Then Li Zedao didn't understand it again. His IQ was also very high, and his family conditions were not bad. Why should he apply for the major of archaeology?

When I was in the car with Bai Libing, Bai Libing said that she was studying archeology, that is, at that time Li Zedao suddenly had the idea that we should also study archaeology, and then Such thoughts are like maggots attached to bones, and they will never go away.

Be fascinated by Bailibing, so choose archeology? Li Zedao felt that this was too ridiculous. The undeniable Bailibing's words did play a guiding role, but Li Zedao knew very well that the reason why he chose the major of archaeology was not because of Bailibing, let alone the so-called He didn't know exactly what he was interested in. He just felt that there was such a voice in his heart, and this voice kept bewitching him to apply for archaeology.

"Then think about it." Bai Libing nodded slightly and said, "It's interesting."


"Well, sometimes we will play the pen fairy game, when you join, you can participate together." Bai Libing said.

"Penxian?" Li Ze said, his mouth was slightly pulled, and he felt that for the sake of his own life, he should not join such a dangerous association. You should know that after putting on the ring that Master gave, he clearly saw The ghost is gone, even if he eats the ghost pill, it is equivalent to indirectly eating the ghost into his stomach.

In other words, ghosts do exist, and it is quite possible that Wanbixian will really provoke ghosts when they arrive. It is simply unpredictable. Although there is no carrier, ghosts exist for a very short time, but what if? What if the ghost has a genetic mutation?

"Do you... believe in the existence of ghosts?" Li Zedao asked Bai Libing with a slightly careful look.

Bai Libing shook his head and said, "I can't say I believe it. I only know that there are many things that cannot be explained by science. I am very interested in those things that cannot be explained, so I established such an association."

"Then... Have you ever experienced any supernatural situations when you played Penxian before?" Li Zedao asked.

"No." Bai Libing looked at Li Zedao and shook his head and said, "Maybe the method is wrong, maybe it's because of the heartache, and he didn't provoke the pen fairy...I don't know what she looks like? With the movie Are they exactly the same?"

"..." Li Zedao looked speechless, thinking to my eldest sister, you will make your family members very worried, okay? Fortunately, you didn't provoke the so-called pen fairy or ghost. If you provoke it, it will be difficult for you to send it away.

Just like that ghost pill, after you take it, you enjoy the magical effect it brings, but then the ghost hidden in the ghost pill will madly revenge you, burn your life, and even take away For your life... Li Zedao defines Onimaru that way.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. Master's old pervert and his little... handsome guy didn't leave any sequelae after taking Ghost Pills. Anyway, he became younger and handsome and became more temperamental.

"That...maybe ghosts exist, so don't play such dangerous games in the future." Li Zedao pondered and said.

"You... are you caring about me?" Bai Libing looked at Li Zedao and asked, then set his eyes on the gift in his hand, wondering what kind of gift it was?

"I just think...too dangerous." Li Zedao said with a slightly serious expression. He knew very clearly that ghosts did exist, but he didn't know what those ghosts could do because he didn't know. That's why I felt scared and didn't want Bai Libing to touch something like that.

"Well, I won't play anymore...unless you are here." Bai Libing said as he looked at Li Zedao, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"..." Li Zedao felt that Bai Libing must still be grieving the first time he took her away on the day, otherwise why would he be dragged to do such a dangerous thing? But my precious things are gone for the first time, okay?

Didn’t that so and so? A man’s first time is the most precious thing in the world...

"You... have your revenge?" Bai Libing asked after a moment of silence.

Li Zedao was taken aback, and already understood that what she was talking about was about Gao Shenghan. Thanks to Gao Shenghan, he and Bai Libing hurt each other.

At the moment, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly and said, "It's because he has done too much by himself. God can't stand it anymore and let him take him away. I didn't do it."

"Since you said that, I will pretend to believe you." Bai Libing said.


"However, thank you." Bai Libing's face with no special expression was already filled with a faint murderous voice, and said in a cold voice, "Because I wanted to do that."


Yang Xueer held a small tray in her hand. On the tray was a cup of steaming coffee and a dozen chocolates. At the moment she walked to Li Zedao, put the tray on the table in front of him and said with a sweet smile: "Coffee and chocolate are here... Here.

