The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 487: Not ordinary people

When he came to the door of the box, Li Ze stretched his foot and kicked it heavily. He kicked the door open, then walked in and glanced at the few people sitting there eating hot pot. Finally, His gaze fell on a man and said with a smile: "Senior, I seem to have some impression of you."

Li Zedao was really impressed by this so-called senior. He had seen him on the first day of the report from the University of Phoenix. At that time, this senior was standing with another senior like two big bad wolves like two big bad wolves. The sheep vie for the right to help Lin Susu carry the bag, and the two almost started fighting.

Li Zedao was not afraid of them fighting, but he was afraid that they would scare or even hurt Lin Susu when they started fighting, so he went over and took Lin Susu away.

Li Zedao felt that the two seniors might think they were a bit too stupid. After all, the two met on a narrow road and blushed and rolled up their sleeves. He didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would kill Lin Susu by killing him, so Does this senior hate Lin Susu even more hate himself? Otherwise, why bother?

Han Zhibin looked at Li Zedao’s unkind smiling face, his eyes were slightly squinted, and he already had an unpleasant feeling in his heart. He kicked the door open with such an arrogant kick and stood right here. Doesn't it mean that the three soldiers under his father's hands were all beaten down? is it possible?

Han Zhibin was more willing to believe that they had drunk too much and could not stop the people. He had known that they would not let the three of them drink so much.

As the president of the Taekwondo Association of the University of Phoenix, Han Zhibin's skill is indeed not bad, at least beating the flowers of the motherland in the future is just like playing, only those tall guys, such as those who play basketball, those with developed limbs and simple brains Let him have some fear.

But even though his skill is not bad, compared with the soldiers under his father's hands, it is still not enough.

And the soldiers who came to give the freshman military training this time are all soldiers under the hands of his father, and the person leading the team is his father. So when he learned about the school report on the day when he and the basketball team captain Long Aotian were worried that the little lamb that was killed by the third man was in the team where Jiang Long was training, he let him Jiang Long will take good care of her. She is really disobedient, so she can suffer a little bit.

And when he just invited Jiang Long to drink and eat, he accidentally saw that the little sheep came over, and the kid who was killed halfway that day was also there, so he let Jiang Long and the three people wait for the opportunity to appear in ambush to find faults and fix them. The kid who dared to grab food.

"Who are you? Are you looking for death?"

"Grandma's, you dare to kick the door? I don't know how to write death, right?"

"Yell, the little kid who doesn't even have a long door dare to be so arrogant..."

Han Zhibin didn’t speak. Those of him who just came but didn’t understand what happened. The younger brother who was also a member of the Taekwondo Association blushed and pointed at Li Zedao and clamored. There were even such a few who grabbed the wine bottle and gestured. It is necessary to show Li Zedao good-looking.

"I remember who you are." Li Zedao ignored those clamoring people, but looked at Han Zhibin with a smile and said, "Just because of that bit of trouble, you made that instructor Jiang embarrass that weak girl? Let them stay there trying to make trouble?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't know who you are." Han Zhibin said coldly.

"If I'm just an honest person, will Lin Susu and I be pitted to death by you today?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "I and her will be severely humiliated and even beaten severely. After a meal, we will be even more troubled during military training, and the final military training score is zero, unless we, especially Lin Susu, are willing to pay more... Am I right?"

Han Zhibin's eyes narrowed again, and he said coldly: "It's still that sentence, I don't know what you are talking about, or who you are! But I know, if you are chirping, you will regret it. ."

"I won't be chirping crookedly anymore, but I will beat you up." Li Zedao said.

Hearing that the other party actually said that he was going to beat himself up, Han Zhibin was like a rabbit stepping on its tail, and couldn't help it. He whispered: "Really? You try to move my hair."

He didn't say something that he thought was really awesome, and he used to say it when he was a kid, that is: If you dare to do something to me, I will let my dad take someone to sift you with a gun!

As soon as the voice fell, Han Zhibin only felt that there was a flash in front of him. The guy who was standing at the door just now appeared in front of him as if he could conjure, and then hit his eyes with a heavy fist. on.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Han Zhibin's eyes were fisted, his body leaned back, and he fell to the ground with a chair.

