The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 481: Dig a hole

Because of good family conditions and good looks, Bai Xiaomao changes his girlfriend like changing clothes very frequently, and there are not a few women who engage in sexual obscenity that he can’t catch up. The biology teachers in high school, such as the current school flower Bailibing, and the school sister Ji Yuemo who often took the stage to host the school party, these are the objects of his frequent lewdness, even with his girlfriend. They would call out their names loudly in such things.

But now this **** is saying he wants to-harlot his woman? Who is his woman? His high school biology teacher? Or the school flower Bai Libing or the host goddess Ji Yuemo?

Are you kidding me? Bai Xiaomao didn't believe that these first-class beauties had any intersection with this bastard. After all, their eyes weren't that blind, let alone his women.

"I... I don't understand what Li Shao meant." Bai Tao said while looking at Li Zedao with a smiling face. But there was a not-so-good premonition in my heart. My son just yelled, and I thought it was because he wanted to do something with his son again, so his son called for help.

He thought he could do whatever he wanted with a big background? It can be in broad daylight...Well, not at night, can you beat people for no reason in such public places? Bai Tao thought he could call the police.

"You don't need to understand, your son can understand." Li Ze pointed to Bai Xiaomao and said with a cold smile.

Bai Xiaomao is still confused, he understands? What does he understand? He doesn't understand anything, okay?

"I realized that I was wrong and came over with fruit and sincerity to apologize, but your son, the big pervert, said in front of me that he wanted to-a woman who had harked me, isn't this too deceitful?" Li Ze said With a cold smile, he said, "If you don't give me an explanation today, not only will I be endless with you, but even my woman's family will be endless with you!"

Bai Tao looked at his son with a sullen expression, but the latter had a silly expression. He already knew that this guy in front of him was deliberately looking for faults. It was really deceiving. If the tiger didn't show his power, he would be himself. Is it a sick cat? Then the smile on his face narrowed a little and said, "Shao Li, is there any misunderstanding? Although my son lacks discipline, he definitely won't say that kind of **** in your presence, Shao Li. of……"

"Mr. Bai means... not in front of me, but you will be if you are carrying me?" Li Zedao asked with a cold smile, and the title has changed from "Uncle Bai" to "Mr. Bai". Now that it has been decided to cheat people, it is meaningless to be pretending to be in love.

"Shao Li misunderstood, my son would not do that kind of thing." Bai Tao said neither humble nor humble.

"Really?" Li Zedao sneered and then turned his eyes on Bai Xiaomao and said, "Senior Bai, you told me personally just now, you mean-have used our school's school flower Bailibing..."

"So what? It's a crime if you want to **** her?" Bai Xiaomao said to Li Zedao with his scalp and eyes. Because of his father's presence, he was a little more confident, "I don't believe you won't care after seeing her. -Kinky."

Bai Tao's eyelids jumped violently when he heard it. The name Bailibing seemed a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, wait, Baili... Baili Long River?

Then his face suddenly changed, and the muscles on his face twitched violently.

"I didn't care about it when I saw her." Li Zedao said with a sneer at Bai Tao and curled his lips. He and she gave each other such a precious first time, do they still need to know-lewd?

Bai Xiaomao is very depressed. All the boys can't help but feel obsessed after seeing a goddess like Bai Libing-kinky, why don't you? Are you overestimating yourself or demeaning the goddess in everyone's mind? Either way, Bai Xiaomao couldn't accept it, so he bit his scalp and argued: "That's because you haven't seen..."

"Plap!" With a crisp sound, Bai Tao turned his head and slapped his bandaged face with a heavy slap. His face was gloomy and his body was trembling. He shouted angrily: "Bastard thing, To shut up……"

There was a touch of sorrow in Bai Tao's heart, and more of terror. He already knew that Li Zedao had dug a big hole. What's ridiculous was that his son even jumped into it stupidly. It was really cheating!

Bai Xiaomao was slapped twice by Bai Tao earlier, so that his face was still swollen, but now that he was slapped so hard, that face is even more swollen, like fermented dough .

"Dad..." Bai Xiaomao covered his face with a dazed look. Why did his father beat him? What did you say wrong? So I remembered what I just said...perfect, no problem! Show your bravery well... Isn't it brave to refute him in front of such a violent mania?

