The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 482: The cabbage was arched by a pig

"Senior Bai, is this question difficult to answer?" Li Zedao asked with a cold smile, "There are still some things you have forgotten so you need me to help you remember?"

"Xiao Mao, I'll let you answer Li Shao's question properly. You didn't hear it, did you?" Bai Tao knew that Li Zedao wanted to use violence, and immediately cursed.

Although he and Pan Shaowen are not only good friends in high school, they are also good friends for many years. Even if Pan Shaowen has more rights than him, the two still maintain a very close relationship, but now they are at a critical point of life and death. Can you manage the life and death of Pan Shaowen's family?

"This... how should I answer?" Bai Xiaomao bit his scalp and asked in a low voice.

"..." Bai Tao almost squirted out a mouthful of blood. Originally, he felt distressed and guilty for slapping him, but now he feels that those slaps are still light. How could Bai Tao give birth to such a sloppy son? ? Is it the fuck?

"Tell the truth, answer honestly!" Bai Tao said angrily.

Bai Xiaomao shrank his head and looked at Li Zedao cautiously, swallowed and said, "Yes... yes?"

"Asshole, if you have it, if you don't have it, or if you don't, what nonsense are you talking about?" Before Li Zedao could speak, Bai Tao had already scolded his son fiercely.

"Because... I'm not sure if he has ever done something like that..." Bai Xiaomao said in a low voice, very aggrieved.

"..." Bai Tao only felt that there were a million horses running by in his heart, and he was even more sure that the IQ of this sloppy son had followed his mother, so he raised his hand and wanted to give his son a slap again.

Li Zedao looked at Bai Xiaomao with a faint smile and said, "Mr. Bai, don't worry, maybe Senior Bai has something to say."

Suddenly Bai Xiaomao felt very ridiculous that this **** was actually very kind, and said in a low voice, "Yes, yes, I'm really not sure Maple Leaf Brother...Is Bai Maple Leaf actually done that kind of thing? , Because he said it casually when we were drinking one day..."

"Speak more in detail." Li Zedao nodded and said.

Bai Xiaomao looked at Li Zedao and swallowed his saliva and said in a low voice: "A few months ago, the sophomore in the Department of Economics and Management, Huajiang Ming, had a traffic accident, and finally became a vegetative person. He is still lying in the hospital for treatment... Later he drinks At that time, Brother Maple Leaf said that he made this matter, because that Jiang Ming didn't accept his courtship, so he ruined her..."

Li Zedao's eyes had already become extremely cold, and his body exuded a hint of caution.

Bai Tao felt that Li Zedao's breath that made people breathe a little difficult, and once again believed that this kid was far more simple than he had imagined, and was shocked by Pan Fengye's methods.

We must know that although these so-called son brothers who often play together, including his son, are usually arrogant, but at most they bully weak classmates, flirt with beauties, etc., but they still do The incident that hurt human lives really exceeded his expectations.

"Bang! Bang!" I jumped wildly in my heart, wouldn't his son also participate?

"But because I drank too much at that time, everyone felt that Pan Fengye was bragging, and no one took it seriously." Bai Xiaomao carefully glanced at Li Zedao and said, "So I don't know if it is true. He did it..."

"Are you a bastard?" Li Zedao asked, looking at Bai Xiaomao with cold eyes.

"..." Bai Xiaomao's mouth opened, but he didn't say a word after all. He lowered his head quickly, and didn't dare to face Li Zedao's eyes. The other party's eyes were too terrifying, as if Looking at a dead person.

"Shao Li, he is a bastard, but at most he is a little bastard. It is my father who did not teach well. I am responsible. From now on I will strictly discipline..." Bai Tao took Li Zedao's words and his voice was full. It’s all bitterness and self-blame. "But I can also assure Li Shao that my son’s courage is actually very small. At most, he will use his brains at most, and he will not dare to do things that hurt the world. ..."

"I believe it." Li Zedao said blankly, "because he doesn't have that IQ."

"..." Bai Tao felt that the other party was insulting people to death.

There was no special expression on Li Zedao's face, so he stood up straight and walked towards the door.

Bai Tao looked at Li Zedao's slightly thin but compelling back, his mouth opened, but he didn't know what to say.

Li Zedao stopped, turned his head, and said blankly: "Oh, yes, because your son admitted that Pan Fengye is a bastard, I remind you of friendship."

"Shao Li, you said." Bai Tao nodded and said quickly.

"I'm here to find your son, Pan Shaowen will definitely know, then..."

