The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 479: I came to apologize

"Tsk tusk... our counselor is really... so beautiful." Ma Renjie looked at the door with a idiotic look and exclaimed, "She took my heart away by leaving like this..."

"Fool!" Li Zedao cursed in his heart.

"Fool." Yang Baishu didn't curse in his heart, he cursed out loud, and his voice was so unfriendly.

Ma Renjie raised his brows, his eyes fell on Yang Baishu viciously and said, "Coffin face, who are you scolding? Grandma, I haven't settled with you about the morning affairs! If you didn't pretend to be against the instructor, I can Have you leaped twice so much that you are limping now?"

"Fool, if I didn't wake you up in the morning and I was late in the end, would I be punished?" Yang Baishu looked at Ma Renjie coldly as if looking at a dead person.

"This..." Ma Renjie's face was stiff and changed to another face, and said with a look of concern, "Coffin face, you confronted the instructor like that, and you called him a stupid and won't be expelled from the school, right? Is it a big punishment? Isn't it okay?"

Yang Baishu did not answer Ma Renjie's hypocritical question, but snorted coldly, and then walked around Li Zedao and left the dormitory.

"Bah, you guys don't know good or bad, because I care about you so much." Ma Renjie said with an unhappy expression looking at his back.

Li Zedao didn’t bother to pay attention to these two guys. After helping Zhao Xiaoxi to sit on the bed, he took out a set of clothes to be changed on the bed, went into the bathroom and took a shower. After washing, he greeted Zhao Xiaoxi and Ma Renjie briefly. Said that he had left a bit beforehand, and then left the dormitory and walked towards the school gate.

Along the way, a boy or girl wearing a camouflage uniform pointed and pointed at him, whispering something, and even a girl suddenly jumped in front of Li Zedao and really frightened Li Zedao, and then looked shyly. He took a look at Li Zedao, gave him a piece in his hand, and then bounced away.

What Li Zedao didn’t know was that when he was leaping on the playground in the morning, some sharp-eyed freshmen who had also eaten at the Fengda Hotel last night recognized him. Isn’t this frog prince the same violent man who beat up the senior last night? ? As a result, it was spread ten by one, so now Li Zedao has become more popular.

Li Zedao looked at the note in his hand, remembering that the girl just smiled charmingly at him, and only felt goosebumps all over his body, and then quickly threw the scary face out of his head and rubbed the note in his hand. Yes, threw it into the trash can and strode out of the campus gate.

The moment I walked out, a voice thought in my ear: "Benefactor...wait..."

Li Zedao looked back, only to see that the uncle named Jia Ming who was bullied by Pan Shaowen’s son Pan Fengye in the Feng Hotel last night was standing there looking at him in an honest manner, with a face full of vicissitudes. It is full of gratitude.

"Uncle, it's you." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "Is there nothing wrong with my stomach?"

"It's okay, it's okay," Jia Ming said gratefully, rubbing his hands. I wanted to step forward and shake hands with Li Zedao, but felt that it was a little inappropriate to do so, for fear that my rough hand would hurt the other's hand.

"Thanks to your help yesterday, I was not bullied by that evil student. Thank you so much... The policeman told me last night that you will be fine soon. Let me go back first... But I am not Believe what the police said, so I went to the police station again in the morning. The policeman said that you were all right back to school, so I was relieved... I didn't thank you in person, so I just waited at the school gate...

Li Zedao smiled and nodded. He could see the restraint between his words and the inferiority complex in his bones. The best way to deal with this kind of thing is to let him not take such things into his heart, so he said a little embarrassed: "Uncle, you don't need to care... Actually, I was a bit at odds with that guy, so I put such a heavy hand..."

"Benefactor, you are a good person, you are a good person..." Jia Ming said, although he is humble, he also knows that Li Zedao said this deliberately, "When I find a job and pay my salary, I am asking you to have a meal. My thanks..."

"Uncle, you don't need to be so polite." Li Zedao said quickly, feeling a little uncomfortable inexplicably, "Don't call me a benefactor, just call me Zedao."

"I want, I want, you are my savior." Jia Ming said, "If you didn't stop it yesterday, I might have been killed..."

"Uncle, you are serious..." Li Zedao said, thinking that Pan Shaowen's son, no matter how arrogant, would not dare to beat him to death in front of such a person?