"Bang!" There was another muffled sound, and Li Zedao kicked it out, so Han Zhibin's body was like a floor gourd, rolling backwards in embarrassment until his body hit the solid box wall Then, it stopped with difficulty.

An abrupt heavy blow has made him irritated and swollen, and when he flips on the ground and bumps his head against the wall, he becomes stupid.

He was lying there stupidly, not knowing whether he should run away or be a proper defense or make him, who are also dumbfounded, stop dumbfounded and quickly pick up the wine bottle and kill each other!

He is the president of the Taekwondo Association of the University of Phoenix. He is a man of the Phoenix University. He is a platoon commander of the Military District... He has always beaten others since he was a child, even his extremely harsh one. My father was not willing to slap him or kick him... No way, who made him perform so well in all aspects?

However, at this moment, a **** who didn't even remember his name and didn't know where he came out not only punched him in the eye sockets but also kicked him away... if he could beat him, He would definitely kill him, strip his clothes and whip his corpse, and find a hundred men to explode him.

Li Zedao twisted his neck and turned his head, his eyes fell on a student who stood there stupidly with the bottle in his hand and asked coldly: "Do you want to hit me with the bottle?"

"..." The boy shook his hand, and the wine bottle in his hand slipped from his hand and fell to the ground in an instant, and he took a big step back subconsciously.

The other boys also looked terrified. They didn't expect this guy to act so quickly and fiercely. A few seconds ago, he was standing at the door pretending to be forced, but after a few seconds, their president, Han Zhibin, was beaten into a fool. Up.

At this moment, the whole hot pot restaurant suddenly vibrated.

First there was the commotion on the first floor, mixed with women's screams, and then there was a croaking sound from the stairs.

When a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms appeared at the door of the box, these students were even more shocked, and Han Zhibin, who was lying on the ground and still unable to get up, finally showed his face that was distorted because of pain and anger. There was a smile, a smug but cruel smile.

"Dad..." Han Zhibin stood up and shouted at the headed man with a resolute face in camouflage uniforms.

Han Weiguo saw his son’s tragic situation, and his already gloomy face became even more gloomy. He just received a call saying that the three soldiers under his hand were going to Phoenix University to conduct military training for the freshmen. He was beaten in a hot pot restaurant. He was an extremely short-term person, so he quickly brought someone over with a murderous spirit.

When I went to the hot pot restaurant on the second floor, I saw the three subordinates lying on the ground, their faces instantly cooled down, shameful, right?

And when the three soldiers said that his son was in that box, the person who beat them violently entered the box. He was probably going to beat his son. They were even more shocked. They hurried to take people to the box. He rushed, but the last thing he saw was the tragic situation of his son, so the anger in his heart suddenly burned.

Tiger Eye glanced at the few people in the box, and his voice was like Hong Zhong's roar: "Who did it?"

"Me." Li Zedao said while looking at Han Weiguo with a smile, and even took out his ears with his little finger. Han Weiguo's voice was too loud, making him a little uncomfortable.

Of course, he had met Han Weiguo. At the mobilization meeting before the beginning of the military training, he was the leader of the army. Finally, after the principal gave a speech, he also came on stage and said a few words in a very majestic manner. , But Li Zedao was not listening at all at that time, so he didn't know what he said.

"You?" Han Weiguo frowned and looked at Li Ze. "You fought those three soldiers of mine? You fought my son too?"

"Are the three idiots lying at the door your soldiers?" Li Zedao asked, and then pointed at Han Zhibin, "This idiot is your son? If so, then I did."

"Stupid?" Han Zhibin wanted to grab a wine bottle and smashed the **** to death, but after thinking about it, he felt that this kind of thing should be left to his own Laozi.

Han Weiguo's brows furrowed even more, looking at Li Zedao's eyes as if fire was about to spit out, and his fists were tightly squeezed. The soldiers following him also stared at Li Zedao with bad eyes. All have plans to do it.

"Who are you?" Han Weiguo asked. One person beat the three soldiers under his hand to the ground, and the attack was so fierce, one with a broken hand, one with a broken foot, and the other holding his stomach tightly. Obviously, his internal organs had been injured. Now, how can such a person be an ordinary person?

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