"Report platoon leader!" A man's loud voice came from behind.

Han Weiguo turned around and looked at Zhang Er who saluted him and said loudly, "Say."

"He is a freshman at the University of Phoenix, a member of the team I was in charge of training." Zhang Er said loudly, his eyes changed even more when he looked at Li Zedao. When he leaped, he knew that this kid was not easy, but he never thought he would underestimate him.

"A freshman at Phoenix University?" Han Weiguo's brows frowned, his eyes changed slightly when he looked back at Li Zedao, and then said loudly, "Are you a freshman at Phoenix University?"

"Yes, then?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Han Weiguo exclaimed, "Openly beat the instructors, beat the soldiers under my hands, beat the soldiers who are on the mission of defending the country, you know what you will receive Is it severe punishment?"

"I know." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "I'll be fine, but the three so-called soldiers under your hand, you and your son will all be out of luck..."

"..." The corner of Han Weiguo's eyes jumped. Not only was this kid sure and even dared to chirp crookedly in front of him, this made him feel a little panic inexplicably, could it be that his background is huge?

"Because I'm very disappointed with your handling." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "As soon as you came here, you did not ask any questions, but you slammed my head and imposed all the guilt on me. , And still say so arrogantly that what kind of soldiers are you on the mission of defending your home and the country? Don’t you think you are tarnishing these two words?"

"Who are you?" Han Weiguo asked.

"Do you know what your son and the three soldiers under your hand did?" Li Zedao did not answer Han Weiguo's question but said self-consciously, "On the day of the Xinsheng report, your stupid son tried to hook up a friend of mine. , And tried to retaliate without hooking up..."

"Dad...you quickly get someone to beat him to death..." Seeing that his own Laozi was motionless, he knew who was asking the other person. Han Zhibin was a little anxious, waiting for this kind of question to catch him and beat him severely. After that, didn't he obediently tell him all by himself?

"Slap!" He slapped him in response.

Li Zedao slapped him heavily on the face, and instantly knocked him to the ground, then curled his lips and said, "Don't disturb me when I'm talking."

"Don't you... don't you think you are too arrogant?" Han Weiguo looked at Li Zedao and his eyes burst into flames. He wanted his soldiers to beat this guy to death, but he was afraid of kicking the iron plate, and... …What if these soldiers have not been able to fight the opponent?

Although he knew that such a thing could not happen, Han Weiguo was still afraid in his subconscious mind.

"Without your son's arrogance." Li Zedao clapped his hands and said, "He actually let the instructor surname Jiang harass my friend, staring at the other girl with evil eyes, not to mention, he tried to move his hands... "

Han Weiguo's expression changed: "It's impossible." To know that if an instructor harassed female students, then it is not just the instructor who will be unlucky at that time, even he will follow.

"Just after I finished dinner with my friend, your stupid men even stopped the friend who tried to molest me and didn't let us out, and then I was beaten by me." Li Zedao said with a smile, "It's the matter. That’s the whole story. You don’t believe it’s your business, but I will let people investigate this matter carefully, and deal with you scumbags who have tainted the word'soldier' ​​seriously..."

Han Weiguo's face is even more ugly, it seems that this guy's background is not small.

"Oh, yes, this is my ID." Li Zedao took out the China Special Bureau ID from his pocket, and threw it to the Korean and Korean Weiguo.

Han Weiguo took it, opened it, and was shocked. His face was ashamed. He turned out to be from the China Special Bureau? It's no wonder that he can beat the soldiers under his three hands one by one. No wonder he dares to slap his son in front of him so arrogantly... But they do have arrogant capital!

He exhaled heavily at the moment, and then shouted in a deep voice: "Stand at attention, salute!"

"Huh!" Han Weiguo took the lead and first paid a military salute to Li Zedao.

The other soldiers didn't understand what was going on, but the platoon leader had a slogan, and they naturally followed the slogan.

stand at attention! salute!

So Han Zhibin, who was lying on the ground thinking about **** the bastard, was dumbfounded, and the students from the Taekwondo Association were dumbfounded.

"Is it clear?" Li Zedao asked casually.

"Yes." Han Weiguo said loudly.

"Take that person back, and report to your superior to write a review." Li Zedao waved his hand and said, "Tonight, this matter must have a result."