"It's not serious." The uncle shook his head and said, "People like us are most afraid of illness and injury. If he hurts me, then my old life may be gone."

Li Zedao was taken aback, yeah, people who live at the bottom of society like this have a crush on life, and they are not eligible to get sick or injured.

"Benefactor, then you are busy with you, I will go back now..." Jia Ming waved his hand and said.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Goodbye, uncle." Looking at the thin and slightly curved back, his heart was inexplicably heavy.


Although Bai Xiaomao was opened with the wine bottle, he was not seriously injured. Compared with Pan Fengye's injury, it was even more insignificant.

At this time, Bai Xiaomao's entire head was wrapped in white gauze, which looked like a mummy.

"Dad, are things really tricky?" Bai Xiaomao lay halfway on the hospital bed and carefully looked at his ugly father Bai Tao, and asked aloud, but he was watching a movie called " In the novel of "The Ultimate Student in the City", he thinks that the protagonist in the novel is not him?

When he woke up, he clamored to use some vicious means to retaliate against the guy who dared to take the wine bottle and slap his head. He didn't expect that he would get two heavy slaps from his father in exchange, very simply. Two big handprints were left on his face, so the doctor had to reprocess his image and turned it into the current mummy.

After being slapped twice by his father, Bai Xiaomao also woke up. This time he probably kicked the iron plate. Otherwise, why didn't his father wipe his **** as before but gave him two slaps?

"What do you mean?" Bai Tao looked at his son's face, and almost slapped his face with a slap in the past. He said angrily, "How many times have I told you, don't Don't cause trouble, I will be killed by you this time!"

Originally, Bai Tao wanted revenge, but after seeing Pan Shaowen's murderous passing, he finally returned with his tail clipped. He already realized that something was wrong, and then Pan Shaowen's voice bitterly told him the identity of the assassin. , The assaulter turned out to be the son-in-law of Baili Changhe, and even according to Pan Shaowen, he came from a very mysterious but powerful department, and even he worked with him.

So Bai Tao feels ashamed. Don’t even think about revenge. You have to guard against whether someone will come back to find trouble again. He even thinks that after his son’s image becomes better, he should quickly take him to apologize. Wrong.

"Dad, his background... is very big?" Bai Xiaomao asked cautiously, shrinking his head.

"Even Pan Shaowen looks like a grandson in front of him, what do you think?" Bai Tao cursed.

"You mean ‘him’, right?" Li Zedao stood at the door of the ward, smiling at Bai Tao and Bai Xiaomao and said.

Bai Tao looked back, but he didn't react for a while. He wondered where this kid came from, but Bai Xiaomao wanted to jump out of the bed with a frightened expression. The phone didn't catch it firmly and hit his eyes. It hurts him to scream.

Seeing such a reaction from his son, Bai Tao understood it all at once, and even understood what the kid said just now. The unbelievable kid that suddenly appeared in front of him was The assassin.

As a result, his face changed a few times quickly, and he showed a grinning face, then stood up and greeted him: "So it was... Li Shao."

"Do you know me?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"I know... I know..." Bai Tao hurriedly laughed, "My son Bai Xiaomao dared to offend Li Shao's. I have just beaten him, and I want to find time to visit Li. Don't apologize well..."

Turning around, he glared at Bai Xiaomao and shouted loudly, "Xiao Mao, don't you hurry over and apologize to Shao Li?"

"Uh...Uncle Bai, I actually came to apologize today..." Li Ze said apologetically.

"Uh..." The corner of Bai Tao's eyes jumped, and he didn't quite understand what Li Zedao meant.

And Bai Xiaomao, who was going to get out of bed and apologize obediently, even retracted his feet, thinking that this **** came to apologize? Are you really here to apologize? Then...Do you want to forgive him?

"Hmph, dare to hit my head with a wine bottle? I won't forgive you!" Bai Xiaomao said angrily in his heart. He usually hit people, so when he was hit.

Now he said: "You are here..."

Bai Tao looked back at his straw-wrapped son Bai Xiaomao. Bai Xiaomao was shocked and swallowed what he was about to say. The look in his father's eyes was terrible.

"Shao Li's words really made me ashamed." Bai Tao turned around and said sincerely, "I have already understood the whole story. The fault lies with my son. He drank while drinking but shouldn't be crazy Going to beat the waiter and even provoke Li Shao, so it was my son's fault. I will make him apologize, and I will find the waiter and apologize to him."

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