But... why was it beaten? Are you too brave?

"Shut up!" Bai Tao was itchy with anger, raised his hands and wanted to slap over, but when he saw his son's pig-headed face that he almost couldn't recognize himself, he saw his hand again. When he got up, his head shrank and he looked pitiful, and he couldn't slap him anymore.

Looking back at Li Zedao with a sneer on his face, he worked hard to squeeze a smile on his face, his voice was full of bitterness: "Li Shao..."

"I don't need to pursue it, nor let my old father-in-law know the dirty thoughts in your son's mind." Li Zedao waved his hand to prevent Bai Tao from continuing to say some ill-nourished words. After speaking, Li Zedao became a little guilty inexplicably, he felt a bit mean!

"Oh, the master's influence is getting heavier and heavier." Li Zedao said in his heart, "but I am a good person."

In this world, when a bad guy wants to pit you, he doesn’t need a reason at all, but a good guy is different, he needs a reason, so Li Zedao casually dug a hole to make Bai Xiaomao’s straw bale jump down, so this It became a good reason for Li Ze to pit him.

"Really?" There was a hint of joy on Bai Tao's face. Although he knew that his son had been dug, his heart was full of powerlessness. After all, his son did confess his intentions in person-the precious daughter Bai Libing who had been lewd by the river, he could not say that he could not. -Naughty, but don't say it so stupidly!

Bai Tao knew that if they held onto this point, then both he and his son would suffer extremely serious revenge.

With Baili Longhe's influence in Phoenix City, he said that killing you would kill you, and he said that if you let you disappear, you will never have a chance to rise.

He only needs a word of order, or even a reminder from his eyes, his son will suffer a serious car accident, or some other accident, and he will be investigated for certain crimes, after all, the official How can there be a few thoroughly clean ones? Anyway, their lives ended here, and they never had a chance to appear in public.

This is the power of money, the power of power.

Bai Tao has also used the little power in his hand to overwhelm others, but now he is firmly crushed by the greater power but has to bear it.

"You can only choose to believe it." Li Zedao said lightly.

"Yes..." Bai Tao hurriedly nodded and said with a bow. He naturally knew that the other party was fancying that they still have such a little use value, but what exactly is this use value?

Thinking, there was a slight thump in my heart. Is it because of Pan Shaowen? You know, his son and Pan Shaowen’s son were beaten at the same time, but his son was only his head opened, but Pan Shaowen’s son Pan Fengye had **** broken, and his face was cut by glass slag. The most serious thing is that his **** are almost ripe... This kid has hatred with Pan Shaowen?

"There is one thing I want to ask Senior Bai..."

"What does he want to ask?" Bai Tao muttered in his heart, and said with a smiling face, "Shao Li, don't worry, my son must know everything is endless."

Speaking back, his eyes fell on his son and yelled: "Have you heard it? Answer Li Shao's question properly and if Li Shao is not satisfied, you will not be my son in the future."

"..." There was already a trace of panic on Bai Xiaomao's pig-headed face. Although he still didn't understand why his Lao Tzu was so afraid of each other, it was the first time he had drawn his face in front of an outsider since he was a child. , Who scolded himself in such a harsh tone, and even said such unfeeling words, it is conceivable that something really happened.

He nodded timidly, indicating that he knew it.

"Shao Li, ask." Bai Tao laughed at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao nodded and then looked at Bai Xiaomao with a smile and asked: "Senior Bai, are you saying that Pan Fengye is a bastard?"

"..." Bai Xiaomao glanced at his own Laozi, then nodded and whispered: "Yes..."

"Since he is a bastard, he must have done something bad, right?" Li Zedao asked with a cold smile on his face, "For example, have you done something like harming other girls' little girls?"

"..." Bai Xiaomao was about to cry, don't ask me questions like this? The gaze still fell on his own Lao Tzu, and then winked, which meant how to answer this kind of question.

After feeling Bai Xiaomao's help-seeking gaze, Bai Tao's thoughts were even more surging. Sure enough, he had a feast with Pan Shaowen. He wanted to kill his son first and then kill him.

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