Yang Xueer picked up the cup of coffee and handed it to Li Zedao, with a sweet and enthusiastic smile on her face.

"..." Li Zedao looked at Yang Xue'er's unusually smiling face with some alertness. He wanted to ask that you were not sick, and even wanted to ask that you wouldn't put a medicine called aphrodisiac in coffee, right? It's just like putting medicine in milk last time.

Seeing Li Zedao's delay in taking the cup of coffee in her hand, Yang Xueer squinted and said, "Toad...Oh, no, it's Mr. Frog Prince. It's very rude to hang the girl like this. Oh."

"..." Li Zedao had to stretch out his hand to pick up the steaming cup of coffee, thinking that he was poisonous and not poisonous, so he didn't drink it, although he didn't know why it seemed to be poisonous. I’m immune, but what if? What if you can't get immune to the poison that Yang Xueer puts in?

But when he stretched out his hand, his hand fell empty, because the cup slid over his palm before he could close it to the floor, and finally landed on his foot that had already changed slippers. The steaming coffee even spilled out and splashed all on the back of his feet.

"Yeah..." Li Zedao's face changed drastically, and he almost screamed. He bounced off the chair while taking a cold breath and then jumped to the bathroom.

Yang Xueer was like a okay person. She calmly picked up the cup from the ground and placed it on the table. Then she picked up a piece of chocolate, slowly removed the gold foil packaging that wrapped the chocolate, and enjoyed it. Putting it in his mouth, he already had a devilish smile.

Then he jumped up and danced: "Oh yeah, big idiot, big pig, do you think this lady will be poisoned? That kind of spring medicine is very expensive, okay? Haha... it's better to scald your pig's feet It's cooked... still want to eat my favorite chocolate? No door!"

There was no special expression on Bai Libing's face, as if the scene that happened before her had been within her expectations. Instead, she looked at the exquisitely packed box in her hand.

"Huh, but it's a pity, I wanted to cook his sausage... Well, I'm still a little too kind..."

"..." Bai Libing's mouth twitched slightly.

After complimenting herself, Yang Xueer turned her head to look at Bai Libing, seeing her face indifferently as if nothing had happened. Yes, it was a bit strange. When the next **** sat down beside her, she asked. : "Sister, I burned him......"

"I know." Bai Libing said.

"Then why are you not reacting at all?" Yang Xueer asked curiously. This is unscientific. She used to treat him badly, and the cousin would more or less aggravate her tone and scold herself, but now she has no reaction at all. Could it be...Her eyesight finally recovered to see the **** clearly You think that **** deserves it?

"Because he didn't get burned at all," Bai Libing said.

"No burns?" Yang Xueer's eyes widened suddenly, and her tone was full of incredible, "You said that big idiot was not burned?"

"No burns." Bai Libing looked at this sister who had a good relationship with her with a little doting eyes and said, "With his skill, do you think he can't hold a cup? Let alone burned."

"Then... why did he run to the bathroom after his face changed so much?" Yang Xueer's expression was messy.

"Coax you to be happy," Bai Libing said, "As for running to the bathroom... he may need to solve his physical problems."

"...Asshole!" Yang Xueer gritted her teeth, her face flushed, and rushed to the bathroom, and then "bang! Bang! Bang!" slammed the bathroom door.

"Li Zedao, this big pig-headed bastard, big idiot, toad, get out for this lady, otherwise this lady will smash the door and go..."

After smashing it twice, Yang Xueer felt a little pain in her hands, so she kicked her feet instead.

"Wait...I haven't urinated yet." Li Zedao's voice came from inside.

"..." Yang Xueer was even more depressed and almost squirted out a mouthful of blood. She thought that the hot coffee had cooked his pig's trotter so much that she was so proud, but she didn't expect that he was actually playing with himself. What a joke... She must be hiding in the bathroom while peeing and laughing over there... Hey, look, there is an idiot woman outside...

"Don't want to peek at me to pee."



Yang Xueer kicked the door panel and cursed: "Dead pighead, you idiot, who wants to peek at you to pee? Do you think you will be fine if you hide inside? You have the ability to pee for a lifetime."

"Hey!" Yang Xueer kicked it empty, because the door was suddenly opened, she didn't expect it, and her whole body rushed in.

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