At the moment, instructor Xia Jiang said coldly: "This classmate, I count three times and apologize obediently to me. Otherwise, I promise that you will live a very unforgettable life in the following days. Don't doubt what I said...three ……two……"

"Slap!" With a crisp sound, Li Zedao didn't know when he had already stood in front of Instructor Jiang, and then slapped him on the face.

After smoking, Li Zedao said with a weird smile on his face: "I will also send you a word...Get down and eat what you vomited just now, don't pollute the environment, otherwise, I promise the next day, You will live a life unforgettable, don't doubt what I said."

Senseless! Instructor Jiang and his two comrades who are also soldiers are completely confused! They didn't expect this guy who seemed so harmless to suddenly shoot, slap it fiercely, and send back what he said after being so unreasonably processed.

Lin Susu was also dumbfounded. She knew that Li Zedao was very good at fighting, and her identity was not simple. Otherwise, how could it be possible that she was still a student and could be sent by the relevant department to protect her father's safety?

But he never expected that such a gentle and sunny slapped other people's mouths would be so loud, and he could say such a level but a little disgusting language... Of course, he was the top student in the college entrance examination. It's normal if you have such a level. More sweet in my heart, because Li Zedao slapped each other because of her.

As for Li Zedao's safety, Lin Susu is not worried at all. After all, Li Zedao is not the kind of reckless person who likes to pretend to be forced. Since he chooses to do it, it proves that he has the ability to handle this matter well.

Miffy's eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, and there was something called "stars" in her eyes.

"My Nima, do dare to hit me?" Instructor Jiang scolded with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth and his red eyes. He is now sober, his face is aching hot! He is an instructor, he is a soldier! So even though he did drink a lot of alcohol, he was still very powerful, but he didn't expect to be slapped by such a kid? This... Yes, I must have been unprepared just now to be attacked by this guy so slapped.

Li Zedao smiled slightly, but smiled so coldly, and immediately said: "I'm giving you a chance, get down, and eat what you vomit. It ends here for the sake of your instructor... …"

"Brothers, **** him..." Instructor Jiang roared. As for what Li Zedao said, he didn't listen to a word. He just wanted to beat Li Zedao viciously to let him know and offend people like them. What a foolish act.

The instructor Jiang yelled, his other two comrades in arms already had a fierce face, and they rushed at the same time, and the two of them cooperated very well. One punched Li Zedao’s forehead, and the other kicked Li Zedao’s leg. unit.

At this time, instructor Jiang also shot, but he kicked Li Zedao's lower body, obviously wanting to kick Li Zedao's brother to death.

"The shame of the soldiers, the scum in the army." Li Zedao still had time to shook his head slightly and said with emotion, and then passed a flat punch, followed by another kick, and the fist that hits out instantly followed that smash. The fists of the man in his forehead collided, and the leg that was thrown out banged with the leg of the man who kicked his leg. At the same time, his body slightly shifted to the left, and then his right hand was claw-like. Out

In the next second, "click!" and "click!" two muffled sounds of bone cracking, followed by "bang!" and "bang!" two heavy objects landing, and then a pig-like wailing sound There was already a sound... The two men who attacked Li Zedao’s head and legs had broken one wrist and one broken leg. They flew out and hit the ground heavily, one clutching his wrist and the other clutching his wrist. Weeping with her feet.

As for Instructor Jiang... he was already caught by Li Zedao's neck, and then lifted from the ground.

As a result, the face of instructor Jiang, who was originally flushed, quickly turned purple, and even more terrified. At the same time, his feet were swaying in the air, like a tree hanging on a tree branch. Like a moving corpse.

Lin Susu knows that Li Zedao has a certain skill, and his physical strength is even better. After all, not everyone can leap five laps in one breath. Lin Susu feels that, let alone five laps, he is 50 meters leaping. Cramping.

But what she never expected was that Li Zedao's strength could be so great. With one hand, she lifted this seemingly big man of one hundred and fifty-six around his neck, and his expression was still so relaxed, and he was still a good man. With a fist and kick, the other two's hands and feet were broken. Just now, she could hear the sound of bone breaking so clearly.

Miffy behind him had a nymphomaniac expression, not too surprised, after all, Li Zedao had such a skill as it should.

