But the third child, you are now the No1 in the new life. Those girls are even more idiots calling you the frog prince." Ma Renjie said cheerfully, "Maybe they will take the initiative to call you sometime. The number, if you don’t want it, remember to keep it for brother, brother, am I poor or single?"

Li Zedao looked back at Ma Renjie with a slight smile and said, "Okay." I thought that if there really is a dinosaur, he would take the initiative to contact me, and that's it for you.

"Brother enough." Ma Renjie gave him a thumbs up.

When the three came to the 307 dormitory, they found the door to the dormitory was open. After walking in, they saw the counselor Susan standing there, beside him was a white shirt wearing black trousers and a white shirt. A middle-aged man wearing gold wire-frame glasses, while Yang Baishu stood in front of the two, his head turned aside, his face was cold, he didn't know what he was thinking.

After seeing Li Zedao and the other three walk in, Susan glanced at Li Zedao obsessively and said, "Director Zhang, these three students belong to Classmate Yang. He is Li Zedao, the class leader of archaeology." Li Zedao.

"This is Director Zhang, the director of our archaeology department." Susan introduced.

"Hello, Director Zhang." Li Zedao and the other three greeted them quickly.

Director Zhang nodded and said, "Hello..."

Then his gaze fell on Li Zedao and smiled: "So you are the squad leader. During the military training in the morning, you shocked everyone in the room. That's good."

"Thank you, Director Zhang, I just...physical strength is better than others, that's all." Li Zedao said modestly. But I also know that the dean of the department is still mentally ill and came to Yang Baishu just to communicate with him, and presumably the result of the punishment of Yang Baishu has already come out, right?

The expulsion should not be enough, but the demerit sanctions and the like should not be able to escape. Of course, if Yang Baishu's family background is good, then the so-called demerit sanction is nothing more than a show.

Director Zhang smiled and nodded, then turned around and said to Susan: "Mr. Zhang, let's go, and let these students have a good rest."

Susan nodded and said, "Then you guys have a good rest. If there is anything that can't be solved, please contact me at any time." She said very vaguely and cast a wink at Li Zedao, and then followed Director Zhang. , Left the dormitory.

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