Bai Tao's face changed wildly in an instant. Yes, if Pan Shaowen knew that his son actually said such an important thing, would he let him go?

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth was slightly tilted and said with an incomparably wicked amplitude: "I just think that when I was in the restaurant, I just knocked your son on the head with a wine bottle. The attack was too light, so come here and beat your son. Pause..." After speaking, Li Zedao turned and strode out of the ward.

Bai Tao was stunned for a few seconds, then his face was happy, and then he looked around.

"Dad...what are you looking for?" Bai Xiaomao asked immediately when he saw his own Lao Tzu be like this. With Li Zedao's departure, the invisible pressure and the fear in his heart have disappeared, and Bai Xiaomao speaks a little more sharply now.

"Find a stick... It would be better if you have a wine bottle." Bai Tao didn't even look at his son, and continued to look around looking forwardly.

"Uh...what are you looking for?" Bai Xiaomao asked.

Bai Tao turned his head, looked at his son seriously and said, "Hit you!"

"..." For the first time, Bai Xiaomao felt that his own Lao Tzu even said cold jokes.

Bai Tao looked for it, and finally gritted his teeth and grabbed the chair that Li Zedao had just been sitting on. Then he looked at Bai Xiaomao and said, "Xiao Mao, bear with it and let me just drop the swatches twice."

Bai Xiaomao's eyes widened, and he was already shocked: "Dad...Do you really want to hit me?"

"Xiao Mao, I'm not hitting you, I'm saving you." Bai Tao said with a serious face, "You remember, no matter who said it, you must say that you were beaten by Li Ze. Did you hear that?"

Bai Xiaomao was taken aback, and immediately understood, and suddenly said with a face that suddenly realized: "Oh, I know, Dad, you want to frame him and beat me?"

"..." Bai Tao's hand holding the chair twitched slightly.

"Yes, frame him to death, who let him frame me?" Bai Xiaomao said very upset, "I obviously didn't mean to-the woman who lewd him."

"..." Bai Tao's hand twitched even harder.

Bai Xiaomao closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said with a generous gesture of justice: "Dad, hit it... lightly..."

Bai Tao was so angry that he immediately slapped a heavy hand. Such a straw-bag son would be killed.

In another ward, Pan Shaowen looked at his son Pan Fengye, who was lying on the bed with an extremely painful expression. His face was extremely gloomy but his heart was cut. He was his son no matter how bad he was, but now he is like this. , And even those who might have an influence on the succession of the clan in the future, are even more furious.

"I'll go out and make a phone call." Pan Shaowen glanced at his wife who was silently wiping tears. Before his wife responded, stood up, left the ward and went outside to find a phone number and dialed out.

Soon, the phone was answered, and there was already a man's bitter voice: "Old Pan, I just wanted to call you. I really can't touch that kid?"

"I can't move, at least I can't move." Pan Shaowen said with a wry smile, "Is he going to trouble you?"

"Yeah, it's really bullying!" Bai Tao said with a hint of resentment. "I just called the door and said that I hadn't played enough last night, so I smashed a chair on my son. My son was beaten with blood, he had a concussion, and his hand was almost interrupted... I went to stop him, and he kicked him. In any case, I couldn't swallow this breath."

"If you can't swallow it, you have to swallow it." Pan Shaowen said with a gloomy expression, "Who makes our fists tough...Okay, take good care of your son."

"Okay, Old Pan, let's talk about anything." Bai Tao said.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Tao looked back at his son who was bandaged for the third time by the doctor so that only two eyes were left. He felt a throb in his heart. He didn't want to use it so hard, but his son was so naive. His IQ was severely irritated to him, so he made a heavy move.

"Does it hurt?" Bai Tao sat down on the chair and asked softly, looking at Bai Xiaomao.

"It hurts..." Bai Xiaomao said with tears in his eyes, and said aggrievedly, "but to frame that bastard, all this is worth it."

"..." Bai Tao wanted to pick up the chair sitting under his buttocks and smashed it over.

"Dare to frame me, I will cheat him too!" Bai Xiaomao said bitterly.

"He didn't frame you, you really meant-lewd his woman." Bai Tao said with a hatred of iron and steel. It's such a idiot. Why are you still so naive at this time?

Bai Xiaomao's eyes widened, and he said incredulously, "Dad, really? Who is his woman?"

"Bai Libing."

"..." Bai Xiaomao's eyes widened, and his mouth was wide enough to put a coconut into it. After a long time, he shook his head slightly and said, "The cabbage was arched by a pig."


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