At this time, Lin Susu turned pale with fright. She wanted to slap these three guys with such stinky mouths into a pig face, but she didn't expect that the matter would be such a big deal, and the two were abandoned. ……about to die! Lin Susu had seen him roll his eyes, his face was sour, and he was obviously about to die.

"Ze Dao... don't... let go..." Lin Susu cautiously pulled Li Zedao's clothes corner and said, she was scared, she was afraid that Wang Zi would really kill someone if he missed it.

Li Zedao turned his head and smiled slightly and gave her a relieved smile. Lin Susu felt a little more relaxed. It seemed that his new look was unnecessary.

Li Zedao did not immediately let go, but brought instructor Jiang’s very tall and sturdy body to him very easily and said: “A person like you has really tarnished the word'soldier', so don’t use it again in the future. Soldiers think of themselves...Also, lick up the garbage you vomit, and then you can roll!"

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao let go. Instructor Jiang simply fell to the ground with his butt, and his body came into close contact with the pile of vomit that he had just spat out.

However, it is obvious that Li Zedao's unimportant words did not have much effect, because at this time the instructor Jiang was struggling on the ground and roared: "Boy, do you dare to hit me? Do you know who I am? I am a soldier. You beat the soldier and you are dead! I want you to regret your reincarnation, and I want you to die..."

The voice stopped abruptly, because Li Zedao had already stepped on his face, so it was very straightforward. Instructor Jiang's other face came into close contact with his vomit.

"Oh..." When Lin Susu saw this scene, his brows were furrowed and he retched. Then he covered his mouth and nose with one hand, and his secretly tumbling stomach with one hand, turned around, and tried very hard to divert his attention. Strength, it feels better.

Miffy also had a disgusting expression on his face but said a little gloating, "Deserve it."

"You can continue to threaten me!" Li Zedao didn't seem to see the smelly vomit, and said with a smile, "It's just that if you dare to continue to mention the word'soldier', I will kill you. It's ugly!"

"...Oh..." Instructor Jiang was stepped on by Li Zedao, half of his face was placed on the pile of vomit, his stomach was already rolling violently, and at the same time, when he came into contact with his smiling eyes, he didn't know what was going on. , There is a very dangerous feeling, such a feeling can only be experienced in the instructor... In other words, this guy is a hard character?

Indeed, if it is not a hard role, how could it be so easy after five laps? How could it be possible that the three of them would be beaten up?

Li Zedao still smiled and said, "Why isn't it threatening?" As he said, Li Zedao rubbed his feet vigorously, as if he was trying to rub off the dirty things from Instructor Jiang's face. Of course, he rubbed off more than just dirty things. , And the skin on Instructor Jiang's face!

"I..." While instructor Jiang retched, he felt pain. At the same time, the light from the corner of his eyes fell on the two brothers who were lying on the ground in front of him. He already looked terrified. He knew he was today. After kicking the iron, if you don't compromise first, you will only be humiliated.

So the vicious swear words instantly turned into a cautious smile: "I'm sorry...I..."

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao had already kicked his stomach heavily.

Instructor Jiang's body suddenly stiffened, his facial muscles twisted together in an instant, his mouth widened, and his throat squirmed, but he was so painful that he couldn't say a word, his body bent into a prawn shape, and he held himself tightly. Belly.

"Don't apologize to me, I will feel guilty when I hit you." Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

"Uh..." After hearing Li Zedao's words, including Lin Susu Mifei and the two soldiers lying on the ground, they all had a messy expression.

Li Zedao glanced at the two people lying on the ground and said: "You can call someone to come over, saying that you were beaten up while eating. Come and bring you back quickly, so as not to be embarrassed."

"..." The two soldiers were so insulted that they almost spewed a mouthful of blood, and then the man whose foot had been kicked also took out a cell phone from his pocket and started the call.

"Ze Dao, are you okay?" Lin Susu asked.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Li Zedao smiled and comforted, then his eyes fell on the door of a box. When I entered the box before, the door of the box was open, and he felt that someone was staring at him. , But he didn't care too much.

And when the instructor Jiang was beaten, his eyes fell on the door of this box more than once, so...

Thinking of Li Zedao's mouth, there was already a sneer, and then strode towards the box.

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