"Yes!" Han Weiguo said loudly, then strode to Li Zedao and handed over the documents in his hand.

Li Zedao took it and said lightly, "Take people away." For this indiscriminate guy, he really didn't have any good feelings.

"Yes!" Han Weiguo promised, and then cast a look at his subordinates. The two went over to stand up Han Zhibin, who was already scared and stupefied, and then the group went downstairs and left far away. A hot pot restaurant.

"The platoon leader, he is..." Zhang Er asked with some curiosity. Other people's eyes also fell on their platoon leader, who is usually fearless and fearless.

Han Zhibin glanced at him, then at his son Han Zhibin, who was already frightened and stupefied by two people. He also glanced at Jiang Long and the three beaten men who looked at him eagerly, and then his voice was full. He said bitterly: "People from the China Special Bureau, what do you think?" He knew he was going to be out of luck this time.

An uproar!

Jiang Long and the three instructors were even more black, almost fainting, they knew that even if they were not dead this time, they would have to take off a large layer of skin.

In the box, Li Zedao glanced at the other students, and said with some embarrassment: "That...the matter is over, you continue..." Then he left the box.

Those few students, look at me and I look at you, and all of them have soft legs, sitting directly on the floor and panting. After all, the impact that just happened on them is really too great. A little bit.


Michelin Susu walked side by side in front, and Li Zedao followed them behind them like a tail full of tails. After reaching the school gate, Michelin stopped with Lin Susu, and Li Zedao stopped in the same way... If you go forward, you will hit them both directly.

"Sir, who are you on earth? What is your true identity?" Miffy turned around and asked curiously, "A...agent hidden on campus?"

The soldiers who came over menacingly just now finally left her and Lin Susu in a desperate manner. Even though they knew that Li Zedao had an extraordinary origin, they were still somewhat curious.

"You found it." Li Zedao looked embarrassed.

"Really?" Miffy's eyes widened.

"What do you think?" Li Zedao said with a slight smile, and then his eyes fell on Lin Susu, "A new instructor will come over tomorrow, and this kind of thing won't happen in the future."

"Thank you." Lin Susu looked at Li Zedao and said gratefully, but now he knows why the instructor has ulterior motives for her. It is not because she looks good. After all, Miffy is also very good-looking. The girls looked good, but the instructor looked at them as if looking at a piece of wood.

She was retaliated by the naive senior on the day she was reported, which she did not expect.

"Nothing." Li Zedao smiled and waved his hand and said, "I'm tired after a day of military training. Go back and rest quickly. I have something to go back to school for a while."

Lin Susu nodded and waved his hand and said, "Goodbye."

"Sir, goodbye." Miffy smiled sweetly and waved her hand.

"Goodbye." Waved at them.

Seeing the second girl walk into the campus and disappear there, Li Zedao turned around and walked to the side of the road and stopped a taxi to get in. Soon the taxi merged into the traffic and disappeared into the night.


In the Baili Long River villa, wearing a black pajamas, Bai Libing looks at his hands with a calm expression on his hands, showing a small half as if they are made of fine white jade and then carved out by the sculptor's painstaking blood. This is a habit of her. She usually reads a book for a while before going to bed, and she reads books that timid girls don't even dare to read.

Yang Xueer, who was sitting opposite her, tapped the keyboard cracklingly, and then her eyes widened. She looked up at Baili and shouted in a hurry: "Sister, come and see... soon..."

"Don't look." Bai Libing said lightly without raising his head. The gossip that Yang Xueer is interested in is usually not of interest to her.

"You must be interested this time." Yang Xueer stared at the headline on the school forum and said, "Do you know? It's only three days since the start of school, but no1 among freshmen has been selected..."

"Not interested." Bai Libing said lightly without looking up.

Yang Xueer has long been accustomed to Bai Libing’s reaction, and she muttered with her little mouth tilted: "Wait, let me see who has become the No1 among the freshmen so quickly... Of course, still nothing. Sister, hurry up, I think at the beginning, sister, you have already become a freshman no1 on the first day you entered the campus. Over the past two years, you have firmly occupied the throne of the school flower, no one can shake your position..."

"Boring," Bai Libing said.

Yang Xueer clicked in while muttering, and then... the eyes that were already big opened wider, her mouth opened wide, with a devilish expression.

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